IGLib  1.7.2
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IG.Lib.Util Class Reference

General utilities. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool MutexCheckAbandoned (Mutex m)
 Check whether the specified mutex has been abandoned, and returns true if it has been (otherwise, false is returned). More...
static bool MutexGlobalCheckAbandoned ()
 Check whether the global mutex (property MutexGlobal) has been abandoned, and returns true if it has been (otherwise, false is returned). More...
static void SleepSeconds (double sleepTimeInSeconds)
 Suspends execution of the current thread for the specified time (in seconds). More...
static int GetHashFunctionInt (object obj)
 Returns an integer hashRet function of the specified object. More...
static string GetHashFunctionString (Object obj)
 Returns a string-valued hashRet function of the specified object. More...
static List< enumType > GetEnumValues< enumType > ()
 Returns IEnumerable containing all values of the enumeration whose type is specified as type parameter. More...
static string EnumValuesToString< enumType > ()
 Returns a stirng that contains information about the specified enumeration type. More...
static int GetIndex (int[] tableDimensions, params int[] indices)
 Returns the index of the element in the onedimensional list that corresponds to the specified indices of the multidimensional table of specified dimensions. More...
static void GetIndices (int[] tableDimensions, int oneDimensionalIndex, ref int[] tableIndices)
 Calculates and stores the multidimensional indices of an element of the multidimensional table of the specified dimensions, which correspond to the specified onedimensional index (index within 1D table containing all elements of the multidimensional table, ordered according to the normal convention - earlier indices run slower). More...
static int GetIndex (List< int > tableDimensions, params int[] indices)
 Returns the index of the element in an onedimensional list that corresponds to the specified indices of the multidimensional table of specified dimensions. More...
static void GetIndices (List< int > tableDimensions, int oneDimensionalIndex, ref int[] tableIndices)
 Calculates and stores the multidimensional indices of an element of the multidimensional table of the specified dimensions, which correspond to the specified onedimensional index (index in the 1D table containing all elements of the multidimensional table, ordered according to the normal convention - earlier indices run slower). More...
static void ResizeList< T > (ref List< T > list, int count, T defaultElement, bool reduceCapacity)
 Allocates or re-allocates (resizes) the specified list in such a way that it contains the specified number of elements after operation. More...
static void ResizeList< T > (ref List< T > list, int count, T defaultElement)
 Allocates or re-allocates (resizes) the specified list in such a way that it contains the specified number of elements after operation. If new size is smaller than the original size of the list then its capacity is not reduced. More...
static void ResizeListRefType< T > (ref List< T > list, int count, bool reduceCapacity)
 Allocates or re-allocates (resizes) the specified list in such a way that it contains the specified number of elements after operation. If list must be enlarged then null elements are inserted to new places. List must contain elements of some reference type! More...
static void ResizeListRefType< T > (ref List< T > list, int count)
 Allocates or re-allocates (resizes) the specified list in such a way that it contains the specified number of elements after operation. If list must be enlarged then null elements are inserted to new places. List must contain elements of some reference type! More...
static void CopyList< T > (List< T > original, ref List< T > target)
 Copies all elements of the specified list to a target list. After operation, target list contains all elements of the source list (only references are copied for objects) in the same order. If the original list is null then target list can either be allocated (if it was allocated before the call) or not. Target list is allocated or re-allocated as necessary. More...
static void CopyList< T > (List< T > original, ref T[] target)
 Copies all elements of the specified list to a target table. After operation, target table contains all elements of the source list (only references are copied for objects) in the same order. If the original list is null then target table will also become null. Target table is allocated or re-allocated as necessary. More...
static bool IsListSorted< T > (List< T > list, IComparer< T > comparer)
 Checks whether the specified list is sorted according to the specified comparer, and returns true if the list is sorted and false if it is not. More...
static void InsertSortedList< T > (List< T > sortedList, T insertedElement, IComparer< T > comparer)
 Inserts the specified element to the appropriate position in a sorted list, in such a way that the list remains sorted. More...
static void InsertSortedListUnique< T > (List< T > sortedList, T insertedElement, IComparer< T > comparer)
 Inserts the specified element to the appropriate position in a sorted list, in such a way that the list remains and no duplicates are inserted. More...
static bool IsListSorted< T > (List< T > list, Comparison< T > comparison)
 Checks whether the specified list is sorted according to the specified comparison function, and returns true if the list is sorted and false if it is not. More...
static int BinarySearchSortedListFromTo< T > (List< T > sortedList, T searchedElement, int from, int to, Comparison< T > comparison)
 Searches a sorted list in the specified range for the specified element, and returns its index if the element is found, or a negative complement of the index before the first element that is greater than the specified element (or binary complement of one greater than the last index if no element is greater). More...
static int BinarySearchSortedList< T > (List< T > sortedList, T searchedElement, Comparison< T > comparison)
 Searches a sorted list for the specified element, and returns its index if the element is found, or a negative complement of the index before the first element that is greater than the specified element (or binsry complement of number of elements if no element is greater). More...
static void InsertSortedList< T > (List< T > sortedList, T insertedElement, Comparison< T > comparison)
 Inserts the specified element to the appropriate position in a sorted list, in such a way that the list remains sorted. More...
static void InsertSortedListUnique< T > (List< T > sortedList, T insertedElement, Comparison< T > comparison)
 Inserts the specified element to the appropriate position in a sorted list, in such a way that the list remains and no duplicates are inserted. More...
static string ToString< T > (IList< T > elementList)
 Creates and returns a stirng representation of a list of items. More...
static string ToString< T > (IList< T > elementList, bool newLines, int numIndent=0)
 Creates and returns a stirng representation of a list of items. More...
static bool AreEqual< T > (IEnumerable< T > a, IEnumerable< T > b)
 Returns true if the specified enumerables (collections) are equal, false otherwise. More...
static bool AreEqual< T > (IList< T > a, IList< T > b)
 Returns true if the specified collections are equal, false otherwise. More...
static T[] Concatenate< T > (params IList< T >[] arrays)
 Concatenates an arbitrary number of arrays or lists of the specified type, and returns the result. More...
static int SizeOf< T > (T?val)
 Returns size of a value of some specific value type, in bytes. More...
static int SizeOf< T > (T val)
 Returns size of a value of some specific value type, in bytes. More...
static int SizeOf (Type t)
 Returns size of a value of some specific value type, in bytes. More...
static int SizeOf (bool val)
 Returns size of a value of type bool, in bytes. More...
static int SizeOf (char val)
 Returns size of a value of type char, in bytes. More...
static int SizeOf (sbyte val)
 Returns size of a value of type sbyte, in bytes. More...
static int SizeOf (byte val)
 Returns size of a value of type byte, in bytes. More...
static int SizeOf (short val)
 Returns size of a value of type short, in bytes. More...
static int SizeOf (ushort val)
 Returns size of a value of type ushort, in bytes. More...
static int SizeOf (int val)
 Returns size of a value of type int, in bytes. More...
static int SizeOf (uint val)
 Returns size of a value of type uint, in bytes. More...
static int SizeOf (long val)
 Returns size of a value of type long, in bytes. More...
static int SizeOf (ulong val)
 Returns size of a value of type ulong, in bytes. More...
static int SizeOf (float val)
 Returns size of a value of type float, in bytes. More...
static int SizeOf (double val)
 Returns size of a value of type double, in bytes. More...
static void ToByteArray (bool val, ref byte[] bytes)
 Converts a value to byte array. More...
static void ToByteArray (bool val, byte[] bytes, int startIndex=0)
 Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position. More...
static void ToByteArray (char val, ref byte[] bytes)
 Converts a value to byte array. More...
static void ToByteArray (char val, byte[] bytes, int startIndex=0)
 Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position. More...
static void ToByteArray (byte val, ref byte[] bytes)
 Converts a value to byte array. More...
static void ToByteArray (byte val, byte[] bytes, int startIndex=0)
 Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position. More...
static void ToByteArray (sbyte val, ref byte[] bytes)
 Converts a value to byte array. More...
static void ToByteArray (sbyte val, byte[] bytes, int startIndex=0)
 Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position. More...
static void ToByteArray (Int16 val, ref byte[] bytes)
