The IGLib base library EXTENDED - with other lilbraries and applications.
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | samplemoments (double[] x, int n, ref double mean, ref double variance, ref double skewness, ref double kurtosis) |
static double | samplemean (double[] x, int n) |
static double | samplevariance (double[] x, int n) |
static double | sampleskewness (double[] x, int n) |
static double | samplekurtosis (double[] x, int n) |
static void | sampleadev (double[] x, int n, ref double adev) |
static void | samplemedian (double[] x, int n, ref double median) |
static void | samplepercentile (double[] x, int n, double p, ref double v) |
static double | cov2 (double[] x, double[] y, int n) |
static double | pearsoncorr2 (double[] x, double[] y, int n) |
static double | spearmancorr2 (double[] x, double[] y, int n) |
static void | covm (double[,] x, int n, int m, ref double[,] c) |
static void | pearsoncorrm (double[,] x, int n, int m, ref double[,] c) |
static void | spearmancorrm (double[,] x, int n, int m, ref double[,] c) |
static void | covm2 (double[,] x, double[,] y, int n, int m1, int m2, ref double[,] c) |
static void | pearsoncorrm2 (double[,] x, double[,] y, int n, int m1, int m2, ref double[,] c) |
static void | spearmancorrm2 (double[,] x, double[,] y, int n, int m1, int m2, ref double[,] c) |
static double | pearsoncorrelation (double[] x, double[] y, int n) |
static double | spearmanrankcorrelation (double[] x, double[] y, int n) |
static void | samplemoments (double[] x, int n, ref double mean, ref double variance, ref double skewness, ref double kurtosis) |
static double | samplemean (double[] x, int n) |
static double | samplevariance (double[] x, int n) |
static double | sampleskewness (double[] x, int n) |
static double | samplekurtosis (double[] x, int n) |
static void | sampleadev (double[] x, int n, ref double adev) |
static void | samplemedian (double[] x, int n, ref double median) |
static void | samplepercentile (double[] x, int n, double p, ref double v) |
static double | cov2 (double[] x, double[] y, int n) |
static double | pearsoncorr2 (double[] x, double[] y, int n) |
static double | spearmancorr2 (double[] x, double[] y, int n) |
static void | covm (double[,] x, int n, int m, ref double[,] c) |
static void | _pexec_covm (double[,] x, int n, int m, ref double[,] c) |
static void | pearsoncorrm (double[,] x, int n, int m, ref double[,] c) |
static void | _pexec_pearsoncorrm (double[,] x, int n, int m, ref double[,] c) |
static void | spearmancorrm (double[,] x, int n, int m, ref double[,] c) |
static void | _pexec_spearmancorrm (double[,] x, int n, int m, ref double[,] c) |
static void | covm2 (double[,] x, double[,] y, int n, int m1, int m2, ref double[,] c) |
static void | _pexec_covm2 (double[,] x, double[,] y, int n, int m1, int m2, ref double[,] c) |
static void | pearsoncorrm2 (double[,] x, double[,] y, int n, int m1, int m2, ref double[,] c) |
static void | _pexec_pearsoncorrm2 (double[,] x, double[,] y, int n, int m1, int m2, ref double[,] c) |
static void | spearmancorrm2 (double[,] x, double[,] y, int n, int m1, int m2, ref double[,] c) |
static void | _pexec_spearmancorrm2 (double[,] x, double[,] y, int n, int m1, int m2, ref double[,] c) |
static void | rankdata (double[,] xy, int npoints, int nfeatures) |
static void | _pexec_rankdata (double[,] xy, int npoints, int nfeatures) |
static void | rankdatacentered (double[,] xy, int npoints, int nfeatures) |
static void | _pexec_rankdatacentered (double[,] xy, int npoints, int nfeatures) |
static double | pearsoncorrelation (double[] x, double[] y, int n) |
static double | spearmanrankcorrelation (double[] x, double[] y, int n) |
Static Private Member Functions | |
static void | rankdatarec (double[,] xy, int i0, int i1, int nfeatures, bool iscentered, alglib.smp.shared_pool pool, int basecasecost) |
static void | rankdatabasecase (double[,] xy, int i0, int i1, int nfeatures, bool iscentered, apserv.apbuffers buf0, apserv.apbuffers buf1) |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.apserv.isfinitevector(), and alglib.math.sqr().
