IGLib  1.7.2
The IGLib base library for development of numerical, technical and business applications.
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IG.Lib.UtilSystem Class Reference

General utilities. More...


class  MissingAssembly
class  ResolutionIdentity
 Provides identity for assembly resolution attempts. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void SetUsername (string username)
 Sets name of the current user. This method is provided to enable testing code under another user name. Setting to null anihilates effect of previous calls. More...
static string GetComputerName ()
 Returns name of the computer on which application is running. More...
static string GetMacAddressFastest ()
 Returns the MAC address of the network interface card with maximal speed. More...
static string GetIpAddressLocal ()
 Returns the current local IP address of computer. More...
static string GetUserDomainName ()
 Returns the domain name associated with the current user. More...
static string GetDomainName ()
 Returns the network domain name associated with the current user. More...
static string GetSystemInfoString ()
 Returns a string containing basic system information - name of the current user, computer name, domain name, IP address, MAC address, and runtime version. More...
static string GetRuntimeVersionString ()
 Gets the version of the runtime on which the current application executes. More...
static Process ExecuteSystemCommand (string command, params string[] args)
 Executes system command with arguments synchronously (blocks until the process that is created exits). More...
static Process ExecuteSystemCommandAsync (string command, params string[] args)
 Executes system command with arguments asynchronously (returns immediately and does not wait for the process to complete). More...
static Process ExecuteSystemCommand (bool asynchronous, string command, params string[] args)
 Executes system command with arguments. More...
static Process ExecuteSystemCommand (string workingDirectory, bool asynchronous, string command, params string[] args)
 Executes system command with arguments. More...
static Process ExecuteSystemCommand (string workingDirectory, bool asynchronous, bool useShell, string command, params string[] args)
 Executes system command with arguments. More...
static Process ExecuteSystemCommand (string workingDirectory, bool asynchronous, bool useShell, bool createNoWindow, string redirectedOutputPath, bool redirectStandardOutput, string command, params string[] args)
 Executes system command with arguments. More...
static Process OpenFileInDefaultApplication (string filePath)
 Opens the specified file in the default system's application for handling this kind of prcesses, and returns the process that opened the file. More...
static Process OpenFileInDefaultBrowser (string filePath)
 Opens the specified file in the system's default browser. More...
static Process OpenUrlInDefaultBrowser (string url)
 Opens the specified URL (Unique Resource locator, e.g. a web address) in the default browser. More...
static string GetCurrentProcessExecutableName ()
 Returns name of the executable file (with extension) for the current process. More...
static string GetCurrentProcessExecutablePath ()
 Returns the absolute path of the executable file (with extension) for the current process. More...
static string GetCurrentProcessExecutableWithoutExtension ()
 Returns name of the executable file (with extension) for the current process. More...
static void GetAllProcesses (ref List< Process > processList)
 Gets all runnning processes, and puts them to the specified list. More...
static void GetProcesses (string processName, ref List< Process > processList)
 Gets all processes with the specified name, and puts them to tehe specified list. More...
static void GetProcesses (string processName, bool caseSensitive, ref List< Process > processList)
 Gets all processes with the specified name, and puts them to tehe specified list. More...
static void GetProcesses (string processName, bool caseSensitive, bool isFullString, ref List< Process > processList)
 Gets all processes with the specified name, and puts them to tehe specified list. More...
static bool IsProcessRunning (string processName)
 Returns true if at least one process with the specified name is running, false otherwise. More...
static bool IsProcessRunning (string processName, bool caseSensitive)
 Returns true if at least one process with the specified name is running, false otherwise. More...
static bool IsProcessRunning (string processName, bool isFullString, bool caseSensitive)
 Returns true if at least one process with the specified name is running, false otherwise. More...
static void KillFirstProcess (string processName)
 Kills the first running process found that has the specified process name. More...
static void KillFirstProcess (string processName, bool caseSensitive)
 Kills the first running process found that has the specified process name. More...
static void KillFirstProcess (string processName, bool caseSensitive, bool isFullString)
 Kills the first running process found that has the specified process name. More...
static void KillAllProcesses (string processName)
 Kills all running process have the specified process name. More...
static void KillAllProcesses (string processName, bool caseSensitive)
 Kills all running processes that have the specified process name. More...
static void KillAllProcesses (string processName, bool isFullString, bool caseSensitive)
 Kills all running processes that have the specified process name. More...
static void GetAllApplications (ref List< Process > processList)
 Gets all runnning applications, and puts them to the specified list. More...
static void GetApplications (string processName, ref List< Process > processList)
 Gets all applications with the specified process name, and puts them to the specified list. More...
static void GetApplications (string processName, bool caseSensitive, ref List< Process > processList)
 Gets all applications with the specified proces name, and puts them to tehe specified list. More...
static void GetApplications (string processName, bool caseSensitive, bool isFullString, ref List< Process > processList)
 Gets all applications with the specified proces name, and puts them to tehe specified list. More...
static bool IsApplicationRunning (string processName)
 Returns true if at least one application with the specified process name is running, false otherwise. More...
static bool IsApplicationRunning (string processName, bool caseSensitive)
 Returns true if at least one application with the specified process name is running, false otherwise. More...
static bool IsApplicationRunning (string processName, bool caseSensitive, bool isFullString)
 Returns true if at least one application with the specified process name is running, false otherwise. More...
static void KillFirstApplication (string processName)
 Kills the first running application found that has the specified process name. More...
static void KillFirstApplication (string processName, bool caseSensitive)
 Kills the first running application found that has the specified process name. More...
static void KillFirstApplication (string processName, bool caseSensitive, bool isFullString)
 Kills the first running application found that has the specified process name. More...
static void KillAllApplications (string processName)
 Kills the all running applications that has the specified process name. More...
static void KillAllApplications (string processName, bool caseSensitive)
 Kills all running applications that have the specified process name. More...
static void KillAllApplications (string processName, bool caseSensitive, bool isFullString)
 Kills all running applications that have the specified process name. More...
static void GetApplicationsByWindowTitle (string mainWindowTitle, ref List< Process > processList)
 Gets all applications with the specified main window title, and puts them to the specified list. More...
static void GetApplicationsByWindowTitle (string mainWindowTitle, bool caseSensitive, ref List< Process > processList)
 Gets all applications with the specified main window title, and puts them to tehe specified list. More...
static void GetApplicationsByWindowTitle (string mainWindowTitle, bool caseSensitive, bool isFullString, ref List< Process > processList)
 Gets all applications with the specified main window title, and puts them to tehe specified list. More...
static bool IsApplicationRunningByWindowTitle (string mainWindowTitle)
 Returns true if at least one application with the specified main window title is running, false otherwise. More...
static bool IsApplicationRunningByWindowTitle (string mainWindowTitle, bool caseSensitive)
 Returns true if at least one application with the specified main window title is running, false otherwise. More...
static bool IsApplicationRunningByWindowTitle (string mainWindowTitle, bool caseSensitive, bool isFullString)
 Returns true if at least one application with the specified main window title is running, false otherwise. More...
static void KillFirstApplicationByWindowTitle (string mainWindowTitle)
 Kills the first running application found that has the specified main window title. More...
static void KillFirstApplicationByWindowTitle (string mainWindowTitle, bool caseSensitive)
 Kills the first running application found that has the specified main window title. More...
static void KillFirstApplicationByWindowTitle (string mainWindowTitle, bool caseSensitive, bool isFullString)
 Kills the first running application found that has the specified main window title. More...
static void KillAllApplicationsByWindowTitle (string mainWindowTitle)
 Kills the all running applications that has the specified main window title. More...
static void KillAllApplicationsByWindowTitle (string mainWindowTitle, bool caseSensitive)
 Kills all running applications that have the specified main window title. More...
static void KillAllApplicationsByWindowTitle (string mainWindowTitle, bool caseSensitive, bool isFullString)
 Kills all running applications that have the specified main window title. More...
static ThreadPriority ProcessToThreadPriority (ProcessPriorityClass processPriority)
 Converts the specified ProcessPriorityClass enum value to the approcimately equivalent ThreadPriority value and returns it. More...
static ProcessPriorityClass ThreadToProcessPriority (ThreadPriority threadPriority)
 Converts the specified ThreadPriority enum value to the approcimately equivalent ProcessPriorityClass value and returns it. More...
static ThreadPriority GetThreadPriorityFromProcess ()
 Returns the thread priority value that is equivallent to the current process' priority class. More...
static void UpdateThreadPriorityFromProcess ()
 Updates the global thread priority (the UtilSystem.ThreadPriority property ) in such a way that it is the same as the current process priority. More...
static void OnThreadPriorityChange ()
 This delegate is called when the global thread priority changes (property UtilSystem.ThreadPriority), but can also be called manually. More...
static void AddOnThreadPriorityChange (ThreadStart onPriorityChangeMethod)
 Adds the specified method that is executed when the global thread priority changes. More...
static void RemoveOnThreadPriorityChange (ThreadStart onPriorityChangeMethod)
 Removes the specified method that is executed when the global thread priority changes. More...
static Assembly GetAssemblyByName (string assemblyName, bool caseSensitive=false, bool loadIfNecessary=true, bool byFileName=false)
 Finnds and returns assembly specified by file name. More...
static Assembly GetAssemblyByFileName (string assemblyName, bool caseSensitive=false, bool loadIfNecessary=true)
 Finnds and returns assembly specified by file name. More...
static Assembly GetAssemblyByNameOrFileName (string assemblyName, bool caseSensitive=false, bool loadIfNecessary=true, bool byName=true, bool byFileName=true)
 Finnds and returns assembly specified by name. More...
static Assembly[] GetLoadedAssemblies ()
 Returns a list of all currently loaded assemblies in the applicattion. More...
static IList< Assembly > GetLoadedAssemblies (IList< Assembly > assemblyList, bool clearBefore=true)
 Adds all loaded assembly from the current application domain to the specified list, and returns the list. More...
static Assembly[] GetReferencedAssembliesWithoutGac ()
 Returns an array containing the executable assembly and all its DIRECTLY referenced assemblies. Assemblies from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) are NOT included. More...
static Assembly[] GetReferencedAssembliesRecursiveWithoutGac ()
 Returns an array containing the executable assembly and all its referenced assemblies (directly or indirectly). Assemblies from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) are NOT included. More...
static IList< Assembly > GetReferencedAssembliesWithoutGac (IList< Assembly > assemblyList, bool clearBefore=true)
 Adds the executable assembly and all its referenced assemblies (directly or indirectly) without those from GAC to the specified list, and returns the list. More...
static Assembly[] GetReferencedAssemblies ()
 Returns an array containing the executable assembly and all its DIRECTLY referenced assemblies. Assemblies from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) are also included. More...
static IList< Assembly > GetReferencedAssemblies (IList< Assembly > assemblyList, bool clearBefore=true)
 Adds the executable assembly and all its DIRECTLY referenced assemblies without those from GAC to the specified list, and returns the list. More...
static Assembly[] GetReferencedAssembliesRecursive ()
 Returns an array containing the executable assembly and all its referenced assemblies (directly or indirectly), which roughly coincides with all assemblies that can be potentially used by the current application. Assemblies from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) are also included. More...
static IList< Assembly > GetReferencedAssembliesRecursive (IList< Assembly > assemblyList, bool clearBefore=true)
 Adds the executable assembly and all its referenced (directly or indirectly) assemblies to the specified list, and returns the list. This roughly coincides with all assemblies that can be potentially used by the current application. More...
static List< string > GetReferencedAssembliesFlat (Assembly assembly)
 Get assemblies referenced by the specified assembly. Not recursive. More...
static Dictionary< string,
Assembly > 
GetReferencedAssemblies (Assembly assembly, bool ignoreGac=true, bool recursive=true)
 Creates and returns a dictionary containing all assemblies referenced (directly or indirectly) by the specified assembly. Recursive. More...
static List< MissingAssemblyGetMissingAssemblies (Assembly assembly, bool recursive=true)
 Get missing assemblies - those referenced assemblies that could not be loaded. More...
static string SimpleAssemblyName (string fullName)
 Returns a simple assembly name that corresponds to the specified full name of the assembly. More...
static void RegisterAssemblyResolveHandler ()
 Registers tis class' event handler for resolving assembly load failures. More...
static void UnregisterAssemblyResolveHandler ()
 Unregisters tis class' event handler for resolving assembly load failures. More...
static void AddAssemblyResolutionPath (string path)
 Adds a new directory where assemblies to be loaded are looked for. More...
static void RemoveAssemblyResolutionPath (string path)
 Removes the specified directory where assemblies to be loaded are looked for. More...
static Assembly LoadAssembly (string fullName, int outputLevel=2, bool reflectionOnly=false)
 Loads the specified assembly. More...
static Assembly[] LoadAssemblies (string[] fullNames, int outputLevel=2, bool reflectionOnly=false)
 Loads all the assemblies specified by arguments, and returns the array of loaded assemblies. More...
static string GetAssemblyName (Assembly assembly)
 Returns the simple name of the specified assembly. More...
static string GetAssemblyFileName (Assembly assembly)
 Returns file name of the specified assembly. More...
static string GetAssemblyDirectory (Assembly assembly)
 Returns the directory containing the specified assembly. More...
static string GetAssemblyAssemblyName (Assembly assembly)
 Returns assembly name of the specified assembly. More...
static string GetAssemblyAssemblyFullName (Assembly assembly)
 Returns assembly name of the specified assembly. More...
static string GetAssemblyVersion (Assembly assembly, int numLevels=2)
 Returns version (from the file info) of the specified assembly. More...
static string GetAssemblyTitle (Assembly assembly)
 Returns descriptive title of the specified assembly (from the AssemblyInfo file). More...
static string GetAssemblyDescription (Assembly assembly)
 Returns description of the specified assembly (from assembly info). More...
static string GetAssemblyCompany (Assembly assembly)
 Returns company attribute of the specified assembly. More...
static string GetAssemblyCopyrightInfo (Assembly assembly)
 Returns copyright information of the specified assembly. More...
static string GetAssemblyInfo (Assembly assembly, int infoLevel=3, int versionLevel=0)
 Returns a (possibly multiline) string containing basic information about the specified assembly, such as file name, directory, assembly name, and version. More...
static string GetExecutableFileName ()
 Returns file name of the current executable. More...
static string GetExecutableDirectory ()
 Returns the directory containing the executable that started the current application. More...
static string GetExecutableAssemblyName ()
 Returns assembly name of the current executable. More...
static string GetExecutableVersion (int numLevels=2)
 Returns version (from the file info) of the current executable. More...
static string GetExecutableTitle ()
 Returns descriptive title of the current executable (from the AssemblyInfo file). More...
static string GetExecutableDescription ()
 Returns description of the current executable (from the AssemblyInfo file). More...
static string GetExecutableCompany ()
 Returns company attribute of the currentt executable. More...
static string GetExecutableCopyrightInfo ()
 Returns copyright information of the current executable. More...
static string GetExecutableInfo (int infoLevel=3, int versionLevel=0)
 Returns a (possibly multiline) string containing basic information about the current executable, such as executable file name and directory. More...
static string GetIglibFileName ()
 Returns file name of the IGLib assembly. More...
static string GetIglibDirectory ()
 Returns the directory containing the IGLib assembly. More...
static string GetIglibAssemblyName ()
 Returns assembly name of the IGLib assembly. More...
static string GetIglibVersion (int numLevels=2)
 Returns version (from the file info) of the IGLib assembly. More...
static string GetIglibTitle ()
 Returns descriptive title of the IGLib assembly (from the AssemblyInfo file). More...
static string GetIglibDescription ()
 Returns description of the IGLib assembly (from assembly info). More...
static string GetIglibCompany ()
 Returns company attribute of the IGLib assembly. More...
static string GetIglibCopyrightInfo ()
 Returns copyright information of the IGLib assembly. More...
static string GetIglibInfo (int infoLevel=3, int versionLevel=0)
 Returns a (possibly multiline) string containing basic information about the IGLib base library, such as file name, directory, assembly name, and version. More...
static string GetApplicationInfo (int infoLevel=3, bool includeIglibInfo=true, int versionLevel=2, IList< Assembly > additionalAssemblies=null)
 Returns a (possibly multiline) string containing basic information about the current application, such as file name, directory, assembly name, and version. Information about IGLib can be included, too. More...
static Type GetType (string className, string nameSpace=null, bool ignoreCase=true, bool tryWithoutNamespace=true)
 Finds a type with the specified class name and returns it. More...
static Type GetType (string className, bool ignoreCase=false)
 Finds a type with the specified class name and returns it. More...
static object InstantiateObject (Type objectType, Type superClass=null, Type notSuperClass=null)
 Instantiates an object of the specified type and performs checks on type inheritance if this is specified by parameters. More...
static bool IsPathResxResource (string resourcePath)
 Returns a flag indicating whether the specified resource path represents a resource included through a resource file (extension .resx, which compiles to file with extension .resourced). More...
static bool IsPathResxResourceFile (string resourcePath)
 Returns a flag indicating whether the specified resource path represents a compiled resource file that was compiled via the XML resource file (extension .resx, which compiles to file with extension .resourced). More...
static bool IsPathEmbeddedResource (string resourcePath)
 Returns a flag indicating whether the specified resource path represents an embedded resource (a resource that is compiled into assembly as a stand-alone file). More...
static string GetResxResourceName (string resourcePath)
 Returns name of the resource with the specified path that was compiled to assembly throuwh a .resx file (XML resource file). More...
static string GetResxResourceFilePath (string resourcePath)
 Returns path of the resource file, given the specified path of a resource (or its resource file) that was compiled to assembly through a .resx file (XML resource file). More...
static string GetEmbeddedResourceName (string resourcePath)
 Returns name of the embedded resource (i.e., its filename) with the specified path. More...
static string GetEmbeddedResourceDirectory (string resourcePath)
 Returns path of the embedded resource' directory for a resource with the specified path. More...
static Stream AssemblyEmbeddedFileResourceStream (Assembly assembly, string resourceName)
 Returns a stream containing the embedded file resource included in the specified assembly. More...
static Stream AssemblyEmbeddedFileResourceStream (string resourceName)
 Returns a stream containing the embedded file resource included in the currently executing assembly. More...
static IList< string > GetAssemblyResourceFiles (Assembly assembly, ref IList< string > resourceNames, bool clearBefore=true)
 The same as GetAssemblyResourceFiles(Assembly, IList{string}, bool,), except that list of resource files is passed by references and a newly created list is assigned to the argument when a null valued variable is passed. More...
static IList< string > GetAssemblyResourceFiles (Assembly assembly, IList< string > resourceNames=null, bool clearBefore=true)
 Returns names of the resource files (generated from .resx files, with .resources extensions) in the specified assemnly and stores them on the provided list. More...
static IList< string > GetAssemblyEmbeddedFileResources (Assembly assembly, ref IList< string > resourceNames, bool clearBefore=true, bool includeResourceFiles=false)
 The same as GetAssemblyEmbeddedFileResources(Assembly, IList{string}, bool, bool), except that list of resources is passed by references and a newly created list is assigned to the argument when a null valued variable is passed. More...
static IList< string > GetAssemblyEmbeddedFileResources (Assembly assembly, IList< string > resourceNames=null, bool clearBefore=true, bool includeResourceFiles=false)
 Returns names of the embedded resources in the specified assemnly and stores them on the provided collection. More...
static IList< string > GetAssemblyResxResources (Assembly assembly, ref IList< string > resourceNames, bool clearBefore=true)
 The same as GetAssemblyResxResources(Assembly, IList{string}, bool), except that list of resources is passed by references and a newly created list is assigned to the argument when a null valued variable is passed. More...
static IList< string > GetAssemblyResxResources (Assembly assembly, IList< string > resourceNames=null, bool clearBefore=true)
 Returns names of the resources included in the specified assemnly through a .resx file and stores them on the provided collection. More...
static string GetAssemblyResourcesInfo (Assembly assembly, bool includeEmbedded=true, bool includeResx=true, int outputLevel=1)
 Returns a string containing informatio nabout resources contained in the specified assembly, such as images, sounds, strings, and various files. Information returned is on embedded resources (i.e., files that are compiled into assembly and are accessed by path in a directory-like structure and full file names, eventually with extension) and resources that are compiled into .resix files and are thus accessed by a fully qualified name of a property in a Resources class. More...
static bool IsBitmapExtensionDotNet (string extension)
 Returns true if the speicified file extesion (without a '.') represents one of the standard .NET recognized bitmap file extensions; false if not. More...
static bool IsSoundExtensionDotNet (string extension)
 Returns true if the speicified file extesion (without a '.') represents one of the standard .NET recognized sound file extensions; false if not. More...
static bool IsTextFile (string filePath)
 Detects if the specified file is a text file and detects the encoding. More...
static bool IsTextFile (string filePath, int numChecked)
 Detects if the specified file is a text file and detects the encoding. More...
static bool IsTextFile (string filePath, out Encoding encoding)
 Detects if the specified file is a text file and detects the encoding. More...
static bool IsTextFile (string filePath, int numChecked, out Encoding encoding)
 Detects if the specified file is a text file and detects the encoding. More...
static string GetWorkspaceDirectoryPath ()
 Returns the workspace directory, which is primarily located through the environment variable contained in WorkspaceDirectoryEnvironmentVar (usually named WORKSPACE). More...
static string GetWorkspacePath (string relativePath)
 Returns a complete path of a file or directory specified by a relative path to the workspace directory, or null if the workspace directory can not be located. More...
static string GetWorkspaceProjectsDirectoryPath ()
 Returns the workspace projects directory, which is primarily located through the workspace directory (returned by the GetWorkspaceDirectoryPath method) as a directory located in the same directory and named WorkspaceProjectsDirName. More...
static string GetWorkspaceProjectsPath (string relativePath)
 Returns a complete path of a file or directory specified by a relative path to the workspace projects directory, or null if the workspace projects directory can not be located. More...
static string GetStandardizedDirectoryPath (string directoryPath)
 Returns the specified directory path in standard form (absolute path, system's path separator, ended with path separator). More...
static void StandardizeDirectoryPath (ref string directoryPath)
 Converts the specified path to standard form (absolute path, system's path separator, ended with path separator). More...
static void SetCurrentDirectory (string directoryPath)
 Changes directory to the specified directory. More...
static string GetAbsolutePath (string path)
 Returns the absolute path of the specified path (which can be relative or absolute or whatever legal form). More...
static string GetRelativePath (string fromPath, string toPath)
 Calculates and returns relativa path from one path to another. WARNING: First path (with respect to this relative path is calculated) must be a directory path! More...
static void ExampleRelativePath ()
 Tests calculation More...
static int ListFilesRecursively (string directoryPath, ref List< string > pathList, List< string > auxList, int numLevels=0, bool includeList=false, bool clearOnBeginning=true, bool RelativePaths=false, bool listDirectories=true, bool listFiles=true, IList< string > searchPatterns=null)
 Recursively lists files and directories within the specified directories, and stores their paths in the specified list, ordered in a tree-like fashion (any directory is processed to all depths before another same level directory is processed). More...
static int ListFilesByLevels (string directoryPath, ref List< string > pathList, List< string > auxList, int numLevels=0, bool includeList=false, bool clearOnBeginning=true, bool RelativePaths=false, bool listDirectories=true, bool listFiles=true, IList< string > searchPatterns=null)
 Recursively (ordered by levels) lists files and directories within the specified directories, and stores their paths in the specified list. More...
static void CopyDirectory (string sourceDirectoryPath, string targetDirectoryPath)
 Recursively copies contents of the source directory to the target directory. More...
static void CopyRecursive (DirectoryInfo source, DirectoryInfo target)
 Recursively copies contents of the source directory to the target directory. More...
static void CopyDirectorySafe (string sourceDirectoryPath, string targetDirectoryPath, out int numErrors, out string errorsString)
 Recursively copies contents of the source directory to the target directory. More...
static void CopyRecursiveSafe (DirectoryInfo source, DirectoryInfo target, ref int numErrors, ref string errorsString)
 Recursively copies contents of the source directory to the target directory. More...
static string CreateTestdirectoryStructure (string baseDirPath, string rootDirName)
 Creates a test directory structure for testing operatios such as recursive copying. Returns path of the created directory structure, or null if something is wrong. More...
static void ExampleCopyDir ()
 Examp More...
static void SaveBinary< ObjectType > (ObjectType objectToSave, string fileName)
 Save the specified serialized object in binary form to the specified file. More...
static void SaveBinary< ObjectType > (ObjectType objectToSave, Stream stream)
 Save the specified serialized object in binary form to the specified stream. More...
static ObjectType LoadBinary< ObjectType > (string fileName)
 Loads the from specified file. More...
static ObjectType LoadBinary< ObjectType > (Stream stream)
 Load network from specified file. More...
static void SaveBinary (object objectToSave, string fileName)
 Save the specified serialized object in binary form to the specified file. More...
static void SaveBinary (object objectToSave, Stream stream)
 Save the specified serialized object in binary form to the specified stream. More...
static object LoadBinary (string fileName)
 Loads the from specified file. More...
static object LoadBinary (Stream stream)
 Load network from specified file. More...


static object LockStatic [get]
 Locking object for static methods and properties of this class. More...
static bool UserNameNotRetrieved [get]
 Whether user name has already been retrieved ans stored. More...
static string UserName [get]
 Gets name of the current user. More...
static string UserNameLowerCase [get]
 Gets name of the current user with all letters converted to lower case (in order to avoid ambiguities). More...
static bool IsUserIgor [get]
 Returns true if the current user logged on the computer is Igor, or false otherwise. More...
static bool IsUserTadej [get]
 Returns true if the current user logged on the computer is Tadej, or false otherwise. More...
static bool IsWindowsOs [get]
 Returns true if the operating system is a Windows variant, false otherwise. More...
static bool IsLinuxOs [get]
 Returns true if the operating system is a Linux variant, false otherwise. More...
static bool IsMaxOs [get]
 Returns true if the operating system is a MacOs variant, false otherwise. More...
static bool DynamicThreadPriority [get, set]
 Whether the ThreadPriority property should be obtained dynamically from the process priority each time its getter is called, or the value that is set should be used until it is not changed explicitly. More...
static ThreadPriority ThreadPriority [get, set]
 Global thread priority. More...
static Assembly ExecutableAssembly [get]
 Returns assembly of the current executable, obtained by Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(). More...
static Assembly IglibAssembly [get]
 Returns assembly of the IGLib base assembly. More...
static bool IsRegisteredAssemblyResolveHandler [get]
 Whether this class' event handler for resolving assembly loading is registered or not. More...
static string[] AssemblyResolutionPaths [get]
static char ResourceSeparator [get]
 Gets the character that is used to separate resource from the resource file (.resources). More...
static string ResourceSeparatorString [get]
 Gets the string that is used to separate resource from the resource file (.resources). More...
static char AssemblySeparator [get]
 Gets the character that is used to separate resource from the assembly. More...
static string AssemblySeparatorString [get]
 Gets the string that is used to separate resource from the assembly. More...

Static Private Member Functions

static void RetrieveUserName ()
 Retrieves and stores information about current user name. More...
static void DetectOs ()
 Detects operating system. More...
static void InternalGetReferencedAssembliesRecursive (Assembly assembly, bool recursive=true)
 Internal recursive method to get all referenced assemblies, and all dependent assemblies of dependent assemblies, etc. More...
static bool ResolveAlreadyFailed (ResolutionIdentity resId)
static void AddResolveFailed (ResolutionIdentity resId)
static void ClearResolveFailed (ResolutionIdentity resId)
static Assembly AssemblyResolveEventHandler (object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
 Event handler that tries to resolve assembly load. More...
static string GetRepairedDirectoryPath (string directoryPath)
 Repairs the specified directory path, if applicable, and returns the repaired directory path. More...
static void RepairDirectoryPath (ref string directoryPath)
 Repairs the specified directory path, if applicable. More...

Private Attributes

const int MinNumCheckedIsTextFile = 100
 Minimal number of checked bytes when determining whether a file is a text file. More...
const string WorkspaceDirectoryEnvironmentVar = "WORKSPACE"
const string WorkspaceProjectsDirectoryEnvironmentVar = "WORKSPACEPROJECTS"
const string WorkspaceProjectsDirName = "workspaceprojects"

Static Private Attributes

static object _lockStatic = null
static string _userName = null
static string _userNameLowerCase = null
static bool _isOsDetected = false
static bool _isWindowsOs = false
static bool _isLinuxOs = false
static bool _isMacOs = false
static bool _dynamicThreadPriority = true
static ThreadPriority _threadPriority = ProcessToThreadPriority(Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass)
static ThreadStart _onThreadPriorityChange
static volatile Assembly _executingAssembly = null
static volatile Assembly _iglibAssembly = null
static volatile Assembly[] _referencedAssembliesDirectWithoutGac
 Assemblies directly referenced by the current executale assembly. Calculated only once, lazy evaluation. More...
static volatile Assembly[] _referencedAssembliesRecursiveWithoutGac
 Assemblies directly or indirectly referenced by the current executale assembly. Calculated only once, lazy evaluation. More...
static volatile Assembly[] _referencedAssembliesDirect
 Assemblies directly referenced by the current executale assembly. Assemblies from global assembly cache are also included. Calculated only once, lazy evaluation. More...
static volatile Assembly[] _referencedAssembliesRecursive
 Assemblies directly or indirectly referenced by the current executale assembly. Calculated only once, lazy evaluation. More...
static Dictionary< string,
Assembly > 
static List< MissingAssembly_missingAssemblyList
static bool _assemblyResolveHandlerAdded = false
static List< ResolutionIdentity_failedResolves = new List<ResolutionIdentity>()
static List< string > _assemblyResolutionPaths = new List<string>()
static char _resourceSeparator = ':'
static string _resourceSeparatorString = null
static char _assemblySeparator = ';'
static string _assemblySeparatorString = null
static string[] _bitmapExtensionsDotNetDefault = { "BMP", "GIF", "EXIF", "JPG", "PNG", "TIFF" }
static List< string > _imageExtensionsDotNet = new List<string>(_bitmapExtensionsDotNetDefault)
static string[] _soundExtensionsDotNetDefault = { "WAV" }
static List< string > _soundExtensionsDotNet = new List<string>(_soundExtensionsDotNetDefault)
static readonly string[] _searcPatternsNone = { null }
 Provides a convenient array of strings containing only null. More...

Detailed Description

General utilities.

$A Igor Apr10;

Member Function Documentation

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.RetrieveUserName ( )

Retrieves and stores information about current user name.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.SetUsername ( string  username)

Sets name of the current user. This method is provided to enable testing code under another user name. Setting to null anihilates effect of previous calls.

After call to this method, user name can be set to null in order to retrieve the true user logged in for subsequent operations.

Warning: you should use this only exceptionally, e.g. for testing, and only in testing or demo sections of code.

usernameName of the user to be set. Null annihilates previous calls and causes that system provided user name is returned by subsequent queries.

Referenced by IG.Lib.ApplicationCommandlineBase.SetUserName().

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetComputerName ( )

Returns name of the computer on which application is running.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemFunctionComputerName().

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetMacAddressFastest ( )

Returns the MAC address of the network interface card with maximal speed.

The returned string represents hexadecimal MAC address without ':', '-' or other punctation marks.

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemFunctionMACAddress().

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetIpAddressLocal ( )

Returns the current local IP address of computer.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemFunctionIpAddress().

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetUserDomainName ( )

Returns the domain name associated with the current user.

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetDomainName ( )

Returns the network domain name associated with the current user.


Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemFunctionDomainName().

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetSystemInfoString ( )

Returns a string containing basic system information - name of the current user, computer name, domain name, IP address, MAC address, and runtime version.


Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemFunctionSystemInfo().

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.DetectOs ( )

Detects operating system.

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetRuntimeVersionString ( )

Gets the version of the runtime on which the current application executes.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemFunctionRuntimeVersion().

static Process IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ExecuteSystemCommand ( string  command,
params string[]  args 

Executes system command with arguments synchronously (blocks until the process that is created exits).

commandCommand string, usually a path to executable or other type of command.
argsArguments to system command.

Referenced by IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.ExecuteSystemCommand(), and IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.RunSimulator().

static Process IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ExecuteSystemCommandAsync ( string  command,
params string[]  args 

Executes system command with arguments asynchronously (returns immediately and does not wait for the process to complete).

commandCommand string, usually a path to executable or other type of command.
argsArguments to system command.
static Process IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ExecuteSystemCommand ( bool  asynchronous,
string  command,
params string[]  args 

Executes system command with arguments.

asynchronousIf true then the system command is executed asynchronously (the method returns immediately, and the caller can wait for the executed process by calling WaitForExit() on the returned object). If false then method blocks until the process completes.
commandCommand string, usually a path to executable or other type of command.
argsArguments to system command.
Process object that can be used to access and manimulate the process that has been executed by this method.
static Process IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ExecuteSystemCommand ( string  workingDirectory,
bool  asynchronous,
string  command,
params string[]  args 

Executes system command with arguments.

workingDirectoryWorking directory of the process that is run. If null or empty string then working sirectory is not specified (the current working directory is used).
asynchronousIf true then the system command is executed asynchronously (the method returns immediately, and the caller can wait for the executed process by calling WaitForExit() on the returned object). If false then method blocks until the process completes.
commandCommand string, usually a path to executable or other type of command.
argsArguments to system command.
Process object that can be used to access and manimulate the process that has been executed by this method.
static Process IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ExecuteSystemCommand ( string  workingDirectory,
bool  asynchronous,
bool  useShell,
string  command,
params string[]  args 

Executes system command with arguments.

workingDirectoryWorking directory of the process that is run. If null or empty string then working sirectory is not specified (the current working directory is used).
asynchronousIf true then the system command is executed asynchronously (the method returns immediately, and the caller can wait for the executed process by calling WaitForExit() on the returned object). If false then method blocks until the process completes.
useShellWhether to use the command shell (open in a new window) for execution.
commandCommand string, usually a path to executable or other type of command.
argsArguments to system command.
Process object that can be used to access and manimulate the process that has been executed by this method.
static Process IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ExecuteSystemCommand ( string  workingDirectory,
bool  asynchronous,
bool  useShell,
bool  createNoWindow,
string  redirectedOutputPath,
bool  redirectStandardOutput,
string  command,
params string[]  args 

Executes system command with arguments.

workingDirectoryWorking directory of the process that is run. If null or empty string then working sirectory is not specified (the current working directory is used).
asynchronousIf true then the system command is executed asynchronously (the method returns immediately, and the caller can wait for the executed process by calling WaitForExit() on the returned object). If false then method blocks until the process completes.
useShellWhether to use the command shell (open in a new window) for execution.
createNoWindowIf true then window is not created.
redirectedOutputPathPath to the file where standard output is redirected (null means that output is not redirected to a file).
redirectStandardOutputWhether standard output is redirected (in this case, there will be no output to the console). Enables suppressing output to console without redirecting it to a specified file.
commandCommand string, usually a path to executable or other type of command.
argsArguments to system command.
Process object that can be used to access and manimulate the process that has been executed by this method.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsWindowsOs.

static Process IG.Lib.UtilSystem.OpenFileInDefaultApplication ( string  filePath)

Opens the specified file in the default system's application for handling this kind of prcesses, and returns the process that opened the file.

filePathPath to the file to be opened.
Process object for the eprocess where the file is opened.
static Process IG.Lib.UtilSystem.OpenFileInDefaultBrowser ( string  filePath)

Opens the specified file in the system's default browser.

filePathPath of the file to be opened.
Process object for the eprocess where the file is opened.

Referenced by IG.Lib.HtmlWriter.Example().

static Process IG.Lib.UtilSystem.OpenUrlInDefaultBrowser ( string  url)

Opens the specified URL (Unique Resource locator, e.g. a web address) in the default browser.

<url>Adress of page to be shown.</url>

Process object for the eprocess where the file is opened.
static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetCurrentProcessExecutableName ( )

Returns name of the executable file (with extension) for the current process.

Referenced by IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdAbout(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdApplicationInfo(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdAsyncCompleted(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdAsyncWaitResults(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdBeginRepeat(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdBlock(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdCalcJsBlock(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdClearVariable(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdComment(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdCurrentDirectory(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdElse(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdElseIf(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdEndBlock(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdEndCalcJsBlock(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdEndIf(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdEndRepeat(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdEndWhile(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdExit(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdExpressionEvaluatorJavascript(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdGetVariable(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdHelp(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdIf(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdIsModuleLoaded(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdLoadModule(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdLoadScript(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdModuleTestCommand(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdOutputLevel(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdOutputLevelCalc(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdPipeClientCreate(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdPipeClientGetServerResponse(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdPipeClientInfo(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdPipeClientsRemove(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdPipeServerCreate(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdPipeServerInfo(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdPipeServersRemove(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdPrintCommands(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdPrintParallelCommands(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdPrintVariable(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdRead(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdRunAsync(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdRunFile(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdRunInteractive(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdRunInternalScriptClass(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdRunLoadedScript(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdRunParallel(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdRunParallelRepeat(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdRunRepeat(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdRunRepeatVerbose(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdRunScriptFile(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdRunSystem(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdSetPriority(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdSetVariableBase(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdSleepSeconds(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdStackLevel(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdSuppressInteractive(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdSuppressInteractiveFrame(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdTest(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdTestFromTestModules(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdTestLU(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdTestProduct(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdTestQR(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdTestSpeed(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdTestSpeedLong(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdThreadId(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdThreadInfo(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdThtrowExceptions(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdTryRun(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdUseJint(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdWhile(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdWrite(), and IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.WriteLoadableScriptReferencedAssemblies().

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetCurrentProcessExecutablePath ( )

Returns the absolute path of the executable file (with extension) for the current process.

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetCurrentProcessExecutableWithoutExtension ( )

Returns name of the executable file (with extension) for the current process.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAllProcesses ( ref List< Process >  processList)

Gets all runnning processes, and puts them to the specified list.

processListList on which the processes are put. If nul then it is allocated first. If not empty then it is cleared firts.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionListProcesses().

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetProcesses ( string  processName,
ref List< Process >  processList 

Gets all processes with the specified name, and puts them to tehe specified list.

processNameName of the processes to be put on the list. Name is case sensitive.
processListList on which the processes matching the name are put. If nul then it is allocated first. If not empty then it is cleared firts.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionKillProcesses(), and IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionListProcesses().

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetProcesses ( string  processName,
bool  caseSensitive,
ref List< Process >  processList 

Gets all processes with the specified name, and puts them to tehe specified list.

processNameName of the processes to be put on the list.
caseSensitiveWhether name is case sensitive.
processListList on which the processes matching the name are put. If nul then it is allocated first. If not empty then it is cleared firts.
static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetProcesses ( string  processName,
bool  caseSensitive,
bool  isFullString,
ref List< Process >  processList 

Gets all processes with the specified name, and puts them to tehe specified list.

processNameName of the processes to be put on the list.
caseSensitiveWhether name is case sensitive.
isFullStringWhether the processName is a full process name (if false, it can be only its substring).
processListList on which the processes matching the name are put. If nul then it is allocated first. If not empty then it is cleared firts.
static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsProcessRunning ( string  processName)

Returns true if at least one process with the specified name is running, false otherwise.

processNameName of the process for which we check whether it is running. Name is case sensitive.
True if at least one process with the specified name is running, false otherwise.
static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsProcessRunning ( string  processName,
bool  caseSensitive 

Returns true if at least one process with the specified name is running, false otherwise.

processNameName of the process for which we check whether it is running.
caseSensitiveWhether process name is case sensitive.
True if at least one process with the specified name is running, false otherwise.
static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsProcessRunning ( string  processName,
bool  isFullString,
bool  caseSensitive 

Returns true if at least one process with the specified name is running, false otherwise.

processNameName of the process for which we check whether it is running.
caseSensitiveWhether process name is case sensitive.
isFullStringWhether the processName is a full process name (if false, it can be only its substring).
True if at least one process with the specified name is running, false otherwise.
static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillFirstProcess ( string  processName)

Kills the first running process found that has the specified process name.

Nothing happens if there are no such processes running. Exceptions are cought and eventually reported on console if the Util.OutputLevel >= 1.

processNameName of the process to be killed. Name is case sensitive.

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillFirstProcess ( string  processName,
bool  caseSensitive 

Kills the first running process found that has the specified process name.

Nothing happens if there are no such processes running. Exceptions are cought and eventually reported on console if the Util.OutputLevel >= 1.

processNameName of the process for which we check whether it is running.
caseSensitiveWhether process name is case sensitive.

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillFirstProcess ( string  processName,
bool  caseSensitive,
bool  isFullString 

Kills the first running process found that has the specified process name.

Nothing happens if there are no such processes running. Exceptions are cought and eventually reported on console if the Util.OutputLevel >= 1.

processNameName of the process for which we check whether it is running.
caseSensitiveWhether process name is case sensitive.
isFullStringWhether the processName is a full process name (if false, it can be only its substring).

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillAllProcesses ( string  processName)

Kills all running process have the specified process name.

Nothing happens if there are no such processes running. Exceptions are cought and eventually reported on console if the Util.OutputLevel >= 1.

processNameName of the process to be killed. Name is case sensitive.

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillAllProcesses ( string  processName,
bool  caseSensitive 

Kills all running processes that have the specified process name.

Nothing happens if there are no such processes running. Exceptions are cought and eventually reported on console if the Util.OutputLevel >= 1.

processNameName of the process for which we check whether it is running.
caseSensitiveWhether process name is case sensitive.

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillAllProcesses ( string  processName,
bool  isFullString,
bool  caseSensitive 

Kills all running processes that have the specified process name.

Nothing happens if there are no such processes running. Exceptions are cought and eventually reported on console if the Util.OutputLevel >= 1.

processNameName of the process for which we check whether it is running.
caseSensitiveWhether process name is case sensitive.
isFullStringWhether the processName is a full process name (if false, it can be only its substring).

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAllApplications ( ref List< Process >  processList)

Gets all runnning applications, and puts them to the specified list.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

processListList on which the processes are put. If nul then it is allocated first. If not empty then it is cleared firts.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionListApplications(), and IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionListApplicationsByWindow().

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetApplications ( string  processName,
ref List< Process >  processList 

Gets all applications with the specified process name, and puts them to the specified list.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

processNameName of the processes to be put on the list. Name is case sensitive.
processListList on which the application processes matching the name are put. If nul then it is allocated first. If not empty then it is cleared firts.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionKillApplications(), and IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionListApplications().

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetApplications ( string  processName,
bool  caseSensitive,
ref List< Process >  processList 

Gets all applications with the specified proces name, and puts them to tehe specified list.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

processNameName of the processes to be put on the list.
caseSensitiveWhether name is case sensitive.
processListList on which the application processes matching the name are put. If nul then it is allocated first. If not empty then it is cleared firts.
static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetApplications ( string  processName,
bool  caseSensitive,
bool  isFullString,
ref List< Process >  processList 

Gets all applications with the specified proces name, and puts them to tehe specified list.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

processNameName of the processes to be put on the list.
caseSensitiveWhether name is case sensitive.
isFullStringWhether the processName is a full name (if false, it can be only a substring of the process name).
processListList on which the application processes matching the name are put. If nul then it is allocated first. If not empty then it is cleared firts.
static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsApplicationRunning ( string  processName)

Returns true if at least one application with the specified process name is running, false otherwise.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

processNameName of the process for which we check whether it is running. Name is case sensitive.
True if at least one process with the specified name is running, false otherwise.
static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsApplicationRunning ( string  processName,
bool  caseSensitive 

Returns true if at least one application with the specified process name is running, false otherwise.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

processNameName of the process for which we check whether it is running.
caseSensitiveWhether process name is case sensitive.
True if at least one process with the specified name is running, false otherwise.
static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsApplicationRunning ( string  processName,
bool  caseSensitive,
bool  isFullString 

Returns true if at least one application with the specified process name is running, false otherwise.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

processNameName of the process for which we check whether it is running.
caseSensitiveWhether process name is case sensitive.
isFullStringWhether the processName is a full name (if false, it can be only a substring of the process name).
True if at least one process with the specified name is running, false otherwise.
static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillFirstApplication ( string  processName)

Kills the first running application found that has the specified process name.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

Nothing happens if there are no such processes running. Exceptions are cought and eventually reported on console if the Util.OutputLevel >= 1.

processNameName of the process to be killed. Name is case sensitive.

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillFirstApplication ( string  processName,
bool  caseSensitive 

Kills the first running application found that has the specified process name.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

Nothing happens if there are no such processes running. Exceptions are cought and eventually reported on console if the Util.OutputLevel >= 1.

processNameName of the process for which we check whether it is running.
caseSensitiveWhether process name is case sensitive.

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillFirstApplication ( string  processName,
bool  caseSensitive,
bool  isFullString 

Kills the first running application found that has the specified process name.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

Nothing happens if there are no such processes running. Exceptions are cought and eventually reported on console if the Util.OutputLevel >= 1.

processNameName of the process for which we check whether it is running.
caseSensitiveWhether process name is case sensitive.
isFullStringWhether the processName is a full name (if false, it can be only a substring of the process name).

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillAllApplications ( string  processName)

Kills the all running applications that has the specified process name.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

Nothing happens if there are no such processes running. Exceptions are cought and eventually reported on console if the Util.OutputLevel >= 1.

processNameName of the process to be killed. Name is case sensitive.

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillAllApplications ( string  processName,
bool  caseSensitive 

Kills all running applications that have the specified process name.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

Nothing happens if there are no such processes running. Exceptions are cought and eventually reported on console if the Util.OutputLevel >= 1.

processNameName of the process for which we check whether it is running.
caseSensitiveWhether process name is case sensitive.

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillAllApplications ( string  processName,
bool  caseSensitive,
bool  isFullString 

Kills all running applications that have the specified process name.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

Nothing happens if there are no such processes running. Exceptions are cought and eventually reported on console if the Util.OutputLevel >= 1.

processNameName of the process for which we check whether it is running.
caseSensitiveWhether process name is case sensitive.
isFullStringWhether the processName is a full name (if false, it can be only a substring of the process name).

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetApplicationsByWindowTitle ( string  mainWindowTitle,
ref List< Process >  processList 

Gets all applications with the specified main window title, and puts them to the specified list.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

mainWindowTitleApplications' main window title. Name is case sensitive.
processListList on which the application processes matching the name are put. If nul then it is allocated first. If not empty then it is cleared firts.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionKillApplicationsByWindow(), and IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionListApplicationsByWindow().

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetApplicationsByWindowTitle ( string  mainWindowTitle,
bool  caseSensitive,
ref List< Process >  processList 

Gets all applications with the specified main window title, and puts them to tehe specified list.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

mainWindowTitleApplications' main window title.
caseSensitiveWhether name is case sensitive.
processListList on which the application processes matching the name are put. If nul then it is allocated first. If not empty then it is cleared firts.
static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetApplicationsByWindowTitle ( string  mainWindowTitle,
bool  caseSensitive,
bool  isFullString,
ref List< Process >  processList 

Gets all applications with the specified main window title, and puts them to tehe specified list.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

mainWindowTitleApplications' main window title.
caseSensitiveWhether name is case sensitive.
isFullStringWhether the mainWindowTitle is a full window title (if false, it can be only its substring).
processListList on which the application processes matching the name are put. If nul then it is allocated first. If not empty then it is cleared firts.
static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsApplicationRunningByWindowTitle ( string  mainWindowTitle)

Returns true if at least one application with the specified main window title is running, false otherwise.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

mainWindowTitleApplication's main window title. Name is case sensitive.
True if at least one process with the specified name is running, false otherwise.
static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsApplicationRunningByWindowTitle ( string  mainWindowTitle,
bool  caseSensitive 

Returns true if at least one application with the specified main window title is running, false otherwise.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

mainWindowTitleApplication's main window title.
caseSensitiveWhether process name is case sensitive.
True if at least one process with the specified name is running, false otherwise.
static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsApplicationRunningByWindowTitle ( string  mainWindowTitle,
bool  caseSensitive,
bool  isFullString 

Returns true if at least one application with the specified main window title is running, false otherwise.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

mainWindowTitleApplication's main window title.
caseSensitiveWhether process name is case sensitive.
isFullStringWhether the name is full name.
True if at least one process with the specified name is running, false otherwise.
static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillFirstApplicationByWindowTitle ( string  mainWindowTitle)

Kills the first running application found that has the specified main window title.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

Nothing happens if there are no such processes running. Exceptions are cought and eventually reported on console if the Util.OutputLevel >= 1.

mainWindowTitleApplication's main window title. Name is case sensitive.

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillFirstApplicationByWindowTitle ( string  mainWindowTitle,
bool  caseSensitive 

Kills the first running application found that has the specified main window title.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

Nothing happens if there are no such processes running. Exceptions are cought and eventually reported on console if the Util.OutputLevel >= 1.

mainWindowTitleApplication's main window title.
caseSensitiveWhether process name is case sensitive.

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillFirstApplicationByWindowTitle ( string  mainWindowTitle,
bool  caseSensitive,
bool  isFullString 

Kills the first running application found that has the specified main window title.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

Nothing happens if there are no such processes running. Exceptions are cought and eventually reported on console if the Util.OutputLevel >= 1.

mainWindowTitleApplication's main window title.
caseSensitiveWhether process name is case sensitive.
isFullStringWhether the name is full name.

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillAllApplicationsByWindowTitle ( string  mainWindowTitle)

Kills the all running applications that has the specified main window title.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

Nothing happens if there are no such processes running. Exceptions are cought and eventually reported on console if the Util.OutputLevel >= 1.

mainWindowTitleApplication's main window title. Name is case sensitive.

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillAllApplicationsByWindowTitle ( string  mainWindowTitle,
bool  caseSensitive 

Kills all running applications that have the specified main window title.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

Nothing happens if there are no such processes running. Exceptions are cought and eventually reported on console if the Util.OutputLevel >= 1.

mainWindowTitleApplication's main window title.
caseSensitiveWhether process name is case sensitive.

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.KillAllApplicationsByWindowTitle ( string  mainWindowTitle,
bool  caseSensitive,
bool  isFullString 

Kills all running applications that have the specified main window title.

Applications are regarded all processes with visible main window and window title defined.

Nothing happens if there are no such processes running. Exceptions are cought and eventually reported on console if the Util.OutputLevel >= 1.

mainWindowTitleApplication's main window title.
caseSensitiveWhether process name is case sensitive.
isFullStringWhether the mainWindowTitle is a full window title (if false, it can be only its substring).

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static ThreadPriority IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ProcessToThreadPriority ( ProcessPriorityClass  processPriority)

Converts the specified ProcessPriorityClass enum value to the approcimately equivalent ThreadPriority value and returns it.

processPriorityProcess priority value to be converted to thread priority.
static ProcessPriorityClass IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ThreadToProcessPriority ( ThreadPriority  threadPriority)

Converts the specified ThreadPriority enum value to the approcimately equivalent ProcessPriorityClass value and returns it.

threadPriorityThread priority value to be converted to thread priority.
static ThreadPriority IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetThreadPriorityFromProcess ( )

Returns the thread priority value that is equivallent to the current process' priority class.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.UpdateThreadPriorityFromProcess ( )

Updates the global thread priority (the UtilSystem.ThreadPriority property ) in such a way that it is the same as the current process priority.

If the priority is changed by this call then the event handlers are also executed (the delegate UtilSystem.OnThreadPriorityChange is called).

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.OnThreadPriorityChange ( )

This delegate is called when the global thread priority changes (property UtilSystem.ThreadPriority), but can also be called manually.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.AddOnThreadPriorityChange ( ThreadStart  onPriorityChangeMethod)

Adds the specified method that is executed when the global thread priority changes.

onPriorityChangeMethodMethod that is added.

Referenced by IG.Num.ParallelJobDispatcherBase< JobContainerType >.RegisterSystemPriorityUpdating(), and IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.RegisterSystemPriorityUpdating().

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.RemoveOnThreadPriorityChange ( ThreadStart  onPriorityChangeMethod)

Removes the specified method that is executed when the global thread priority changes.

onPriorityChangeMethodMethod that is removed.

Referenced by IG.Num.ParallelJobDispatcherBase< JobContainerType >.UnregisterSystemPriorityUpdating(), and IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.UnregisterSystemPriorityUpdating().

static Assembly IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyByName ( string  assemblyName,
bool  caseSensitive = false,
bool  loadIfNecessary = true,
bool  byFileName = false 

Finnds and returns assembly specified by file name.

assemblyNameName of the assembly file.
caseSensitiveWhether names are case sensitive.
loadIfNecessaryWhether assembly can be loaded.
byFileNameWhether assemblies are searched by file name.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionInfo(), IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionResources(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdAbout(), IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdApplicationInfo(), IG.Forms.ResourceViewerControl.ShowViewedItem(), IG.Forms.DllSelector.txtSelectedAssembly_TextChanged(), and IG.Forms.AssemblySelector.txtSelectedAssembly_TextChanged().

static Assembly IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyByFileName ( string  assemblyName,
bool  caseSensitive = false,
bool  loadIfNecessary = true 

Finnds and returns assembly specified by file name.

assemblyNameName of the assembly file.
caseSensitiveWhether names are case sensitive.
loadIfNecessaryWhether assembly can be loaded.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionInfo(), and IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionResources().

static Assembly IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyByNameOrFileName ( string  assemblyName,
bool  caseSensitive = false,
bool  loadIfNecessary = true,
bool  byName = true,
bool  byFileName = true 

Finnds and returns assembly specified by name.

assemblyNameName of the assembly.
caseSensitiveWhether names are case sensitive.
loadIfNecessaryWhether assembly can be loaded.
byNameWhether assembly is searched for by name rather than by its filenmae.
byFileNameIf true then assembly is searched for by file name.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyFileName().

static Assembly [] IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetLoadedAssemblies ( )
static IList<Assembly> IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetLoadedAssemblies ( IList< Assembly >  assemblyList,
bool  clearBefore = true 

Adds all loaded assembly from the current application domain to the specified list, and returns the list.

assemblyListList on which loaded assemblies are loaded. If null then the list is created internally (inboth cases the list is returned).
clearBeforeSpwcifies whether the list should be cleared fitst in order to remove any existent items on the list.
List onto which the loaded assemblies were added. This makes the method usable even if the assemblyList is null, in which case the list is allocated within the method.
static Assembly [] IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetReferencedAssembliesWithoutGac ( )

Returns an array containing the executable assembly and all its DIRECTLY referenced assemblies. Assemblies from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) are NOT included.

Array of assemblies is calculated only once (the first time it is needed) and is stored internally for to speed up further uses.



Assembly names, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/k8xx4k69%28v=vs.110%29.aspx

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionReferenced().

static Assembly [] IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetReferencedAssembliesRecursiveWithoutGac ( )

Returns an array containing the executable assembly and all its referenced assemblies (directly or indirectly). Assemblies from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) are NOT included.

Array of assemblies is calculated only once (the first time it is needed) and is stored internally for to speed up further uses.



Assembly names, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/k8xx4k69%28v=vs.110%29.aspx

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionReferenced().

static IList<Assembly> IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetReferencedAssembliesWithoutGac ( IList< Assembly >  assemblyList,
bool  clearBefore = true 

Adds the executable assembly and all its referenced assemblies (directly or indirectly) without those from GAC to the specified list, and returns the list.

assemblyListList on which referenced assemblies are loaded. If null then the list is created internally (inboth cases the list is returned).
clearBeforeSpwcifies whether the list should be cleared fitst in order to remove any existent items on the list.
List onto which the loaded assemblies were added. This makes the method usable even if the assemblyList is null, in which case the list is allocated within the method.
static Assembly [] IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetReferencedAssemblies ( )

Returns an array containing the executable assembly and all its DIRECTLY referenced assemblies. Assemblies from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) are also included.

Array of assemblies is calculated only once (the first time it is needed) and is stored internally to speed up further uses.



Assembly names, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/k8xx4k69%28v=vs.110%29.aspx

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionReferenced(), IG.Script.AppExtBase.FormDemoFunctionOpenFormOld(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetType(), IG.Forms.DllSelector.RefreshReferencedAssembliesList(), and IG.Forms.AssemblySelector.RefreshReferencedAssembliesList().

static IList<Assembly> IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetReferencedAssemblies ( IList< Assembly >  assemblyList,
bool  clearBefore = true 

Adds the executable assembly and all its DIRECTLY referenced assemblies without those from GAC to the specified list, and returns the list.

assemblyListList on which referenced assemblies are loaded. If null then the list is created internally (inboth cases the list is returned).
clearBeforeSpwcifies whether the list should be cleared fitst in order to remove any existent items on the list.
List onto which the loaded assemblies were added. This makes the method usable even if the assemblyList is null, in which case the list is allocated within the method.
static Assembly [] IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetReferencedAssembliesRecursive ( )

Returns an array containing the executable assembly and all its referenced assemblies (directly or indirectly), which roughly coincides with all assemblies that can be potentially used by the current application. Assemblies from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) are also included.

Array of assemblies is calculated only once (the first time it is needed) and is stored internally to speed up further uses.



Assembly names, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/k8xx4k69%28v=vs.110%29.aspx

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionReferenced().

static IList<Assembly> IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetReferencedAssembliesRecursive ( IList< Assembly >  assemblyList,
bool  clearBefore = true 

Adds the executable assembly and all its referenced (directly or indirectly) assemblies to the specified list, and returns the list. This roughly coincides with all assemblies that can be potentially used by the current application.

assemblyListList on which referenced assemblies are loaded. If null then the list is created internally (inboth cases the list is returned).
clearBeforeSpwcifies whether the list should be cleared fitst in order to remove any existent items on the list.
List onto which the loaded assemblies were added. This makes the method usable even if the assemblyList is null, in which case the list is allocated within the method.
static List<string> IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetReferencedAssembliesFlat ( Assembly  assembly)

Get assemblies referenced by the specified assembly. Not recursive.

assemblyAssembly whose referenced assemblies are obtained.
static Dictionary<string, Assembly> IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetReferencedAssemblies ( Assembly  assembly,
bool  ignoreGac = true,
bool  recursive = true 

Creates and returns a dictionary containing all assemblies referenced (directly or indirectly) by the specified assembly. Recursive.

assemblyAssembly whose referenced assemblies are obtained recursively.
ignoreGacWhether to ignore assemblies in GAC.
recursiveWhetherr to get a listt of assemblies recursively.
static List<MissingAssembly> IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetMissingAssemblies ( Assembly  assembly,
bool  recursive = true 

Get missing assemblies - those referenced assemblies that could not be loaded.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.InternalGetReferencedAssembliesRecursive ( Assembly  assembly,
bool  recursive = true 

Internal recursive method to get all referenced assemblies, and all dependent assemblies of dependent assemblies, etc.

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.SimpleAssemblyName ( string  fullName)

Returns a simple assembly name that corresponds to the specified full name of the assembly.

Simple name is only the assemblyname, not including assembly version, pulbic key token, or culture.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.RegisterAssemblyResolveHandler ( )

Registers tis class' event handler for resolving assembly load failures.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.UnregisterAssemblyResolveHandler ( )

Unregisters tis class' event handler for resolving assembly load failures.

static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ResolveAlreadyFailed ( ResolutionIdentity  resId)
static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.AddResolveFailed ( ResolutionIdentity  resId)
static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ClearResolveFailed ( ResolutionIdentity  resId)
static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.AddAssemblyResolutionPath ( string  path)

Adds a new directory where assemblies to be loaded are looked for.

pathPath of the directory.
static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.RemoveAssemblyResolutionPath ( string  path)

Removes the specified directory where assemblies to be loaded are looked for.

Path string must be exactly the same as when the path was added to the list of locations.

pathPath of the directory.
static Assembly IG.Lib.UtilSystem.AssemblyResolveEventHandler ( object  sender,
ResolveEventArgs  args 

Event handler that tries to resolve assembly load.

static Assembly IG.Lib.UtilSystem.LoadAssembly ( string  fullName,
int  outputLevel = 2,
bool  reflectionOnly = false 

Loads the specified assembly.

fullNameName of the assembly to be loaded.
outputLevelThe level of output. If greater than 0 then some information abot loading the assembly and assembly itself is printed.
reflectionOnlyIf true then assembly is loaded for inspection only, i.e. out of any applicatin domain, and can not be executed.
Loaded assembly, or null if the assembly could not be loaded.
static Assembly [] IG.Lib.UtilSystem.LoadAssemblies ( string[]  fullNames,
int  outputLevel = 2,
bool  reflectionOnly = false 

Loads all the assemblies specified by arguments, and returns the array of loaded assemblies.

fullNamesNames of the assemblies to be loaded.
outputLevelThe level of output. If greater than 0 then some information abot loading the assembly and assembly itself is printed.
reflectionOnlyIf true then assembly is loaded for inspection only, i.e. out of any applicatin domain, and can not be executed.
Array of loaded assemblies.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionLoadAssemblies().

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyName ( Assembly  assembly)

Returns the simple name of the specified assembly.

This method is provided, among the others, in order to standardise how assemblies are referred to within the IGLib library when version, culture and other specifics do not need to be differentiated and it only matters that logically the same assemblies are identified by some a common identifier.

assemblyAssembly whose name is returned.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionLoadAssemblies(), IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionLoaded(), IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionReferenced(), IG.Forms.AssemblySelector.comboLoadedAssemblies_SelectedIndexChanged(), IG.Forms.AssemblySelector.comboReferencedAssemblies_SelectedIndexChanged(), IG.Forms.ResourceSelector.RefreshEmbeddedResourcesList(), IG.Forms.AssemblySelector.RefreshLoadedAssembliesList(), IG.Forms.AssemblySelector.RefreshReferencedAssembliesList(), and IG.Forms.ResourceSelector.RefreshResxResourcesList().

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyFileName ( Assembly  assembly)

Returns file name of the specified assembly.

assemblyAssembly whose file name is returned.

Referenced by IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyByNameOrFileName().

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyDirectory ( Assembly  assembly)

Returns the directory containing the specified assembly.

assemblyAssembly whose directory is returned.
static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyAssemblyName ( Assembly  assembly)

Returns assembly name of the specified assembly.

assemblyAssembly whose name is returned.
static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyAssemblyFullName ( Assembly  assembly)

Returns assembly name of the specified assembly.

assemblyAssembly whose name is returned.
static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyVersion ( Assembly  assembly,
int  numLevels = 2 

Returns version (from the file info) of the specified assembly.

numLevelsNmber of levels included in the returned version string.
assemblyAssembly whose version is returned.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionLoadAssemblies(), IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionLoaded(), and IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionReferenced().

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyTitle ( Assembly  assembly)

Returns descriptive title of the specified assembly (from the AssemblyInfo file).

assemblyAssembly whose title is returned.
static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyDescription ( Assembly  assembly)

Returns description of the specified assembly (from assembly info).

assemblyAssembly whose description is returned.
static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyCompany ( Assembly  assembly)

Returns company attribute of the specified assembly.

assemblyAssembly whose company is returned.
static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyCopyrightInfo ( Assembly  assembly)

Returns copyright information of the specified assembly.

assemblyAssembly whose copyright information is returned.
static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyInfo ( Assembly  assembly,
int  infoLevel = 3,
int  versionLevel = 0 

Returns a (possibly multiline) string containing basic information about the specified assembly, such as file name, directory, assembly name, and version.

infoLevelLevel of information put into the string:

1: assembly name and version, executable file.

2: executable directory, title, description.

3: creator, copyright info.

versionLevelLevel version nformation included. By default (value 0), one level more than infoLevel .
assemblyAssembly whose information in readable form is returned.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionInfo(), and IG.Forms.AssemblyInfoControl.RefreshOutput().

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetExecutableFileName ( )

Returns file name of the current executable.

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetExecutableDirectory ( )

Returns the directory containing the executable that started the current application.

Referenced by IG.Lib.ScriptLoaderBase.GetExecutableDirectory().

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetExecutableAssemblyName ( )

Returns assembly name of the current executable.

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetExecutableVersion ( int  numLevels = 2)

Returns version (from the file info) of the current executable.

numLevelsNmber of levels included in the returned version string.
static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetExecutableTitle ( )

Returns descriptive title of the current executable (from the AssemblyInfo file).

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetExecutableDescription ( )

Returns description of the current executable (from the AssemblyInfo file).

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetExecutableCompany ( )

Returns company attribute of the currentt executable.

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetExecutableCopyrightInfo ( )

Returns copyright information of the current executable.

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetExecutableInfo ( int  infoLevel = 3,
int  versionLevel = 0 

Returns a (possibly multiline) string containing basic information about the current executable, such as executable file name and directory.

infoLevelLevel of information put into the string:

1: assembly name and version, executable file.

2: executable directory, title, description.

3: creator, copyright info.

versionLevelLevel version nformation included. By default (vlue 0), one level more than infoLevel .
static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetIglibFileName ( )

Returns file name of the IGLib assembly.

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetIglibDirectory ( )

Returns the directory containing the IGLib assembly.

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetIglibAssemblyName ( )

Returns assembly name of the IGLib assembly.

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetIglibVersion ( int  numLevels = 2)

Returns version (from the file info) of the IGLib assembly.

numLevelsNmber of levels included in the returned version string.
static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetIglibTitle ( )

Returns descriptive title of the IGLib assembly (from the AssemblyInfo file).

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetIglibDescription ( )

Returns description of the IGLib assembly (from assembly info).

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetIglibCompany ( )

Returns company attribute of the IGLib assembly.

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetIglibCopyrightInfo ( )

Returns copyright information of the IGLib assembly.

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetIglibInfo ( int  infoLevel = 3,
int  versionLevel = 0 

Returns a (possibly multiline) string containing basic information about the IGLib base library, such as file name, directory, assembly name, and version.

infoLevelLevel of information put into the string:

1: assembly name and version, executable file.

2: executable directory, title, description.

3: creator, copyright info.

versionLevelLevel version nformation included. By default (value 0), one level more than infoLevel .
static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetApplicationInfo ( int  infoLevel = 3,
bool  includeIglibInfo = true,
int  versionLevel = 2,
IList< Assembly >  additionalAssemblies = null 

Returns a (possibly multiline) string containing basic information about the current application, such as file name, directory, assembly name, and version. Information about IGLib can be included, too.

infoLevelLevel of information put into the string:

1: assembly name and version, executable file.

2: executable directory.

includeIglibInfoWhether info about IGLib is included. If false then only application info is included.
versionLevelLevel version nformation included. 2 by default, 0: one level more than infoLevel .
additionalAssembliesAdditional assemblies that should be described in the returned info string.

Referenced by IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdAbout(), and IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdApplicationInfo().

static Type IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetType ( string  className,
string  nameSpace = null,
bool  ignoreCase = true,
bool  tryWithoutNamespace = true 

Finds a type with the specified class name and returns it.

The type is searched for in the executable assembly, the current assembly, all loaded assemblies and in the referenced assemblies of the executable assembly.

If the type can not be found then 0 is returned (no exceptions thrown).

classNameName of the type to be obtained. It must include namespace unless the namespace is specified separately by the nameSpace parameter.
nameSpaceIf provided then this parameter is prepended to the class name as (. separated) namespace.

If thee tryWithoutNamespace parameter is true then type name is also tried without the namespace, but this is done after the name prepended with a namespace is tried (when namespace is specified).

ignoreCaseIf true then type name is case insensitive; default is false (case sensitive names).
tryWithoutNamespaceIf true then search for a type without namespace is attempted, too, even if the namespace is specified.

Referenced by IG.Script.AppExtBase.FormDemoFunctionOpenFormOrControl().

static Type IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetType ( string  className,
bool  ignoreCase = false 

Finds a type with the specified class name and returns it.

The type is searched for in the executable assembly, the current assembly, all loaded assemblies and in the referenced assemblies of the executable assembly.

If the type can not be found then 0 is returned (no exceptions thrown).

classNameFull name of the type to be obtaines (must include namespace).
ignoreCaseIf true then type name is case insensitive; default is false (case sensitive names).

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetLoadedAssemblies(), and IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetReferencedAssemblies().

static object IG.Lib.UtilSystem.InstantiateObject ( Type  objectType,
Type  superClass = null,
Type  notSuperClass = null 

Instantiates an object of the specified type and performs checks on type inheritance if this is specified by parameters.

Object type must have an argument-less constructor, otherwise exception is thrown.

InvalidCastExceptionThrown if object type does not correspond to the inheritance requirements specified by parameters.
ArgumentExceptionThrown if objectType is null.
objectTypeType of the object to be instantiated.
superClassIf specified (not null) then the objectType must inherit from this type.
notSuperClassIf specified (not null) then the objectType must NOT inherit from this type.
Newly created object of the specified type.
static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsPathResxResource ( string  resourcePath)

Returns a flag indicating whether the specified resource path represents a resource included through a resource file (extension .resx, which compiles to file with extension .resourced).

resourcePathFull path to the resource. If this is a resource that was included via resource file (.resx), this consists of the path of the resources file (extension .resources) and name of the resource without extension.
static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsPathResxResourceFile ( string  resourcePath)

Returns a flag indicating whether the specified resource path represents a compiled resource file that was compiled via the XML resource file (extension .resx, which compiles to file with extension .resourced).

resourcePathFull path to the resource or resource file. If this is a resource that was included via resource file (.resx), this consists of the path of the resources file (extension .resources) and name of the resource without extension.
static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsPathEmbeddedResource ( string  resourcePath)

Returns a flag indicating whether the specified resource path represents an embedded resource (a resource that is compiled into assembly as a stand-alone file).

resourcePathFull path to the resource or resource file. If this is a resource that was included via resource file (.resx), this consists of the path of the resources file (extension .resources) and name of the resource without extension.
static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetResxResourceName ( string  resourcePath)

Returns name of the resource with the specified path that was compiled to assembly throuwh a .resx file (XML resource file).

If the resourcePath does not represent such a resource then null is returned.

resourcePathFull path to the resource or resource file. If this is a resource that was included via resource file (.resx), this consists of the path of the resources file (extension .resources) and name of the resource without extension.
static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetResxResourceFilePath ( string  resourcePath)

Returns path of the resource file, given the specified path of a resource (or its resource file) that was compiled to assembly through a .resx file (XML resource file).

If the resourcePath does not represent such a resource then null is returned.

resourcePathFull path to the resource or resource file. If this is a resource that was included via resource file (.resx), this consists of the path of the resources file (extension .resources) and name of the resource without extension.

IMPORTANT: For this method, parameter can either be a path to the resource (consisting of resource file path and resource name separated by colon) or it can just be a path to the resource.

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetEmbeddedResourceName ( string  resourcePath)

Returns name of the embedded resource (i.e., its filename) with the specified path.

If the resourcePath does not represent such a resource then null is returned.

WARNING: This method is not reliable and can only be ursed for informative purposes! For example, it does not return the correct path if the embedded resource file does not have an extension.


resourcePathFull path to the resource or resource file. If this is a resource that was included via resource file (.resx), this consists of the path of the resources file (extension .resources) and name of the resource without extension.
static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetEmbeddedResourceDirectory ( string  resourcePath)

Returns path of the embedded resource' directory for a resource with the specified path.

If the resourcePath does not represent such a resource then null is returned.

WARNING: This method is not reliable and can only be ursed for informative purposes! For example, it does not return the correct path if the embedded resource file does not have an extension.

resourcePathFull path to the resource or resource file. If this is a resource that was included via resource file (.resx), this consists of the path of the resources file (extension .resources) and name of the resource without extension.
static Stream IG.Lib.UtilSystem.AssemblyEmbeddedFileResourceStream ( Assembly  assembly,
string  resourceName 

Returns a stream containing the embedded file resource included in the specified assembly.

assemblyAssembly from which the resource is obtained.
resourceNameName of the embedded file resource (i.e., its complete path, consisting of the default namespace of the assembly, dot separated directory path, and resource file name).
Open readable stream (which must be closed upon use) containing the resource.
static Stream IG.Lib.UtilSystem.AssemblyEmbeddedFileResourceStream ( string  resourceName)

Returns a stream containing the embedded file resource included in the currently executing assembly.

resourceNameName of the embedded file resource (i.e., its complete path, consisting of the default namespace of the assembly, dot separated directory path, and resource file name).
Open readable stream (which must be closed upon use) containing the resource.
static IList<string> IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyResourceFiles ( Assembly  assembly,
ref IList< string >  resourceNames,
bool  clearBefore = true 

The same as GetAssemblyResourceFiles(Assembly, IList{string}, bool,), except that list of resource files is passed by references and a newly created list is assigned to the argument when a null valued variable is passed.

static IList<string> IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyResourceFiles ( Assembly  assembly,
IList< string >  resourceNames = null,
bool  clearBefore = true 

Returns names of the resource files (generated from .resx files, with .resources extensions) in the specified assemnly and stores them on the provided list.

assemblyAssembly that is searched for contained resources.
resourceNamesA IList list object where the names of lcated resources are stored.

If the list is not provided (i.e., it is null) then it is created by the function and returned.

clearBeforeIf true then the provided list is cleared before resource names are loaded on it.
Reference of the list where names of the located resources are stored. This makes the method usable for the case where the caller does not provide the list, in which case it is created anew.
static IList<string> IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyEmbeddedFileResources ( Assembly  assembly,
ref IList< string >  resourceNames,
bool  clearBefore = true,
bool  includeResourceFiles = false 

The same as GetAssemblyEmbeddedFileResources(Assembly, IList{string}, bool, bool), except that list of resources is passed by references and a newly created list is assigned to the argument when a null valued variable is passed.

Referenced by IG.Forms.ResourceSelector.RefreshEmbeddedResourcesList().

static IList<string> IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyEmbeddedFileResources ( Assembly  assembly,
IList< string >  resourceNames = null,
bool  clearBefore = true,
bool  includeResourceFiles = false 

Returns names of the embedded resources in the specified assemnly and stores them on the provided collection.

In order to get a list of resource files (compiled from .resx files), call the GetAssemblyResourceFiles(Assembly, IList{string}, bool) method.

assemblyAssembly that is searched for contained resources.
resourceNamesA IList list object where the names of lcated resources are stored.

If the list is not provided (i.e., it is null) then it is created by the function and returned.

clearBeforeIf true then the provided list is cleared before resource names are loaded on it.
includeResourceFilesIf true then resource files will also be included on the list. Default is false.
Reference of the list where names of the located resources are stored. This makes the method usable for the case where the caller does not provide the list, in which case it is created anew.
static IList<string> IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyResxResources ( Assembly  assembly,
ref IList< string >  resourceNames,
bool  clearBefore = true 

The same as GetAssemblyResxResources(Assembly, IList{string}, bool), except that list of resources is passed by references and a newly created list is assigned to the argument when a null valued variable is passed.

Referenced by IG.Forms.ResourceSelector.RefreshResxResourcesList().

static IList<string> IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyResxResources ( Assembly  assembly,
IList< string >  resourceNames = null,
bool  clearBefore = true 

Returns names of the resources included in the specified assemnly through a .resx file and stores them on the provided collection.

See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2041000/loop-through-all-the-resources-in-a-resx-file

assemblyAssembly that is searched for contained resources.
resourceNamesA IList list object where the names of lcated resources are stored.

If the list is not provided (i.e., it is null) then it is created by the function and returned.

clearBeforeIf true then the provided list is cleared before resource names are loaded on it.
Reference of the list where names of the located resources are stored. This makes the method usable for the case where the caller does not provide the list, in which case it is created anew.
static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyResourcesInfo ( Assembly  assembly,
bool  includeEmbedded = true,
bool  includeResx = true,
int  outputLevel = 1 

Returns a string containing informatio nabout resources contained in the specified assembly, such as images, sounds, strings, and various files. Information returned is on embedded resources (i.e., files that are compiled into assembly and are accessed by path in a directory-like structure and full file names, eventually with extension) and resources that are compiled into .resix files and are thus accessed by a fully qualified name of a property in a Resources class.

assemblyAssembly that is searched for resources. You can find application-related assemblies by one of the corresponding methods in the UtilSystem class.
includeEmbeddedSpecifies whether embedded resources are included in the report.
includeResxSpecifies whether rerources from .resources files (compiled through .resx filles) are included in the report.
outputLevelLevel of output that is output to console. If 0 then no output is produced.

Currently only 0 (no output at all) and 1 or more (complete output) are supported.

A string containing names of all located resources, each contained in a separate line.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionResources().

static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsBitmapExtensionDotNet ( string  extension)

Returns true if the speicified file extesion (without a '.') represents one of the standard .NET recognized bitmap file extensions; false if not.

extensionFile extension that is checked; should not contain '.', case does not matter.
static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsSoundExtensionDotNet ( string  extension)

Returns true if the speicified file extesion (without a '.') represents one of the standard .NET recognized sound file extensions; false if not.

extensionFile extension that is checked; should not contain '.', case does not matter.
static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsTextFile ( string  filePath)

Detects if the specified file is a text file and detects the encoding.

filePathThe file name.
true if the specified file is a text file text.

Referenced by IG.Forms.HashControl.GenerateFilePreview().

static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsTextFile ( string  filePath,
int  numChecked 

Detects if the specified file is a text file and detects the encoding.

filePathThe file name.
numCheckedThe max. number of bytes to use for testing (if 0 then complete file is used).
true if the specified file is a text file text.
static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsTextFile ( string  filePath,
out Encoding  encoding 

Detects if the specified file is a text file and detects the encoding.

filePathThe file name.
encodingThe detected encoding.
true if the specified file is a text file text.
static bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsTextFile ( string  filePath,
int  numChecked,
out Encoding  encoding 

Detects if the specified file is a text file and detects the encoding.

filePathThe file name.
numCheckedThe max. number of bytes to use for testing (if 0 then complete file is used).
encodingThe detected encoding.
true if the specified file is a text file text.



To detect file encoding, see Rick Strahl's blog:


static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetWorkspaceDirectoryPath ( )

Returns the workspace directory, which is primarily located through the environment variable contained in WorkspaceDirectoryEnvironmentVar (usually named WORKSPACE).

If the workspace directory can not be located then nulll is returned.

Workspace directory is base directory for code development.

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetWorkspacePath ( string  relativePath)

Returns a complete path of a file or directory specified by a relative path to the workspace directory, or null if the workspace directory can not be located.

The workspace directory is obtained by calling the GetWorkspaceDirectoryPath method.

relativePathPath of the file or directory relative to the workspace directory.

If this argument represents an absolute path then the argument itself is returned.

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetWorkspaceProjectsDirectoryPath ( )

Returns the workspace projects directory, which is primarily located through the workspace directory (returned by the GetWorkspaceDirectoryPath method) as a directory located in the same directory and named WorkspaceProjectsDirName.

Workspace projects directory is base directory for various project data.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.DataStructuresFunctionTestCsvReadDefinitionAndData(), and IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.DataStructuresFunctionTestCsvWriteDefinitionAndData().

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetWorkspaceProjectsPath ( string  relativePath)

Returns a complete path of a file or directory specified by a relative path to the workspace projects directory, or null if the workspace projects directory can not be located.

The workspace projects directory is obtained by calling the GetWorkspaceDirectoryPath method.

relativePathPath of the file or directory relative to the workspace projects directory.

If this argument represents an absolute path then the argument itself is returned.

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetRepairedDirectoryPath ( string  directoryPath)

Repairs the specified directory path, if applicable, and returns the repaired directory path.

If the specified path ends with directory separator then the last character is removed.

directoryPathDirectory path to be repaired.
The repaired directory path, or the original string if no reparations were necessary.
static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.RepairDirectoryPath ( ref string  directoryPath)

Repairs the specified directory path, if applicable.

If the specified path ends with directory separator then the last character is removed.

directoryPathDirectory path to be repaired. Eventually repaired path is stored back to this variable.
static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetStandardizedDirectoryPath ( string  directoryPath)

Returns the specified directory path in standard form (absolute path, system's path separator, ended with path separator).

This method should always result in the same string for the same directory (regardles of the original form), therefore it is useful e.g. for naming a mutex used for locking access to a directory.

directoryPathPath to the directory, which can be specified in any acceptale form.
Standard form of the specified directory path: absolute path, with system's path separators, ending with path separator.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileFunctionCurrentDirectory(), and IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileFunctionStandardPath().

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.StandardizeDirectoryPath ( ref string  directoryPath)

Converts the specified path to standard form (absolute path, system's path separator, ended with path separator).

This method should always result in the same string for the same directory (regardles of the original form), therefore it is useful e.g. for naming a mutex used for locking access to a directory.

directoryPathPath to the directory, which can be specified in any acceptale form.

Result of this method is directory path that DOES NOT END WITH DIRECTORY SEPARATOR.

If the original path string on Windows OS is "d:" and the current directory is on the d: drive, then the result will be "d:" and not the current directory (this would be returned by the Path.GetFullPath).

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.DataStructuresFunctionTestCsvReadDefinitionAndData(), IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.DataStructuresFunctionTestCsvWriteDefinitionAndData(), IG.Lib.ArrayDto< ElementType, ElementBaseType, ElementDtoType >.ExampleVectorArray(), IG.Lib.ListDto< ElementType, ElementBaseType, ElementDtoType >.ExampleVectorArray(), and IG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeuralBase.ParSimGetOptimizationDirectoryPath().

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.SetCurrentDirectory ( string  directoryPath)

Changes directory to the specified directory.

This method overcomes problems with the fact that calling Directory.SetCurrentDirectory e.g. on "d:" (on Windows OS) when current directory is on the disk d: will not change the current directory (a backslash must be added to do so).

directoryPathPath of the directory specified, can be a relaitve path.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileFunctionCurrentDirectory().

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAbsolutePath ( string  path)

Returns the absolute path of the specified path (which can be relative or absolute or whatever legal form).

pathPath whose absolute path is returned.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionCheckSum_OLD_TO_DELETE_LATER(), IG.Forms.DirectorySelector.GetFilePathRepresentation(), IG.Forms.FileSelector.GetFilePathRepresentation(), and IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.GetInputFilePaths().

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetRelativePath ( string  fromPath,
string  toPath 

Calculates and returns relativa path from one path to another. WARNING: First path (with respect to this relative path is calculated) must be a directory path!

fromPathPath of the directory with respect to which the full path is calculated. It must be a directory path, file paths are not good.
toPathPath for which relative path is calculated.
Relative path of the second argument with respect to the first argument.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionCheckSum_OLD_TO_DELETE_LATER(), IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileFunctionRelativePath(), IG.Forms.DirectorySelector.GetFilePathRepresentation(), IG.Forms.FileSelector.GetFilePathRepresentation(), IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.GetInputFilePaths(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ListFilesByLevels(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ListFilesRecursively(), IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.RunSimulator(), and IG.Num.NeuralApproximatorBase.SaveJson().

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ExampleRelativePath ( )

Tests calculation

static int IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ListFilesRecursively ( string  directoryPath,
ref List< string >  pathList,
List< string >  auxList,
int  numLevels = 0,
bool  includeList = false,
bool  clearOnBeginning = true,
bool  RelativePaths = false,
bool  listDirectories = true,
bool  listFiles = true,
IList< string >  searchPatterns = null 

Recursively lists files and directories within the specified directories, and stores their paths in the specified list, ordered in a tree-like fashion (any directory is processed to all depths before another same level directory is processed).

Files and directories can be listed in a single or in several root directories.

Only files or only directories can be listed, and a list of matching pattern such as {"*.txt", "*.dll"} can be specified.

This function is not recursive.

directoryPathPath within which files and/or directories will be listed.

If not specified then it is ignored, and files/directories will not be searched for in this path (but they can still be searched for in directories contained in pathList ) if includeList is true.

pathListList where matching paths are stored.

If null then it is created anew.

If already populated and includeList is true then files/directories will also be listed in the directories whose paths are included in the list before the call. This is regardless of the value of the clearOnBeginning flag.

If already populated and clearOnBeginning is false then discovered files will be added to existig ones.

auxListAuxiliary list provided for the method to store its working data. If null then the method allocates one.
numLevelsNumber of levels of subdirectories in which files/directories are listed.

If less than 0 then unlimited number of levels will be searched for.

If 0 then no files/directories will be searched for.

If 1 then only those files/directories are listed that are contained directly in the directoryPath directory (and eventually in directories contained in the directories contained in pathList prior to the method call, if includeList

is true). If 2 then also files/directories in the first level directories are listed, if 3 then also files/directories in the second level directories will be listed, etc.

includeListIf true then search for files/directories is also performed in directories that were contained in teh pathList just before the method was called (beside the directoryPath ).
clearOnBeginningIf true then the list of files (parameter pathList ) is cleared before any discovered files or directories are added to the list. If false then discovered files/directories are just added to the existing paths.
RelativePathsIf true then all paths that are put to the list are converted to relative path with respect to the current directory. Relative paths with respect to any other directory are not implemented.
listDirectoriesIf true then directory paths are also listed (which is default), otherwise directories are omitted.
listFilesIf true then file paths are also listed (which is default), otherwise files are omitted.
searchPatternsEventual list of search patterns according to which files are searched for.

WARNING: search patterns do not apply to directories.

The number of discovered matching paths that were added to the list.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetRelativePath().

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionCheckSum_OLD_TO_DELETE_LATER(), and IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.GetInputFilePaths().

static int IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ListFilesByLevels ( string  directoryPath,
ref List< string >  pathList,
List< string >  auxList,
int  numLevels = 0,
bool  includeList = false,
bool  clearOnBeginning = true,
bool  RelativePaths = false,
bool  listDirectories = true,
bool  listFiles = true,
IList< string >  searchPatterns = null 

Recursively (ordered by levels) lists files and directories within the specified directories, and stores their paths in the specified list.

Listing is done in a level order, meaning that path at the first level are listed first, then paths at the second level (contained in the first level directories), etc.

Files and directories can be listed in a single directory or in several directories.

Only files or only directories can be listed, and a list of matching pattern such as {"*.txt", "*.dll"} can be specified.

This function is not recursive.

directoryPathPath within which files and/or directories will be listed.

If not specified then it is ignored, and files/directories will not be searched for in this path (but they can still be searched for in directories contained in pathList ) if includeList is true.

pathListList where matching paths are stored.

If null then it is created anew.

If already populated and includeList is true then files/directories will also be listed in the directories whose paths are included in the list before the call. This is regardless of the value of the clearOnBeginning flag.

If already populated and clearOnBeginning is false then discovered files will be added to existig ones.

auxListAuxiliary list provided for the method to store its working data. If null then the method allocates one.
numLevelsNumber of levels of subdirectories in which files/directories are listed.

If less than 0 then unlimited number of levels will be searched for.

If 0 then no files/directories will be searched for.

If 1 then only those files/directories are listed that are contained directly in the directoryPath directory (and eventually in directories contained in the directories contained in pathList prior to the method call, if includeList

is true). If 2 then also files/directories in the first level directories are listed, if 3 then also files/directories in the second level directories will be listed, etc.

includeListIf true then search for files/directories is also performed in directories that were contained in teh pathList just before the method was called (beside the directoryPath ).
clearOnBeginningIf true then the list of files (parameter pathList ) is cleared before any discovered files or directories are added to the list. If false then discovered files/directories are just added to the existing paths.
RelativePathsIf true then all paths that are put to the list are converted to relative path with respect to the current directory. Relative paths with respect to any other directory are not implemented.
listDirectoriesIf true then directory paths are also listed (which is default), otherwise directories are omitted.
listFilesIf true then file paths are also listed (which is default), otherwise files are omitted.
searchPatternsEventual list of search patterns according to which files or directories are searched for.

WARNING: search patterns do not apply to directories.

The number of discovered matching paths that were added to the list.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetRelativePath().

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionCheckSum_OLD_TO_DELETE_LATER(), and IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.GetInputFilePaths().

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.CopyDirectory ( string  sourceDirectoryPath,
string  targetDirectoryPath 

Recursively copies contents of the source directory to the target directory.

sourceDirectoryPathPath to the source directory.
targetDirectoryPathPath to the target directory.

Referenced by IG.Script.LoadableScriptShellNeuralBase.ParSimPreparelDirectory().

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.CopyRecursive ( DirectoryInfo  source,
DirectoryInfo  target 

Recursively copies contents of the source directory to the target directory.

sourceSource directory.
targetTarget directory.

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.CopyDirectorySafe ( string  sourceDirectoryPath,
string  targetDirectoryPath,
out int  numErrors,
out string  errorsString 

Recursively copies contents of the source directory to the target directory.

Fail safe variant, does not throw exceptions and does not break execution when any individual basic operation fails.

sourceDirectoryPathPath to the source directory.
targetDirectoryPathPath to the target directory.
numErrorsVariable where number of exceptions cathced during the call is written.
errorsStringString variable where information about all errors that occurred during operation is stored.

This is a safe variant of the method. Basic operations are embedded in try/catch blocks. If any individual basic operation fails (such as copying a single file or creating a target subdirectory) then copying of the remaining directory structure is not interrupted.

It should be well considered whether this variant or the plain variant (which fails and throws exception when an individual operation fails) should be used. Problem with this version is that it does not throw wxception if a part of directory structure could not be copied, so the caller will not know that. Use of this variant could be beneficial when it is likely that copying of some special parts (such as hidden or system files) is likely to fail but this is not relefant for function of the copied directory.

If Util.OutputLevel>0 then all errors are reporter on console.

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.CopyRecursiveSafe ( DirectoryInfo  source,
DirectoryInfo  target,
ref int  numErrors,
ref string  errorsString 

Recursively copies contents of the source directory to the target directory.

Fail safe variant, does not throw exceptions and does not break execution when any individual basic operation fails.

sourceSource directory.
targetTarget directory.
numErrorsVariable where number of exceptions cathced during the call is written. Value of the variable increments for each exception catched.
errorsStringString variable where information about all errors that occurred during operation is stored. For each exception catched, a short error report is appended to its value.

This is a safe variant of the method. Basic operations are embedded in try/catch blocks. If any individual basic operation fails (such as copying a single file or creating a target subdirectory) then copying of the remaining directory structure is not interrupted.

It should be well considered whether this variant or the plain variant (which fails and throws exception when an individual operation fails) should be used. Problem with this version is that it does not throw wxception if a part of directory structure could not be copied, so the caller will not know that. Use of this variant could be beneficial when it is likely that copying of some special parts (such as hidden or system files) is likely to fail but this is not relefant for function of the copied directory.

If Util.OutputLevel>0 then all errors are reporter on console.

References IG.Lib.Util.OutputLevel.

static string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.CreateTestdirectoryStructure ( string  baseDirPath,
string  rootDirName 

Creates a test directory structure for testing operatios such as recursive copying. Returns path of the created directory structure, or null if something is wrong.

baseDirPathPath of the base directory within which the structure is created.
rootDirNameName of the root directoy of the created directory structure.
Path of the root directory of the created test directory structure, or null if the directory structure could not be created for some reason.
static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ExampleCopyDir ( )
static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.SaveBinary< ObjectType > ( ObjectType  objectToSave,
string  fileName 

Save the specified serialized object in binary form to the specified file.

objectToSaveObject to be saved.
fileNameFile name to save the object into.
Template Parameters
ObjectTypeType of the object to be saved.

The object is saved using .NET serialization (binary formatter is used).

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.SaveBinary< ObjectType > ( ObjectType  objectToSave,
Stream  stream 

Save the specified serialized object in binary form to the specified stream.

objectToSaveObject to be saved.
streamStream to save the object into.
Template Parameters
ObjectTypeType of the object to be saved.

The object is saved using .NET serialization (binary formatter is used).

static ObjectType IG.Lib.UtilSystem.LoadBinary< ObjectType > ( string  fileName)

Loads the from specified file.

fileNameFile name to load network from.

Neural network is loaded from file using .NET serialization (binary formater is used).

static ObjectType IG.Lib.UtilSystem.LoadBinary< ObjectType > ( Stream  stream)

Load network from specified file.

streamStream to load network from.
Returns instance of the ObjectType class with all properties initialized from file.
Template Parameters
ObjectTypeType of the object to be saved.

Neural network is loaded from file using .NET serialization (binary formater is used).

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.SaveBinary ( object  objectToSave,
string  fileName 

Save the specified serialized object in binary form to the specified file.

objectToSaveObject to be saved.
fileNameFile name to save the object into.

The object is saved using .NET serialization (binary formatter is used).

Referenced by IG.Num.SampledDataSet.SaveBinary().

static void IG.Lib.UtilSystem.SaveBinary ( object  objectToSave,
Stream  stream 

Save the specified serialized object in binary form to the specified stream.

objectToSaveObject to be saved.
streamStream to save the object into.

The object is saved using .NET serialization (binary formatter is used).

static object IG.Lib.UtilSystem.LoadBinary ( string  fileName)

Loads the from specified file.

fileNameFile name to load network from.
Returns instance of Network class with all properties initialized from file.

Neural network is loaded from file using .NET serialization (binary formater is used).

Referenced by IG.Num.SampledDataSet.LoadBinary().

static object IG.Lib.UtilSystem.LoadBinary ( Stream  stream)

Load network from specified file.

streamStream to load network from.
Returns instance of Network class with all properties initialized from file.

Neural network is loaded from file using .NET serialization (binary formater is used).

Member Data Documentation

object IG.Lib.UtilSystem._lockStatic = null
string IG.Lib.UtilSystem._userName = null
string IG.Lib.UtilSystem._userNameLowerCase = null
bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem._isOsDetected = false
bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem._isWindowsOs = false
bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem._isLinuxOs = false
bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem._isMacOs = false
bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem._dynamicThreadPriority = true
ThreadPriority IG.Lib.UtilSystem._threadPriority = ProcessToThreadPriority(Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass)
ThreadStart IG.Lib.UtilSystem._onThreadPriorityChange
volatile Assembly IG.Lib.UtilSystem._executingAssembly = null
volatile Assembly IG.Lib.UtilSystem._iglibAssembly = null
volatile Assembly [] IG.Lib.UtilSystem._referencedAssembliesDirectWithoutGac

Assemblies directly referenced by the current executale assembly. Calculated only once, lazy evaluation.

volatile Assembly [] IG.Lib.UtilSystem._referencedAssembliesRecursiveWithoutGac

Assemblies directly or indirectly referenced by the current executale assembly. Calculated only once, lazy evaluation.

volatile Assembly [] IG.Lib.UtilSystem._referencedAssembliesDirect

Assemblies directly referenced by the current executale assembly. Assemblies from global assembly cache are also included. Calculated only once, lazy evaluation.

volatile Assembly [] IG.Lib.UtilSystem._referencedAssembliesRecursive

Assemblies directly or indirectly referenced by the current executale assembly. Calculated only once, lazy evaluation.

Dictionary<string, Assembly> IG.Lib.UtilSystem._dependentAssemblyList
List<MissingAssembly> IG.Lib.UtilSystem._missingAssemblyList
bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem._assemblyResolveHandlerAdded = false
List<ResolutionIdentity> IG.Lib.UtilSystem._failedResolves = new List<ResolutionIdentity>()
List<string> IG.Lib.UtilSystem._assemblyResolutionPaths = new List<string>()
char IG.Lib.UtilSystem._resourceSeparator = ':'
string IG.Lib.UtilSystem._resourceSeparatorString = null
char IG.Lib.UtilSystem._assemblySeparator = ';'
string IG.Lib.UtilSystem._assemblySeparatorString = null
string [] IG.Lib.UtilSystem._bitmapExtensionsDotNetDefault = { "BMP", "GIF", "EXIF", "JPG", "PNG", "TIFF" }
List<string> IG.Lib.UtilSystem._imageExtensionsDotNet = new List<string>(_bitmapExtensionsDotNetDefault)
string [] IG.Lib.UtilSystem._soundExtensionsDotNetDefault = { "WAV" }
List<string> IG.Lib.UtilSystem._soundExtensionsDotNet = new List<string>(_soundExtensionsDotNetDefault)
const int IG.Lib.UtilSystem.MinNumCheckedIsTextFile = 100

Minimal number of checked bytes when determining whether a file is a text file.

const string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.WorkspaceDirectoryEnvironmentVar = "WORKSPACE"
const string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.WorkspaceProjectsDirectoryEnvironmentVar = "WORKSPACEPROJECTS"
const string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.WorkspaceProjectsDirName = "workspaceprojects"
readonly string [] IG.Lib.UtilSystem._searcPatternsNone = { null }

Provides a convenient array of strings containing only null.

WARNING: Do not change contents of this array!

Property Documentation

object IG.Lib.UtilSystem.LockStatic

Locking object for static methods and properties of this class.

Read-only, safely provided on demand (using Util.LockGlobal when initializing the first time when referenced).

bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.UserNameNotRetrieved

Whether user name has already been retrieved ans stored.

string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.UserName

Gets name of the current user.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemFunctionUserName().

string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.UserNameLowerCase

Gets name of the current user with all letters converted to lower case (in order to avoid ambiguities).

bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsUserIgor

Returns true if the current user logged on the computer is Igor, or false otherwise.

bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsUserTadej

Returns true if the current user logged on the computer is Tadej, or false otherwise.

bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsWindowsOs

Returns true if the operating system is a Windows variant, false otherwise.

Referenced by IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ExecuteSystemCommand(), and IG.Forms.TimerControl.TimerControl().

bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsLinuxOs

Returns true if the operating system is a Linux variant, false otherwise.

Referenced by IG.Forms.TimerControl.TimerControl().

bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsMaxOs

Returns true if the operating system is a MacOs variant, false otherwise.

bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.DynamicThreadPriority

Whether the ThreadPriority property should be obtained dynamically from the process priority each time its getter is called, or the value that is set should be used until it is not changed explicitly.

Default is true.

By setting the ThreadPriority property, this flag is automatically set to false.

ThreadPriority IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ThreadPriority

Global thread priority.

Gets or sets priority that should be given to the newly created threads that use this instrument.

If the DynamicThreadPriority property is set to true then each time the getter is called, the value of the property will be obtained anew from the process priority class. Otherwise, the value that has been set last is used.

Setting the property value will automatically set the DynamicThreadPriority to false.

Referenced by IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.CmdSetPriority(), IG.Num.ParallelJobDispatcherBase< JobContainerType >.UpdateThreadPriorityFromSystem(), and IG.Lib.CommandLineApplicationInterpreter.UpdateThreadPriorityFromSystem().

Assembly IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ExecutableAssembly

Returns assembly of the current executable, obtained by Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().

Assembly IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IglibAssembly

Returns assembly of the IGLib base assembly.

Referenced by IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionInfo(), and IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionResources().

bool IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IsRegisteredAssemblyResolveHandler

Whether this class' event handler for resolving assembly loading is registered or not.

string [] IG.Lib.UtilSystem.AssemblyResolutionPaths
char IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ResourceSeparator

Gets the character that is used to separate resource from the resource file (.resources).

string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ResourceSeparatorString

Gets the string that is used to separate resource from the resource file (.resources).

The separator is originally defined as character, this method just returns the string that contains only that character.

char IG.Lib.UtilSystem.AssemblySeparator
string IG.Lib.UtilSystem.AssemblySeparatorString

Gets the string that is used to separate resource from the assembly.

The separator is originally defined as character, this method just returns the string that contains only that character.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: