IGLib  1.7.2
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alglib.mlpbase Class Reference


class  modelerrors
class  multilayerperceptron
class  smlpgrad

Static Public Member Functions

static void mlpcreate0 (int nin, int nout, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreate1 (int nin, int nhid, int nout, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreate2 (int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreateb0 (int nin, int nout, double b, double d, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreateb1 (int nin, int nhid, int nout, double b, double d, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreateb2 (int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, double b, double d, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreater0 (int nin, int nout, double a, double b, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreater1 (int nin, int nhid, int nout, double a, double b, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreater2 (int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, double a, double b, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreatec0 (int nin, int nout, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreatec1 (int nin, int nhid, int nout, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreatec2 (int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcopy (multilayerperceptron network1, multilayerperceptron network2)
static void mlpserializeold (multilayerperceptron network, ref double[] ra, ref int rlen)
static void mlpunserializeold (double[] ra, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlprandomize (multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlprandomizefull (multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpinitpreprocessor (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int ssize)
static void mlpproperties (multilayerperceptron network, ref int nin, ref int nout, ref int wcount)
static int mlpgetinputscount (multilayerperceptron network)
static int mlpgetoutputscount (multilayerperceptron network)
static int mlpgetweightscount (multilayerperceptron network)
static bool mlpissoftmax (multilayerperceptron network)
static int mlpgetlayerscount (multilayerperceptron network)
static int mlpgetlayersize (multilayerperceptron network, int k)
static void mlpgetinputscaling (multilayerperceptron network, int i, ref double mean, ref double sigma)
static void mlpgetoutputscaling (multilayerperceptron network, int i, ref double mean, ref double sigma)
static void mlpgetneuroninfo (multilayerperceptron network, int k, int i, ref int fkind, ref double threshold)
static double mlpgetweight (multilayerperceptron network, int k0, int i0, int k1, int i1)
static void mlpsetinputscaling (multilayerperceptron network, int i, double mean, double sigma)
static void mlpsetoutputscaling (multilayerperceptron network, int i, double mean, double sigma)
static void mlpsetneuroninfo (multilayerperceptron network, int k, int i, int fkind, double threshold)
static void mlpsetweight (multilayerperceptron network, int k0, int i0, int k1, int i1, double w)
static void mlpactivationfunction (double net, int k, ref double f, ref double df, ref double d2f)
static void mlpprocess (multilayerperceptron network, double[] x, ref double[] y)
static void mlpprocessi (multilayerperceptron network, double[] x, ref double[] y)
static double mlperror (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int ssize)
static double mlperrorn (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int ssize)
static int mlpclserror (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int ssize)
static double mlprelclserror (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static double mlpavgce (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static double mlprmserror (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static double mlpavgerror (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static double mlpavgrelerror (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static void mlpgrad (multilayerperceptron network, double[] x, double[] desiredy, ref double e, ref double[] grad)
static void mlpgradn (multilayerperceptron network, double[] x, double[] desiredy, ref double e, ref double[] grad)
static void mlpgradbatch (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int ssize, ref double e, ref double[] grad)
static void mlpgradnbatch (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int ssize, ref double e, ref double[] grad)
static void mlphessiannbatch (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int ssize, ref double e, ref double[] grad, ref double[,] h)
static void mlphessianbatch (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int ssize, ref double e, ref double[] grad, ref double[,] h)
static void mlpinternalprocessvector (int[] structinfo, double[] weights, double[] columnmeans, double[] columnsigmas, ref double[] neurons, ref double[] dfdnet, double[] x, ref double[] y)
static void mlpalloc (alglib.serializer s, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpserialize (alglib.serializer s, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpunserialize (alglib.serializer s, multilayerperceptron network)
static int mlpgradsplitcost ()
static int mlpgradsplitsize ()
static void mlpcreate0 (int nin, int nout, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreate1 (int nin, int nhid, int nout, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreate2 (int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreateb0 (int nin, int nout, double b, double d, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreateb1 (int nin, int nhid, int nout, double b, double d, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreateb2 (int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, double b, double d, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreater0 (int nin, int nout, double a, double b, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreater1 (int nin, int nhid, int nout, double a, double b, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreater2 (int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, double a, double b, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreatec0 (int nin, int nout, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreatec1 (int nin, int nhid, int nout, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcreatec2 (int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpcopy (multilayerperceptron network1, multilayerperceptron network2)
static void mlpcopyshared (multilayerperceptron network1, multilayerperceptron network2)
static bool mlpsamearchitecture (multilayerperceptron network1, multilayerperceptron network2)
static void mlpcopytunableparameters (multilayerperceptron network1, multilayerperceptron network2)
static void mlpexporttunableparameters (multilayerperceptron network, ref double[] p, ref int pcount)
static void mlpimporttunableparameters (multilayerperceptron network, double[] p)
static void mlpserializeold (multilayerperceptron network, ref double[] ra, ref int rlen)
static void mlpunserializeold (double[] ra, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlprandomize (multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlprandomizefull (multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpinitpreprocessor (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int ssize)
static void mlpinitpreprocessorsparse (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int ssize)
static void mlpinitpreprocessorsubset (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int setsize, int[] idx, int subsetsize)
static void mlpinitpreprocessorsparsesubset (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int setsize, int[] idx, int subsetsize)
static void mlpproperties (multilayerperceptron network, ref int nin, ref int nout, ref int wcount)