 Converts a value to byte array. More...
static void ToByteArray (Int16 val, byte[] bytes, int startIndex=0)
 Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position. More...
static void ToByteArray (UInt16 val, ref byte[] bytes)
 Converts a value to byte array. More...
static void ToByteArray (UInt16 val, byte[] bytes, int startIndex=0)
 Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position. More...
static void ToByteArray (Int32 val, ref byte[] bytes)
 Converts a value to byte array. More...
static void ToByteArray (Int32 val, byte[] bytes, int startIndex=0)
 Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position. More...
static void ToByteArray (UInt32 val, ref byte[] bytes)
 Converts a value to byte array. More...
static void ToByteArray (UInt32 val, byte[] bytes, int startIndex=0)
 Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position. More...
static void ToByteArray (Int64 val, ref byte[] bytes)
 Converts a value to byte array. More...
static void ToByteArray (Int64 val, byte[] bytes, int startIndex=0)
 Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position. More...
static void ToByteArray (UInt64 val, ref byte[] bytes)
 Converts a value to byte array. More...
static void ToByteArray (UInt64 val, byte[] bytes, int startIndex=0)
 Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position. More...
static void ToByteArray (float val, ref byte[] bytes)
 Converts a value to byte array. More...
static void ToByteArray (float val, byte[] bytes, int startIndex=0)
 Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position. More...
static void ToByteArray (double val, ref byte[] bytes)
 Converts a value to byte array. More...
static void ToByteArray (double val, byte[] bytes, int startIndex=0)
 Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out bool val, bool preciseLength, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out bool val, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out char val, bool preciseLength, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out char val, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out byte val, bool preciseLength, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out byte val, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out Int16 val, bool preciseLength, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out Int16 val, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out UInt16 val, bool preciseLength, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out UInt16 val, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out Int32 val, bool preciseLength, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out Int32 val, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out UInt32 val, bool preciseLength, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out UInt32 val, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out Int64 val, bool preciseLength, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out Int64 val, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out UInt64 val, bool preciseLength, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out UInt64 val, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out float val, bool preciseLength, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out float val, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out double val, bool preciseLength, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order. More...
static void FromByteArray (byte[] bytes, out double val, int startIndex=0)
 Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order. More...
static byte[] FromHexString (string hex)
 Returns a byte array that is represented by a hexadecimal string. More...
static int HexCharToInt (char hex)
 Returns value of the specified hexadecimal character (e.g. 9 for '9', 10 for 'a' or 'A', 15 for 'f' or 'F'). More...
static string ToHexString (byte[] bytes, string separator=null)
 Returns a hexadecimal string representation of the specified byte array using lower case letters for digits above 9. More...
static string ToHexString (byte[] bytes, bool upperCase, string separator=null)
 Returns a hexadecimal string representation of the specified byte array. More...
static bool AreHexStringsEqual (string hexString1, string hexString2)
 Returns true if the two specified hexadecimal strings represent the same sequence of bytes (or the same number), and false otherwise. More...
static string CollectionToString (System.Collections.ICollection list, bool addNewlines, int numIndent)
 Returns a string representing the specified collection of objects. Each object is printeed by its ToString() method. Works on all collections, including lists and arrays. More...
static string CollectionToString (System.Collections.ICollection list)
 Returns a string representing the specified collection of objects. Each object is printeed by its ToString() method. A newline and two spaces are added before each element printed. Works on all collections, including lists and arrays. More...
static string CollectionToStringLong (System.Collections.ICollection collection, bool addNewlines, int numIndent)
 Returns a string representing the specified list in long form. Count property (i.e. number of elements in collection) is also printed. Works on all collections, including lists and arrays. More...
static string CollectionToStringLong (System.Collections.ICollection collection)
 Returns a string representing the specified list in long form. Count property (i.e. number of elements in collection) is also printed. Works on all collections, including lists and arrays. A newline and two spaces are added before each element printed. More...
static string ListToString< T > (List< T > list, bool addNewlines, int numIndent)
 Returns a string representing the specified generic list in short form (without count and capacity). More...
static string ListToString< T > (List< T > list)
 Returns a string representing the specified generic list in long form. Count and Capacity properties are also printed. A newline and two spaces are added before each element printed. More...
static string ListToStringLong< T > (List< T > list, bool addNewlines, int numIndent)
 Returns a string representing the specified generic list in long form. Count and Capacity properties are also printed. More...
static string ListToStringLong< T > (List< T > list)
 Returns a string representing the specified generic list in long form. Count and Capacity properties are also printed. A newline and two spaces are added before each element printed. More...
static string ObjectToString< ObjectType > (ObjectType obj)
 Converts obect of the specified type to its string representation, where numbers are converted in ivariant culture (ignoring any localization settings). More...
static string ObjectToString< ObjectType > (ObjectType obj, System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureInfo)
 Converts obect of the specified type to its string representation, where numbers are converted in ivariant culture (ignoring any localization settings). More...
static bool IsNumeric< ObjectType > (ObjectType obj)
 Returns a flag indicating whether the specified object is of numeric type (such as int, float, double, etc.). More...
static void TestToString ()
 Test conversion to strings with invariant culture info. More...
static bool TryParse< ReturnType > (string strValue, ref ReturnType parsedValue)
 Tries to parse a string representation of an object of the specified type and return it through output argument. Invariant culture is used in parsing. More...
static ReturnType Parse< ReturnType > (string strValue)
 Converts a string to the object of the specified type and returns the entity, by using the invariant culture. More...
static object Parse (string strValue, Type propertyType)
 Converts a string to the entity of the specified type and returns that entity, by using invariant culture. More...
static bool TryParse< ReturnType > (string strValue, ref ReturnType parsedValue, System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureInfo)
 Tries to parse a string representation of an object of the specified type and return it through output argument. More...
static ReturnType Parse< ReturnType > (string strValue, System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureInfo)
 Converts a string to the object of the specified type and returns the entity, by using the specified culture info. More...
static object Parse (string strValue, Type propertyType, System.Globalization.CultureInfo cultureInfo)
 Converts a string to the entity of the specified type and returns that entity. More...
static bool TryParseBoolean (string str, ref bool parsedValue)
 Tries to parse a string representation of a boolean. More...
static bool ParseBoolean (string str)
 Converts the specified string to a boolean value, if possible, and returns it. If conversion is not possible then exception is thrown. Recognized representations of true: "true", "1", "yes", "y" (case insensitive). Recognized representations of false: "false", "0", "no", "n" (case insensitive). More...
static bool TryParseThreadPriority (string str, ref ThreadPriority parsedValue)
 Tries to parse a string representation of a ThreadPriority enum. More...
static ThreadPriority ParseThreadPriority (string str)
 Converts the specified string to a ThreadPriority enum value, if possible, and returns it. If conversion is not possible then exception is thrown. More...
static string XmlToString (string xmlString, string indentCahrs=" ", string newlineChars=null)
 Returns a reformatted XML string, eventually in a more human readable form. More...
static string XmlToString (XmlDocument doc, string indentCahrs=" ", string newlineChars=null)
 Converts the specified XML document to string, eventually with human readable indentation and newlines added. The stirng representation is returned. More...
static void ExampleList ()

