IGLib  1.7.2
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alglib.clustering Class Reference


class  ahcreport
class  clusterizerstate
class  kmeansreport

Static Public Member Functions

static void clusterizercreate (clusterizerstate s)
static void clusterizersetpoints (clusterizerstate s, double[,] xy, int npoints, int nfeatures, int disttype)
static void clusterizersetdistances (clusterizerstate s, double[,] d, int npoints, bool isupper)
static void clusterizersetahcalgo (clusterizerstate s, int algo)
static void clusterizersetkmeanslimits (clusterizerstate s, int restarts, int maxits)
static void clusterizerrunahc (clusterizerstate s, ahcreport rep)
static void _pexec_clusterizerrunahc (clusterizerstate s, ahcreport rep)
static void clusterizerrunkmeans (clusterizerstate s, int k, kmeansreport rep)
static void clusterizergetdistances (double[,] xy, int npoints, int nfeatures, int disttype, ref double[,] d)
static void _pexec_clusterizergetdistances (double[,] xy, int npoints, int nfeatures, int disttype, ref double[,] d)
static void clusterizergetkclusters (ahcreport rep, int k, ref int[] cidx, ref int[] cz)
static void clusterizerseparatedbydist (ahcreport rep, double r, ref int k, ref int[] cidx, ref int[] cz)
static void clusterizerseparatedbycorr (ahcreport rep, double r, ref int k, ref int[] cidx, ref int[] cz)
static void kmeansgenerateinternal (double[,] xy, int npoints, int nvars, int k, int maxits, int restarts, ref int info, ref double[,] ccol, bool needccol, ref double[,] crow, bool needcrow, ref int[] xyc)

Public Attributes

const int parallelcomplexity = 200000

Static Private Member Functions

static bool selectcenterpp (double[,] xy, int npoints, int nvars, ref double[,] centers, ref bool[] busycenters, int ccnt, ref double[] d2, ref double[] p, ref double[] tmp)
static void clusterizerrunahcinternal (clusterizerstate s, ref double[,] d, ahcreport rep)
static void evaluatedistancematrixrec (double[,] xy, int nfeatures, int disttype, double[,] d, int i0, int i1, int j0, int j1)

Member Function Documentation

static void alglib.clustering.clusterizersetahcalgo ( clusterizerstate  s,
int  algo 
static void alglib.clustering._pexec_clusterizerrunahc ( clusterizerstate  s,
ahcreport  rep 
static void alglib.clustering._pexec_clusterizergetdistances ( double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
int  nfeatures,
int  disttype,
ref double  d[,] 
static void alglib.clustering.clusterizergetkclusters ( ahcreport  rep,
int  k,
ref int[]  cidx,
ref int[]  cz 
static void alglib.clustering.clusterizerseparatedbydist ( ahcreport  rep,
double  r,
ref int  k,
ref int[]  cidx,
ref int[]  cz 
static void alglib.clustering.clusterizerseparatedbycorr ( ahcreport  rep,
double  r,
ref int  k,
ref int[]  cidx,
ref int[]  cz 
static void alglib.clustering.kmeansgenerateinternal ( double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
int  nvars,
int  k,
int  maxits,
int  restarts,
ref int  info,
ref double  ccol[,],
bool  needccol,
ref double  crow[,],
bool  needcrow,
ref int[]  xyc 
static bool alglib.clustering.selectcenterpp ( double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
int  nvars,
ref double  centers[,],
ref bool[]  busycenters,
int  ccnt,
ref double[]  d2,
ref double[]  p,
ref double[]  tmp 
static void alglib.clustering.clusterizerrunahcinternal ( clusterizerstate  s,
ref double  d[,],
ahcreport  rep 
static void alglib.clustering.evaluatedistancematrixrec ( double  xy[,],
int  nfeatures,
int  disttype,
double  d[,],
int  i0,
int  i1,
int  j0,
int  j1 

Member Data Documentation

const int alglib.clustering.parallelcomplexity = 200000

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