IGLib  1.7.2
The IGLib base library EXTENDED - with other lilbraries and applications.
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
 CChemicalCompoundDtoDTO (Data Transfer Objects) for chemical element properties (the ChemicalCompound class). Used to store a state of a chemical element properties object.
 CChemicalElementPropertiesDtoDTO (Data Transfer Objects) for chemical element properties (the ChemicalElementProperties class). Used to store a state of a chemical element properties object.
 CCOPYDATASTRUCTThe COPYDATASTRUCT structure contains data to be passed to another application by the WM_COPYDATA message.
 CMailslotNativeThe class exposes kernel32.dll methods for Mailslot communication.
 CPipeNativeThe class exposes kernel32.dll methods for named pipes communication.
 CResponseEvaluatorWithstorageGeneric< TypeResponseEvaluator, TypeData, TypeEvaluator >
 CSECURITY_ATTRIBUTESSecurity Attributes structure.
 CSECURITY_DESCRIPTORSecurity Descriptor structure