Public Attributes

const string MutexGlobalName = "Global\\IG.Lib.Utils.MutexGlobal.R2D2_by_Igor_Gresovnik"
 Name of the global mutex. More...
const string NullRepresentationString = "null"
 Standard string representation of null values of objects (often used when overriding object.ToString method). More...
const string IGLibUrl = "http://www2.arnes.si/~ljc3m2/igor/iglib/"
const string IGLibCodeDocumentationUrl = "http://www2.arnes.si/~fgreso/code_documentation/generated/iglib/html/index.html"
const string IGLibAuthor = "Igor Grešovnik"

Static Protected Member Functions

static bool IsNumericOld (object expression)
 Returns true if the specified expression or object is of numeric type (such as int, float, double, etc.), and false otherwise. More...

Static Protected Attributes

static volatile Mutex _mutexGlobal


static object LockGlobal [get]
 Global, process-level locking object. More...
static Mutex MutexGlobal [get]
 Mutex for system-wide exclusive locks. More...
static int OutputLevel [get, set]
 Serves as default output level for new objects of many classes that include the output level property (usually named "OutputLevel"). Such a property defines how much information about operation of the object is ouput to the console. More...

Static Private Attributes

static object _lockGlobal = new object()
static volatile int _outputLevel = 0
static volatile int _maxLengthIntToString
static readonly
ConcurrentDictionary< Type,
int > 
_cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, int>()
static byte[] _auxBytes = null

Detailed Description

General utilities.

$A Igor Apr10 Jun15;

Member Function Documentation

static bool IG.Lib.Util.MutexCheckAbandoned ( Mutex  m)

Check whether the specified mutex has been abandoned, and returns true if it has been (otherwise, false is returned).

After the call, mutex is no longer in abandoned state (WaitOne() will not throw an exception) if it has been before the call.

Call does not block.

mMutex that is checked, must not be null.
true if mutex has been abandoned, false otherwise.

Referenced by IG.Num.OptFileManager.LockFileMutexCheckAbandoned().

static bool IG.Lib.Util.MutexGlobalCheckAbandoned ( )

Check whether the global mutex (property MutexGlobal) has been abandoned, and returns true if it has been (otherwise, false is returned).

After the call, mutex is no longer in abandoned state (WaitOne() will not throw an exception) if it has been before the call.

Call does not block.

true if mutex has been abandoned, false otherwise.
static void IG.Lib.Util.SleepSeconds ( double  sleepTimeInSeconds)

Suspends execution of the current thread for the specified time (in seconds).

sleepTimeInSecondsSleeping time in seconds. If less than 0 then thread sleeps indefinitely.

Referenced by IG.Forms.InputParametersControl.dGridInputParam_CellValueChanged(), IG.Forms.ScalarFunctionEvaluatorControl.dGridInputParam_CellValueChanged(), IG.Forms.InpuOrOutputtDataDefinitionControl.dGridInputParam_CellValueChanged(), IG.Lib.StopWatch1.Example(), and IG.Gr3d.Graph3dManipulator.UpdateTextFields().

static int IG.Lib.Util.GetHashFunctionInt ( object  obj)

Returns an integer hashRet function of the specified object.

Returned integer is always positive.

This hashRet function is bound to the object.ToString method of the specified object, which means that it returns the same value for any two objects that have the same string representation.

objObject whose hashRet function is returned.

This hashRet function is calculated in such a way that object.ToString() is called first on obj in order to obtain object's string representation (or, if the object is null, the Util.NullRepresentationString is taken), and then the string.GetHashCode is called on the obtained string and its value returned.

References IG.Lib.Util.NullRepresentationString.

Referenced by IG.Num.MatrixBase.GetHashFunctionInt(), and IG.Num.VectorBase.GetHashFunctionInt().

static string IG.Lib.Util.GetHashFunctionString ( Object  obj)

Returns a string-valued hashRet function of the specified object.

This hashRet function is bound to the object.ToString method of the specified object, which means that it returns the same value for any two objects that have the same string representation.

objObject whose string-valued hashRet function is returned.

This hashRet function is calculated in such a way that object.ToString() is called first on obj in order to obtain object's string representation (or, if the object is null, the Util.NullRepresentationString is taken), and then the string.GetHashCode is called on the obtained string and its value returned.

See also

Referenced by IG.Num.MatrixBase.GetHashFunctionString(), and IG.Num.VectorBase.GetHashFunctionString().

static List<enumType> IG.Lib.Util.GetEnumValues< enumType > ( )

Returns IEnumerable containing all values of the enumeration whose type is specified as type parameter.

Template Parameters
enumTypeType of enumeration whose all possible values are returned.
static string IG.Lib.Util.EnumValuesToString< enumType > ( )

Returns a stirng that contains information about the specified enumeration type.

Enumeration name and its symbolic values, together with the corresponding integer values, are contained in the returned string.

Warning: thic function is slow because a number of exceptions are caught until the right integer type is picked, because conversion is performed through boxing, therefore exact match must be obtained.

Template Parameters
enumTypeEnumeration type whose information in string form is returned.
Type Constraints
enumType :struct 
static int IG.Lib.Util.GetIndex ( int[]  tableDimensions,
params int[]  indices 

Returns the index of the element in the onedimensional list that corresponds to the specified indices of the multidimensional table of specified dimensions.

indicesIndices of the element in the multidimensional table of training results.
tableDimensionsDimensions of the multidimensional table.
One dimensional index that corresponds to the specified multidimensional indices of the element of the multidimensional table.

Referenced by IG.Num.NeuralTrainingTable.GetIndex().

static void IG.Lib.Util.GetIndices ( int[]  tableDimensions,
int  oneDimensionalIndex,
ref int[]  tableIndices 

Calculates and stores the multidimensional indices of an element of the multidimensional table of the specified dimensions, which correspond to the specified onedimensional index (index within 1D table containing all elements of the multidimensional table, ordered according to the normal convention - earlier indices run slower).

tableDimensionsDimensions of the multidimensional table.
oneDimensionalIndexOne dimensional index that defines the position of the element in the list of elements.
tableIndicesVariable where multidimensional indices of the element are stored.

Referenced by IG.Num.NeuralTrainingTable.GetIndices().

static int IG.Lib.Util.GetIndex ( List< int >  tableDimensions,
params int[]  indices 

Returns the index of the element in an onedimensional list that corresponds to the specified indices of the multidimensional table of specified dimensions.

indicesIndices of the element in the multidimensional table of training results.
tableDimensionsDimensions of the multidimensional table.
One dimensional index that corresponds to the specified multidimensional indices of the element of the multidimensional table.
static void IG.Lib.Util.GetIndices ( List< int >  tableDimensions,
int  oneDimensionalIndex,
ref int[]  tableIndices 

Calculates and stores the multidimensional indices of an element of the multidimensional table of the specified dimensions, which correspond to the specified onedimensional index (index in the 1D table containing all elements of the multidimensional table, ordered according to the normal convention - earlier indices run slower).

tableDimensionsDimensions of the multidimensional table.
oneDimensionalIndexOne dimensional index that defines the position of the element in the list of elements.
tableIndicesVariable where multidimensional indices of the element are stored.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ResizeList< T > ( ref List< T >  list,
int  count,
bool  reduceCapacity 

Allocates or re-allocates (resizes) the specified list in such a way that it contains the specified number of elements after operation.

Template Parameters
TType of the list element.
listList to be allocated.
countNumber of elements list will contain after operation.
defaultElementElements to be added to the list if there are currently too few elements.
reduceCapacityIf true then capacity is reduced if the current list's capacity exceeds the specified number of elements.

$A Igor Apr10;

static void IG.Lib.Util.ResizeList< T > ( ref List< T >  list,
int  count,

Allocates or re-allocates (resizes) the specified list in such a way that it contains the specified number of elements after operation. If new size is smaller than the original size of the list then its capacity is not reduced.

Template Parameters
TType of the list element.
listList to be allocated.
countNumber of elements list will contain after operation.
defaultElementElements to be added to the list if there are currently too few elements.

$A Igor Apr10;

static void IG.Lib.Util.ResizeListRefType< T > ( ref List< T >  list,
int  count,
bool  reduceCapacity 

Allocates or re-allocates (resizes) the specified list in such a way that it contains the specified number of elements after operation. If list must be enlarged then null elements are inserted to new places. List must contain elements of some reference type!

Template Parameters
TType of the list element, must be a reference type.
listList to be allocated.
countNumber of elements list will contain after operation.
reduceCapacityIf true then capacity is reduced if the current list's capacity exceeds the specified number of elements.

$A Igor Apr10;

Type Constraints
T :class 
static void IG.Lib.Util.ResizeListRefType< T > ( ref List< T >  list,
int  count 

Allocates or re-allocates (resizes) the specified list in such a way that it contains the specified number of elements after operation. If list must be enlarged then null elements are inserted to new places. List must contain elements of some reference type!

Template Parameters
TType of the list element, must be a reference type.
listList to be allocated.
countNumber of elements list will contain after operation.

$A Igor Apr10;

Type Constraints
T :class 
static void IG.Lib.Util.CopyList< T > ( List< T >  original,
ref List< T >  target 

Copies all elements of the specified list to a target list. After operation, target list contains all elements of the source list (only references are copied for objects) in the same order. If the original list is null then target list can either be allocated (if it was allocated before the call) or not. Target list is allocated or re-allocated as necessary.

Template Parameters
TType of elements contained in the list.
originalOriginal list.
targetList that elements of the original list are copied to.
static void IG.Lib.Util.CopyList< T > ( List< T >  original,
ref T[]  target 

Copies all elements of the specified list to a target table. After operation, target table contains all elements of the source list (only references are copied for objects) in the same order. If the original list is null then target table will also become null. Target table is allocated or re-allocated as necessary.

Template Parameters
TType of elements contained in the list.
originalOriginal list.
targetTable that elements of the original list are copied to.
static bool IG.Lib.Util.IsListSorted< T > ( List< T >  list,
IComparer< T >  comparer 

Checks whether the specified list is sorted according to the specified comparer, and returns true if the list is sorted and false if it is not.

Template Parameters
TType of elements of the list.
listList to be checked for sorting.
comparerComparer according to which sorting is verified.
True if the specified list is sorted, false if not.
ArgumentNullExceptionIf list or comparer is null.
static void IG.Lib.Util.InsertSortedList< T > ( List< T >  sortedList,
IComparer< T >  comparer 

Inserts the specified element to the appropriate position in a sorted list, in such a way that the list remains sorted.

Duplicate elements are allowed.

Template Parameters
TType of elements of the list.
sortedListSorted list.
insertedElementElement to be inserted.
comparerComparer according to which the list is sorted.
ArgumentNullExceptionIf list or comparer is null.
static void IG.Lib.Util.InsertSortedListUnique< T > ( List< T >  sortedList,
IComparer< T >  comparer 

Inserts the specified element to the appropriate position in a sorted list, in such a way that the list remains and no duplicates are inserted.

If the list already contains the element that is equal (in the sense of comparer) than the inserted element then this method has no effect.

Template Parameters
TType of elements of the list.
sortedListSorted list.
insertedElementElement to be inserted.
comparerComparer according to which the list is sorted.
ArgumentNullExceptionIf list or comparer is null.
static bool IG.Lib.Util.IsListSorted< T > ( List< T >  list,
Comparison< T >  comparison 

Checks whether the specified list is sorted according to the specified comparison function, and returns true if the list is sorted and false if it is not.

Template Parameters
TType of elements of the list.
listList to be checked for sorting.
comparisonComparison method (delegate) according to which sorting is verified.
True if the specified list is sorted, false if not.
ArgumentNullExceptionIf list or comparer is null.
static int IG.Lib.Util.BinarySearchSortedListFromTo< T > ( List< T >  sortedList,
int  from,
int  to,
Comparison< T >  comparison 

Searches a sorted list in the specified range for the specified element, and returns its index if the element is found, or a negative complement of the index before the first element that is greater than the specified element (or binary complement of one greater than the last index if no element is greater).

Template Parameters
TType of list elements.
sortedListList that is searched for the element. List must be sorted according to the specified comparison function.
searchedElementElement that is searched for.
fromIndex of the first element in the searched range.
toIndex of the last element in the searched range.
comparisonComparison function (delegate) according to which the list is sorted.
Index of the searched element in the list, if there exist an element (within the search range) that is equal to the search element according to the comparison delegate, or a binary complement of the negative index where the element should be inserted in order not tho spoil sorting.
ArgumentNullExceptionWhen list or comparison delegate is null.
static int IG.Lib.Util.BinarySearchSortedList< T > ( List< T >  sortedList,
Comparison< T >  comparison 

Searches a sorted list for the specified element, and returns its index if the element is found, or a negative complement of the index before the first element that is greater than the specified element (or binsry complement of number of elements if no element is greater).

Template Parameters
TType of list elements.
sortedListList that is searched for the element. List must be sorted according to the specified comparison function.
searchedElementElement that is searched for.
comparisonComparison function (delegate) according to which the list is sorted.
Index of the searched element in the list, if there exist an element (within the search range) that is equal to the search element according to the comparison delegate, or a binary complement of the negative index where the element should be inserted in order not tho spoil sorting.
ArgumentNullExceptionWhen list or comparison delegate is null.
static void IG.Lib.Util.InsertSortedList< T > ( List< T >  sortedList,
Comparison< T >  comparison 

Inserts the specified element to the appropriate position in a sorted list, in such a way that the list remains sorted.

Duplicate elements are allowed.

Template Parameters
TType of elements of the list.
sortedListSorted list.
insertedElementElement to be inserted.
comparisonComparison function (delegate) according to which the list is sorted.
ArgumentNullExceptionIf list or comparer is null.
static void IG.Lib.Util.InsertSortedListUnique< T > ( List< T >  sortedList,
Comparison< T >  comparison 

Inserts the specified element to the appropriate position in a sorted list, in such a way that the list remains and no duplicates are inserted.

