IGLib  1.7.2
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alglib.mlptrain Class Reference


class  mlpcvreport
class  mlpetrnsession
class  mlpparallelizationcv
class  mlpreport
class  mlptrainer
class  smlptrnsession

Static Public Member Functions

static void mlptrainlm (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints, double decay, int restarts, ref int info, mlpreport rep)
static void mlptrainlbfgs (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints, double decay, int restarts, double wstep, int maxits, ref int info, mlpreport rep)
static void mlptraines (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network, double[,] trnxy, int trnsize, double[,] valxy, int valsize, double decay, int restarts, ref int info, mlpreport rep)
static void mlpkfoldcvlbfgs (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints, double decay, int restarts, double wstep, int maxits, int foldscount, ref int info, mlpreport rep, mlpcvreport cvrep)
static void mlpkfoldcvlm (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints, double decay, int restarts, int foldscount, ref int info, mlpreport rep, mlpcvreport cvrep)
static void mlptrainlm (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints, double decay, int restarts, ref int info, mlpreport rep)
static void mlptrainlbfgs (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints, double decay, int restarts, double wstep, int maxits, ref int info, mlpreport rep)
static void mlptraines (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network, double[,] trnxy, int trnsize, double[,] valxy, int valsize, double decay, int restarts, ref int info, mlpreport rep)
static void mlpkfoldcvlbfgs (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints, double decay, int restarts, double wstep, int maxits, int foldscount, ref int info, mlpreport rep, mlpcvreport cvrep)
static void mlpkfoldcvlm (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints, double decay, int restarts, int foldscount, ref int info, mlpreport rep, mlpcvreport cvrep)
static void mlpkfoldcv (mlptrainer s, mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network, int nrestarts, int foldscount, mlpreport rep)
static void _pexec_mlpkfoldcv (mlptrainer s, mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network, int nrestarts, int foldscount, mlpreport rep)
static void mlpcreatetrainer (int nin, int nout, mlptrainer s)
static void mlpcreatetrainercls (int nin, int nclasses, mlptrainer s)
static void mlpsetdataset (mlptrainer s, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static void mlpsetsparsedataset (mlptrainer s, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int npoints)
static void mlpsetdecay (mlptrainer s, double decay)
static void mlpsetcond (mlptrainer s, double wstep, int maxits)
static void mlpsetalgobatch (mlptrainer s)
static void mlptrainnetwork (mlptrainer s, mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network, int nrestarts, mlpreport rep)
static void _pexec_mlptrainnetwork (mlptrainer s, mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network, int nrestarts, mlpreport rep)
static void mlpstarttraining (mlptrainer s, mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network, bool randomstart)
static bool mlpcontinuetraining (mlptrainer s, mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network)
static bool _pexec_mlpcontinuetraining (mlptrainer s, mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpebagginglm (mlpe.mlpensemble ensemble, double[,] xy, int npoints, double decay, int restarts, ref int info, mlpreport rep, mlpcvreport ooberrors)
static void mlpebagginglbfgs (mlpe.mlpensemble ensemble, double[,] xy, int npoints, double decay, int restarts, double wstep, int maxits, ref int info, mlpreport rep, mlpcvreport ooberrors)
static void mlpetraines (mlpe.mlpensemble ensemble, double[,] xy, int npoints, double decay, int restarts, ref int info, mlpreport rep)
static void mlptrainensemblees (mlptrainer s, mlpe.mlpensemble ensemble, int nrestarts, mlpreport rep)
static void _pexec_mlptrainensemblees (mlptrainer s, mlpe.mlpensemble ensemble, int nrestarts, mlpreport rep)

Public Attributes

const double mindecay = 0.001
const int defaultlbfgsfactor = 6

Static Private Member Functions

static void mlpkfoldcvgeneral (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron n, double[,] xy, int npoints, double decay, int restarts, int foldscount, bool lmalgorithm, double wstep, int maxits, ref int info, mlpreport rep, mlpcvreport cvrep)
static void mlpkfoldsplit (double[,] xy, int npoints, int nclasses, int foldscount, bool stratifiedsplits, ref int[] folds)
static void mlpkfoldcvgeneral (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron n, double[,] xy, int npoints, double decay, int restarts, int foldscount, bool lmalgorithm, double wstep, int maxits, ref int info, mlpreport rep, mlpcvreport cvrep)
static void mlpkfoldsplit (double[,] xy, int npoints, int nclasses, int foldscount, bool stratifiedsplits, ref int[] folds)
static void mthreadcv (mlptrainer s, int rowsize, int nrestarts, int[] folds, int fold, int dfold, double[,] cvy, alglib.smp.shared_pool pooldatacv)
static void mlptrainnetworkx (mlptrainer s, int nrestarts, int algokind, int[] trnsubset, int trnsubsetsize, int[] valsubset, int valsubsetsize, mlpbase.multilayerperceptron network, mlpreport rep, bool isrootcall, alglib.smp.shared_pool sessions)
static void mlptrainensemblex (mlptrainer s, mlpe.mlpensemble ensemble, int idx0, int idx1, int nrestarts, int trainingmethod, apserv.sinteger ngrad, bool isrootcall, alglib.smp.shared_pool esessions)
static void mlpstarttrainingx (mlptrainer s, bool randomstart, int algokind, int[] subset, int subsetsize, smlptrnsession session)
static bool mlpcontinuetrainingx (mlptrainer s, int[] subset, int subsetsize, ref int ngradbatch, smlptrnsession session)
static void mlpebagginginternal (mlpe.mlpensemble ensemble, double[,] xy, int npoints, double decay, int restarts, double wstep, int maxits, bool lmalgorithm, ref int info, mlpreport rep, mlpcvreport ooberrors)
static void initmlptrnsession (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron networktrained, bool randomizenetwork, mlptrainer trainer, smlptrnsession session)
static void initmlptrnsessions (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron networktrained, bool randomizenetwork, mlptrainer trainer, alglib.smp.shared_pool sessions)
static void initmlpetrnsession (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron individualnetwork, mlptrainer trainer, mlpetrnsession session)
static void initmlpetrnsessions (mlpbase.multilayerperceptron individualnetwork, mlptrainer trainer, alglib.smp.shared_pool sessions)

Member Function Documentation

static void alglib.mlptrain.mlptrainlm ( mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
double  decay,
int  restarts,
ref int  info,
mlpreport  rep 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlptrainlbfgs ( mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
double  decay,
int  restarts,
double  wstep,
int  maxits,
ref int  info,
mlpreport  rep 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlptraines ( mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  network,
double  trnxy[,],
int  trnsize,
double  valxy[,],
int  valsize,
double  decay,
int  restarts,
ref int  info,
mlpreport  rep 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlpkfoldcvlbfgs ( mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
double  decay,
int  restarts,
double  wstep,
int  maxits,
int  foldscount,
ref int  info,
mlpreport  rep,
mlpcvreport  cvrep 

Referenced by alglib.mlpkfoldcvlbfgs().

static void alglib.mlptrain.mlpkfoldcvlm ( mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
double  decay,
int  restarts,
int  foldscount,
ref int  info,
mlpreport  rep,
mlpcvreport  cvrep 

Referenced by alglib.mlpkfoldcvlm().

static void alglib.mlptrain.mlpkfoldcvgeneral ( mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  n,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
double  decay,
int  restarts,
int  foldscount,
bool  lmalgorithm,
double  wstep,
int  maxits,
ref int  info,
mlpreport  rep,
mlpcvreport  cvrep 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlpkfoldsplit ( double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
int  nclasses,
int  foldscount,
bool  stratifiedsplits,
ref int[]  folds 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlptrainlm ( mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
double  decay,
int  restarts,
ref int  info,
mlpreport  rep 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlptrainlbfgs ( mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
double  decay,
int  restarts,
double  wstep,
int  maxits,
ref int  info,
mlpreport  rep 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlptraines ( mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  network,
double  trnxy[,],
int  trnsize,
double  valxy[,],
int  valsize,
double  decay,
int  restarts,
ref int  info,
mlpreport  rep 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlpkfoldcvlbfgs ( mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
double  decay,
int  restarts,
double  wstep,
int  maxits,
int  foldscount,
ref int  info,
mlpreport  rep,
mlpcvreport  cvrep 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlpkfoldcvlm ( mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
double  decay,
int  restarts,
int  foldscount,
ref int  info,
mlpreport  rep,
mlpcvreport  cvrep 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlpkfoldcv ( mlptrainer  s,
mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  network,
int  nrestarts,
int  foldscount,
mlpreport  rep 
static void alglib.mlptrain._pexec_mlpkfoldcv ( mlptrainer  s,
mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  network,
int  nrestarts,
int  foldscount,
mlpreport  rep 

Referenced by alglib.smp_mlpkfoldcv().

static void alglib.mlptrain.mlpsetalgobatch ( mlptrainer  s)

Referenced by alglib.mlpsetalgobatch().

static void alglib.mlptrain._pexec_mlptrainnetwork ( mlptrainer  s,
mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  network,
int  nrestarts,
mlpreport  rep 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlpstarttraining ( mlptrainer  s,
mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  network,
bool  randomstart 
static bool alglib.mlptrain._pexec_mlpcontinuetraining ( mlptrainer  s,
mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  network 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlpebagginglm ( mlpe.mlpensemble  ensemble,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
double  decay,
int  restarts,
ref int  info,
mlpreport  rep,
mlpcvreport  ooberrors 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlpebagginglbfgs ( mlpe.mlpensemble  ensemble,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
double  decay,
int  restarts,
double  wstep,
int  maxits,
ref int  info,
mlpreport  rep,
mlpcvreport  ooberrors 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlpetraines ( mlpe.mlpensemble  ensemble,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
double  decay,
int  restarts,
ref int  info,
mlpreport  rep 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlptrainensemblees ( mlptrainer  s,
mlpe.mlpensemble  ensemble,
int  nrestarts,
mlpreport  rep 
static void alglib.mlptrain._pexec_mlptrainensemblees ( mlptrainer  s,
mlpe.mlpensemble  ensemble,
int  nrestarts,
mlpreport  rep 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlpkfoldcvgeneral ( mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  n,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
double  decay,
int  restarts,
int  foldscount,
bool  lmalgorithm,
double  wstep,
int  maxits,
ref int  info,
mlpreport  rep,
mlpcvreport  cvrep 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlpkfoldsplit ( double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
int  nclasses,
int  foldscount,
bool  stratifiedsplits,
ref int[]  folds 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mthreadcv ( mlptrainer  s,
int  rowsize,
int  nrestarts,
int[]  folds,
int  fold,
int  dfold,
double  cvy[,],
alglib.smp.shared_pool  pooldatacv 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlptrainnetworkx ( mlptrainer  s,
int  nrestarts,
int  algokind,
int[]  trnsubset,
int  trnsubsetsize,
int[]  valsubset,
int  valsubsetsize,
mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  network,
mlpreport  rep,
bool  isrootcall,
alglib.smp.shared_pool  sessions 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlptrainensemblex ( mlptrainer  s,
mlpe.mlpensemble  ensemble,
int  idx0,
int  idx1,
int  nrestarts,
int  trainingmethod,
apserv.sinteger  ngrad,
bool  isrootcall,
alglib.smp.shared_pool  esessions 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlpstarttrainingx ( mlptrainer  s,
bool  randomstart,
int  algokind,
int[]  subset,
int  subsetsize,
smlptrnsession  session 
static bool alglib.mlptrain.mlpcontinuetrainingx ( mlptrainer  s,
int[]  subset,
int  subsetsize,
ref int  ngradbatch,
smlptrnsession  session 
static void alglib.mlptrain.mlpebagginginternal ( mlpe.mlpensemble  ensemble,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints,
double  decay,
int  restarts,
double  wstep,
int  maxits,
bool  lmalgorithm,
ref int  info,
mlpreport  rep,
mlpcvreport  ooberrors 
static void alglib.mlptrain.initmlptrnsession ( mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  networktrained,
bool  randomizenetwork,
mlptrainer  trainer,
smlptrnsession  session 
static void alglib.mlptrain.initmlptrnsessions ( mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  networktrained,
bool  randomizenetwork,
mlptrainer  trainer,
alglib.smp.shared_pool  sessions 
static void alglib.mlptrain.initmlpetrnsession ( mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  individualnetwork,
mlptrainer  trainer,
mlpetrnsession  session 
static void alglib.mlptrain.initmlpetrnsessions ( mlpbase.multilayerperceptron  individualnetwork,
mlptrainer  trainer,
alglib.smp.shared_pool  sessions 

Member Data Documentation

const double alglib.mlptrain.mindecay = 0.001
const int alglib.mlptrain.defaultlbfgsfactor = 6

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