The IGLib base library for development of numerical, technical and business applications.
File manager for interfacing (for optimization purposes) the simulation code of Gregor Kosec. More...
Classes | |
class | InputFieldDefinition |
Contains data about a field that is recoginzed in the input file, such as field identification number, name, and description. This class is immutable except for Description, and it is thread safe in the scope of intended use. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
string | GetPath (string relativePath) |
Returns full path of the file or directory with the specified relative path within the data and messages exchange directory. More... | |
virtual void | SaveInput () |
Saves contents of the simulation input file. Usually the contents is generated by taking the contents of the template input file and making some modification in it in order to reflect the current values of optimization parameters. More... | |
void | UpdateDefaultInputValues () |
Updates the input field values for which default values are defined on the list DefaultInputValues. More... | |
string | GetOptimizationParametersDefinedFromInput (int which) |
Returns value of the specified input (optimization) parameter obtained from the current contents of simulation input, according to the definition of direct mapping between this parameter and scalar input field value. If mapping is not defined for the component specified then null is returned. Returned value is obtained by GetInputFieldValue. More... | |
void | GetOptimizationParametersDefinedFromInput (IVector param) |
Gets current values of input (optimization) parameters obtained from the current contents of simulation input, according to the definitions of direct mappings between input parameters and scalar input field values. Values are written to components of the provided vector. Vector is not resized, therefore it must be of correct dimension. Those components for which direct mapping between a specific input parameter and scalar input field in simulation input is not defined, are not obtained and stored in vector components (i.e., eventual previous values are preserved). Returned value is obtained by GetInputFieldValue. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateOptimizationParametersDefined (IVector parameters) |
Updates simulation inputs according to the values of input (optimization) parameters for those parameters for which direct mapping to input fields are defined. More... | |
void | UpdateInputDefined (IVector parameters) |
Updates simulation input with default values and with values of optimization parameters for which direct mappings to input fields are defined (the latter only when vector of parameters is specified, i.e. not null). More... | |
virtual InputFieldDefinition | GetInputFieldDefinition (int fieldId) |
Returns an input field definition that corresponds to the specified field ID. Exception is thrown if the field with this ID is not yet contained in input field definitions. More... | |
virtual InputFieldDefinition | GetInputFieldDefinition (string fieldName) |
Returns an input field definition that corresponds to the specified field name. Exception is thrown if definition with this name does not yet exist. More... | |
virtual InputFieldDefinition | GetInputFieldDefinition (int fieldId, string fieldName) |
Returns an input field definition that corresponds to the specified field ID and field name. If a matching definition is already included then that definition is returned, if not then definition is created anew. Exception is thrown if neither of this can be done. More... | |
virtual InputFieldDefinition | GetInputFieldDefinition (int fieldId, string fieldName, string fieldDescription) |
Returns an input field definition that corresponds to the specified field ID and field name. If a matching definition is already included then that definition is returned, if not then definition is created anew. Exception is thrown if neither of this can be done. More... | |
virtual void | AddInputFieldDefinition (InputFieldDefinition def) |
Adds a new input field definition. Name of the definition must be unique (not already added). More... | |
virtual void | AddInputFieldDefinitions (params InputFieldDefinition[] definitions) |
Adds a set of input field definitions by calling
. More... | |
void | ClearInputFieldDefinition (int fieldId) |
Removes the specified input field definition from the stored collection of definitions. More... | |
void | ClearinputfieldDefinition (string fieldName) |
Removes the specified input field definition from the stored collection of definitions. More... | |
void | ClearInputFieldDefinition (int fieldId, string fieldName) |
Removes the specified input field definition from the stored collection of definitions. More... | |
void | ClearinputFieldDefinitions () |
Clears all input fielddefinitions. More... | |
virtual void | RemoveInputFieldDefinitions () |
void | SetInputFieldValue (string fieldName, string fieldValue) |
Sets the sepcified input field to the specified value. This is done by appending a corresponding text to the contents of the input file (at this stage, the file is not modified yet). More... | |
void | SetInputFieldValue (int fieldId, string fieldValue) |
Sets the sepcified input field to the specified value. This is done by appending a corresponding text to the contents of the input file (at this stage, the file is not modified yet). More... | |
void | SetInputFieldValue (int fieldId, string fieldName, string fieldValue) |
Sets the sepcified input field to the specified value. This is done by appending a corresponding text to the contents of the input file (at this stage, the file is not modified yet). More... | |
void | SetInputFieldValue (InputFieldDefinition def, string fieldValue) |
Sets the sepcified input field to the specified value. This is done by appending a corresponding text to the contents of the input file (at this stage, the file is not modified yet). More... | |
void | AddInputComment (string commentString) |
Adds comment to the input file. More... | |
string | GetInputFieldValue (string fieldName) |
Returns value of the sepcified input field. More... | |
string | GetInputFieldValue (int fieldId) |
Returns value of the sepcified input field. More... | |
string | GetInputFieldValue (int fieldId, string fieldName) |
Returns value of the sepcified input field. More... | |
string | GetInputFieldValue (InputFieldDefinition def) |
Returns the value of the specified input field, which is obtained from the contents of teh input file. More... | |
abstract bool | RepairInputParameters (IVector parameters) |
Repairs simulation parameters, if necessary, in such a way that values are consistent with simuation data (e.g. spacing of nodes). More... | |
virtual void | ReadInputParameters (ref IVector inputParameters) |
Reads optimization input parameters form the file at a standard location. More... | |
virtual void | WriteInputParameters (IVector inputParameters) |
Writes optimization input parameters to the standard location. More... | |
virtual void | DeleteOutputFiles () |
Deletes the output files. More... | |
virtual void | ReadOutputValues (ref IVector outputValues) |
Reads optimization output values form the file at a standard location. More... | |
virtual void | WriteOutputValues (IVector outputValues) |
Writes optimization ouptut values to the standard location. More... | |
void | RunSimulator () |
Runs the simulaor interfaced by the current object. This method only runs the simulator, it does not prepare any input. More... | |
void | RunSimulator (string[] commandlineArguments) |
Runns the simulator with the specified command-line arguments. Warning: this method should be used for testing only because the command-line arguments that should be passed to the simulator are specified by the interrface rules and can not be specified arbitrarily. Otherwise, run the overloaded method with no arguments. This method only runs the simulator, it does not prepare any input. More... | |
void | CalculateVectorResponse (IVector inputParameters, ref IVector outputValues) |
Calculates simulator's response for the specified input parameters. More... | |
void | WriteToConsole () |
Writes data about the current object to console. Normally, ToString() will be used for that, but sometimed this method is used because it is more suitable for debugging. More... | |
override string | ToString () |
Returns string representation of the current object. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
SimKosecFileManagerBase (string dataDirectory) | |
Constructs a new file manager for interfacing simulator of Gregor Kosec. More... | |
abstract void | Init () |
Initializes internal variables. Called at the beginning of all constructors. More... | |
virtual void | InstallInputFields () |
Installs data about input fields that can be queried and set in the input file. More... | |
abstract void | InstallInputMappings () |
Installs definitions of default values of input fields that are automatically set before running the simulation, and eventually definitios for mappings between (optimization) input parameters and input fields in input file. More... | |
virtual InputFieldDefinition | GetDefinition (List< InputFieldDefinition > list, int id, string name) |
Finds and returns the specified input field definition on the specified list. More... | |
void | AddDefaultInputValues (params InputFieldDefinition[] definitions) |
Adds a set of default input values to the list DefaultInputValues of default values. These values will be set when input file is prepared. More... | |
InputFieldDefinition | GetDefaultInputValue (int id, string name) |
Finds and returns the specified deefault input value definition.
| |
void | AddOptimizationParameterDefinitions (params InputFieldDefinition[] definitions) |
Adds a set of optimization parameter definitions to the list. Each definitios specifies which parameter in the simulation input file corresponds to a given optimization parameter. It is alloved that some definitions are null. The corresponding optimization parameters will not be mapped automatically to input fields by functions such as UpdateOptimizationParametersDefined, but tehir mapping must be provided specially in definitions of (usually overridden) functions such as UpdateInputParametersManual. More... | |
InputFieldDefinition | GetOptimizationParameterDefinition (int id, string name) |
Finds and returns the specified optimization parameter definition.
| |
abstract void | GetInputParametersManual (ref IVector inputParameters) |
Gets the current values of input parameters form the input file. This method must be overridden in derived concrete classes. More... | |
abstract void | UpdateInputParametersManual (IVector inputParameters) |
Prepares current values of input parameters in the simulation input that will be written to the simulation input file. This method must be overridden in derived concrete classes. Only mappings form input parameters to simulation input that are manually defined must be performed by this function, since automatic mappings are already included in functions such as WriteInputParameters. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
bool | _redirectOutput = false |
string | _redirectedOutputPath = null |
string | _directory = null |
string | _csvSeparator = SimKosecConst.CsvSeparatorDefault |
IBoundingBox | _inputParameterBounds |
Properties | |
object | Lock [get] |
This object's central lock object to be used by other object. Do not use this object for locking in class' methods, for this you should use InternalLock. More... | |
object | InternalLock [get] |
Used internally for locking access to internal fields. More... | |
bool | RedirectOutput [get, set] |
Gets or sets the plag indicating whether standard output will be redirected or not. More... | |
string | RedirectedOutputPath [get, set] |
Gets or sets path to the file where standard output will be redirected. Setting to null causes that output will not be redirected. More... | |
string | RedirectedOutputFileName [get, set] |
Gets or sets name of the file where output is redirected. More... | |
int | OutputLevel [get, set] |
Level of information that is output to the console by some methods. More... | |
virtual int | NumInputParameters [get, set] |
Number of input optimization parameters for the simulator. More... | |
virtual int | NumOutputValues [get, set] |
Number of optimization output values produced by the simulator. More... | |
string | DataDirectory [get, protected set] |
Directory for data and messages exchange through files. More... | |
string | CsvSeparator [get, set] |
Separator used to separate values in CSV files. More... | |
virtual string | TemplateInputPath [get, protected set] |
File path of the template analysis input file. This file is transcribed, with appropriate modification according to the optimization parameters, to the actual simulation input file. Setter takes only pure file name, without path information. If set to null then file path is set to null and will be recalculated when getter is called. More... | |
virtual string | InputPath [get, protected set] |
File path of the analysis input file. This file contains all the input data for the direct analysis. If set to null then file path is set to null and will be recalculated when getter is called. More... | |
virtual string | ExecutableFilename [get, set] |
File name of the executable that performs the direct analysis. More... | |
virtual string | ExecutablePath [get, protected set] |
File path of the analysis exeutable. If set to null then file path is set to null and will be recalculated when getter is called. More... | |
virtual string | OutputBaseDirpath [get, protected set] |
Path of the base directory where output files are located. Setter takes only pure directory name, without path information. If set to null then directory path is set to null and will be recalculated when getter is called. More... | |
virtual string | OutputDirpath [get, protected set] |
Path of the directory where output files are located. Setter takes only pure directory name, without path information. If set to null then directory path is set to null and will be recalculated when getter is called. More... | |
string | OptOutputCsvPath [get, protected set] |
File path of the analysis output file in CSV format. This file contains the pre-agreed set of output values obtained by post-processing of simulator results. If set to null then file path is set to null and will be recalculated when getter is called. More... | |
virtual string | InputFileContents [get, protected set] |
The current input file contents. By default this is obtained form the template input file. If the property is set to null at some point then it will be set to contents of the template input file at the first get access. More... | |
virtual string[][] | InputFileLines [get, set] |
The current input represented as an array of text lines. More... | |
List< InputFieldDefinition > | DefaultInputValues [get] |
List containing default values for input parameters, which will be set before the simulation input file is prepared, which makes possible to play with the definition of the template direct problem. More... | |
List< InputFieldDefinition > | OptimizationParameterDefinitions [get] |
List of definitions of direct mappings od input (optimization) parameters to input fields. Contains, for each input parameter, the definition of the input field that is represented by this parameter. This list can contain null references, which are usually for parameters that can not be directly mapped to scalar input fields defined in the simulation input file. More... | |
SortedDictionary< string, InputFieldDefinition > | InputFieldDefinitions [get] |
Gets the sorted dictionary that contains input field definitions. This should be used only exceptionally; use the higher level method for dealing with input field definitions. More... | |
virtual IBoundingBox | InputParameterBounds [get, protected set] |
Bounds on input parameters. More... | |
string[] | OneCommandArgument [get] |
Used to run the simulatior in the default case where there is only one command-line argument. More... | |
![]() | |
object | Lock [get] |
File manager for interfacing (for optimization purposes) the simulation code of Gregor Kosec.
$A Igor Aug11;
inlineprotected |
Constructs a new file manager for interfacing simulator of Gregor Kosec.
dataDirectory | Data directory for simulation code. This directory usually contains the simulator as well as the input files, and output is written to the specified locations within the directory. |
protectedpure virtual |
Initializes internal variables. Called at the beginning of all constructors.
To be overridden in derived classes!
Implemented in IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConv2, and IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConvBase.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Installs data about input fields that can be queried and set in the input file.
Reimplemented in IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConvBase.
protectedpure virtual |
Installs definitions of default values of input fields that are automatically set before running the simulation, and eventually definitios for mappings between (optimization) input parameters and input fields in input file.
The latter are eventually used when for each input (optimization) parameter there exists a field that corresponds to that parameter. Many times this is not true because a single optimization parameters can affect a whole set of input fields.
When running simulator by calling CalculateVectorResponse, input is prepared in the following order: First default parameters are set, then automatic mappings are performed (if any are defined) and finally the manual mappings are performed by calling UpdateInputParametersManual, thus manually defined parameter mapping overrides all others when defined.
Implemented in IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConvBase.
inline |
Returns full path of the file or directory with the specified relative path within the data and messages exchange directory.
relativePath | Relative path (with respect to data and messages exchange directory) |
inlinevirtual |
Saves contents of the simulation input file. Usually the contents is generated by taking the contents of the template input file and making some modification in it in order to reflect the current values of optimization parameters.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Finds and returns the specified input field definition on the specified list.
list | List that is searched for the specified definition. |
id | ID of the definiton. If less or equal to 0 then definition is searched only by field name. |
name | Field name that it searched for. If id is greater than 0 then the definition that is found must have matching names and IDs, otherwise exception is thrown. |
References IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Id, and IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Name.
inlineprotected |
Adds a set of default input values to the list DefaultInputValues of default values. These values will be set when input file is prepared.
definitions |
References IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Id, and IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Name.
inlineprotected |
Finds and returns the specified deefault input value definition.
id | ID of the definiton. If less or equal to 0 then definition is searched only by field name. |
name | Field name that it searched for. If id is greater than 0 then the definition that is found must have matching names and IDs, otherwise exception is thrown. |
inline |
Updates the input field values for which default values are defined on the list DefaultInputValues.
References IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.DefaultValue, and IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.DefaultValueDefined.
inlineprotected |
Adds a set of optimization parameter definitions to the list. Each definitios specifies which parameter in the simulation input file corresponds to a given optimization parameter. It is alloved that some definitions are null. The corresponding optimization parameters will not be mapped automatically to input fields by functions such as UpdateOptimizationParametersDefined, but tehir mapping must be provided specially in definitions of (usually overridden) functions such as UpdateInputParametersManual.
definitions | Definitions to be added. If any of them is null then an ArgumentException is thrown. |
inlineprotected |
Finds and returns the specified optimization parameter definition.
id | ID of the definiton. If less or equal to 0 then definition is searched only by field name. |
name | Field name that it searched for. If id is greater than 0 then the definition that is found must have matching names and IDs, otherwise exception is thrown. |
inline |
Returns value of the specified input (optimization) parameter obtained from the current contents of simulation input, according to the definition of direct mapping between this parameter and scalar input field value. If mapping is not defined for the component specified then null is returned. Returned value is obtained by GetInputFieldValue.
which | Specifies which optimization parameter is returned. |
inline |
Gets current values of input (optimization) parameters obtained from the current contents of simulation input, according to the definitions of direct mappings between input parameters and scalar input field values. Values are written to components of the provided vector. Vector is not resized, therefore it must be of correct dimension. Those components for which direct mapping between a specific input parameter and scalar input field in simulation input is not defined, are not obtained and stored in vector components (i.e., eventual previous values are preserved). Returned value is obtained by GetInputFieldValue.
param | Vector of parameters that are provided. |
inlinevirtual |
Updates simulation inputs according to the values of input (optimization) parameters for those parameters for which direct mapping to input fields are defined.
Throws exception if the number of definitions is greater than 0 but also greater than dimension of the specified parameter vector (i.e. all definitions must be used, if any defined).
parameters | Vector of values of input (optimization) parameters to be mapped to simulation input. |
ArgumentException | If number of definitions of parameters installed is greater than 0 but the specified vector of parameters is null or of dimension smaller than the number of definitions. |
inline |
Updates simulation input with default values and with values of optimization parameters for which direct mappings to input fields are defined (the latter only when vector of parameters is specified, i.e. not null).
parameters | Vector of input (optimization) parameters. |
inlinevirtual |
Returns an input field definition that corresponds to the specified field ID. Exception is thrown if the field with this ID is not yet contained in input field definitions.
fieldId | Input field ID. Should be greater than 0. |
inlinevirtual |
Returns an input field definition that corresponds to the specified field name. Exception is thrown if definition with this name does not yet exist.
fieldName | Input field name. |
inlinevirtual |
Returns an input field definition that corresponds to the specified field ID and field name. If a matching definition is already included then that definition is returned, if not then definition is created anew. Exception is thrown if neither of this can be done.
fieldId | Input field ID. Less or equal to 0 means undefined. |
fieldName | Input field name. |
inlinevirtual |
Returns an input field definition that corresponds to the specified field ID and field name. If a matching definition is already included then that definition is returned, if not then definition is created anew. Exception is thrown if neither of this can be done.
fieldId | Input field ID. Less or equal to 0 means undefined. |
fieldName | Input field name. |
fieldDescription | Input field description. |
References IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Description, IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Id, and IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Name.
inlinevirtual |
Adds a new input field definition. Name of the definition must be unique (not already added).
def | Input field definition to be added. |
References IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Id, and IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Name.
inlinevirtual |
Adds a set of input field definitions by calling
definitions | Definitions to be added (can be null). |
inline |
Removes the specified input field definition from the stored collection of definitions.
fieldId | Field ID of the definiiton to be removed. Must be greater than 0. |
inline |
Removes the specified input field definition from the stored collection of definitions.
fieldName | Field name of the definition to be removed. |
inline |
Removes the specified input field definition from the stored collection of definitions.
fieldId | Field ID. This is used to find the input field definition if field name is not specified. |
fieldName | Field name. If not specified the field ID is used to find the definition to be removed, otherwise field ID is just used to check if the field name is consistent with ID. |
References IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Id, and IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Name.
inline |
Clears all input fielddefinitions.
inlinevirtual |
inline |
Sets the sepcified input field to the specified value. This is done by appending a corresponding text to the contents of the input file (at this stage, the file is not modified yet).
fieldName | Name of the field to be set. |
fieldValue | Value to be assigned to the specified field. |
inline |
Sets the sepcified input field to the specified value. This is done by appending a corresponding text to the contents of the input file (at this stage, the file is not modified yet).
fieldId | Id of the field to be set. |
fieldValue | Value to be assigned to the specified field. |
inline |
Sets the sepcified input field to the specified value. This is done by appending a corresponding text to the contents of the input file (at this stage, the file is not modified yet).
fieldId | Id of the field to be set. |
fieldName | Name of the field to be set. |
fieldValue | Value to be assigned to the specified field. |
inline |
Sets the sepcified input field to the specified value. This is done by appending a corresponding text to the contents of the input file (at this stage, the file is not modified yet).
def | Definition of the input field to be set. |
fieldValue | Value to be assigned to the field. |
References IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Id, and IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Name.
inline |
Adds comment to the input file.
commentString | Comment text. |
References IG.Num.SimKosecConst.CommentLineString.
inline |
Returns value of the sepcified input field.
fieldName | Name of the field to be set. |
inline |
Returns value of the sepcified input field.
fieldId | Id of the field to be set. |
inline |
Returns value of the sepcified input field.
fieldId | Id of the field to be set. |
fieldName | Name of the field to be set. |
inline |
Returns the value of the specified input field, which is obtained from the contents of teh input file.
def | Definition data for the input field whose value is to be returned. |
Current contents of the input file are stored in the internal structure (lines of text split in such a way that ID, field name and value can be readily obtained). When input field values are added, this data is modified such that changes are immediately taken into account. Algorithm for this is rather naive (complete input is invalidated upon each change), therefore it is recommended to first querry all the necessary parameters and then change anything, or to perform all the changes first and then query input field values.
References IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Id, and IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Name.
protectedpure virtual |
Gets the current values of input parameters form the input file. This method must be overridden in derived concrete classes.
inputParameters | Vector object where current values of input parameters are stored. |
Implemented in IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConv3, and IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConv2.
pure virtual |
Repairs simulation parameters, if necessary, in such a way that values are consistent with simuation data (e.g. spacing of nodes).
parameters | Vector of parameters to be repaired. Repaired values are stored in the same vector. |
Implemented in IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConv3, and IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConv2.
protectedpure virtual |
Prepares current values of input parameters in the simulation input that will be written to the simulation input file. This method must be overridden in derived concrete classes. Only mappings form input parameters to simulation input that are manually defined must be performed by this function, since automatic mappings are already included in functions such as WriteInputParameters.
inputParameters | Vector of input (optimization) parameter values to be set. |
Implemented in IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConv3, and IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerConv2.
inlinevirtual |
Reads optimization input parameters form the file at a standard location.
inputParameters | Reference to an object where input parameters are stored. If number of inpput parameters is defined then the provided vector is resized if necessary. Otherwise, the vector provided must be of correct dimension. |
References IG.Num.VectorBase.Resize().
inlinevirtual |
Writes optimization input parameters to the standard location.
inputParameters | Parameters to be written. |
inlinevirtual |
Deletes the output files.
It is recommendable to delete simulation output before running simulation. In this way, one would know if the simulation program has been broken because the output file would not exist or would be corrupted (otherwise, one could simply read the output file genenerated in some previout run, without noticing that something is wrong).
inlinevirtual |
Reads optimization output values form the file at a standard location.
outputValues | Reference to an object where output parameters will be stored. |
References IG.Num.VectorBase.LoadCsv().
inlinevirtual |
Writes optimization ouptut values to the standard location.
outputValues | Values to be written. |
References IG.Num.VectorBase.SaveCsv().
inline |
Runs the simulaor interfaced by the current object. This method only runs the simulator, it does not prepare any input.
References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.GetRelativePath().
inline |
Runns the simulator with the specified command-line arguments. Warning: this method should be used for testing only because the command-line arguments that should be passed to the simulator are specified by the interrface rules and can not be specified arbitrarily. Otherwise, run the overloaded method with no arguments. This method only runs the simulator, it does not prepare any input.
commandlineArguments | Command-line arguments that are passed to the simulator program. |
References IG.Lib.UtilSystem.ExecuteSystemCommand().
inline |
Calculates simulator's response for the specified input parameters.
inputParameters | Input parameters for which response is calculated. |
outputValues | Vector object where the calculated response is stored after calculation. |
Implements IG.Num.IResponseEvaluatorVectorSimple.
References IG.Lib.StopWatch1.Start(), IG.Lib.StopWatch1.Stop(), IG.Lib.StopWatch1.Time, IG.Num.IVector.ToStringMath(), and IG.Lib.StopWatch1.TotalTime.
inline |
Writes data about the current object to console. Normally, ToString() will be used for that, but sometimed this method is used because it is more suitable for debugging.
References IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Id, and IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Name.
inline |
Returns string representation of the current object.
References IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Id, and IG.Num.SimKosecFileManagerBase.InputFieldDefinition.Name.
private |
private |
protected |
protected |
private |
private |
private |
protected |
protected |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
protected |
private |
get |
This object's central lock object to be used by other object. Do not use this object for locking in class' methods, for this you should use InternalLock.
getprotected |
Used internally for locking access to internal fields.
getset |
Gets or sets the plag indicating whether standard output will be redirected or not.
If this flag is set to true but path to the file (property RedirectedOutputPath) where output is redirected is not specified yet then this path will be generated form path to input file (just the ".out" extension is added).
getset |
Gets or sets path to the file where standard output will be redirected. Setting to null causes that output will not be redirected.
getset |
Gets or sets name of the file where output is redirected.
Setting to null or empty string means that output will not be redirected.
Setting to non-empty string means that output will be redirected to the file named as set by this property, and residing in data directory (property DataDirectory).
Getter just returns the current state of matters (null if output is not redirected, file name otherwise).
getset |
Level of information that is output to the console by some methods.
getset |
Number of input optimization parameters for the simulator.
getset |
Number of optimization output values produced by the simulator.
getprotected set |
Directory for data and messages exchange through files.
getset |
Separator used to separate values in CSV files.
getprotected set |
File path of the template analysis input file. This file is transcribed, with appropriate modification according to the optimization parameters, to the actual simulation input file. Setter takes only pure file name, without path information. If set to null then file path is set to null and will be recalculated when getter is called.
getprotected set |
File path of the analysis input file. This file contains all the input data for the direct analysis. If set to null then file path is set to null and will be recalculated when getter is called.
getset |
File name of the executable that performs the direct analysis.
getprotected set |
File path of the analysis exeutable. If set to null then file path is set to null and will be recalculated when getter is called.
getprotected set |
Path of the base directory where output files are located. Setter takes only pure directory name, without path information. If set to null then directory path is set to null and will be recalculated when getter is called.
getprotected set |
Path of the directory where output files are located. Setter takes only pure directory name, without path information. If set to null then directory path is set to null and will be recalculated when getter is called.
getprotected set |
File path of the analysis output file in CSV format. This file contains the pre-agreed set of output values obtained by post-processing of simulator results. If set to null then file path is set to null and will be recalculated when getter is called.
getprotected set |
The current input file contents. By default this is obtained form the template input file. If the property is set to null at some point then it will be set to contents of the template input file at the first get access.
getset |
The current input represented as an array of text lines.
getprotected |
List containing default values for input parameters, which will be set before the simulation input file is prepared, which makes possible to play with the definition of the template direct problem.
getprotected |
List of definitions of direct mappings od input (optimization) parameters to input fields. Contains, for each input parameter, the definition of the input field that is represented by this parameter. This list can contain null references, which are usually for parameters that can not be directly mapped to scalar input fields defined in the simulation input file.
getprotected |
Gets the sorted dictionary that contains input field definitions. This should be used only exceptionally; use the higher level method for dealing with input field definitions.
getprotected set |
Bounds on input parameters.
getprotected |
Used to run the simulatior in the default case where there is only one command-line argument.