static int mlpntotal (multilayerperceptron network)
static int mlpgetinputscount (multilayerperceptron network)
static int mlpgetoutputscount (multilayerperceptron network)
static int mlpgetweightscount (multilayerperceptron network)
static bool mlpissoftmax (multilayerperceptron network)
static int mlpgetlayerscount (multilayerperceptron network)
static int mlpgetlayersize (multilayerperceptron network, int k)
static void mlpgetinputscaling (multilayerperceptron network, int i, ref double mean, ref double sigma)
static void mlpgetoutputscaling (multilayerperceptron network, int i, ref double mean, ref double sigma)
static void mlpgetneuroninfo (multilayerperceptron network, int k, int i, ref int fkind, ref double threshold)
static double mlpgetweight (multilayerperceptron network, int k0, int i0, int k1, int i1)
static void mlpsetinputscaling (multilayerperceptron network, int i, double mean, double sigma)
static void mlpsetoutputscaling (multilayerperceptron network, int i, double mean, double sigma)
static void mlpsetneuroninfo (multilayerperceptron network, int k, int i, int fkind, double threshold)
static void mlpsetweight (multilayerperceptron network, int k0, int i0, int k1, int i1, double w)
static void mlpactivationfunction (double net, int k, ref double f, ref double df, ref double d2f)
static void mlpprocess (multilayerperceptron network, double[] x, ref double[] y)
static void mlpprocessi (multilayerperceptron network, double[] x, ref double[] y)
static double mlperror (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static double _pexec_mlperror (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static double mlperrorsparse (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int npoints)
static double _pexec_mlperrorsparse (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int npoints)
static double mlperrorn (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int ssize)
static int mlpclserror (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static int _pexec_mlpclserror (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static double mlprelclserror (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static double _pexec_mlprelclserror (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static double mlprelclserrorsparse (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int npoints)
static double _pexec_mlprelclserrorsparse (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int npoints)
static double mlpavgce (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static double _pexec_mlpavgce (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static double mlpavgcesparse (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int npoints)
static double _pexec_mlpavgcesparse (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int npoints)
static double mlprmserror (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static double _pexec_mlprmserror (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static double mlprmserrorsparse (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int npoints)
static double _pexec_mlprmserrorsparse (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int npoints)
static double mlpavgerror (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static double _pexec_mlpavgerror (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static double mlpavgerrorsparse (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int npoints)
static double _pexec_mlpavgerrorsparse (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int npoints)
static double mlpavgrelerror (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static double _pexec_mlpavgrelerror (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int npoints)
static double mlpavgrelerrorsparse (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int npoints)
static double _pexec_mlpavgrelerrorsparse (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int npoints)
static void mlpgrad (multilayerperceptron network, double[] x, double[] desiredy, ref double e, ref double[] grad)
static void mlpgradn (multilayerperceptron network, double[] x, double[] desiredy, ref double e, ref double[] grad)
static void mlpgradbatch (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int ssize, ref double e, ref double[] grad)
static void _pexec_mlpgradbatch (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int ssize, ref double e, ref double[] grad)
static void mlpgradbatchsparse (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int ssize, ref double e, ref double[] grad)
static void _pexec_mlpgradbatchsparse (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int ssize, ref double e, ref double[] grad)
static void mlpgradbatchsubset (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int setsize, int[] idx, int subsetsize, ref double e, ref double[] grad)
static void _pexec_mlpgradbatchsubset (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int setsize, int[] idx, int subsetsize, ref double e, ref double[] grad)
static void mlpgradbatchsparsesubset (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int setsize, int[] idx, int subsetsize, ref double e, ref double[] grad)
static void _pexec_mlpgradbatchsparsesubset (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int setsize, int[] idx, int subsetsize, ref double e, ref double[] grad)
static void mlpgradbatchx (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] densexy, sparse.sparsematrix sparsexy, int datasetsize, int datasettype, int[] idx, int subset0, int subset1, int subsettype, alglib.smp.shared_pool buf, alglib.smp.shared_pool gradbuf)
static void mlpgradnbatch (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int ssize, ref double e, ref double[] grad)
static void mlphessiannbatch (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int ssize, ref double e, ref double[] grad, ref double[,] h)
static void mlphessianbatch (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int ssize, ref double e, ref double[] grad, ref double[,] h)
static void mlpinternalprocessvector (int[] structinfo, double[] weights, double[] columnmeans, double[] columnsigmas, ref double[] neurons, ref double[] dfdnet, double[] x, ref double[] y)
static void mlpalloc (alglib.serializer s, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpserialize (alglib.serializer s, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpunserialize (alglib.serializer s, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlpallerrorssubset (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int setsize, int[] subset, int subsetsize, modelerrors rep)
static void _pexec_mlpallerrorssubset (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int setsize, int[] subset, int subsetsize, modelerrors rep)
static void mlpallerrorssparsesubset (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int setsize, int[] subset, int subsetsize, modelerrors rep)
static void _pexec_mlpallerrorssparsesubset (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int setsize, int[] subset, int subsetsize, modelerrors rep)
static double mlperrorsubset (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int setsize, int[] subset, int subsetsize)
static double _pexec_mlperrorsubset (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int setsize, int[] subset, int subsetsize)
static double mlperrorsparsesubset (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int setsize, int[] subset, int subsetsize)
static double _pexec_mlperrorsparsesubset (multilayerperceptron network, sparse.sparsematrix xy, int setsize, int[] subset, int subsetsize)
static void mlpallerrorsx (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] densexy, sparse.sparsematrix sparsexy, int datasetsize, int datasettype, int[] idx, int subset0, int subset1, int subsettype, alglib.smp.shared_pool buf, modelerrors rep)