If the list already contains the element that is equal (in the sense of comparer) than the inserted element then this method has no effect.

Template Parameters
TType of elements of the list.
sortedListSorted list.
insertedElementElement to be inserted.
comparisonComparison function (delegate) according to which the list is sorted.
ArgumentNullExceptionIf list or comparer is null.
static string IG.Lib.Util.ToString< T > ( IList< T >  elementList)

Creates and returns a stirng representation of a list of items.

Each item in the list is represented by calling its own ToString() method.

Template Parameters
TType of elements of the listt.
elementListList whose string representation is returned.
static string IG.Lib.Util.ToString< T > ( IList< T >  elementList,
bool  newLines,
int  numIndent = 0 

Creates and returns a stirng representation of a list of items.

Each item in the list is represented by calling its own ToString() method.

Template Parameters
TType of elements of the listt.
elementListList whose string representation is returned.
newLinesIf true then representation of each element is positioned in its ownl line.
numIndentIndentation. If greater than 0 then this number of spaces is inserted before each line of the returned string (including in the beginning of the returned string, which also applies if newLines is false).
static bool IG.Lib.Util.AreEqual< T > ( IEnumerable< T >  a,
IEnumerable< T >  b 

Returns true if the specified enumerables (collections) are equal, false otherwise.

Enumerables are considered equal if they are both null, or they are of the same size and all elements are equal.

Template Parameters
TType of elements of the enumerables.
aFirst enumerable to be compared.
bSecond enumerable to be compared.
True if the two enumerables are of equal lengths and have equal adjacent elements or are both null; false otherwise.
Type Constraints
T :IComparable<T> 
static bool IG.Lib.Util.AreEqual< T > ( IList< T >  a,
IList< T >  b 

Returns true if the specified collections are equal, false otherwise.

Collection are considered equal if they are both null, or they are of the same size and all elements are equal.

There is also a method for comparing variables of IEnumerable{T} interface which can be used in all places where this method is used. A special method for collections was created for efficiency reasons, because the IList{T} interface implements the Count property, thus collections of unequal sizes can be immediately detected as unequal by comparing their size, and one does not need to iterate over elements.

Template Parameters
TType of elements of the collections.
aFirst collection to be compared.
bSecond collection to be compared.
True if the two collection are of equal lengths and have equal adjacent elements or are both null; false otherwise.
Type Constraints
T :IComparable<T> 
static T [] IG.Lib.Util.Concatenate< T > ( params IList< T >[]  arrays)

Concatenates an arbitrary number of arrays or lists of the specified type, and returns the result.

Template Parameters
TType of array elements.
arraysAn arbitrary-length list of array or list parameters to be concatenated.
An array that contains, in order of appearance of the listed list/array parameters, all elements of those lists/arrays.
static int IG.Lib.Util.SizeOf< T > ( T?  val)

Returns size of a value of some specific value type, in bytes.

See also: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16519200/size-of-struct-with-generic-type-fields

valValue whose size is returned.
Type Constraints
T :struct 
static int IG.Lib.Util.SizeOf< T > ( val)

Returns size of a value of some specific value type, in bytes.

See also: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16519200/size-of-struct-with-generic-type-fields

valValue whose size is returned.
static int IG.Lib.Util.SizeOf ( Type  t)

Returns size of a value of some specific value type, in bytes.

See also: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16519200/size-of-struct-with-generic-type-fields

tType of the value whose size is to be returned.
static int IG.Lib.Util.SizeOf ( bool  val)

Returns size of a value of type bool, in bytes.

valValue whose size is returned.
static int IG.Lib.Util.SizeOf ( char  val)

Returns size of a value of type char, in bytes.

valValue whose size is returned.
static int IG.Lib.Util.SizeOf ( sbyte  val)

Returns size of a value of type sbyte, in bytes.

valValue whose size is returned.
static int IG.Lib.Util.SizeOf ( byte  val)

Returns size of a value of type byte, in bytes.

valValue whose size is returned.
static int IG.Lib.Util.SizeOf ( short  val)

Returns size of a value of type short, in bytes.

valValue whose size is returned.
static int IG.Lib.Util.SizeOf ( ushort  val)

Returns size of a value of type ushort, in bytes.

valValue whose size is returned.
static int IG.Lib.Util.SizeOf ( int  val)

Returns size of a value of type int, in bytes.

valValue whose size is returned.
static int IG.Lib.Util.SizeOf ( uint  val)

Returns size of a value of type uint, in bytes.

valValue whose size is returned.
static int IG.Lib.Util.SizeOf ( long  val)

Returns size of a value of type long, in bytes.

valValue whose size is returned.
static int IG.Lib.Util.SizeOf ( ulong  val)

Returns size of a value of type ulong, in bytes.

valValue whose size is returned.
static int IG.Lib.Util.SizeOf ( float  val)

Returns size of a value of type float, in bytes.

valValue whose size is returned.
static int IG.Lib.Util.SizeOf ( double  val)

Returns size of a value of type double, in bytes.

valValue whose size is returned.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( bool  val,
ref byte[]  bytes 

Converts a value to byte array.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored. Allocated/reallocated if null or the current size does not precisely match the required size.

Referenced by IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppCheckSum(), IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppConvert(), and IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionConvert_OLD_TO_DELETE().

static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( bool  val,
byte[]  bytes,
int  startIndex = 0 

Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored.
startIndexIndex where bytes are stored in the provided byte array.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( char  val,
ref byte[]  bytes 

Converts a value to byte array.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored. Allocated/reallocated if null or the current size does not precisely match the required size.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( char  val,
byte[]  bytes,
int  startIndex = 0 

Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored.
startIndexIndex where bytes are stored in the provided byte array.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( byte  val,
ref byte[]  bytes 

Converts a value to byte array.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored. Allocated/reallocated if null or the current size does not precisely match the required size.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( byte  val,
byte[]  bytes,
int  startIndex = 0 

Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored.
startIndexIndex where bytes are stored in the provided byte array.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( sbyte  val,
ref byte[]  bytes 

Converts a value to byte array.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored. Allocated/reallocated if null or the current size does not precisely match the required size.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( sbyte  val,
byte[]  bytes,
int  startIndex = 0 

Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored.
startIndexIndex where bytes are stored in the provided byte array.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( Int16  val,
ref byte[]  bytes 

Converts a value to byte array.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored. Allocated/reallocated if null or the current size does not precisely match the required size.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( Int16  val,
byte[]  bytes,
int  startIndex = 0 

Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored.
startIndexIndex where bytes are stored in the provided byte array.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( UInt16  val,
ref byte[]  bytes 

Converts a value to byte array.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored. Allocated/reallocated if null or the current size does not precisely match the required size.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( UInt16  val,
byte[]  bytes,
int  startIndex = 0 

Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored.
startIndexIndex where bytes are stored in the provided byte array.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( Int32  val,
ref byte[]  bytes 

Converts a value to byte array.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored. Allocated/reallocated if null or the current size does not precisely match the required size.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( Int32  val,
byte[]  bytes,
int  startIndex = 0 

Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored.
startIndexIndex where bytes are stored in the provided byte array.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( UInt32  val,
ref byte[]  bytes 

Converts a value to byte array.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored. Allocated/reallocated if null or the current size does not precisely match the required size.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( UInt32  val,
byte[]  bytes,
int  startIndex = 0 

Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored.
startIndexIndex where bytes are stored in the provided byte array.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( Int64  val,
ref byte[]  bytes 

Converts a value to byte array.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored. Allocated/reallocated if null or the current size does not precisely match the required size.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( Int64  val,
byte[]  bytes,
int  startIndex = 0 

Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored.
startIndexIndex where bytes are stored in the provided byte array.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( UInt64  val,
ref byte[]  bytes 

Converts a value to byte array.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored. Allocated/reallocated if null or the current size does not precisely match the required size.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( UInt64  val,
byte[]  bytes,
int  startIndex = 0 

Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored.
startIndexIndex where bytes are stored in the provided byte array.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( float  val,
ref byte[]  bytes 

Converts a value to byte array.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored. Allocated/reallocated if null or the current size does not precisely match the required size.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( float  val,
byte[]  bytes,
int  startIndex = 0 

Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored.
startIndexIndex where bytes are stored in the provided byte array.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( double  val,
ref byte[]  bytes 

Converts a value to byte array.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored. Allocated/reallocated if null or the current size does not precisely match the required size.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray ( double  val,
byte[]  bytes,
int  startIndex = 0 

Converts a value to sequence of bytes and stores these bytes int the specified byte array at the specified position.

Bytes are stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given values produce the same byte arrays on all machines, regardless of endianness.

valValue to be converted to byte array.
bytesByte array where converted vlaue is stored.
startIndexIndex where bytes are stored in the provided byte array.
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out bool  val,
bool  preciseLength,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.
valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
preciseLengthIf true then the bytes array must have precisely the right length to store the value at the specified index (startIndex ), otherwise the array can also be larger.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out bool  val,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.

Length of the byte array can be larger than the smallest possible (with respect to startIndex and value size). If precise length is required, use the method with 2 arguments when starting index is 0, or with 4 arguments otherwise.

valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out char  val,
bool  preciseLength,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.
valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
preciseLengthIf true then the bytes array must have precisely the right length to store the value at the specified index (startIndex ), otherwise the array can also be larger.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out char  val,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.

Length of the byte array can be larger than the smallest possible (with respect to startIndex and value size). If precise length is required, use the method with 2 arguments when starting index is 0, or with 4 arguments otherwise.

valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out byte  val,
bool  preciseLength,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.
valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
preciseLengthIf true then the bytes array must have precisely the right length to store the value at the specified index (startIndex ), otherwise the array can also be larger.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out byte  val,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.

Length of the byte array can be larger than the smallest possible (with respect to startIndex and value size). If precise length is required, use the method with 2 arguments when starting index is 0, or with 4 arguments otherwise.

valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out Int16  val,
bool  preciseLength,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.
valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
preciseLengthIf true then the bytes array must have precisely the right length to store the value at the specified index (startIndex ), otherwise the array can also be larger.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out Int16  val,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.

Length of the byte array can be larger than the smallest possible (with respect to startIndex and value size). If precise length is required, use the method with 2 arguments when starting index is 0, or with 4 arguments otherwise.

valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out UInt16  val,
bool  preciseLength,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.
valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
preciseLengthIf true then the bytes array must have precisely the right length to store the value at the specified index (startIndex ), otherwise the array can also be larger.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out UInt16  val,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.

Length of the byte array can be larger than the smallest possible (with respect to startIndex and value size). If precise length is required, use the method with 2 arguments when starting index is 0, or with 4 arguments otherwise.

valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out Int32  val,
bool  preciseLength,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.
valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
preciseLengthIf true then the bytes array must have precisely the right length to store the value at the specified index (startIndex ), otherwise the array can also be larger.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out Int32  val,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.

Length of the byte array can be larger than the smallest possible (with respect to startIndex and value size). If precise length is required, use the method with 2 arguments when starting index is 0, or with 4 arguments otherwise.

valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out UInt32  val,
bool  preciseLength,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.
valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
preciseLengthIf true then the bytes array must have precisely the right length to store the value at the specified index (startIndex ), otherwise the array can also be larger.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out UInt32  val,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.

Length of the byte array can be larger than the smallest possible (with respect to startIndex and value size). If precise length is required, use the method with 2 arguments when starting index is 0, or with 4 arguments otherwise.

valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out Int64  val,
bool  preciseLength,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.
valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
preciseLengthIf true then the bytes array must have precisely the right length to store the value at the specified index (startIndex ), otherwise the array can also be larger.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out Int64  val,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.

Length of the byte array can be larger than the smallest possible (with respect to startIndex and value size). If precise length is required, use the method with 2 arguments when starting index is 0, or with 4 arguments otherwise.

valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out UInt64  val,
bool  preciseLength,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.
valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
preciseLengthIf true then the bytes array must have precisely the right length to store the value at the specified index (startIndex ), otherwise the array can also be larger.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out UInt64  val,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.

Length of the byte array can be larger than the smallest possible (with respect to startIndex and value size). If precise length is required, use the method with 2 arguments when starting index is 0, or with 4 arguments otherwise.

valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out float  val,
bool  preciseLength,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.
valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
preciseLengthIf true then the bytes array must have precisely the right length to store the value at the specified index (startIndex ), otherwise the array can also be larger.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out float  val,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.

Length of the byte array can be larger than the smallest possible (with respect to startIndex and value size). If precise length is required, use the method with 2 arguments when starting index is 0, or with 4 arguments otherwise.

valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out double  val,
bool  preciseLength,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.
valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
preciseLengthIf true then the bytes array must have precisely the right length to store the value at the specified index (startIndex ), otherwise the array can also be larger.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static void IG.Lib.Util.FromByteArray ( byte[]  bytes,
out double  val,
int  startIndex = 0 

Extracts the value stored in a byte array in the big-endian order.

Bytes must be stored in big-endian order ("network byte order") where most significant byte comes first. This is compatible with the Util.ToHexString(byte[], string) method and also guarantees that given bytes produce the same value on all machines, regardless of endianness.

bytesBytes array where value to be extracted is stored.

Length of the byte array can be larger than the smallest possible (with respect to startIndex and value size). If precise length is required, use the method with 2 arguments when starting index is 0, or with 4 arguments otherwise.

valVariable where the extracted value is stored.
startIndexIndex of the byte array where the stored value begins (this allows to store other values).
static int IG.Lib.Util.HexCharToInt ( char  hex)

Returns value of the specified hexadecimal character (e.g. 9 for '9', 10 for 'a' or 'A', 15 for 'f' or 'F').

hexHexadecimal character whose integer value is returned.
static string IG.Lib.Util.ToHexString ( byte[]  bytes,
string  separator = null 

Returns a hexadecimal string representation of the specified byte array using lower case letters for digits above 9.

bytesArray of bytes whose hexadecial representation is to be returned.
separatorIf not null or empty string then this string is inserted between hexadecimal digits.

If specified then it must be a single character string, and may not be a digit or a letter.