Referenced by alglib.bdss.dsnormalize(), alglib.bdss.dsnormalizec(), alglib.linreg.lrbuilds(), alglib.linreg.lrbuildzs(), alglib.basestat.samplekurtosis(), alglib.basestat.samplemean(), alglib.samplemoments(), alglib.basestat.sampleskewness(), alglib.basestat.samplevariance(), and alglib.testbasestatunit.testbasestat().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.samplemoments().
Referenced by alglib.samplemean(), and alglib.testbasestatunit.testbasestat().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.samplemoments().
Referenced by alglib.samplevariance(), and alglib.testbasestatunit.testbasestat().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.samplemoments().
Referenced by alglib.sampleskewness(), and alglib.testbasestatunit.testbasestat().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.samplemoments().
Referenced by alglib.samplekurtosis(), and alglib.testbasestatunit.testbasestat().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.apserv.isfinitevector().
Referenced by alglib.sampleadev(), and alglib.testbasestatunit.testbasestat().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.apserv.isfinitevector().
Referenced by alglib.samplemedian(), and alglib.testbasestatunit.testbasestat().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.math.isfinite(), alglib.apserv.isfinitevector(), and alglib.tsort.tagsortfast().
Referenced by alglib.samplepercentile(), and alglib.testbasestatunit.testbasestat().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.apserv.isfinitevector().
Referenced by alglib.cov2(), and alglib.testbasestatunit.testbasestat().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.apserv.apservisfinitematrix(), alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.basestat.covm().
Referenced by alglib.basestat._pexec_pearsoncorrm(), alglib.pearsoncorrm(), and alglib.testbasestatunit.testbasestat().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.apserv.apservisfinitematrix(), alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.ablas.rmatrixgemm().
Referenced by alglib.basestat._pexec_covm2(), alglib.covm2(), and alglib.testbasestatunit.testbasestat().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.pearsoncorr2().
Referenced by alglib.pearsoncorrelation().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.spearmancorr2().
Referenced by alglib.spearmanrankcorrelation().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.apserv.isfinitevector(), and alglib.math.sqr().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.samplemoments().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.samplemoments().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.samplemoments().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.samplemoments().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.apserv.isfinitevector().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.apserv.isfinitevector().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.apserv.isfinitevector().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.apserv.isfinitevector(), and alglib.math.sqr().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.covm().
Referenced by alglib.smp_covm().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.apserv.apservisfinitematrix(), alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.basestat.covm().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.pearsoncorrm().
Referenced by alglib.smp_pearsoncorrm().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.spearmancorrm().
Referenced by alglib.smp_spearmancorrm().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.apserv.apservisfinitematrix(), alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.ablas.rmatrixgemm().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.covm2().
Referenced by alglib.smp_covm2().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.apserv.apservisfinitematrix(), alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.ablas.rmatrixgemm().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.pearsoncorrm2().
Referenced by alglib.smp_pearsoncorrm2().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.spearmancorrm2().
Referenced by alglib.smp_spearmancorrm2().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_set_seed(), alglib.apserv.apservisfinitematrix(), alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.apserv.inttoreal(), alglib.apserv.logbase2(), alglib.basestat.rankdatabasecase(), and alglib.basestat.rankdatarec().
Referenced by alglib.basestat._pexec_rankdata(), alglib.rankdata(), alglib.basestat.spearmancorrm(), alglib.basestat.spearmancorrm2(), and alglib.testbasestatunit.testranking().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.rankdata().
Referenced by alglib.smp_rankdata().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.smp.ae_shared_pool_set_seed(), alglib.apserv.apservisfinitematrix(), alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.apserv.inttoreal(), alglib.apserv.logbase2(), alglib.basestat.rankdatabasecase(), and alglib.basestat.rankdatarec().
Referenced by alglib.basestat._pexec_rankdatacentered(), alglib.clustering.clusterizergetdistances(), alglib.rankdatacentered(), and alglib.testbasestatunit.testranking().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.rankdatacentered().
Referenced by alglib.smp_rankdatacentered().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.pearsoncorr2().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.basestat.spearmancorr2().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.apserv.inttoreal(), alglib.apserv.logbase2(), and alglib.basestat.rankdatabasecase().
Referenced by alglib.basestat.rankdata(), and alglib.basestat.rankdatacentered().
inlinestaticprivate |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.basicstatops.rankx().
Referenced by alglib.basestat.rankdata(), alglib.basestat.rankdatacentered(), and alglib.basestat.rankdatarec().