Public Attributes

const int mlpvnum = 7
const int mlpfirstversion = 0
const int nfieldwidth = 4
const int hlconnfieldwidth = 5
const int hlnfieldwidth = 4
const int chunksize = 32
const int gradbasecasecost = 50000
const int microbatchsize = 64

Static Private Member Functions

static void addinputlayer (int ncount, ref int[] lsizes, ref int[] ltypes, ref int[] lconnfirst, ref int[] lconnlast, ref int lastproc)
static void addbiasedsummatorlayer (int ncount, ref int[] lsizes, ref int[] ltypes, ref int[] lconnfirst, ref int[] lconnlast, ref int lastproc)
static void addactivationlayer (int functype, ref int[] lsizes, ref int[] ltypes, ref int[] lconnfirst, ref int[] lconnlast, ref int lastproc)
static void addzerolayer (ref int[] lsizes, ref int[] ltypes, ref int[] lconnfirst, ref int[] lconnlast, ref int lastproc)
static void hladdinputlayer (multilayerperceptron network, ref int connidx, ref int neuroidx, ref int structinfoidx, int nin)
static void hladdoutputlayer (multilayerperceptron network, ref int connidx, ref int neuroidx, ref int structinfoidx, ref int weightsidx, int k, int nprev, int nout, bool iscls, bool islinearout)
static void hladdhiddenlayer (multilayerperceptron network, ref int connidx, ref int neuroidx, ref int structinfoidx, ref int weightsidx, int k, int nprev, int ncur)
static void fillhighlevelinformation (multilayerperceptron network, int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, bool iscls, bool islinearout)
static void mlpcreate (int nin, int nout, int[] lsizes, int[] ltypes, int[] lconnfirst, int[] lconnlast, int layerscount, bool isclsnet, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlphessianbatchinternal (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int ssize, bool naturalerr, ref double e, ref double[] grad, ref double[,] h)
static void mlpinternalcalculategradient (multilayerperceptron network, double[] neurons, double[] weights, ref double[] derror, ref double[] grad, bool naturalerrorfunc)
static void mlpchunkedgradient (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int cstart, int csize, ref double e, ref double[] grad, bool naturalerrorfunc)
static double safecrossentropy (double t, double z)
static void addinputlayer (int ncount, ref int[] lsizes, ref int[] ltypes, ref int[] lconnfirst, ref int[] lconnlast, ref int lastproc)
static void addbiasedsummatorlayer (int ncount, ref int[] lsizes, ref int[] ltypes, ref int[] lconnfirst, ref int[] lconnlast, ref int lastproc)
static void addactivationlayer (int functype, ref int[] lsizes, ref int[] ltypes, ref int[] lconnfirst, ref int[] lconnlast, ref int lastproc)
static void addzerolayer (ref int[] lsizes, ref int[] ltypes, ref int[] lconnfirst, ref int[] lconnlast, ref int lastproc)
static void hladdinputlayer (multilayerperceptron network, ref int connidx, ref int neuroidx, ref int structinfoidx, int nin)
static void hladdoutputlayer (multilayerperceptron network, ref int connidx, ref int neuroidx, ref int structinfoidx, ref int weightsidx, int k, int nprev, int nout, bool iscls, bool islinearout)
static void hladdhiddenlayer (multilayerperceptron network, ref int connidx, ref int neuroidx, ref int structinfoidx, ref int weightsidx, int k, int nprev, int ncur)
static void fillhighlevelinformation (multilayerperceptron network, int nin, int nhid1, int nhid2, int nout, bool iscls, bool islinearout)
static void mlpcreate (int nin, int nout, int[] lsizes, int[] ltypes, int[] lconnfirst, int[] lconnlast, int layerscount, bool isclsnet, multilayerperceptron network)
static void mlphessianbatchinternal (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int ssize, bool naturalerr, ref double e, ref double[] grad, ref double[,] h)
static void mlpinternalcalculategradient (multilayerperceptron network, double[] neurons, double[] weights, ref double[] derror, ref double[] grad, bool naturalerrorfunc)
static void mlpchunkedgradient (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int cstart, int csize, double[] batch4buf, double[] hpcbuf, ref double e, bool naturalerrorfunc)
static void mlpchunkedprocess (multilayerperceptron network, double[,] xy, int cstart, int csize, double[] batch4buf, double[] hpcbuf)
static double safecrossentropy (double t, double z)
static void randomizebackwardpass (multilayerperceptron network, int neuronidx, double v)

