The IGLib base library EXTENDED - with other lilbraries and applications.
Classes | |
class | apbuffers |
class | sboolean |
class | sbooleanarray |
class | scomplex |
class | scomplexarray |
class | sinteger |
class | sintegerarray |
class | sreal |
class | srealarray |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static bool | approxequalrel (double a, double b, double tol) |
static void | taskgenint1d (double a, double b, int n, ref double[] x, ref double[] y) |
static void | taskgenint1dequidist (double a, double b, int n, ref double[] x, ref double[] y) |
static void | taskgenint1dcheb1 (double a, double b, int n, ref double[] x, ref double[] y) |
static void | taskgenint1dcheb2 (double a, double b, int n, ref double[] x, ref double[] y) |
static bool | aredistinct (double[] x, int n) |
static bool | aresameboolean (bool v1, bool v2) |
static void | bvectorsetlengthatleast (ref bool[] x, int n) |
static void | ivectorsetlengthatleast (ref int[] x, int n) |
static void | rvectorsetlengthatleast (ref double[] x, int n) |
static void | rmatrixsetlengthatleast (ref double[,] x, int m, int n) |
static void | rmatrixresize (ref double[,] x, int m, int n) |
static bool | isfinitevector (double[] x, int n) |
static bool | isfinitecvector (complex[] z, int n) |
static bool | apservisfinitematrix (double[,] x, int m, int n) |
static bool | apservisfinitecmatrix (complex[,] x, int m, int n) |
static bool | isfinitertrmatrix (double[,] x, int n, bool isupper) |
static bool | apservisfinitectrmatrix (complex[,] x, int n, bool isupper) |
static bool | apservisfiniteornanmatrix (double[,] x, int m, int n) |
static double | safepythag2 (double x, double y) |
static double | safepythag3 (double x, double y, double z) |
static int | saferdiv (double x, double y, ref double r) |
static double | safeminposrv (double x, double y, double v) |
static void | apperiodicmap (ref double x, double a, double b, ref double k) |
static double | boundval (double x, double b1, double b2) |
static void | alloccomplex (alglib.serializer s, complex v) |
static void | serializecomplex (alglib.serializer s, complex v) |
static complex | unserializecomplex (alglib.serializer s) |
static void | allocrealarray (alglib.serializer s, double[] v, int n) |
static void | serializerealarray (alglib.serializer s, double[] v, int n) |
static void | unserializerealarray (alglib.serializer s, ref double[] v) |
static void | allocintegerarray (alglib.serializer s, int[] v, int n) |
static void | serializeintegerarray (alglib.serializer s, int[] v, int n) |
static void | unserializeintegerarray (alglib.serializer s, ref int[] v) |
static void | allocrealmatrix (alglib.serializer s, double[,] v, int n0, int n1) |
static void | serializerealmatrix (alglib.serializer s, double[,] v, int n0, int n1) |
static void | unserializerealmatrix (alglib.serializer s, ref double[,] v) |
static void | copyintegerarray (int[] src, ref int[] dst) |
static void | copyrealarray (double[] src, ref double[] dst) |
static void | copyrealmatrix (double[,] src, ref double[,] dst) |
static int | recsearch (ref int[] a, int nrec, int nheader, int i0, int i1, int[] b) |
static bool | seterrorflag (ref bool flag, bool cond) |
static bool | seterrorflagdiff (ref bool flag, double val, double refval, double tol, double s) |
static void | touchint (ref int a) |
static void | touchreal (ref double a) |
static double | inttoreal (int a) |
static double | logbase2 (double x) |
static bool | approxequalrel (double a, double b, double tol) |
static void | taskgenint1d (double a, double b, int n, ref double[] x, ref double[] y) |
static void | taskgenint1dequidist (double a, double b, int n, ref double[] x, ref double[] y) |
static void | taskgenint1dcheb1 (double a, double b, int n, ref double[] x, ref double[] y) |
static void | taskgenint1dcheb2 (double a, double b, int n, ref double[] x, ref double[] y) |
static bool | aredistinct (double[] x, int n) |
static bool | aresameboolean (bool v1, bool v2) |
static void | bvectorsetlengthatleast (ref bool[] x, int n) |
static void | ivectorsetlengthatleast (ref int[] x, int n) |
static void | rvectorsetlengthatleast (ref double[] x, int n) |
static void | rmatrixsetlengthatleast (ref double[,] x, int m, int n) |
static void | rmatrixresize (ref double[,] x, int m, int n) |
static void | imatrixresize (ref int[,] x, int m, int n) |
static bool | isfinitevector (double[] x, int n) |
static bool | isfinitecvector (complex[] z, int n) |
static bool | apservisfinitematrix (double[,] x, int m, int n) |
static bool | apservisfinitecmatrix (complex[,] x, int m, int n) |
