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alglib.spline1d Class Reference


class  spline1dinterpolant

Static Public Member Functions

static void spline1dbuildlinear (double[] x, double[] y, int n, spline1dinterpolant c)
static void spline1dbuildcubic (double[] x, double[] y, int n, int boundltype, double boundl, int boundrtype, double boundr, spline1dinterpolant c)
static void spline1dgriddiffcubic (double[] x, double[] y, int n, int boundltype, double boundl, int boundrtype, double boundr, ref double[] d)
static void spline1dgriddiff2cubic (double[] x, double[] y, int n, int boundltype, double boundl, int boundrtype, double boundr, ref double[] d1, ref double[] d2)
static void spline1dconvcubic (double[] x, double[] y, int n, int boundltype, double boundl, int boundrtype, double boundr, double[] x2, int n2, ref double[] y2)
static void spline1dconvdiffcubic (double[] x, double[] y, int n, int boundltype, double boundl, int boundrtype, double boundr, double[] x2, int n2, ref double[] y2, ref double[] d2)
static void spline1dconvdiff2cubic (double[] x, double[] y, int n, int boundltype, double boundl, int boundrtype, double boundr, double[] x2, int n2, ref double[] y2, ref double[] d2, ref double[] dd2)
static void spline1dbuildcatmullrom (double[] x, double[] y, int n, int boundtype, double tension, spline1dinterpolant c)
static void spline1dbuildhermite (double[] x, double[] y, double[] d, int n, spline1dinterpolant c)
static void spline1dbuildakima (double[] x, double[] y, int n, spline1dinterpolant c)
static double spline1dcalc (spline1dinterpolant c, double x)
static void spline1ddiff (spline1dinterpolant c, double x, ref double s, ref double ds, ref double d2s)
static void spline1dcopy (spline1dinterpolant c, spline1dinterpolant cc)
static void spline1dunpack (spline1dinterpolant c, ref int n, ref double[,] tbl)
static void spline1dlintransx (spline1dinterpolant c, double a, double b)
static void spline1dlintransy (spline1dinterpolant c, double a, double b)
static double spline1dintegrate (spline1dinterpolant c, double x)
static void spline1dconvdiffinternal (double[] xold, double[] yold, double[] dold, int n, double[] x2, int n2, ref double[] y, bool needy, ref double[] d1, bool needd1, ref double[] d2, bool needd2)
static void spline1drootsandextrema (spline1dinterpolant c, ref double[] r, ref int nr, ref bool dr, ref double[] e, ref int[] et, ref int ne, ref bool de)
static void heapsortdpoints (ref double[] x, ref double[] y, ref double[] d, int n)
static void solvepolinom2 (double p0, double m0, double p1, double m1, ref double x0, ref double x1, ref int nr)
static void solvecubicpolinom (double pa, double ma, double pb, double mb, double a, double b, ref double x0, ref double x1, ref double x2, ref double ex0, ref double ex1, ref int nr, ref int ne, ref double[] tempdata)
static int bisectmethod (double pa, double ma, double pb, double mb, double a, double b, ref double x)
static void spline1dbuildmonotone (double[] x, double[] y, int n, spline1dinterpolant c)
static void spline1dbuildlinear (double[] x, double[] y, int n, spline1dinterpolant c)
static void spline1dbuildcubic (double[] x, double[] y, int n, int boundltype, double boundl, int boundrtype, double boundr, spline1dinterpolant c)
static void spline1dgriddiffcubic (double[] x, double[] y, int n, int boundltype, double boundl, int boundrtype, double boundr, ref double[] d)
static void spline1dgriddiff2cubic (double[] x, double[] y, int n, int boundltype, double boundl, int boundrtype, double boundr, ref double[] d1, ref double[] d2)
static void spline1dconvcubic (double[] x, double[] y, int n, int boundltype, double boundl, int boundrtype, double boundr, double[] x2, int n2, ref double[] y2)
static void spline1dconvdiffcubic (double[] x, double[] y, int n, int boundltype, double boundl, int boundrtype, double boundr, double[] x2, int n2, ref double[] y2, ref double[] d2)
static void spline1dconvdiff2cubic (double[] x, double[] y, int n, int boundltype, double boundl, int boundrtype, double boundr, double[] x2, int n2, ref double[] y2, ref double[] d2, ref double[] dd2)
static void spline1dbuildcatmullrom (double[] x, double[] y, int n, int boundtype, double tension, spline1dinterpolant c)
static void spline1dbuildhermite (double[] x, double[] y, double[] d, int n, spline1dinterpolant c)
static void spline1dbuildakima (double[] x, double[] y, int n, spline1dinterpolant c)
static double spline1dcalc (spline1dinterpolant c, double x)
static void spline1ddiff (spline1dinterpolant c, double x, ref double s, ref double ds, ref double d2s)
static void spline1dcopy (spline1dinterpolant c, spline1dinterpolant cc)
static void spline1dunpack (spline1dinterpolant c, ref int n, ref double[,] tbl)
static void spline1dlintransx (spline1dinterpolant c, double a, double b)
static void spline1dlintransy (spline1dinterpolant c, double a, double b)
static double spline1dintegrate (spline1dinterpolant c, double x)
static void spline1dconvdiffinternal (double[] xold, double[] yold, double[] dold, int n, double[] x2, int n2, ref double[] y, bool needy, ref double[] d1, bool needd1, ref double[] d2, bool needd2)
static void spline1drootsandextrema (spline1dinterpolant c, ref double[] r, ref int nr, ref bool dr, ref double[] e, ref int[] et, ref int ne, ref bool de)
static void heapsortdpoints (ref double[] x, ref double[] y, ref double[] d, int n)
static void solvepolinom2 (double p0, double m0, double p1, double m1, ref double x0, ref double x1, ref int nr)
static void solvecubicpolinom (double pa, double ma, double pb, double mb, double a, double b, ref double x0, ref double x1, ref double x2, ref double ex0, ref double ex1, ref int nr, ref int ne, ref double[] tempdata)
static int bisectmethod (double pa, double ma, double pb, double mb, double a, double b, ref double x)
static void spline1dbuildmonotone (double[] x, double[] y, int n, spline1dinterpolant c)

Static Private Member Functions

static void spline1dgriddiffcubicinternal (double[] x, ref double[] y, int n, int boundltype, double boundl, int boundrtype, double boundr, ref double[] d, ref double[] a1, ref double[] a2, ref double[] a3, ref double[] b, ref double[] dt)
static void heapsortpoints (ref double[] x, ref double[] y, int n)
static void heapsortppoints (ref double[] x, ref double[] y, ref int[] p, int n)
static void solvetridiagonal (double[] a, double[] b, double[] c, double[] d, int n, ref double[] x)
static void solvecyclictridiagonal (double[] a, double[] b, double[] c, double[] d, int n, ref double[] x)
static double diffthreepoint (double t, double x0, double f0, double x1, double f1, double x2, double f2)
static void hermitecalc (double p0, double m0, double p1, double m1, double t, ref double s, ref double ds)
static double rescaleval (double a0, double b0, double a1, double b1, double t)
static void spline1dgriddiffcubicinternal (double[] x, ref double[] y, int n, int boundltype, double boundl, int boundrtype, double boundr, ref double[] d, ref double[] a1, ref double[] a2, ref double[] a3, ref double[] b, ref double[] dt)
static void heapsortpoints (ref double[] x, ref double[] y, int n)
static void heapsortppoints (ref double[] x, ref double[] y, ref int[] p, int n)
static void solvetridiagonal (double[] a, double[] b, double[] c, double[] d, int n, ref double[] x)
static void solvecyclictridiagonal (double[] a, double[] b, double[] c, double[] d, int n, ref double[] x)
static double diffthreepoint (double t, double x0, double f0, double x1, double f1, double x2, double f2)
static void hermitecalc (double p0, double m0, double p1, double m1, double t, ref double s, ref double ds)
static double rescaleval (double a0, double b0, double a1, double b1, double t)

Member Function Documentation

static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dgriddiffcubic ( double[]  x,
double[]  y,
int  n,
int  boundltype,
double  boundl,
int  boundrtype,
double  boundr,
ref double[]  d 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dgriddiff2cubic ( double[]  x,
double[]  y,
int  n,
int  boundltype,
double  boundl,
int  boundrtype,
double  boundr,
ref double[]  d1,
ref double[]  d2 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dconvcubic ( double[]  x,
double[]  y,
int  n,
int  boundltype,
double  boundl,
int  boundrtype,
double  boundr,
double[]  x2,
int  n2,
ref double[]  y2 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dconvdiffcubic ( double[]  x,
double[]  y,
int  n,
int  boundltype,
double  boundl,
int  boundrtype,
double  boundr,
double[]  x2,
int  n2,
ref double[]  y2,
ref double[]  d2 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dconvdiff2cubic ( double[]  x,
double[]  y,
int  n,
int  boundltype,
double  boundl,
int  boundrtype,
double  boundr,
double[]  x2,
int  n2,
ref double[]  y2,
ref double[]  d2,
ref double[]  dd2 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dconvdiffinternal ( double[]  xold,
double[]  yold,
double[]  dold,
int  n,
double[]  x2,
int  n2,
ref double[]  y,
bool  needy,
ref double[]  d1,
bool  needd1,
ref double[]  d2,
bool  needd2 
static void alglib.spline1d.heapsortdpoints ( ref double[]  x,
ref double[]  y,
ref double[]  d,
int  n 
static void alglib.spline1d.solvepolinom2 ( double  p0,
double  m0,
double  p1,
double  m1,
ref double  x0,
ref double  x1,
ref int  nr 
static void alglib.spline1d.solvecubicpolinom ( double  pa,
double  ma,
double  pb,
double  mb,
double  a,
double  b,
ref double  x0,
ref double  x1,
ref double  x2,
ref double  ex0,
ref double  ex1,
ref int  nr,
ref int  ne,
ref double[]  tempdata 
static int alglib.spline1d.bisectmethod ( double  pa,
double  ma,
double  pb,
double  mb,
double  a,
double  b,
ref double  x 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dgriddiffcubicinternal ( double[]  x,
ref double[]  y,
int  n,
int  boundltype,
double  boundl,
int  boundrtype,
double  boundr,
ref double[]  d,
ref double[]  a1,
ref double[]  a2,
ref double[]  a3,
ref double[]  b,
ref double[]  dt 
static void alglib.spline1d.heapsortpoints ( ref double[]  x,
ref double[]  y,
int  n 
static void alglib.spline1d.solvetridiagonal ( double[]  a,
double[]  b,
double[]  c,
double[]  d,
int  n,
ref double[]  x 
static void alglib.spline1d.solvecyclictridiagonal ( double[]  a,
double[]  b,
double[]  c,
double[]  d,
int  n,
ref double[]  x 
static double alglib.spline1d.diffthreepoint ( double  t,
double  x0,
double  f0,
double  x1,
double  f1,
double  x2,
double  f2 
static void alglib.spline1d.hermitecalc ( double  p0,
double  m0,
double  p1,
double  m1,
double  t,
ref double  s,
ref double  ds 
static double alglib.spline1d.rescaleval ( double  a0,
double  b0,
double  a1,
double  b1,
double  t 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dbuildlinear ( double[]  x,
double[]  y,
int  n,
spline1dinterpolant  c 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic ( double[]  x,
double[]  y,
int  n,
int  boundltype,
double  boundl,
int  boundrtype,
double  boundr,
spline1dinterpolant  c 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dgriddiffcubic ( double[]  x,
double[]  y,
int  n,
int  boundltype,
double  boundl,
int  boundrtype,
double  boundr,
ref double[]  d 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dgriddiff2cubic ( double[]  x,
double[]  y,
int  n,
int  boundltype,
double  boundl,
int  boundrtype,
double  boundr,
ref double[]  d1,
ref double[]  d2 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dconvcubic ( double[]  x,
double[]  y,
int  n,
int  boundltype,
double  boundl,
int  boundrtype,
double  boundr,
double[]  x2,
int  n2,
ref double[]  y2 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dconvdiffcubic ( double[]  x,
double[]  y,
int  n,
int  boundltype,
double  boundl,
int  boundrtype,
double  boundr,
double[]  x2,
int  n2,
ref double[]  y2,
ref double[]  d2 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dconvdiff2cubic ( double[]  x,
double[]  y,
int  n,
int  boundltype,
double  boundl,
int  boundrtype,
double  boundr,
double[]  x2,
int  n2,
ref double[]  y2,
ref double[]  d2,
ref double[]  dd2 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dbuildcatmullrom ( double[]  x,
double[]  y,
int  n,
int  boundtype,
double  tension,
spline1dinterpolant  c 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dbuildhermite ( double[]  x,
double[]  y,
double[]  d,
int  n,
spline1dinterpolant  c 
static double alglib.spline1d.spline1dcalc ( spline1dinterpolant  c,
double  x 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1ddiff ( spline1dinterpolant  c,
double  x,
ref double  s,
ref double  ds,
ref double  d2s 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dcopy ( spline1dinterpolant  c,
spline1dinterpolant  cc 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dunpack ( spline1dinterpolant  c,
ref int  n,
ref double  tbl[,] 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dlintransx ( spline1dinterpolant  c,
double  a,
double  b 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dlintransy ( spline1dinterpolant  c,
double  a,
double  b 