Member Function Documentation

static int alglib.mlpbase.mlpgetlayerscount ( multilayerperceptron  network)
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpactivationfunction ( double  net,
int  k,
ref double  f,
ref double  df,
ref double  d2f 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpprocessi ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double[]  x,
ref double[]  y 
static int alglib.mlpbase.mlpclserror ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  ssize 
static double alglib.mlpbase.mlprelclserror ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase.mlpavgce ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase.mlprmserror ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpgradnbatch ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  ssize,
ref double  e,
ref double[]  grad 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlphessiannbatch ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  ssize,
ref double  e,
ref double[]  grad,
ref double  h[,] 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlphessianbatch ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  ssize,
ref double  e,
ref double[]  grad,
ref double  h[,] 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpinternalprocessvector ( int[]  structinfo,
double[]  weights,
double[]  columnmeans,
double[]  columnsigmas,
ref double[]  neurons,
ref double[]  dfdnet,
double[]  x,
ref double[]  y 
static void alglib.mlpbase.addinputlayer ( int  ncount,
ref int[]  lsizes,
ref int[]  ltypes,
ref int[]  lconnfirst,
ref int[]  lconnlast,
ref int  lastproc 
static void alglib.mlpbase.addbiasedsummatorlayer ( int  ncount,
ref int[]  lsizes,
ref int[]  ltypes,
ref int[]  lconnfirst,
ref int[]  lconnlast,
ref int  lastproc 
static void alglib.mlpbase.addactivationlayer ( int  functype,
ref int[]  lsizes,
ref int[]  ltypes,
ref int[]  lconnfirst,
ref int[]  lconnlast,
ref int  lastproc 
static void alglib.mlpbase.addzerolayer ( ref int[]  lsizes,
ref int[]  ltypes,
ref int[]  lconnfirst,
ref int[]  lconnlast,
ref int  lastproc 
static void alglib.mlpbase.hladdinputlayer ( multilayerperceptron  network,
ref int  connidx,
ref int  neuroidx,
ref int  structinfoidx,
int  nin 
static void alglib.mlpbase.hladdoutputlayer ( multilayerperceptron  network,
ref int  connidx,
ref int  neuroidx,
ref int  structinfoidx,
ref int  weightsidx,
int  k,
int  nprev,
int  nout,
bool  iscls,
bool  islinearout 
static void alglib.mlpbase.hladdhiddenlayer ( multilayerperceptron  network,
ref int  connidx,
ref int  neuroidx,
ref int  structinfoidx,
ref int  weightsidx,
int  k,
int  nprev,
int  ncur 
static double alglib.mlpbase.safecrossentropy ( double  t,
double  z 
static int alglib.mlpbase.mlpgradsplitcost ( )
static int alglib.mlpbase.mlpgradsplitsize ( )
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpcreate0 ( int  nin,
int  nout,
multilayerperceptron  network 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpcreate1 ( int  nin,
int  nhid,
int  nout,
multilayerperceptron  network 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpcreate2 ( int  nin,
int  nhid1,
int  nhid2,
int  nout,
multilayerperceptron  network 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpcreateb0 ( int  nin,
int  nout,
double  b,
double  d,
multilayerperceptron  network 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpcreateb1 ( int  nin,
int  nhid,
int  nout,
double  b,
double  d,
multilayerperceptron  network 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpcreateb2 ( int  nin,
int  nhid1,
int  nhid2,
int  nout,
double  b,
double  d,
multilayerperceptron  network 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpcreater0 ( int  nin,
int  nout,
double  a,
double  b,
multilayerperceptron  network 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpcreater1 ( int  nin,
int  nhid,
int  nout,
double  a,
double  b,
multilayerperceptron  network 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpcreater2 ( int  nin,
int  nhid1,
int  nhid2,
int  nout,
double  a,
double  b,
multilayerperceptron  network 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpcreatec0 ( int  nin,
int  nout,
multilayerperceptron  network 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpcreatec1 ( int  nin,
int  nhid,
int  nout,
multilayerperceptron  network 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpcreatec2 ( int  nin,