static bool | isfinitertrmatrix (double[,] x, int n, bool isupper) |
static bool | apservisfinitectrmatrix (complex[,] x, int n, bool isupper) |
static bool | apservisfiniteornanmatrix (double[,] x, int m, int n) |
static double | safepythag2 (double x, double y) |
static double | safepythag3 (double x, double y, double z) |
static int | saferdiv (double x, double y, ref double r) |
static double | safeminposrv (double x, double y, double v) |
static void | apperiodicmap (ref double x, double a, double b, ref double k) |
static double | randomnormal () |
static void | randomunit (int n, ref double[] x) |
static void | inc (ref int v) |
static void | dec (ref int v) |
static void | countdown (ref int v) |
static double | boundval (double x, double b1, double b2) |
static void | alloccomplex (alglib.serializer s, complex v) |
static void | serializecomplex (alglib.serializer s, complex v) |
static complex | unserializecomplex (alglib.serializer s) |
static void | allocrealarray (alglib.serializer s, double[] v, int n) |
static void | serializerealarray (alglib.serializer s, double[] v, int n) |
static void | unserializerealarray (alglib.serializer s, ref double[] v) |
static void | allocintegerarray (alglib.serializer s, int[] v, int n) |
static void | serializeintegerarray (alglib.serializer s, int[] v, int n) |
static void | unserializeintegerarray (alglib.serializer s, ref int[] v) |
static void | allocrealmatrix (alglib.serializer s, double[,] v, int n0, int n1) |
static void | serializerealmatrix (alglib.serializer s, double[,] v, int n0, int n1) |
static void | unserializerealmatrix (alglib.serializer s, ref double[,] v) |
static void | copyintegerarray (int[] src, ref int[] dst) |
static void | copyrealarray (double[] src, ref double[] dst) |
static void | copyrealmatrix (double[,] src, ref double[,] dst) |
static int | recsearch (ref int[] a, int nrec, int nheader, int i0, int i1, int[] b) |
static void | splitlengtheven (int tasksize, ref int task0, ref int task1) |
static void | splitlength (int tasksize, int chunksize, ref int task0, ref int task1) |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.randomreal().
Referenced by alglib.testlsfitunit.testpolynomialfitting().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.randomreal().
Referenced by alglib.testpolintunit.testpolint(), and alglib.testpsplineunit.testpspline().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.randomreal().
Referenced by alglib.testpolintunit.testpolint().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.randomreal().
Referenced by alglib.testpolintunit.testpolint().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert().
Referenced by alglib.polint.polynomialbuild(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dbuildakima(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dbuildcatmullrom(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dbuildhermite(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dbuildlinear(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dbuildmonotone(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dconvcubic(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dconvdiff2cubic(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dconvdiffcubic(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dgriddiff2cubic(), and alglib.spline1d.spline1dgriddiffcubic().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.cqmodels.cqminit(), alglib.minbleic.minbleiciteration(), and alglib.snnls.snnlsinit().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.testspline3dunit.basictest(), alglib.testspline3dunit.buildrndgrid(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmadx(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmconstrainedoptimum(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmgradunconstrained(), alglib.cqmodels.cqminit(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmrebuild(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmsetb(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmsetd(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmsetq(), alglib.lincg.lincgsolvesparse(), alglib.linlsqr.linlsqrsolvesparse(), alglib.minbleic.minbleiciteration(), alglib.minbleic.minbleicsetprecdiag(), alglib.mincg.mincgsetprecdiagfast(), alglib.mincg.mincgsetpreclowrankfast(), alglib.snnls.snnlsinit(), alglib.spline1d.solvecubicpolinom(), alglib.spline1d.spline1drootsandextrema(), alglib.tsort.tagsortbuf(), alglib.testmlptrainunit.testmlptrainenscls(), alglib.testmlptrainunit.testmlptrainensregr(), alglib.testspline2dunit.testspline2dvf(), alglib.testspline3dunit.testtrilinearresample(), and alglib.testspline3dunit.testunpack().
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.clustering.clusterizersetdistances(), alglib.clustering.clusterizersetpoints(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmrebuild(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmrewritedensediagonal(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmseta(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmsetq(), alglib.minbleic.minbleiciteration(), alglib.minbleic.minbleicsetlc(), alglib.mincg.mincgsetpreclowrankfast(), alglib.snnls.snnlsinit(), alglib.testmlptrainunit.testmlpcverror(), alglib.testmlptrainunit.testmlptrainenscls(), alglib.testmlptrainunit.testmlptrainensregr(), and alglib.testspline2dunit.testspline2dvf().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.isfinite().
Referenced by alglib.basestat.cov2(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmadx(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmdebugconstrainedevale(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmdebugconstrainedevalt(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmeval(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmevalx(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmgradunconstrained(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmsetb(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmsetd(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmsetq(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmxtadx2(), alglib.fft.fftr1d(), alglib.filters.filterema(), alglib.filters.filterlrma(), alglib.filters.filtersma(), alglib.testminlmunit.funcderiv(), alglib.testlsfitunit.funcderiv(), alglib.nearestneighbor.kdtreequeryaknn(), alglib.nearestneighbor.kdtreequeryknn(), alglib.nearestneighbor.kdtreequeryrnn(), alglib.lincg.lincgsetb(), alglib.lincg.lincgsetstartingpoint(), alglib.lincg.lincgsolvesparse(), alglib.linlsqr.linlsqrsetb(), alglib.linlsqr.linlsqrsolvesparse(), alglib.minbleic.minbleiccreate(), alglib.minbleic.minbleiccreatef(), alglib.minbleic.minbleicrestartfrom(), alglib.mincg.mincgcreate(), alglib.mincg.mincgcreatef(), alglib.mincg.mincgrestartfrom(), alglib.nleq.nleqcreatelm(), alglib.nleq.nleqrestartfrom(), alglib.odesolver.odesolverrkck(), alglib.basestat.pearsoncorr2(), alglib.polint.polynomialbuild(), alglib.polint.polynomialbuildcheb1(), alglib.polint.polynomialbuildcheb2(), alglib.polint.polynomialbuildeqdist(), alglib.polint.polynomialcalccheb1(), alglib.polint.polynomialcalccheb2(), alglib.polint.polynomialcalceqdist(), alglib.polint.polynomialcheb2bar(), alglib.lsfit.polynomialfit(), alglib.polint.polynomialpow2bar(), alglib.basestat.sampleadev(), alglib.basestat.samplemedian(), alglib.basestat.samplemoments(), alglib.basestat.samplepercentile(), alglib.basestat.spearmancorr2(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dbuildakima(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dbuildcatmullrom(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dbuildcubic(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dbuildhermite(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dbuildlinear(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dbuildmonotone(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dconvcubic(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dconvdiff2cubic(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dconvdiffcubic(), alglib.spline1d.spline1dgriddiff2cubic(), and alglib.spline1d.spline1dgriddiffcubic().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.math.isfinite(), and alglib.complex.x.
Referenced by alglib.fft.fftc1d(), and alglib.fft.fftc1dinv().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.isfinite().
Referenced by alglib.clustering.clusterizergetdistances(), alglib.clustering.clusterizersetpoints(), alglib.basestat.covm(), alglib.basestat.covm2(), alglib.cqmodels.cqmsetq(), alglib.nearestneighbor.kdtreebuild(), alglib.nearestneighbor.kdtreebuildtagged(), alglib.minbleic.minbleicsetlc(), alglib.basestat.pearsoncorrm(), alglib.basestat.pearsoncorrm2(), alglib.basestat.rankdata(), alglib.basestat.rankdatacentered(), alglib.basestat.spearmancorrm(), and alglib.basestat.spearmancorrm2().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.isfinite().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.isfinite().
Referenced by alglib.cqmodels.cqmseta().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.isfinite().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.isfinite().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.math.sqr().
Referenced by alglib.linlsqr.linlsqriteration(), and alglib.testpsplineunit.testpspline().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.math.sqr().
Referenced by alglib.testpsplineunit.testpspline().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.math.maxrealnumber, and alglib.math.minrealnumber.
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.optserv.calculatestepbound(), and alglib.minbleic.minbleiciteration().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.complex.x, and alglib.complex.y.
inlinestatic |
References alglib.complex.x, and alglib.complex.y.
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.dforest.dfalloc(), and alglib.nearestneighbor.kdtreealloc().
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.dforest.dfserialize(), and alglib.nearestneighbor.kdtreeserialize().
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.dforest.dfunserialize(), and alglib.nearestneighbor.kdtreeunserialize().
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.nearestneighbor.kdtreealloc(), and alglib.mlpbase.mlpalloc().
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.nearestneighbor.kdtreeserialize(), and alglib.mlpbase.mlpserialize().
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.nearestneighbor.kdtreeunserialize(), and alglib.mlpbase.mlpunserialize().
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.nearestneighbor.kdtreealloc().
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.nearestneighbor.kdtreeserialize().
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.nearestneighbor.kdtreeunserialize().
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.mlpbase.mlpcopy().
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.mlpbase.mlpcopy().
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.mlpbase.mlpcopy().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.testminqpunit.bleictests(), alglib.testminqpunit.choleskytests(), alglib.testminqpunit.ecqptest(), alglib.testminqpunit.icqptest(), alglib.apserv.seterrorflagdiff(), alglib.testmlpbaseunit.spectests(), alglib.testmlpbaseunit.testerr(), alglib.testlsfitunit.testgeneralfitting(), alglib.testmlpbaseunit.testgradient(), alglib.testhqrndunit.testhqrnd(), alglib.testmlptrainunit.testmlptrainensregr(), alglib.testminbleicunit.testother(), and alglib.testmlpbaseunit.testprocessing().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.basestat.rankdata(), alglib.basestat.rankdatacentered(), and alglib.basestat.rankdatarec().
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.basestat.rankdata(), alglib.basestat.rankdatacentered(), and alglib.basestat.rankdatarec().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.randomreal().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.randomreal().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.randomreal().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.randomreal().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
Referenced by alglib.ftbase.ftpushentry2(), and alglib.ftbase.ftpushentry4().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.isfinite().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), alglib.math.isfinite(), and alglib.complex.x.
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.isfinite().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.isfinite().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.isfinite().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.isfinite().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.math.isfinite().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.math.sqr().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.math.sqr().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.math.maxrealnumber, and alglib.math.minrealnumber.
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.math.randomreal(), and alglib.math.sqr().
Referenced by alglib.testminqpunit.bleictests(), alglib.testmincgunit.gradientchecktest(), alglib.testminlbfgsunit.gradientchecktest(), alglib.testminlmunit.gradientchecktest(), alglib.testlinlsqrunit.preconditionertest(), alglib.testlincgunit.precondtest(), alglib.apserv.randomunit(), alglib.testminbleicunit.testconv(), alglib.testlsfitunit.testgeneralfitting(), and alglib.testminbleicunit.testgradientcheck().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert(), and alglib.apserv.randomnormal().
Referenced by alglib.testminqpunit.ecqptest().
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.complex.x, and alglib.complex.y.
inlinestatic |
References alglib.complex.x, and alglib.complex.y.
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert().
inlinestatic |
References alglib.ap.assert().