Referenced by IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppConvert(), IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppEncryptSymmetricAll(), IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppKeyGenerationAll(), IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionConvert_OLD_TO_DELETE(), IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.GetAsymmetricalgorithmHash(), IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.GetHashHex(), IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.GetStringHashHex(), and IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.GetStringSaltedHash().

static string IG.Lib.Util.ToHexString ( byte[]  bytes,
bool  upperCase,
string  separator = null 

Returns a hexadecimal string representation of the specified byte array.

bytesArray of bytes whose hexadecial representation is to be returned.
upperCaseWhether digits greater than 9 should be represented by upper case letters (default is false).
separatorIf not null or empty string then this string is inserted between hexadecimal digits.

If specified then it must be a single character string, and may not be a digit or a letter.

static bool IG.Lib.Util.AreHexStringsEqual ( string  hexString1,
string  hexString2 

Returns true if the two specified hexadecimal strings represent the same sequence of bytes (or the same number), and false otherwise.

If any string is null or its length is 0 then false is returned.

hexString1The first hexadecimal sequence to be compared.
hexString2The second hexadecimal sequence to be compared.

Referenced by IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.CheckFileHashHex(), IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.CheckFileHashSupportedTypesHex(), IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.CheckHashHex(), IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.CheckHashSupportedTypesHex(), IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.CheckStringHashHex(), and IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.CheckStringHashSupportedTypesHex().

static string IG.Lib.Util.CollectionToString ( System.Collections.ICollection  list,
bool  addNewlines,
int  numIndent 

Returns a string representing the specified collection of objects. Each object is printeed by its ToString() method. Works on all collections, including lists and arrays.

listCollection to be converted to srting.
addNewlinesIf true then a newline is added before each element printed.
numIndentNumber of spaces aded before each element.

Referenced by IG.Lib.RegisterableExamples.ExampleIdGenerator(), IG.Lib.RegisterableExamples.ExampleRegistrable(), and IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.ToString().

static string IG.Lib.Util.CollectionToString ( System.Collections.ICollection  list)

Returns a string representing the specified collection of objects. Each object is printeed by its ToString() method. A newline and two spaces are added before each element printed. Works on all collections, including lists and arrays.

listCollection to be converted to srting.
static string IG.Lib.Util.CollectionToStringLong ( System.Collections.ICollection  collection,
bool  addNewlines,
int  numIndent 

Returns a string representing the specified list in long form. Count property (i.e. number of elements in collection) is also printed. Works on all collections, including lists and arrays.

collectionCollection to be converted to srting.
addNewlinesIf true then a newline is added before each element printed.
numIndentNumber of spaces aded before each element.
static string IG.Lib.Util.CollectionToStringLong ( System.Collections.ICollection  collection)

Returns a string representing the specified list in long form. Count property (i.e. number of elements in collection) is also printed. Works on all collections, including lists and arrays. A newline and two spaces are added before each element printed.

collectionCollection to be converted to srting.
static string IG.Lib.Util.ListToString< T > ( List< T >  list,
bool  addNewlines,
int  numIndent 

Returns a string representing the specified generic list in short form (without count and capacity).

Template Parameters
TType of list elements.
listList to be converted to srting.
addNewlinesIf true then a newline is added before each element printed.
numIndentNumber of spaces aded before each element.
static string IG.Lib.Util.ListToString< T > ( List< T >  list)

Returns a string representing the specified generic list in long form. Count and Capacity properties are also printed. A newline and two spaces are added before each element printed.

Template Parameters
TType of list elements.
listList to be converted to srting.
static string IG.Lib.Util.ListToStringLong< T > ( List< T >  list,
bool  addNewlines,
int  numIndent 

Returns a string representing the specified generic list in long form. Count and Capacity properties are also printed.

Template Parameters
TType of list elements.
listList to be converted to srting.
addNewlinesIf true then a newline is added before each element printed.
numIndentNumber of spaces aded before each element.
static string IG.Lib.Util.ListToStringLong< T > ( List< T >  list)

Returns a string representing the specified generic list in long form. Count and Capacity properties are also printed. A newline and two spaces are added before each element printed.

Template Parameters
TType of list elements.
listList to be converted to srting.
static string IG.Lib.Util.ObjectToString< ObjectType > ( ObjectType  obj)

Converts obect of the specified type to its string representation, where numbers are converted in ivariant culture (ignoring any localization settings).

This method can be used to avoid problems with differen local settinggs when transfering numerical values through text files.

Template Parameters
ObjectTypeType of the object to be converted to string.
objObject to be converted.
static string IG.Lib.Util.ObjectToString< ObjectType > ( ObjectType  obj,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo  cultureInfo 

Converts obect of the specified type to its string representation, where numbers are converted in ivariant culture (ignoring any localization settings).

This method can be used to avoid problems with differen local settinggs when transfering numerical values through text files.

Template Parameters
ObjectTypeType of the object to be converted to string.
objObject to be converted.
cultureInfoCulture info used in conversion.
static bool IG.Lib.Util.IsNumeric< ObjectType > ( ObjectType  obj)

Returns a flag indicating whether the specified object is of numeric type (such as int, float, double, etc.).

When called on an arbitrary object, the correct type parameter will be inferred, and we can get the desired information if

Template Parameters
ObjectTypeType of the object that is queried.
objObject for which we query whether it represents a numerical value.
static bool IG.Lib.Util.IsNumericOld ( object  expression)

Returns true if the specified expression or object is of numeric type (such as int, float, double, etc.), and false otherwise.

expressionExpression that is checked for being of numeric type.
static void IG.Lib.Util.TestToString ( )

Test conversion to strings with invariant culture info.

static bool IG.Lib.Util.TryParse< ReturnType > ( string  strValue,
ref ReturnType  parsedValue 

Tries to parse a string representation of an object of the specified type and return it through output argument. Invariant culture is used in parsing.

Template Parameters
ReturnTypeType of the object whose value is tried to be parsed from the string.
strValueString that is converted to obect of the specified type.
parsedValueValue (of the specified type)vthat is obtained from the parsed string.
true if string was successfully converted to the object of the specified type, false if not (in this case parsedValue retains its previous value).
static ReturnType IG.Lib.Util.Parse< ReturnType > ( string  strValue)

Converts a string to the object of the specified type and returns the entity, by using the invariant culture.

This works for simple types, for complex types deserialization must be used.

Template Parameters
ReturnTypeType of the entity to be returned, can be int.
strValueString to be converted to other type.
Object of the specified type converted form a string.
static object IG.Lib.Util.Parse ( string  strValue,
Type  propertyType 

Converts a string to the entity of the specified type and returns that entity, by using invariant culture.

This works for simple types, for complex types deserialization must be used.

strValueString to be converted to other type.
propertyTypeType of the entity to be parsed from a string.
Object of the specified type converted form a string.

Referenced by IG.Lib.StringTable.GetElement< ElementType >().

static bool IG.Lib.Util.TryParse< ReturnType > ( string  strValue,
ref ReturnType  parsedValue,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo  cultureInfo 

Tries to parse a string representation of an object of the specified type and return it through output argument.

Template Parameters
ReturnTypeType of the object whose value is tried to be parsed from the string.
strValueString that is converted to obect of the specified type.
parsedValueValue (of the specified type)vthat is obtained from the parsed string.
cultureInfoCulture info used in conversion.
true if string was successfully converted to the object of the specified type, false if not (in this case parsedValue retains its previous value).
static ReturnType IG.Lib.Util.Parse< ReturnType > ( string  strValue,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo  cultureInfo 

Converts a string to the object of the specified type and returns the entity, by using the specified culture info.

This works for simple types, for complex types deserialization must be used.

Template Parameters
ReturnTypeType of the entity to be returned, can be int.
strValueString to be converted to other type.
cultureInfoCulture info used in conversion.
Object of the specified type converted form a string.
static object IG.Lib.Util.Parse ( string  strValue,
Type  propertyType,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo  cultureInfo 

Converts a string to the entity of the specified type and returns that entity.

This works for simple types, for complex types deserialization must be used.

strValueString to be converted to other type.
propertyTypeType of the entity to be parsed from a string.
cultureInfoCulture info used in conversion.
Object of the specified type converted form a string.
static bool IG.Lib.Util.TryParseBoolean ( string  str,
ref bool  parsedValue 

Tries to parse a string representation of a boolean.

strString that is converted to boolean.
parsedValueBoolean value parsed from the specified string.
true if string was successfully converted to boolean, false if not (in this case parsedValue retains its previous value).

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionInfo(), IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionReferenced(), IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionResources(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdAbout(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdApplicationInfo(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdBlock(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdElseIf(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdIf(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdPipeClientCreate(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdPipeServerCreate(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdPrintParallelCommands(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdSuppressInteractive(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdSuppressInteractiveFrame(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdThreadInfo(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdThtrowExceptions(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdUseJint(), IG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeuralBase.CreateDistortedModelData(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.ExitWhile(), IG.Script.AppExtBase.FormDemoFunctionCookingTimer(), IG.Script.AppExtBase.FormDemoFunctionOpenFormOld(), IG.Script.AppExtBase.FormDemoFunctionOpenFormOrControl(), IG.Script.AppExtBase.FormDemoFunctionStopWatch(), and IG.Gr3d.VtkFormsExamples.Plot3dFunctionVtkControl().

static bool IG.Lib.Util.ParseBoolean ( string  str)

Converts the specified string to a boolean value, if possible, and returns it. If conversion is not possible then exception is thrown. Recognized representations of true: "true", "1", "yes", "y" (case insensitive). Recognized representations of false: "false", "0", "no", "n" (case insensitive).

strString representation of boolean to beparsed.
Boolean value represented by the specified string.
System.ArgumentNullExceptionWhen the string is null.
System.FormatExceptionWhen the string can not represent a boolean value.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.DataStructuresFunctionTestCsvReadDefinitionAndData(), IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.DataStructuresFunctionTestCsvWriteDefinitionAndData(), IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileFunctionWaitCreation(), IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionKillApplications(), IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionKillApplicationsByWindow(), IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionKillProcesses(), IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionListApplications(), IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionListApplicationsByWindow(), and IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionListProcesses().

static bool IG.Lib.Util.TryParseThreadPriority ( string  str,
ref ThreadPriority  parsedValue 

Tries to parse a string representation of a ThreadPriority enum.

strString that is converted to a ThreadPriority value.
parsedValueBoolean value parsed from the specified string.
true if string was successfully converted to ThreadPriority, false if not (in this case parsedValue retains its previous value).
See also

Referenced by IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdSetPriority().

static ThreadPriority IG.Lib.Util.ParseThreadPriority ( string  str)

Converts the specified string to a ThreadPriority enum value, if possible, and returns it. If conversion is not possible then exception is thrown.

Recognized representations (not case sensitive):

ThreadPriority.Lowest: "0", "lowest", "idle"

ThreadPriority.BelowNormal: "1", "belownormal", "low"

ThreadPriority.Normal: "2", "normal"

ThreadPriority.AboveNormal: "3", "abovenormal", "high"

ThreadPriority.Highest: "4", "Highest", "realtime"

strString representation of a ThreadPriority value to be parsed.
The ThreadPriority value represented by the specified string.
System.ArgumentNullExceptionWhen the string is null.
System.FormatExceptionWhen the string can not represent a boolean value.
static string IG.Lib.Util.XmlToString ( string  xmlString,
string  indentCahrs = "  ",
string  newlineChars = null 

Returns a reformatted XML string, eventually in a more human readable form.

xmlStringString containing the XML to be returned in a reformatted form.
indentCahrsString used for indentation (default is string containing two space characters). Default is two space characters. If null or empty srting then no indentation id used.
newlineCharsCharacter used for newlines. If null then Environment.NewLine is used.

Referenced by IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppAsymExportKey(), IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppAsymKeyInfo(), and IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppAsymTest().

static string IG.Lib.Util.XmlToString ( XmlDocument  doc,
string  indentCahrs = "  ",
string  newlineChars = null 

Converts the specified XML document to string, eventually with human readable indentation and newlines added. The stirng representation is returned.

docXML documennt to be converted to a string.
indentCahrsString used for indentation (default is string containing two space characters). Default is two space characters. If null or empty srting then no indentation id used.
newlineCharsCharacter used for newlines. If null then Environment.NewLine is used.
static void IG.Lib.Util.ExampleList ( )

Member Data Documentation

object IG.Lib.Util._lockGlobal = new object()
const string IG.Lib.Util.MutexGlobalName = "Global\\IG.Lib.Utils.MutexGlobal.R2D2_by_Igor_Gresovnik"

Name of the global mutex.

volatile Mutex IG.Lib.Util._mutexGlobal
volatile int IG.Lib.Util._outputLevel = 0
const string IG.Lib.Util.NullRepresentationString = "null"

Standard string representation of null values of objects (often used when overriding object.ToString method).

Referenced by IG.Lib.Util.GetHashFunctionInt(), IG.Num.VectorBase.ToString(), and IG.Num.MatrixBase.ToStringReadable().

volatile int IG.Lib.Util._maxLengthIntToString
readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Type, int> IG.Lib.Util._cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, int>()
byte [] IG.Lib.Util._auxBytes = null
const string IG.Lib.Util.IGLibUrl = "http://www2.arnes.si/~ljc3m2/igor/iglib/"
const string IG.Lib.Util.IGLibCodeDocumentationUrl = "http://www2.arnes.si/~fgreso/code_documentation/generated/iglib/html/index.html"
const string IG.Lib.Util.IGLibAuthor = "Igor Grešovnik"

Property Documentation

object IG.Lib.Util.LockGlobal
Mutex IG.Lib.Util.MutexGlobal

Mutex for system-wide exclusive locks.

int IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel

Serves as default output level for new objects of many classes that include the output level property (usually named "OutputLevel"). Such a property defines how much information about operation of the object is ouput to the console.

General guidlines for use of the output level property in classes:

The property usually defineds the quantity of output produced by an object of a class that implements this property. It is not strictly prescribed what certain values of the property mean. By loose agreement, any negative value means unspecified output level (property not yet initialized), 0 means that no output is produced, 1 means only the most important information is ouptut and higher values mean that more detailed information about operation is output to the console.

For example application, see e.g. the IG.Gr.PlotterZedGraph in the 2D plotting library that uses IGLib.

Referenced by IG.Lib.ShellApplication< InterpreterType >.AplicationMain(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.CopyDirectorySafe(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.CopyRecursive(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.CopyRecursiveSafe(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ExampleCopyDir(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetMacAddressFastest(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillAllApplications(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillAllApplicationsByWindowTitle(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillAllProcesses(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillFirstApplication(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillFirstApplicationByWindowTitle(), and IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillFirstProcess().

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