References alglib.ap.assert().

static double alglib.spline1d.spline1dintegrate ( spline1dinterpolant  c,
double  x 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dconvdiffinternal ( double[]  xold,
double[]  yold,
double[]  dold,
int  n,
double[]  x2,
int  n2,
ref double[]  y,
bool  needy,
ref double[]  d1,
bool  needd1,
ref double[]  d2,
bool  needd2 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1drootsandextrema ( spline1dinterpolant  c,
ref double[]  r,
ref int  nr,
ref bool  dr,
ref double[]  e,
ref int[]  et,
ref int  ne,
ref bool  de 
static void alglib.spline1d.heapsortdpoints ( ref double[]  x,
ref double[]  y,
ref double[]  d,
int  n 
static void alglib.spline1d.solvepolinom2 ( double  p0,
double  m0,
double  p1,
double  m1,
ref double  x0,
ref double  x1,
ref int  nr 
static void alglib.spline1d.solvecubicpolinom ( double  pa,
double  ma,
double  pb,
double  mb,
double  a,
double  b,
ref double  x0,
ref double  x1,
ref double  x2,
ref double  ex0,
ref double  ex1,
ref int  nr,
ref int  ne,
ref double[]  tempdata 
static int alglib.spline1d.bisectmethod ( double  pa,
double  ma,
double  pb,
double  mb,
double  a,
double  b,
ref double  x 
static void alglib.spline1d.spline1dgriddiffcubicinternal ( double[]  x,
ref double[]  y,
int  n,
int  boundltype,
double  boundl,
int  boundrtype,
double  boundr,
ref double[]  d,
ref double[]  a1,
ref double[]  a2,
ref double[]  a3,
ref double[]  b,
ref double[]  dt 
static void alglib.spline1d.heapsortpoints ( ref double[]  x,
ref double[]  y,
int  n 
static void alglib.spline1d.heapsortppoints ( ref double[]  x,
ref double[]  y,
ref int[]  p,
int  n 
static void alglib.spline1d.solvetridiagonal ( double[]  a,
double[]  b,
double[]  c,
double[]  d,
int  n,
ref double[]  x 
static void alglib.spline1d.solvecyclictridiagonal ( double[]  a,
double[]  b,
double[]  c,
double[]  d,
int  n,
ref double[]  x 
static double alglib.spline1d.diffthreepoint ( double  t,
double  x0,
double  f0,
double  x1,
double  f1,
double  x2,
double  f2 

References alglib.math.sqr().

static void alglib.spline1d.hermitecalc ( double  p0,
double  m0,
double  p1,
double  m1,
double  t,
ref double  s,
ref double  ds 
static double alglib.spline1d.rescaleval ( double  a0,
double  b0,
double  a1,
double  b1,
double  t 

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