int  nhid1,
int  nhid2,
int  nout,
multilayerperceptron  network 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpcopy ( multilayerperceptron  network1,
multilayerperceptron  network2 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpcopyshared ( multilayerperceptron  network1,
multilayerperceptron  network2 
static bool alglib.mlpbase.mlpsamearchitecture ( multilayerperceptron  network1,
multilayerperceptron  network2 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpcopytunableparameters ( multilayerperceptron  network1,
multilayerperceptron  network2 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpexporttunableparameters ( multilayerperceptron  network,
ref double[]  p,
ref int  pcount 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpimporttunableparameters ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double[]  p 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpserializeold ( multilayerperceptron  network,
ref double[]  ra,
ref int  rlen 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpunserializeold ( double[]  ra,
multilayerperceptron  network 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlprandomize ( multilayerperceptron  network)
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlprandomizefull ( multilayerperceptron  network)
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpinitpreprocessor ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  ssize 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpinitpreprocessorsparse ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  ssize 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpinitpreprocessorsubset ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  setsize,
int[]  idx,
int  subsetsize 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpinitpreprocessorsparsesubset ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  setsize,
int[]  idx,
int  subsetsize 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpproperties ( multilayerperceptron  network,
ref int  nin,
ref int  nout,
ref int  wcount 
static int alglib.mlpbase.mlpntotal ( multilayerperceptron  network)
static int alglib.mlpbase.mlpgetinputscount ( multilayerperceptron  network)
static int alglib.mlpbase.mlpgetoutputscount ( multilayerperceptron  network)
static int alglib.mlpbase.mlpgetweightscount ( multilayerperceptron  network)
static bool alglib.mlpbase.mlpissoftmax ( multilayerperceptron  network)
static int alglib.mlpbase.mlpgetlayerscount ( multilayerperceptron  network)
static int alglib.mlpbase.mlpgetlayersize ( multilayerperceptron  network,
int  k 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpgetinputscaling ( multilayerperceptron  network,
int  i,
ref double  mean,
ref double  sigma 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpgetoutputscaling ( multilayerperceptron  network,
int  i,
ref double  mean,
ref double  sigma 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpgetneuroninfo ( multilayerperceptron  network,
int  k,
int  i,
ref int  fkind,
ref double  threshold 
static double alglib.mlpbase.mlpgetweight ( multilayerperceptron  network,
int  k0,
int  i0,
int  k1,
int  i1 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpsetinputscaling ( multilayerperceptron  network,
int  i,
double  mean,
double  sigma 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpsetoutputscaling ( multilayerperceptron  network,
int  i,
double  mean,
double  sigma 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpsetneuroninfo ( multilayerperceptron  network,
int  k,
int  i,
int  fkind,
double  threshold 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpsetweight ( multilayerperceptron  network,
int  k0,
int  i0,
int  k1,
int  i1,
double  w 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpactivationfunction ( double  net,
int  k,
ref double  f,
ref double  df,
ref double  d2f 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpprocess ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double[]  x,
ref double[]  y 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpprocessi ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double[]  x,
ref double[]  y 
static double alglib.mlpbase.mlperror ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlperror ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints 

Referenced by alglib.smp_mlperror().

static double alglib.mlpbase.mlperrorsparse ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlperrorsparse ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase.mlperrorn ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  ssize 
static int alglib.mlpbase.mlpclserror ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints 
static int alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlpclserror ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints 

Referenced by alglib.smp_mlpclserror().

static double alglib.mlpbase.mlprelclserror ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlprelclserror ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase.mlprelclserrorsparse ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlprelclserrorsparse ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase.mlpavgce ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlpavgce ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints 

Referenced by alglib.smp_mlpavgce().

static double alglib.mlpbase.mlpavgcesparse ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlpavgcesparse ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase.mlprmserror ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlprmserror ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints 

Referenced by alglib.smp_mlprmserror().

static double alglib.mlpbase.mlprmserrorsparse ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlprmserrorsparse ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase.mlpavgerror ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlpavgerror ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints 

Referenced by alglib.smp_mlpavgerror().

static double alglib.mlpbase.mlpavgerrorsparse ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlpavgerrorsparse ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase.mlpavgrelerror ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlpavgrelerror ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase.mlpavgrelerrorsparse ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  npoints 
static double alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlpavgrelerrorsparse ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  npoints 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpgrad ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double[]  x,
double[]  desiredy,
ref double  e,
ref double[]  grad 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpgradn ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double[]  x,
double[]  desiredy,
ref double  e,
ref double[]  grad 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpgradbatch ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  ssize,
ref double  e,
ref double[]  grad 
static void alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlpgradbatch ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  ssize,
ref double  e,
ref double[]  grad 

Referenced by alglib.smp_mlpgradbatch().

static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpgradbatchsparse ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  ssize,
ref double  e,
ref double[]  grad 
static void alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlpgradbatchsparse ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  ssize,
ref double  e,
ref double[]  grad 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpgradbatchsubset ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  setsize,
int[]  idx,
int  subsetsize,
ref double  e,
ref double[]  grad 
static void alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlpgradbatchsubset ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  setsize,
int[]  idx,
int  subsetsize,
ref double  e,
ref double[]  grad 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpgradbatchsparsesubset ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  setsize,
int[]  idx,
int  subsetsize,
ref double  e,
ref double[]  grad 
static void alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlpgradbatchsparsesubset ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  setsize,
int[]  idx,
int  subsetsize,
ref double  e,
ref double[]  grad 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpgradbatchx ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  densexy[,],
sparse.sparsematrix  sparsexy,
int  datasetsize,
int  datasettype,
int[]  idx,
int  subset0,
int  subset1,
int  subsettype,
alglib.smp.shared_pool  buf,
alglib.smp.shared_pool  gradbuf 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpgradnbatch ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  ssize,
ref double  e,
ref double[]  grad 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlphessiannbatch ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  ssize,
ref double  e,
ref double[]  grad,
ref double  h[,] 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlphessianbatch ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  ssize,
ref double  e,
ref double[]  grad,
ref double  h[,] 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpinternalprocessvector ( int[]  structinfo,
double[]  weights,
double[]  columnmeans,
double[]  columnsigmas,
ref double[]  neurons,
ref double[]  dfdnet,
double[]  x,
ref double[]  y 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpalloc ( alglib.serializer  s,
multilayerperceptron  network 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpserialize ( alglib.serializer  s,
multilayerperceptron  network 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpunserialize ( alglib.serializer  s,
multilayerperceptron  network 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpallerrorssubset ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  setsize,
int[]  subset,
int  subsetsize,
modelerrors  rep 
static void alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlpallerrorssubset ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  setsize,
int[]  subset,
int  subsetsize,
modelerrors  rep 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpallerrorssparsesubset ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  setsize,
int[]  subset,
int  subsetsize,
modelerrors  rep 
static void alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlpallerrorssparsesubset ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  setsize,
int[]  subset,
int  subsetsize,
modelerrors  rep 
static double alglib.mlpbase.mlperrorsubset ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  setsize,
int[]  subset,
int  subsetsize 
static double alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlperrorsubset ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  setsize,
int[]  subset,
int  subsetsize 
static double alglib.mlpbase.mlperrorsparsesubset ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  setsize,
int[]  subset,
int  subsetsize 
static double alglib.mlpbase._pexec_mlperrorsparsesubset ( multilayerperceptron  network,
sparse.sparsematrix  xy,
int  setsize,
int[]  subset,
int  subsetsize 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpallerrorsx ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  densexy[,],
sparse.sparsematrix  sparsexy,
int  datasetsize,
int  datasettype,
int[]  idx,
int  subset0,
int  subset1,
int  subsettype,
alglib.smp.shared_pool  buf,
modelerrors  rep 
static void alglib.mlpbase.addinputlayer ( int  ncount,
ref int[]  lsizes,
ref int[]  ltypes,
ref int[]  lconnfirst,
ref int[]  lconnlast,
ref int  lastproc 
static void alglib.mlpbase.addbiasedsummatorlayer ( int  ncount,
ref int[]  lsizes,
ref int[]  ltypes,
ref int[]  lconnfirst,
ref int[]  lconnlast,
ref int  lastproc 
static void alglib.mlpbase.addactivationlayer ( int  functype,
ref int[]  lsizes,
ref int[]  ltypes,
ref int[]  lconnfirst,
ref int[]  lconnlast,
ref int  lastproc 
static void alglib.mlpbase.addzerolayer ( ref int[]  lsizes,
ref int[]  ltypes,
ref int[]  lconnfirst,
ref int[]  lconnlast,
ref int  lastproc 
static void alglib.mlpbase.hladdinputlayer ( multilayerperceptron  network,
ref int  connidx,
ref int  neuroidx,
ref int  structinfoidx,
int  nin 
static void alglib.mlpbase.hladdoutputlayer ( multilayerperceptron  network,
ref int  connidx,
ref int  neuroidx,
ref int  structinfoidx,
ref int  weightsidx,
int  k,
int  nprev,
int  nout,
bool  iscls,
bool  islinearout 
static void alglib.mlpbase.hladdhiddenlayer ( multilayerperceptron  network,
ref int  connidx,
ref int  neuroidx,
ref int  structinfoidx,
ref int  weightsidx,
int  k,
int  nprev,
int  ncur 
static void alglib.mlpbase.fillhighlevelinformation ( multilayerperceptron  network,
int  nin,
int  nhid1,
int  nhid2,
int  nout,
bool  iscls,
bool  islinearout 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpcreate ( int  nin,
int  nout,
int[]  lsizes,
int[]  ltypes,
int[]  lconnfirst,
int[]  lconnlast,
int  layerscount,
bool  isclsnet,
multilayerperceptron  network 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlphessianbatchinternal ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  ssize,
bool  naturalerr,
ref double  e,
ref double[]  grad,
ref double  h[,] 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpinternalcalculategradient ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double[]  neurons,
double[]  weights,
ref double[]  derror,
ref double[]  grad,
bool  naturalerrorfunc 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpchunkedgradient ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  cstart,
int  csize,
double[]  batch4buf,
double[]  hpcbuf,
ref double  e,
bool  naturalerrorfunc 
static void alglib.mlpbase.mlpchunkedprocess ( multilayerperceptron  network,
double  xy[,],
int  cstart,
int  csize,
double[]  batch4buf,
double[]  hpcbuf 
static double alglib.mlpbase.safecrossentropy ( double  t,
double  z 
static void alglib.mlpbase.randomizebackwardpass ( multilayerperceptron  network,
int  neuronidx,
double  v 

Member Data Documentation

const int alglib.mlpbase.mlpvnum = 7
const int alglib.mlpbase.mlpfirstversion = 0
const int alglib.mlpbase.chunksize = 32
const int alglib.mlpbase.gradbasecasecost = 50000
const int alglib.mlpbase.microbatchsize = 64

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: