IGLib  1.7.2
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IG.Script.ScriptAppBase Class Reference

Partial class definition containing tests of CSV utilities. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for IG.Script.ScriptAppBase:
+ Collaboration diagram for IG.Script.ScriptAppBase:

Public Member Functions

void Script_AddCommands1 (ICommandLineApplicationInterpreter interpreter, SortedList< string, string > helpStrings)
 Adds commands to the internal interpreter. More...
 ScriptAppBase ()
override void Script_AddCommands (ICommandLineApplicationInterpreter interpreter, SortedList< string, string > helpStrings)
 Adds commands to the internal interpreter. More...
virtual string RunFileByScript (string filePath)
 Runs all commands that are written in a file. Each line of a file is interpreted as a single command, consisting of command name followed by arguments. More...
virtual void ReportError (string errorString)
new string AppMyTest (string[] arguments)
 Test action. More...
override string AppCustomApp (string[] arguments)
 Custom application. More...
virtual string AppNumerics (string[] arguments)
 Runs one of the numerics - related embedded applications. More...
virtual string AppFile (string[] arguments)
 Runs one of the file system - related embedded applications. More...
virtual string AppCrypto (string[] arguments)
 Runs one of the cryptography - related embedded applications. More...
virtual string AppSystem (string[] arguments)
 Runs one of the file system - related embedded applications. More...
virtual string AppAssembly (string[] arguments)
 Runs one of the file assembly - related embedded applications. More...
virtual string AppProcess (string[] arguments)
 Runs one of the process - related embedded applications. More...
virtual string AppDataStructures (string[] arguments)
 Runs one of the data structures demo - related embedded applications. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IG.Script.LoadableScriptSpecialFunctionBase
 LoadableScriptSpecialFunctionBase ()
override void Script_AddCommand (ICommandLineApplicationInterpreter interpreter, SortedList< string, string > helpStrings, string commandName, Script_CommandDelegate command, string helpString)
 Adds a new internal script command under specified name to the internal interpreter of the current script object. More...
override void Script_AddCommands (ICommandLineApplicationInterpreter interpreter, SortedList< string, string > helpStrings)
 Adds commands to the internal interpreter. More...
string AppMyTest (string[] arguments)
 Test action. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IG.Lib.LoadableScriptBase
 LoadableScriptBase ()
 Argument-less constructor. If argument-less constructor is called then initialization is not performed and will be performed later. More...
string Run (string[] arguments)
 Performs the action of this object. Override this in derived classes! More...
void Initialize (string[] arguments)
 Initializes the object. If not called explicitly, this method is automatically called at the first call to the Run method. More...
virtual string Script_DefaultInitialize (string[] arguments)
 Default initialization method for scripts. More...
virtual string Script_DefaultRun (string[] arguments)
 Default run method for the script. Can be used when only installed commands are run by hte script. More...
Script_CreateInterpreterWithoutCommands ()
 Creates and returns an interpreter that can be used as script's internal interpreter for running script's commands. More...
delegate string Script_CommandDelegate (string[] args)
 Delegate for commands that are installed on script's internal interpreter (property Script_Interpreter). More...
void Script_AddCommand (string commandName, Script_CommandDelegate command, string helpString)
 Adds a new internal script command under specified name to the internal interpreter of the current script object. More...
string Script_GetHelpString (string scriptCommandName)
 Returns help string for internal script command with specified name, or null if help string is not installed for such a command. More...
void Script_PrintCommandsHelp ()
 Prits help for the installed internal commands of the script. More...
virtual bool Script_ContainsCommand (string commandName)
 Returns true if the internal script's interpreter contains a command with specified name, false otherwise. More...
virtual bool Script_ContainsScriptCommand (string commandName)
 Returns true if the specified command is script command (i.e. its first argument is command-name and it is run through the Script_CommandAdapter object). More...
virtual void Script_RemoveCommand (string commandName)
 Removes the specified internal script command from the internal interpreter of the current scripting object. More...
virtual void Script_RemoveAllCommands ()
 Removes ALL internal script commands from the internal interpreter of the current scripting object. More...
string Script_Run (string[] arguments)
 Runs internal script command. More...
string Script_Run (string commandName, params string[] otherArguments)
 Runs internal script command. More...
virtual void Script_PrintArguments (string messageString, string[] arguments)
 Prints the specified array of string arguments (usually passed as command-line arguments). More...

Public Attributes

const string DataStructuresTestCsvApp = "TestCsv"
const string DataStructuresTestCsvWriteDefinitionAndData = "CsvWriteDefinitionAndData"
const string DataStructuresTestCsvReadDefinitionAndData = "CsvReadDefinitionAndData"
new const string ConstMyTest = "MyTest"
 Name of the command that performs my custom test. More...
new const string ConstHelpMyTest = "Custom test function."
new const string ConstCustomApp = "CustomApp"
 Name of the command for custom test. More...
new const string ConstHelpCustomApp = "Custom aplication."
const string ConstSystem = "System"
 Name of the command for the system-related embedded applications. More...
const string ConstHelpSystem = "Various system-related embedded applications. Run with ? argument to see which applications are available."
const string ConstAssembly = "Assembly"
 Name of the command for the assemblies-related embedded applications. More...
const string ConstHelpAssembly = "Various assemblies-related embedded applications. Run with ? argument to see which applications are available."
const string ConstNumerics = "Numerics"
 Name of the command for the numerics-related embedded applications. More...
const string ConstHelpNumerics = "Various numerics-related embedded applications. Run with ? argument to see which applications are available."
const string ConstFile = "File"
 Name of the command for the file system-related embedded applications. More...
const string ConstHelpFile = "Various file system-related embedded applications. Run with ? argument to see which applications are available."
const string ConstCrypto1 = "Crypto"
 Name of the command for the cryptography-related embedded applications. More...
const string ConstHelpCrypto = "Various cryptography-related embedded applications. Run with ? argument to see which applications are available."
const string ConstProcess = "Process"
 Name of the command for the process-related embedded applications. More...
const string ConstHelpProcess = "Various process-related embedded applications. Run with ? argument to see which applications are available."
const string ConstDataStructures = "DataStructures"
 Name of the command for the data structures-related embedded applications. More...
const string ConstHelpDataStructures
const string ConstRunFile = "RunFileByScript"
 Name of the command that runs (interprets) the specified command file by the script's interpreter. More...
const string ConstHelpRunFile
const string NumericsScriptScalarFunction = "ScriptScalarFunction"
const string FileLogEvents = "LogEvents"
const string FileWaitCreation = "WaitCreation"
const string FileRelativePath = "RelativePath"
const string FileStandardPath = "StandardPath"
const string FileCurrentDirectory = "CurrentDirectory"
const string FileCurrentDirectory1 = "SetCurrentDirectory"
const string CryptoGetFileHash = "GetFileHash"
const string CryptoCheckSum = "CheckSum"
const string CryptoEncryptBasic = "EncryptBasic"
const string CryptoDecryptBasic = "DecryptBasic"
const string CryptoEncryptPlain = "EncryptPlain"
const string CryptoDecryptPlain = "DecryptPlain"
const string CryptoGetKey = "GetKey"
const string CryptoGetInitializationVector = "GetInitializationVector"
const string CryptoGetInitializationVector1 = "GetIV"
const string CryptoGetSalt = "GetSalt"
const string CryptoTimeKeyGeneration = "TimeKeyGeneration"
const string CryptoConvert = "Convert"
const string CryptoAsymKeyInfo = "AsymKeyInfo"
const string CryptoCertStoreInfo = "CertStoreInfo"
const string CryptoCertInfo = "CertInfo"
const string CryptoAddCertificate = "AddCertificate"
const string CryptoRemoveCertificate = "RemoveCertificate"
const string CryptoAsymTest = "AsymTest"
const string CryptoCleanFiles = "CleanFiles"
const string SystemRuntimeVersion = "RuntimeVersion"
const string SystemComputerName = "ComputerName"
const string SystemDomainName = "DomainName"
const string SystemIpAddress = "IpAddress"
const string SystemUserName = "UserName"
const string SystemSystemInfo = "Info"
const string SystemMACAddress = "MACAddress"
const string AssemblyInfo = "Info"
const string AssemblyInfo1 = "AssemblyInfo"
const string AssemblyResources = "Resources"
const string AssemblyResources1 = "ResourceInfo"
const string AssemblyResourcesEmbedded = "ResourcesEmbedded"
const string AssemblyResourcesResx = "ResourcesResx"
const string AssemblyReferenced = "ReferencedAssemblies"
const string AssemblyReferenced1 = "Referenced"
const string AssemblyLoaded = "LoadedAssemblies"
const string AssemblyLoaded1 = "Loaded"
const string AssemblyLoad = "LoadAssemblies"
const string AssemblyLoad1 = "Load"
const string AssemblyInfoLoad = "InfoLoadAssemblies"
const string AssemblyInfoLoad1 = "InfoLoad"
const string ProcessListProcesses = "ListProcesses"
const string ProcessListApplications = "ListApplications"
const string ProcessListApplicationsByWindow = "ListApplicationsByWindow"
const string ProcessKillProcesses = "KillProcesses"
const string ProcessKillApplications = "KillApplications"
const string ProcessKillApplicationsByWindow = "KillApplicationsByWindow"
- Public Attributes inherited from IG.Script.LoadableScriptSpecialFunctionBase
const string ConstMyTest = "MyTest"
 Name of the command that performs my custom test. More...
const string ConstHelpMyTest = "Custom test function."
const string ConstCustomApp = "CustomApp"
 Name of the command for custom test. More...
const string ConstHelpCustomApp = "Custom aplication."
- Public Attributes inherited from IG.Lib.LoadableScriptBase
const string ConstDefaultHelp = "Help"
 Default command name for help. More...
const string ConstHelpDefaultUniversal = "?"
 Universal name of the help command. More...
const string ConstDefaultTestScrip = "TestScript"
 Default command name for test method. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void InitAppDataStructuresPartial ()
 Initializes commands for form demo related utilities (embedded applications). More...
virtual string DataStructuresFunctionTestCsvApp (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - demo application for demonstration of work with CSVs. More...
virtual string DataStructuresFunctionTestCsvWriteDefinitionAndData (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - test of writing sampled data definition and data in CSV format. More...
virtual string DataStructuresFunctionTestCsvReadDefinitionAndData (string appName, string[] appArgs)
 Executes embedded application - test of writing sampled data definition and data in CSV format. More...
override void InitializeThis (string[] arguments)
 Initializes the current object. More...
override string RunThis (string[] arguments)
 Runs action of the current object. More...
void Script_AddRunFileByScriptCommand (ICommandLineApplicationInterpreter interpreter, SortedList< string, string > helpStrings)
 Adds the Run comand to the script's interpreter and performs the necessary additional tasks. More...
void Script_RemoveRunFileByScriptCommand (ICommandLineApplicationInterpreter interpreter, SortedList< string, string > helpStrings)
 Removes the Run comand from the script's interpreter and performs the necessary accompanying tasks. More...
virtual string AppRunFileByScript (string[] args)
 Execution method that Runs the specified command file by the script's interpreter. More...
void AddNumericsCommand (string appName, CommandMethod appMethod, string appHelp)
 Adds a new numerics - related embedded application's command (added as sub-command of the base command named ConstNumerics). More...
virtual string NumericsFunctionScriptScalarFuncitons (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - testing of definition of scalar function objects through expressions. More...
virtual void InitAppNumerics ()
 Initializes commands for numerics related utilities (embedded applications). More...
virtual string RunAppNumerics (string[] args)
 Runs a numerics related utility (embedded application) according to arguments. More...
void AddFileCommand (string appName, CommandMethod appMethod, string appHelp)
 Adds a new file system - related embedded application's command (added as sub-command of the base command named ConstFile). More...
virtual string FileFunctionLogEvents (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - writing to the console information about file events for the specified file or directory. More...
virtual string FileFunctionWaitCreation (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - waiting for creation of the specified file. More...
virtual string FileFunctionRelativePath (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - writing to the console information about file events for the specified file or directory. More...
virtual string FileFunctionStandardPath (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - writing to the console information about file events for the specified file or directory. More...
virtual string FileFunctionCurrentDirectory (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - writing to the console information about file events for the specified file or directory. More...
virtual void InitAppFile ()
 Initializes commands for file system related utilities (embedded applications). More...
virtual string RunAppFile (string[] args)
 Runs a file system related utility (embedded application) according to arguments. More...
void AddCryptoCommand (string appName, CommandMethod appMethod, string appHelp)
 Adds a new cryptography - related embedded application's command (added as sub-command of the base command named ConstCrypto1). More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionGetFileHash (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - calculation of various hashRet values of a file. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionCheckSum (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - calculation AND verification of various hashRet values of a file or a string. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionEncryptBasic (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - symmetric encryption of files, strings, or byte fields by using the BASIC class of methods. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionDecryptBasic (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - symmetric decryption of files, strings, or byte fields by using the BASIC class of methods. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionEncryptPlain (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - symmetric encryption of files, strings, or byte fields by using the PLAIN class of methods. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionDecryptPlain (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - symmetric decryption of files, strings, or byte fields by using the PLAIN class of methods. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionGetKey (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - generation of secret keys for encryption. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionGetInitializationVector (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - generation of initialization vectors for encryption. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionGetSalt (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - generation of salts for encryption. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionTimeKeyGeneration (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - measuring time of password generaton utilities. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionConvert (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - conversion between different representations of data. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionAsymKeyInfo (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - printing infomration about the specified asymmetric key. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionCertStoreInfo (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - printing infomration about the specified certificate store. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionCertInfo (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - printing infomration about the specified certificate. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionAddCertificate (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - adding the specified certificate to the specified certificate store. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionRemoveCertificate (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - removing the certificate from certificate store. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionAsymTest (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - test of asymmetric encrypton. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionCleanFiles (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - conversion between different representations of data. More...
virtual void InitAppCrypto ()
 Initializes commands for cryptography related utilities (embedded applications). More...
virtual string RunAppCrypto (string[] args)
 Runs a cryptography related utility (embedded application) according to arguments. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionGetFileHash_OLD_TO_DELETE (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - calculation of various hashRet values of a file. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionCheckSum_OLD_TO_DELETE_LATER (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - calculation AND verification of various hashRet values of a file. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionTimeKeyGeneration_OLD_TO_DELETE_LATER (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - symmetric encryption of files, strings, or byte fields. More...
virtual string CryptoFunctionConvert_OLD_TO_DELETE (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - symmetric encryption of files, strings, or byte fields. More...
void AddSystemCommand (string appName, CommandMethod appMethod, string appHelp)
 Adds a new system - related embedded application's command (added as sub-command of the base command named ConstSystem). More...
virtual string SystemFunctionRuntimeVersion (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - writing to the console and returning version of the runtime that application runs on. More...
virtual string SystemFunctionComputerName (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - writing to the console and returning the current computer name. More...
virtual string SystemFunctionDomainName (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - writing to the console and returning the current domain name. More...
virtual string SystemFunctionIpAddress (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - writing to the console and returning the current IP address. More...
virtual string SystemFunctionUserName (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - writing to the console and returning the current user name. More...
virtual string SystemFunctionSystemInfo (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - writing to the console and returning the system info. More...
virtual string SystemFunctionMACAddress (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - writing to the console and returning the current domain name. More...
virtual void InitAppSystem ()
 Initializes commands for file system related utilities (embedded applications). More...
virtual string RunAppSystem (string[] args)
 Runs a file system related utility (embedded application) according to arguments. More...
void AddAssemblyCommand (string appName, CommandMethod appMethod, string appHelp)
 Adds a new assembly - related embedded application's command (added as sub-command of the base command named ConstSystem). More...
virtual string AssemblyFunctionInfo (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - writing to the console information about the specified assembly. More...
virtual string AssemblyFunctionResourcesEmbedded (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - writing to the console information about the specified assembly's embedded resources. More...
virtual string AssemblyFunctionResourcesResx (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - writing to the console information about the specified assembly's resources included through .resx files. More...
virtual string AssemblyFunctionResources (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - writing to the console information about the specified assembly's resources. More...
virtual string AssemblyFunctionResources (string appName, string[] args, bool includeEmbedded, bool includeResx)
 Executes embedded application - writing to the console information about the specified assembly's resources. More...
virtual string AssemblyFunctionReferenced (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - writing to the console list of referenced assemblies. More...
virtual string AssemblyFunctionLoaded (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - writing to the console list of loaded assemblies. More...
virtual string AssemblyFunctionLoadAssemblies (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - loading the specified assemblies to the application domain. More...
virtual string AssemblyFunctionInfoLoadAssemblies (string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - loading the specified assemblies for inspection only (can not be executed). More...
virtual string AssemblyFunctionLoadAssemblies (int outputLevel, bool reflectionOnly, string appName, string[] args)
 Executes embedded application - loading the specified assemblies to the application domain. More...
virtual void InitAppAssembly ()
 Initializes commands for assembly related utilities (embedded applications). More...
virtual string RunAppAssembly (string[] args)
 Runs a file assembly related utility (embedded application) according to arguments. More...
void AddProcessCommand (string appName, CommandMethod appMethod, string appHelp)
 Adds a new process - related embedded application's command (added as sub-command of the base command named ConstProcess). More...
virtual string ProcessFunctionListProcesses (string appName, string[] args)
 Embedded application - lists all processes that satisfy the specified conditions. More...
virtual string ProcessFunctionListApplications (string appName, string[] args)
 Embedded application. Lists all running applications sarisfyin specified conditions. More...
virtual string ProcessFunctionListApplicationsByWindow (string appName, string[] args)
 Embedded application. Lists all running applications sarisfyin specified conditions. More...
virtual string ProcessFunctionKillProcesses (string appName, string[] args)
 Embedded application - kills all processes that satisfy the specified conditions. More...
virtual string ProcessFunctionKillApplications (string appName, string[] args)
 Embedded application. Kills all running applications sarisfyin specified conditions. More...
virtual string ProcessFunctionKillApplicationsByWindow (string appName, string[] args)
 Embedded application. Kills all running applications sarisfyin specified conditions. More...
virtual void InitAppProcess ()
 Initializes commands for process - related utilities (embedded applications). More...
virtual string RunAppProcess (string[] args)
 Runs a process - related utility (embedded application) according to arguments. More...
void AddDataStructuresCommand (string appName, CommandMethod appMethod, string appHelp)
 Adds a new data structure- related embedded demo application's command (added as a sub-command of the base command named ConstDataStructures). More...
virtual void InitAppDataStructures ()
 Initializes commands for form demo related utilities (embedded applications). More...
virtual string RunAppDataStructures (string[] args)
 Runs a data structures demo - related utility (embedded application) according to arguments. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IG.Script.LoadableScriptSpecialFunctionBase
override void InitializeThis (string[] arguments)
 Initializes the current object. More...
override string RunThis (string[] arguments)
 Runs action of the current object. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IG.Lib.LoadableScriptBase
delegate string CommandMethod (string commandName, string[] args)
 Delegate for internal command methods. More...
ICommandLineApplicationInterpreter Script_CreateInterpreter ()
 Creates and returns an interpreter that can be used as script's internal interpreter for running script's commands. More...
virtual string Script_CommandHelp (string[] arguments)
 Prints help. More...
virtual string Script_CommandTestScript (string[] arguments)
 Prints help. More...

Protected Attributes

const string DataStructuresHelpTestCsvApp = DataStructuresTestCsvApp + " : Runs the CSV simple demo application."
const string DataStructuresHelpTestCsvWriteDefinitionAndData
const string DataStructuresHelpTestCsvReadDefinitionAndData
bool _isAddRunFileByScriptCommand = true
List< string > AppNumericsNames = new List<string>()
 List of installed numerics command names. More...
List< string > AppNumericsHelpStrings = new List<string>()
 List of help strings corresponding to installed numerics-related commands. More...
List< CommandMethodAppNumericsMethods = new List<CommandMethod>()
 List of methods used to perform numerics-related commmands. More...
const string NumericsHelpScriptScalarFunction = NumericsScriptScalarFunction + " : Definition of scalar functions by expressions."
bool _appNumericsCommandsInitialized = false
List< string > AppFileNames = new List<string>()
 List of installed file command names. More...
List< string > AppFileHelpStrings = new List<string>()
 List of help strings corresponding to installed file commands. More...
List< CommandMethodAppFileMethods = new List<CommandMethod>()
 List of methods used to perform file commmands. More...
const string FileHelpLogEvents = FileLogEvents + " FileOrDirectory MaxEvents : Logs file events for the specified file or directory."
const string FileHelpWaitCreation = NumericsScriptScalarFunction + " FilePath <ReturnIfExists> : Waits until file is created."
const string FileHelpRelativePath
const string FileHelpStandardPath
const string FileHelpCurrentDirectory
const string FileHelpCurrentDirectory1
bool _appFileCommandsInitialized = false
List< string > AppCryptoNames = new List<string>()
 List of installed cryptographic command names. More...
List< string > AppCryptoHelpStrings = new List<string>()
 List of help strings corresponding to installed cryptographic commands. More...
List< CommandMethodAppCryptoMethods = new List<CommandMethod>()
 List of methods used to perform cryptographic commmands. More...
const string CryptoHelpGetFileHash
const string CryptoHelpCheckSum
const string CryptoHelpDecryptBasic = CryptoDecryptBasic + CryptoHelpEncryptBasicPart
const string CryptoHelpEncryptBasic = CryptoEncryptBasic + CryptoHelpEncryptBasicPart
const string CryptoHelpDecryptPlain = CryptoDecryptPlain + CryptoHelpEncryptBasicPart
const string CryptoHelpEncryptPlain = CryptoEncryptPlain + CryptoHelpEncryptBasicPart
const string CryptoHelpEncryptBasicPart
const string CryptoHelpGetKey = CryptoGetKey + CryptoHelpGetKeyLastPart
const string CryptoHelpGetInitializationVector = CryptoGetInitializationVector + CryptoHelpGetKeyLastPart
const string CryptoHelpGetInitializationVector1 = CryptoGetInitializationVector1 + CryptoHelpGetKeyLastPart
const string CryptoHelpGetSalt = CryptoGetSalt + CryptoHelpGetKeyLastPart
const string CryptoHelpGetKeyLastPart
const string CryptoHelpTimeKeyGeneration
const string CryptoHelpConvert
const string CryptoHelpAsymKeyInfo
const string CryptoHelpCertStoreInfo
const string CryptoHelpCertInfo
const string CryptoHelpAddCertificate
const string CryptoHelpRemoveCertificate
const string CryptoHelpAsymTest
const string CryptoHelpCleanFiles
bool _appCryptoCommandsInitialized = false
List< string > AppSystemNames = new List<string>()
 List of installed system related command names. More...
List< string > AppSystemHelpStrings = new List<string>()
 List of help strings corresponding to installed system related commands. More...
List< CommandMethodAppSystemMethods = new List<CommandMethod>()
 List of methods used to perform system related commmands. More...
const string SystemHelpRuntimeVersion = SystemRuntimeVersion + " : Prints version of the runtime environment that application runs on."
const string SystemHelpComputerName = SystemComputerName + " : Prints and returns the current computer name."
const string SystemHelpDomainName = SystemDomainName + " : Prints and returns the current domain name."
const string SystemHelpIpAddress = SystemIpAddress + " : Prints and returns IP address of the current computer."
const string SystemHelpUserName = SystemUserName + " : Prints and returns the current user name."
const string SystemHelpSystemInfo = SystemSystemInfo + " : Prints and returns basic system info."
const string SystemHelpMACAddress = SystemMACAddress + " : Prints and returns the current domain name."
bool _appSystemCommandsInitialized = false
List< string > AppAssemblyNames = new List<string>()
 List of installed assemblies related command names. More...
List< string > AppAssemblyHelpStrings = new List<string>()
 List of help strings corresponding to installed assembly related commands. More...
List< CommandMethodAppAssemblyMethods = new List<CommandMethod>()
 List of methods used to perform assembly related commmands. More...
const string AssemblyHelpInfo
const string AssemblyHelpInfo1
const string AssemblyHelpResources
const string AssemblyHelpResources1
const string AssemblyHelpResourcesEmbedded
const string AssemblyHelpResourcesResx
const string AssemblyHelpReferenced
const string AssemblyHelpReferenced1 = AssemblyHelpReferenced
const string AssemblyHelpLoaded = AssemblyLoaded + @" : Prints all loaded assemblies."
const string AssemblyHelpLoaded1 = AssemblyHelpLoaded
const string AssemblyHelpLoad
const string AssemblyHelpLoad1 = AssemblyHelpLoad
const string AssemblyHelpInfoLoad
const string AssemblyHelpInfoLoad1 = AssemblyHelpInfoLoad
bool _appAssemblyCommandsInitialized = false
List< string > AppProcessNames = new List<string>()
 List of installed process-related command names. More...
List< string > AppProcessHelpStrings = new List<string>()
 List of help strings corresponding to installed process commands. More...
List< CommandMethodAppProcessMethods = new List<CommandMethod>()
 List of methods used to perform process-related commmands. More...
const string ProcessHelpListProcesses
const string ProcessHelpListApplications
const string ProcessHelpListApplicationsByWindow
const string ProcessHelpKillProcesses
const string ProcessHelpKillApplications
const string ProcessHelpKillApplicationsByWindow
bool _appProcessCommandsInitialized = false
List< string > AppDataStructuresNames = new List<string>()
 List of installed data structure - related demo command names. More...
List< string > AppDataStructuresHelpStrings = new List<string>()
 List of help strings corresponding to the installed data structure - related demo commands. More...
List< CommandMethodAppDataStructuresMethods = new List<CommandMethod>()
 List of methods used to perform data structure - related demo commmands. More...
bool _appDataStructuresCommandsInitialized = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from IG.Lib.LoadableScriptBase
string _embeddedCommandName = null
int _outputLevel = DefaultOutputLevel
ICommandLineApplicationInterpreter _script_interpreter


virtual bool IsAddRunFileByScriptCommand [get, set]
 Whether or not the Run command is installed on the script's interpreter. More...
- Properties inherited from IG.Lib.LoadableScriptBase
string EmbeddedCommandName [get, set]
 Command that was used to launch the current embedded application script. More...
object Lock [get]
 This object's central lock object to be used by other object. Do not use this object for locking in class' methods, for this you should use InternalLock. More...
string[] InitializationArguments [get, set]
 Arguments used by the initialization method. WARNING: arguments can only be set before initialization is performed. Initialization is performed either implicitly at the first call to the Run method or explicitly by calling the Initialize method. More...
virtual bool IsInitialized [get, protected set]
 Whether the object has been initialized or not. More...
static int DefaultOutputLevel [get, set]
int OutputLevel [get, set]
 Level of output to console produced by some operations of the current object. More...
Script_Interpreter [get, protected set]
 Script's internal interpreter that takes care for execution of installed internal commands. More...
SortedList< string, string > Script_CommandHelpStrings [get]
 Contains help strings associated with script commands installed on interpreter. More...
- Properties inherited from IG.Lib.ILoadableScript
string EmbeddedCommandName [get, set]
 Command that was used to launch the current embedded application script. More...
string[] InitializationArguments [get, set]
 Arguments used by the initialization method. More...
bool IsInitialized [get]
 Whether the object has been initialized or not. More...
- Properties inherited from IG.Lib.ILockable
object Lock [get]

Detailed Description

Partial class definition containing tests of CSV utilities.

Base cls. for application scripts.

Original class location: ....cs (locate it with "Go to definition" on class name).

The cls.es derived from this cls. are usually used as internal scripts and provide a set of embedded utiliy applications within an application that is based on an command-line interpreter.

Applications will typically extend this cls. by their own specific cls. that is used in its place for providing various embedded utility applications. The base library itself provides the AppBase cls. derived from this cls., which is used because its shorter name. See that cls. for an example how to prepare a derived cls. that will provide as set of embedded applications.

In applications that have the command-line interpreter, embedded applications from this cls. can typically be run in the following way:

AppName Internal IG.Script.AppBase CommandName arg1 arg2 ...

where AppName is the application name, IG.Script.AppBase is the full name of the script cls. that contains embedded applications, CommandName is name of the command thar launches embedded application, and arg1, arg2, etc. are command arguments for the embedded application. In some applications, cls. name may be different and may be a name of a derived cls. that provides extended functionality or just provides a more suitable name of the script.

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Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ScriptAppBase ( )

Member Function Documentation

void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.Script_AddCommands1 ( ICommandLineApplicationInterpreter  interpreter,
SortedList< string, string >  helpStrings 

Adds commands to the internal interpreter.

This is the part of adding commands in the partial class.

interpreterInterpreter where commands are executed.
helpStringsList containg help strings.
virtual void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.InitAppDataStructuresPartial ( )

Initializes commands for form demo related utilities (embedded applications).

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.DataStructuresFunctionTestCsvApp ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - demo application for demonstration of work with CSVs.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.DataStructuresFunctionTestCsvWriteDefinitionAndData ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - test of writing sampled data definition and data in CSV format.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

1st argument: path to the data definition file in JSON.

2nd argument: path to the data file in JSON.

3rd argument: path to the output file where data in CSV is written.

4th argument: whether key and data are in the same row.

5th argument: indentation - number of empty cells before data begins.

All arguments are optional. Relative paths are considered relative to the .../workspaceprojects/00tests/data/sampleddata directory if the workspaceprojects directory can be determined (define the WORKSPACE variable for this).

Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Num.SampledDataCsv.DataDefinition, IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetWorkspaceProjectsDirectoryPath(), IG.Num.SampledDataCsv.Indentation, IG.Num.SampledDataCsv.KeyAndDataInSameRow, IG.Num.SampledDataSet.LoadJson(), IG.Num.InputOutputDataDefiniton.LoadJson(), IG.Lib.StringTable.OutputLevel, IG.Lib.Util.ParseBoolean(), IG.Num.SampledDataCsv.SampledData, IG.Num.SampledDataCsv.SaveDefinitionAndData(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.StandardizeDirectoryPath(), IG.Lib.StopWatch1.Start(), IG.Lib.StopWatch1.Stop(), and IG.Lib.StopWatch1.TotalTime.

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.DataStructuresFunctionTestCsvReadDefinitionAndData ( string  appName,
string[]  appArgs 

Executes embedded application - test of writing sampled data definition and data in CSV format.

appNameName of the embedded application.
appArgsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

1st argument: path to CSV file that contains definitions and data to be read.

2nd argument: path to the file where the read-in definitions and data will be written (in CSV).

3rd argument: if true then key and data are in the same row when writing the data.

4th argument: indentation - number of empty cells before data begins when writing the data.

All arguments are optional. Relative paths are considered relative to the .../workspaceprojects/00tests/data/sampleddata directory if the workspaceprojects directory can be determined (define the WORKSPACE variable for this).

Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Num.SampledDataCsv.DataDefinition, IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetWorkspaceProjectsDirectoryPath(), IG.Num.SampledDataCsv.Indentation, IG.Num.InputOutputDataDefiniton.InputLength, IG.Num.SampledDataCsv.KeyAndDataInSameRow, IG.Num.SampledDataCsv.LoadDefinitionAndData(), IG.Num.InputOutputDataDefiniton.OutputLength, IG.Lib.StringTable.OutputLevel, IG.Lib.Util.ParseBoolean(), IG.Num.SampledDataCsv.SampledData, IG.Num.SampledDataCsv.SaveDefinitionAndData(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.StandardizeDirectoryPath(), IG.Lib.StopWatch1.Start(), IG.Lib.StopWatch1.Stop(), and IG.Lib.StopWatch1.Time.

override void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.InitializeThis ( string[]  arguments)

Initializes the current object.

Implements IG.Lib.LoadableScriptBase.

override string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.RunThis ( string[]  arguments)

Runs action of the current object.

argumentsCommand-line arguments of the action.

Implements IG.Lib.LoadableScriptBase.

override void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.Script_AddCommands ( ICommandLineApplicationInterpreter  interpreter,
SortedList< string, string >  helpStrings 

Adds commands to the internal interpreter.

interpreterInterpreter where commands are executed.
helpStringsList containg help strings.

Reimplemented from IG.Lib.LoadableScriptBase.

Reimplemented in IG.Script.AppExtBase.

void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.Script_AddRunFileByScriptCommand ( ICommandLineApplicationInterpreter  interpreter,
SortedList< string, string >  helpStrings 

Adds the Run comand to the script's interpreter and performs the necessary additional tasks.

The run command runs line by line the specified command file by the script's interpreter.

void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.Script_RemoveRunFileByScriptCommand ( ICommandLineApplicationInterpreter  interpreter,
SortedList< string, string >  helpStrings 

Removes the Run comand from the script's interpreter and performs the necessary accompanying tasks.

References IG.Lib.ICommandLineApplicationInterpreter.RemoveCommand().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppRunFileByScript ( string[]  args)

Execution method that Runs the specified command file by the script's interpreter.

argsCommand arguments. Command file path must be the only argument.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.RunFileByScript ( string  filePath)

Runs all commands that are written in a file. Each line of a file is interpreted as a single command, consisting of command name followed by arguments.

filePathPath to the file containing commands.
Return value of the last command.
virtual void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ReportError ( string  errorString)
new string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppMyTest ( string[]  arguments)

Test action.

argumentsArray of command-line arguments.
override string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppCustomApp ( string[]  arguments)

Custom application.

Reimplemented from IG.Script.LoadableScriptSpecialFunctionBase.

void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AddNumericsCommand ( string  appName,
CommandMethod  appMethod,
string  appHelp 

Adds a new numerics - related embedded application's command (added as sub-command of the base command named ConstNumerics).

appNameApplication name.
appMethodMethod used to perform the application.
appHelpEventual help string for the application.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.NumericsFunctionScriptScalarFuncitons ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - testing of definition of scalar function objects through expressions.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Lib.ScalarFunctionLoader.Example().

virtual void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.InitAppNumerics ( )

Initializes commands for numerics related utilities (embedded applications).

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.RunAppNumerics ( string[]  args)

Runs a numerics related utility (embedded application) according to arguments.

argsArguments. 0-th argument is the base command name, 1st argument is the embedded application name, and teh rest arguments are arguments that are used by the embedded application.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppNumerics ( string[]  arguments)

Runs one of the numerics - related embedded applications.

argumentsArray containing the base command name, application command name and arguments.
void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AddFileCommand ( string  appName,
CommandMethod  appMethod,
string  appHelp 

Adds a new file system - related embedded application's command (added as sub-command of the base command named ConstFile).

appNameApplication name.
appMethodMethod used to perform the application.
appHelpEventual help string for the application.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileFunctionLogEvents ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - writing to the console information about file events for the specified file or directory.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Lib.WaitFileEventBase.ExampleWaitEvents().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileFunctionWaitCreation ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - waiting for creation of the specified file.

Application blocks until the specified file is created.

The first argument must be path to the file whose creation is waited for.

Optional second argument (boolean) specifies whether function automatically unblocks if the file already exists.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Lib.Util.ParseBoolean(), and IG.Lib.WaitFileCreation.Wait().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileFunctionRelativePath ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - writing to the console information about file events for the specified file or directory.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetRelativePath().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileFunctionStandardPath ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - writing to the console information about file events for the specified file or directory.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetStandardizedDirectoryPath().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileFunctionCurrentDirectory ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - writing to the console information about file events for the specified file or directory.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetStandardizedDirectoryPath(), and IG.Lib.UtilSystem.SetCurrentDirectory().

virtual void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.InitAppFile ( )

Initializes commands for file system related utilities (embedded applications).

Reimplemented in IG.Script.AppBase.

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.RunAppFile ( string[]  args)

Runs a file system related utility (embedded application) according to arguments.

argsArguments. 0-th argument is the base command name, 1st argument is the embedded application name, and teh rest arguments are arguments that are used by the embedded application.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppFile ( string[]  arguments)

Runs one of the file system - related embedded applications.

argumentsArray containing the base command name, application command name and arguments.
void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AddCryptoCommand ( string  appName,
CommandMethod  appMethod,
string  appHelp 

Adds a new cryptography - related embedded application's command (added as sub-command of the base command named ConstCrypto1).

appNameApplication name.
appMethodMethod used to perform the application.
appHelpEventual help string for the application.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionGetFileHash ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - calculation of various hashRet values of a file.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppGetFileHash().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionCheckSum ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - calculation AND verification of various hashRet values of a file or a string.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppCheckSum().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionEncryptBasic ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - symmetric encryption of files, strings, or byte fields by using the BASIC class of methods.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppEncryptSymmetricBasic().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionDecryptBasic ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - symmetric decryption of files, strings, or byte fields by using the BASIC class of methods.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppDecryptSymmetricBasic().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionEncryptPlain ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - symmetric encryption of files, strings, or byte fields by using the PLAIN class of methods.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppEncryptSymmetricPlain().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionDecryptPlain ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - symmetric decryption of files, strings, or byte fields by using the PLAIN class of methods.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppDecryptSymmetricPlain().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionGetKey ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - generation of secret keys for encryption.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppGetKey().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionGetInitializationVector ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - generation of initialization vectors for encryption.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppGetInitializationVector().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionGetSalt ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - generation of salts for encryption.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppGetSalt().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionTimeKeyGeneration ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - measuring time of password generaton utilities.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppTimeKeyGeneration().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionConvert ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - conversion between different representations of data.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppConvert().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionAsymKeyInfo ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - printing infomration about the specified asymmetric key.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppAsymKeyInfo().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionCertStoreInfo ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - printing infomration about the specified certificate store.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppCertStoreInfo().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionCertInfo ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - printing infomration about the specified certificate.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppCertInfo().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionAddCertificate ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - adding the specified certificate to the specified certificate store.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppAddCertificate().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionRemoveCertificate ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - removing the certificate from certificate store.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppRemoveCertificate().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionAsymTest ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - test of asymmetric encrypton.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppAsymTest().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionCleanFiles ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - conversion between different representations of data.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.CryptoManager.AppCleanFiles().

virtual void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.InitAppCrypto ( )

Initializes commands for cryptography related utilities (embedded applications).

Reimplemented in IG.Script.AppExtBase.

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.RunAppCrypto ( string[]  args)

Runs a cryptography related utility (embedded application) according to arguments.

argsArguments. 0-th argument is the base command name, 1st argument is the embedded application name, and teh rest arguments are arguments that are used by the embedded application.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppCrypto ( string[]  arguments)

Runs one of the cryptography - related embedded applications.

argumentsArray containing the base command name, application command name and arguments.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionGetFileHash_OLD_TO_DELETE ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - calculation of various hashRet values of a file.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.GetFileHashMd5Hex(), IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.GetFileHashSha1Hex(), IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.GetFileHashSha256Hex(), IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.GetFileHashSha512Hex(), IG.Lib.UtilConsole.Read(), and IG.Lib.UtilStr.ToBoolean().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionCheckSum_OLD_TO_DELETE_LATER ( string  appName,
string[]  args 
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionTimeKeyGeneration_OLD_TO_DELETE_LATER ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - symmetric encryption of files, strings, or byte fields.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Lib.Util.FromHexString(), IG.Crypto.PasswordAlgorithmBase.GetBytes(), IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.GetPasswordAlgorithm(), IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.GetPasswordAlgorithmType(), IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.GetRandomBytes(), IG.Crypto.PasswordAlgorithmBase.Init(), IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.StringEncoding, and IG.Lib.StopWatch1.TestExecutionTime().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoFunctionConvert_OLD_TO_DELETE ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - symmetric encryption of files, strings, or byte fields.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

References IG.Lib.Util.FromHexString(), IG.Lib.Util.ToByteArray(), and IG.Lib.Util.ToHexString().

void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AddSystemCommand ( string  appName,
CommandMethod  appMethod,
string  appHelp 

Adds a new system - related embedded application's command (added as sub-command of the base command named ConstSystem).

appNameApplication name.
appMethodMethod used to perform the application.
appHelpEventual help string for the application.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemFunctionRuntimeVersion ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - writing to the console and returning version of the runtime that application runs on.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetRuntimeVersionString().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemFunctionComputerName ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - writing to the console and returning the current computer name.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetComputerName().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemFunctionDomainName ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - writing to the console and returning the current domain name.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetDomainName().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemFunctionIpAddress ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - writing to the console and returning the current IP address.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetIpAddressLocal().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemFunctionUserName ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - writing to the console and returning the current user name.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.UserName.

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemFunctionSystemInfo ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - writing to the console and returning the system info.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetSystemInfoString().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemFunctionMACAddress ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - writing to the console and returning the current domain name.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetMacAddressFastest().

virtual void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.InitAppSystem ( )

Initializes commands for file system related utilities (embedded applications).

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.RunAppSystem ( string[]  args)

Runs a file system related utility (embedded application) according to arguments.

argsArguments. 0-th argument is the base command name, 1st argument is the embedded application name, and teh rest arguments are arguments that are used by the embedded application.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppSystem ( string[]  arguments)

Runs one of the file system - related embedded applications.

argumentsArray containing the base command name, application command name and arguments.
void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AddAssemblyCommand ( string  appName,
CommandMethod  appMethod,
string  appHelp 

Adds a new assembly - related embedded application's command (added as sub-command of the base command named ConstSystem).

appNameApplication name.
appMethodMethod used to perform the application.
appHelpEventual help string for the application.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionInfo ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - writing to the console information about the specified assembly.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyByFileName(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyByName(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyInfo(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IglibAssembly, and IG.Lib.Util.TryParseBoolean().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionResourcesEmbedded ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - writing to the console information about the specified assembly's embedded resources.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
A line-separated list of resource identifiers.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionResourcesResx ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - writing to the console information about the specified assembly's resources included through .resx files.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

A line-separated list of resource identifiers.

For .resx-included resources, resources have the form resFileName:resName (fully qualified resource file name including the .resources extension, plus name of a particular resource).

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionResources ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - writing to the console information about the specified assembly's resources.

Information about embedded resources as well as resources included via .resx file is written.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.

A line-separated list of resource identifiers.

For .resx-included resources, resources have the form resFileName:resName (fully qualified resource file name including the .resources extension, plus name of a particular resource).

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionResources ( string  appName,
string[]  args,
bool  includeEmbedded,
bool  includeResx 

Executes embedded application - writing to the console information about the specified assembly's resources.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
includeEmbeddedSpecifies whether embedded resources are included in the report.
includeResxSpecifies whether rerources from .resources files (compiled through .resx filles) are included in the report.

A line-separated list of resource identifiers.

For .resx-included resources, resources have the form resFileName:resName (fully qualified resource file name including the .resources extension, plus name of a particular resource).

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyByFileName(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyByName(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyResourcesInfo(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.IglibAssembly, and IG.Lib.Util.TryParseBoolean().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionReferenced ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - writing to the console list of referenced assemblies.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyName(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyVersion(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetReferencedAssemblies(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetReferencedAssembliesRecursive(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetReferencedAssembliesRecursiveWithoutGac(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetReferencedAssembliesWithoutGac(), and IG.Lib.Util.TryParseBoolean().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionLoaded ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - writing to the console list of loaded assemblies.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyName(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyVersion(), and IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetLoadedAssemblies().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionLoadAssemblies ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - loading the specified assemblies to the application domain.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionInfoLoadAssemblies ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - loading the specified assemblies for inspection only (can not be executed).

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyFunctionLoadAssemblies ( int  outputLevel,
bool  reflectionOnly,
string  appName,
string[]  args 

Executes embedded application - loading the specified assemblies to the application domain.

outputLevelLevel of output.
reflectionOnlyIf true then assemblies are loaded for inspection only.
appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of arguments passed.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyName(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAssemblyVersion(), and IG.Lib.UtilSystem.LoadAssemblies().

virtual void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.InitAppAssembly ( )

Initializes commands for assembly related utilities (embedded applications).

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.RunAppAssembly ( string[]  args)

Runs a file assembly related utility (embedded application) according to arguments.

argsArguments. 0-th argument is the base command name, 1st argument is the embedded application name, and teh rest arguments are arguments that are used by the embedded application.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppAssembly ( string[]  arguments)

Runs one of the file assembly - related embedded applications.

argumentsArray containing the base command name, application command name and arguments.
void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AddProcessCommand ( string  appName,
CommandMethod  appMethod,
string  appHelp 

Adds a new process - related embedded application's command (added as sub-command of the base command named ConstProcess).

appNameApplication name.
appMethodMethod used to perform the application.
appHelpEventual help string for the application.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionListProcesses ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Embedded application - lists all processes that satisfy the specified conditions.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of processes.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAllProcesses(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetProcesses(), and IG.Lib.Util.ParseBoolean().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionListApplications ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Embedded application. Lists all running applications sarisfyin specified conditions.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of processes.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAllApplications(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetApplications(), and IG.Lib.Util.ParseBoolean().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionListApplicationsByWindow ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Embedded application. Lists all running applications sarisfyin specified conditions.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of processes.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetAllApplications(), IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetApplicationsByWindowTitle(), and IG.Lib.Util.ParseBoolean().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionKillProcesses ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Embedded application - kills all processes that satisfy the specified conditions.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of processes.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetProcesses(), and IG.Lib.Util.ParseBoolean().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionKillApplications ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Embedded application. Kills all running applications sarisfyin specified conditions.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of processes.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetApplications(), and IG.Lib.Util.ParseBoolean().

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessFunctionKillApplicationsByWindow ( string  appName,
string[]  args 

Embedded application. Kills all running applications sarisfyin specified conditions.

appNameName of the embedded application.
argsArguments fo the embedded application's command.
Number of processes.

References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetApplicationsByWindowTitle(), and IG.Lib.Util.ParseBoolean().

virtual void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.InitAppProcess ( )

Initializes commands for process - related utilities (embedded applications).

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.RunAppProcess ( string[]  args)

Runs a process - related utility (embedded application) according to arguments.

argsArguments. 0-th argument is the base command name, 1st argument is the embedded application name, and teh rest arguments are arguments that are used by the embedded application.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppProcess ( string[]  arguments)

Runs one of the process - related embedded applications.

argumentsArray containing the base command name, application command name and arguments.
void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AddDataStructuresCommand ( string  appName,
CommandMethod  appMethod,
string  appHelp 

Adds a new data structure- related embedded demo application's command (added as a sub-command of the base command named ConstDataStructures).

appNameApplication name.
appMethodMethod used to perform the application.
appHelpEventual help string for the application.
virtual void IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.InitAppDataStructures ( )

Initializes commands for form demo related utilities (embedded applications).

virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.RunAppDataStructures ( string[]  args)

Runs a data structures demo - related utility (embedded application) according to arguments.

argsArguments. 0-th argument is the base command name, 1st argument is the embedded application name, and the rest are arguments that are used by the embedded application.
virtual string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppDataStructures ( string[]  arguments)

Runs one of the data structures demo - related embedded applications.

argumentsArray containing the base command name, application command name and arguments.

Member Data Documentation

const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.DataStructuresTestCsvApp = "TestCsv"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.DataStructuresHelpTestCsvApp = DataStructuresTestCsvApp + " : Runs the CSV simple demo application."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.DataStructuresTestCsvWriteDefinitionAndData = "CsvWriteDefinitionAndData"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.DataStructuresHelpTestCsvWriteDefinitionAndData
Initial value:
@" <defFile> <dataFile> <outFile> <sameRow> <indentation> ... : Tests writing of sampled data definition and data itself to CSV.
defFile: path to JSON file that contains definitions of input and output data elements
dataFile: JSON file that contains the data
outFile: path to the file where data in CSV is written
sameRow: if true then key and data are in the same row
indentation: number of empty cells before data begins
Relative paths are relative to the .../workspaceprojects/00tests/data/sampleddata directory
when the workspaceprojects directory is defined (define its path with the WORKSPACE
system variable!)."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.DataStructuresTestCsvReadDefinitionAndData = "CsvReadDefinitionAndData"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.DataStructuresHelpTestCsvReadDefinitionAndData
Initial value:
@" <inputFile> <outputFile> <sameRow> <indentation> ... : Tests reading of sampled data definition and data itself from CSV.
inputFile: path to CSV file that contains definitions and data to be read (default: neuraldefinitionanddata.csv)
outputFile: path to the file where the read-in definitions and data will be written in CSV (default: testdata/ReadAndWritten.csv)
sameRow: if true then key and data are in the same row when writing the data
indentation: number of empty cells before data begins when writing the data
Relative paths are relative to the .../workspaceprojects/00tests/data/sampleddata directory
when the workspaceprojects directory is defined (define its path with the WORKSPACE
system variable!)."
new const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstMyTest = "MyTest"

Name of the command that performs my custom test.

new const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstHelpMyTest = "Custom test function."
new const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstCustomApp = "CustomApp"

Name of the command for custom test.

new const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstHelpCustomApp = "Custom aplication."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstSystem = "System"

Name of the command for the system-related embedded applications.

const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstHelpSystem = "Various system-related embedded applications. Run with ? argument to see which applications are available."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstAssembly = "Assembly"

Name of the command for the assemblies-related embedded applications.

const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstHelpAssembly = "Various assemblies-related embedded applications. Run with ? argument to see which applications are available."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstNumerics = "Numerics"

Name of the command for the numerics-related embedded applications.

const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstHelpNumerics = "Various numerics-related embedded applications. Run with ? argument to see which applications are available."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstFile = "File"

Name of the command for the file system-related embedded applications.

const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstHelpFile = "Various file system-related embedded applications. Run with ? argument to see which applications are available."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstCrypto1 = "Crypto"

Name of the command for the cryptography-related embedded applications.

const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstHelpCrypto = "Various cryptography-related embedded applications. Run with ? argument to see which applications are available."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstProcess = "Process"

Name of the command for the process-related embedded applications.

const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstHelpProcess = "Various process-related embedded applications. Run with ? argument to see which applications are available."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstDataStructures = "DataStructures"

Name of the command for the data structures-related embedded applications.

const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstHelpDataStructures
Initial value:
@"Various data structures-related embedded demo applications.
Run with the '?' argument to see which applications are available."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstRunFile = "RunFileByScript"

Name of the command that runs (interprets) the specified command file by the script's interpreter.

const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ConstHelpRunFile
Initial value:
ConstRunFile + @" commandFile : Runs (interprets) the specified file by the script's interpreter.
commandFile: path to the command file that is interpreted (usual extension: '.cmd')."
bool IG.Script.ScriptAppBase._isAddRunFileByScriptCommand = true
List<string> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppNumericsNames = new List<string>()

List of installed numerics command names.

List<string> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppNumericsHelpStrings = new List<string>()

List of help strings corresponding to installed numerics-related commands.

List<CommandMethod> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppNumericsMethods = new List<CommandMethod>()

List of methods used to perform numerics-related commmands.

const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.NumericsScriptScalarFunction = "ScriptScalarFunction"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.NumericsHelpScriptScalarFunction = NumericsScriptScalarFunction + " : Definition of scalar functions by expressions."
bool IG.Script.ScriptAppBase._appNumericsCommandsInitialized = false
List<string> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppFileNames = new List<string>()

List of installed file command names.

List<string> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppFileHelpStrings = new List<string>()

List of help strings corresponding to installed file commands.

List<CommandMethod> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppFileMethods = new List<CommandMethod>()

List of methods used to perform file commmands.

const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileLogEvents = "LogEvents"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileHelpLogEvents = FileLogEvents + " FileOrDirectory MaxEvents : Logs file events for the specified file or directory."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileWaitCreation = "WaitCreation"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileHelpWaitCreation = NumericsScriptScalarFunction + " FilePath <ReturnIfExists> : Waits until file is created."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileRelativePath = "RelativePath"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileHelpRelativePath
Initial value:
= FileRelativePath + " Path <InitilPath> : Gets the relative path of Path with respect to InitialPath."
+ "\n" + " If InitilPath is not specified then the current directory is taken."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileStandardPath = "StandardPath"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileHelpStandardPath
Initial value:
= FileStandardPath + " <DirectoryPath> : Gets the standardized path of DirectoryPath."
+ "\n" + " If DirectoryPath is not specified then the current directory is taken."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileCurrentDirectory = "CurrentDirectory"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileCurrentDirectory1 = "SetCurrentDirectory"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileHelpCurrentDirectory
Initial value:
= FileCurrentDirectory + " <DirectoryPath> : Sets the current directory to DirectoryPath."
+ "\n" + " If DirectoryPath is not specified then the path of the current directory is printed."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.FileHelpCurrentDirectory1
Initial value:
= FileCurrentDirectory1 + " <DirectoryPath> : Sets the current directory to DirectoryPath."
+ "\n" + " If DirectoryPath is not specified then the path of the current directory is printed."
bool IG.Script.ScriptAppBase._appFileCommandsInitialized = false
List<string> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppCryptoNames = new List<string>()

List of installed cryptographic command names.

List<string> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppCryptoHelpStrings = new List<string>()

List of help strings corresponding to installed cryptographic commands.

List<CommandMethod> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppCryptoMethods = new List<CommandMethod>()

List of methods used to perform cryptographic commmands.

const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoGetFileHash = "GetFileHash"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpGetFileHash
Initial value:
@" FilePath <WriteToFile>: Calculates various hash values for the specified file, and eventually saves them to a file.
FilePath: path to the file whose hash values are calculated.
WriteToFile (0/1 or on/off or true/false, default false): whether hash values are written to a file. The file
will have the same name as the hashed file, with extension .chk added."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoCheckSum = "CheckSum"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpCheckSum
Initial value:
@" <-c> <-s string> <-h hash> <-t hashType> <-o outputFile> <-rd directory> <-rp pattern> <-rl> levels <inputFile1> <inputFile2> ...:
Calculates or verifies various types of hash values for files or strings. Calculated file hashes
can be saved to a file.
-t hashType: specifies hash type (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512)
-c: verification rather than calculation of hashes.
-s: hash is calculated or verified for the specified string rather than file(s).
-h hash: hash value to be verified.
-o outputFile: output file where calculated hashes are written.
-rd directoryPath - input files are recursively searched for in the specified path. Option can be repeated several times.
-rl levels - number of directory levels that are recursively searched for files (the rd option)
-rp filePattern - file search pattern to be added to the recursive directory search (such as "".txt\"").
Option can be repeated several times. If not specified then all files are searched for recursively when -rd is present.
inputFile1 inputFile2 ...: input files, either files whose hashes are calculated, or files
containing hash values to be verified (in the case of -c option). Wildcard patterns can be used."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoEncryptBasic = "EncryptBasic"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoDecryptBasic = "DecryptBasic"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoEncryptPlain = "EncryptPlain"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoDecryptPlain = "DecryptPlain"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpDecryptBasic = CryptoDecryptBasic + CryptoHelpEncryptBasicPart
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpEncryptBasic = CryptoEncryptBasic + CryptoHelpEncryptBasicPart
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpDecryptPlain = CryptoDecryptPlain + CryptoHelpEncryptBasicPart
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpEncryptPlain = CryptoEncryptPlain + CryptoHelpEncryptBasicPart
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpEncryptBasicPart
Initial value:
@" <-c> <-pws pwdString> <-sls saltString> <-s string> <-b bytes> <-t encryptionType> <-o outputFile> <inputFile1> <inputFile2> ...:
Performs symmetric encription or decryption of files, strings, and byte sequences. Encrypted content can be saved to a file.
-t hashType: specifies hash type (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512)
-c: verification rather than calculation of hashes.
-s: hash is calculated or verified for the specified string rather than file(s).
-h hash: hash value to be verified.
-o outputFile: output file where calculated hashes are written.
-rd directoryPath - input files are recursively searched for in the specified path. Option can be repeated several times.
-rl levels - number of directory levels that are recursively searched for files (the rd option)
-rp filePattern - file search pattern to be added to the recursive directory search (such as "".txt\"").
Option can be repeated several times. If not specified then all files are searched for recursively when -rd is present.
inputFile1 inputFile2 ...: input files, either files whose hashes are calculated, or files
containing hash values to be verified (in the case of -c option). Wildcard patterns can be used."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoGetKey = "GetKey"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpGetKey = CryptoGetKey + CryptoHelpGetKeyLastPart
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoGetInitializationVector = "GetInitializationVector"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoGetInitializationVector1 = "GetIV"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpGetInitializationVector = CryptoGetInitializationVector + CryptoHelpGetKeyLastPart
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpGetInitializationVector1 = CryptoGetInitializationVector1 + CryptoHelpGetKeyLastPart
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoGetSalt = "GetSalt"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpGetSalt = CryptoGetSalt + CryptoHelpGetKeyLastPart
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpGetKeyLastPart
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoTimeKeyGeneration = "TimeKeyGeneration"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpTimeKeyGeneration
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoConvert = "Convert"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpConvert
Initial value:
@" <-bfx> <-bf64> <-bfi> input1 <input2> <input3> ...:
Performs conversions of different representations of strings, byte arrays, and
integers. The last converted string is returned.
Example conversions: from byte array in hexadecimal or base64 format, converted
to string or byte arraty in another representation. Integer converted to
hexadecimal or Bas2-64 representation of array of 64 bytes. String converted to
byte array in hexadecimal or Base-64 representation.
Parameters have the following meaning:
input1, input2, input3 ... : one or more string representation of inputs.
Format of representation depends on option parameters below:
-bfx: input is treated as byte array represented by a hexadecimal string.
-bf64: input is treated as byte array in Base-64 representation.
-bfi: input is treated as integer number.
-sf: input is treated as string (which is default).
These options are equivalent in this command:
-bfix and -bfx, -bf64 and -bfi64, -bfi and -bfii, -sf and -sfi
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoAsymKeyInfo = "AsymKeyInfo"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpAsymKeyInfo
Initial value:
@" :
Prints information about the specified asymetric keys.
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoCertStoreInfo = "CertStoreInfo"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpCertStoreInfo
Initial value:
@" :
Prints information about the specified certificate store on the computer.
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoCertInfo = "CertInfo"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpCertInfo
Initial value:
@" :
Prints information about the specified certificate.
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoAddCertificate = "AddCertificate"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpAddCertificate
Initial value:
@" :
Adds the specified certificate to the specified certificate store.
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoRemoveCertificate = "RemoveCertificate"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpRemoveCertificate
Initial value:
@" :
Removes the specified certificate from the specified certificate store.
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoAsymTest = "AsymTest"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpAsymTest
Initial value:
@" :
Performs some tests of asymmetric encryption.
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoCleanFiles = "CleanFiles"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.CryptoHelpCleanFiles
Initial value:
@" <-delencrypted> <-deldecrypted> <-delorig> <-delorig> input1 <input2> <input3> ...:
Performs cleaning - deletion of files remaining after cryptographic operatinons.
For example, encryption or decryption sometimes generates files whose paths are the same
as with their originals, but decorated with distinctive extensions. Cleaning can delete these
files, but this is done easily only if the originals still exist.
Parameters have the following meaning:
input1, input2, input3 ... : one or more input files. Files can be specified by
file paths where wildcards are allowed. Cleaning will refear to all files that
are associated with each of the specified files (i.e. input, encrypted - extension .ig_enc,
or decrypted - extension .ig.dec, version).
-deldencrypted: encrypted files will be deleted, i.e. files with the .ig_enc extesdion.
-deldecrypted: decrypted files will be deleted, i.e. files with the .ig_dec extension.
-delorig: original versions of files will be deleted (no distinctive extension).
-delallversions: speciifies thet it is allowed to delete all versions of the specified file.
-yd: eligible files will be deleted without asking for user confirmation.
-nd: no files are will be deleted (all skipped without asking for user confirmation). This
may be useful for just checking which files would be deleted by using a given command.
A number of parameters that specify recursive selecton of files from nested directories
can also be used. See help and example files for details.
bool IG.Script.ScriptAppBase._appCryptoCommandsInitialized = false
List<string> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppSystemNames = new List<string>()

List of installed system related command names.

List<string> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppSystemHelpStrings = new List<string>()

List of help strings corresponding to installed system related commands.

List<CommandMethod> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppSystemMethods = new List<CommandMethod>()

List of methods used to perform system related commmands.

const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemRuntimeVersion = "RuntimeVersion"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemHelpRuntimeVersion = SystemRuntimeVersion + " : Prints version of the runtime environment that application runs on."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemComputerName = "ComputerName"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemHelpComputerName = SystemComputerName + " : Prints and returns the current computer name."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemDomainName = "DomainName"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemHelpDomainName = SystemDomainName + " : Prints and returns the current domain name."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemIpAddress = "IpAddress"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemHelpIpAddress = SystemIpAddress + " : Prints and returns IP address of the current computer."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemUserName = "UserName"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemHelpUserName = SystemUserName + " : Prints and returns the current user name."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemSystemInfo = "Info"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemHelpSystemInfo = SystemSystemInfo + " : Prints and returns basic system info."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemMACAddress = "MACAddress"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.SystemHelpMACAddress = SystemMACAddress + " : Prints and returns the current domain name."
bool IG.Script.ScriptAppBase._appSystemCommandsInitialized = false
List<string> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppAssemblyNames = new List<string>()

List of installed assemblies related command names.

List<string> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppAssemblyHelpStrings = new List<string>()

List of help strings corresponding to installed assembly related commands.

List<CommandMethod> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppAssemblyMethods = new List<CommandMethod>()

List of methods used to perform assembly related commmands.

const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyInfo = "Info"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyInfo1 = "AssemblyInfo"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyHelpInfo
Initial value:
= AssemblyInfo + " <AssemblyName> : Prints information on the specified assembly."
+ "\n" + " AssemblyName: name of the assembly. If not specified then the information on executable assembly is printed."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyHelpInfo1
Initial value:
= AssemblyInfo1 + " <AssemblyName> : Prints information on the specified assembly."
+ "\n" + " AssemblyName: name of the assembly. If not specified then the information on executable assembly is printed."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyResources = "Resources"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyResources1 = "ResourceInfo"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyResourcesEmbedded = "ResourcesEmbedded"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyResourcesResx = "ResourcesResx"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyHelpResources
Initial value:
= AssemblyResources + " <AssemblyName> : Prints information on the specified assembliy's resources."
+ "\n" + " AssemblyName: assembly name. If not specified then the information on executable assembly is printed."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyHelpResources1
Initial value:
= AssemblyResources1 + " <AssemblyName> : Prints information on the specified assembliy's resources."
+ "\n" + " AssemblyName: assembly name. If not specified then the information on executable assembly is printed."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyHelpResourcesEmbedded
Initial value:
= AssemblyResourcesEmbedded + " <AssemblyName> : Prints information on the specified assembliy's embedded resources."
+ "\n" + " AssemblyName: assembly name. If not specified then the information on executable assembly is printed."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyHelpResourcesResx
Initial value:
= AssemblyResourcesResx + " <AssemblyName> : Prints information on the specified assembliy's .resx resources."
+ "\n" + " AssemblyName: assembly name. If not specified then the information on executable assembly is printed."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyReferenced = "ReferencedAssemblies"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyReferenced1 = "Referenced"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyHelpReferenced
Initial value:
= AssemblyReferenced + @" <recursice includeGAC>: Prints a list of referenced assemblies.
recursive: if true then indirectly referenced assemblies are printed, too. Default is false.
includeGAC: if true (default) then assemblies from Global Assembly Cache are also included."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyHelpReferenced1 = AssemblyHelpReferenced
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyLoaded = "LoadedAssemblies"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyLoaded1 = "Loaded"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyHelpLoaded = AssemblyLoaded + @" : Prints all loaded assemblies."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyHelpLoaded1 = AssemblyHelpLoaded
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyLoad = "LoadAssemblies"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyLoad1 = "Load"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyInfoLoad = "InfoLoadAssemblies"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyInfoLoad1 = "InfoLoad"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyHelpLoad
Initial value:
= AssemblyLoad + @" <assembly1 assembly2 ...>: Loads the specified assemblies.
assembly1, assembly2, ...: assembly file names for the assemblies to be loaded."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyHelpLoad1 = AssemblyHelpLoad
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyHelpInfoLoad
Initial value:
= AssemblyInfoLoad + @" <assembly1 assembly2 ...>: Loads the specified assemblies
for inspection onlly (can not be executed).
assembly1, assembly2, ...: assembly file names for the assemblies to be loaded."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AssemblyHelpInfoLoad1 = AssemblyHelpInfoLoad
bool IG.Script.ScriptAppBase._appAssemblyCommandsInitialized = false
List<string> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppProcessNames = new List<string>()

List of installed process-related command names.

List<string> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppProcessHelpStrings = new List<string>()

List of help strings corresponding to installed process commands.

List<CommandMethod> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppProcessMethods = new List<CommandMethod>()

List of methods used to perform process-related commmands.

const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessListProcesses = "ListProcesses"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessHelpListProcesses
Initial value:
= ProcessListProcesses + @" <ProcessName> <CaseSensitive> <FullName> <printDetails> :
Lists running processes with specified names.
ProcessName: process name. If not specified then all running processes are listed.
CaseSensitive: whether process name is case sensitive, default is false.
FullName: whether full name must be specified (otherwise substring is enough), default is true."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessListApplications = "ListApplications"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessHelpListApplications
Initial value:
= ProcessListApplications + @" <ProcessName> <CaseSensitive> <FullName> <printDetails> :
Lists running applications (processes having main window with title) with specified process names.
ProcessName: process name. If not specified then all running applications are listed.
CaseSensitive: whether process name is case sensitive, default is false.
FullName: whether full name must be specified (otherwise substring is enough), default is true."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessListApplicationsByWindow = "ListApplicationsByWindow"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessHelpListApplicationsByWindow
Initial value:
= ProcessListApplicationsByWindow + @" <WindowTitle> <CaseSensitive> <FullName> <printDetails> :
Lists running applications with specified names of main window title.
WindowTitle: main window title of the application. If not specified then all running applications are listed.
CaseSensitive: whether window title is case sensitive, default is false.
FullName: whether full name must be specified (otherwise substring is enough), default is false."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessKillProcesses = "KillProcesses"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessHelpKillProcesses
Initial value:
= ProcessKillProcesses + @" <ProcessName> <CaseSensitive> <FullName> <printDetails> :
Kills running processes with specified names.
ProcessName: process name. If not specified then all running processes are killed.
CaseSensitive: whether process name is case sensitive, default is false.
FullName: whether full name must be specified (otherwise substring is enough), default is true."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessKillApplications = "KillApplications"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessHelpKillApplications
Initial value:
= ProcessKillApplications + @" <ProcessName> <CaseSensitive> <FullName> <printDetails> :
Kills running applications (processes having main window with title) with specified process names.
ProcessName: process name. If not specified then all running applications are killed.
CaseSensitive: whether process name is case sensitive, default is false.
FullName: whether full name must be specified (otherwise substring is enough), default is true."
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessKillApplicationsByWindow = "KillApplicationsByWindow"
const string IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.ProcessHelpKillApplicationsByWindow
Initial value:
= ProcessKillApplicationsByWindow + @" <WindowTitle> <CaseSensitive> <FullName> <printDetails> :
Kills running applications with specified names of main window title.
WindowTitle: main window title of the application. If not specified then all running applications are killed.
CaseSensitive: whether window title is case sensitive, default is false.
FullName: whether full name must be specified (otherwise substring is enough), default is false."
bool IG.Script.ScriptAppBase._appProcessCommandsInitialized = false
List<string> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppDataStructuresNames = new List<string>()

List of installed data structure - related demo command names.

List<string> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppDataStructuresHelpStrings = new List<string>()

List of help strings corresponding to the installed data structure - related demo commands.

List<CommandMethod> IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.AppDataStructuresMethods = new List<CommandMethod>()

List of methods used to perform data structure - related demo commmands.

bool IG.Script.ScriptAppBase._appDataStructuresCommandsInitialized = false

Property Documentation

virtual bool IG.Script.ScriptAppBase.IsAddRunFileByScriptCommand

Whether or not the Run command is installed on the script's interpreter.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: