The IGLib base library for development of numerical, technical and business applications.
Interface for Inverse Interpreter. More...
Public Member Functions | |
InterfaceInverse () | |
InterfaceInverse (string commandFileName) | |
InterfaceInverse (string workingDirctory, string commandFileName) | |
Constructor. More... | |
InterfaceInverse (string commandDirectory, string startDirectory, string commandFileName) | |
Constructor. More... | |
override void | AppendValue (bool value) |
Appends a boolean value to the interpreter command file contents. More... | |
override void | AppendValue (string value) |
Appends a string value to the interpreter command file contents. More... | |
override void | AppendValue (IVector value) |
Appends a vector value to the interpreter command file contents. More... | |
override void | AppendValue (IMatrix value) |
Appends a matrix value to the interpreter command file contents. More... | |
virtual void | StartAnalysisBlock () |
Appends beginning of analysis block to the interpreter file contents. More... | |
virtual void | EndAnalysisBlock () |
Appends end of analysis block to the interpreter file contents. More... | |
virtual void | Interactive (string message) |
Starts interactive interpreter. More... | |
virtual void | Interpret (string filePath) |
Interprets a file. More... | |
virtual void | SetVariable (string variableName, int value) |
Command - sets an integer interpreter variable. More... | |
virtual void | SetVariable (string variableName, double value) |
Command - sets a double interpreter variable. More... | |
virtual void | SetVariable (string variableName, bool value) |
Command - sets a boolean interpreter variable. More... | |
virtual void | SetVariable (string variableName, string value) |
Command - sets a string interpreter variable. More... | |
virtual void | SetVariable (string variableName, IVector value) |
Command - sets a vector interpreter variable. More... | |
virtual void | SetVariable (string variableName, IMatrix value) |
Command - sets a matrix interpreter variable. More... | |
virtual void | SetParamMom (IVector parameters) |
Sets the current parameters. More... | |
virtual void | SetCalculateObjective (bool flagValue) |
Sets the flag for calculation of objective function. More... | |
virtual void | SetCalculateConstraints (bool flagValue) |
Sets the flag for calculation of constraint functions. More... | |
virtual void | SetCalculateGradObjective (bool flagValue) |
Sets the flag for calculation of objective function gradient. More... | |
virtual void | SetCalculateGradConstraints (bool flagValue) |
Sets the flag for calculation of constraint function gradients. More... | |
virtual void | FileAnalysis (string analysisCommand, string analysisInputPath, string analysisOutputPath) |
Command - runs an external analysis program that exchanges intoermation through files. Before running the program, it writes analysis input file, and afterwards it reads analysis output. This command is usually put into anaysis block. More... | |
virtual void | FileAnalysis (string analysisCommand, string workingDirectoryPath, string analysisInputFileName, string analysisOutputFileName) |
Command - runs an external analysis program that exchanges intoermation through files. Before running the program, it writes analysis input file, and afterwards it reads analysis output. This command is usually put into anaysis block. More... | |
virtual void | FileAnalysisStandard (string analysisExecutable, string analysisCommandName, string workingDirectory, string analysisInputFileName, string analysisOutputFileName) |
Command - runs an external analysis program that exchanges intoermation through files. Before running the program, it writes analysis input file, and afterwards it reads analysis output. This command is usually put into anaysis block. IMPORTANT: It is assumed that analysis program is called as a shell with built-in command-line interpreter, such that command is invoked by executable name followed by interpreter command followed by working directory path. It is alsoassumed that analysis input and output files are exchanged in the working directory. More... | |
virtual void | FileAnalysisStandard (string analysisExecutable, string analysisCommandName, string workingDirectory) |
Command - runs an external analysis program that exchanges intoermation through files. Before running the program, it writes analysis input file, and afterwards it reads analysis output. This command is usually put into anaysis block. IMPORTANT: It is assumed that analysis program is called as a shell with built-in command-line interpreter, such that command is invoked by executable name followed by interpreter command followed by working directory path. It is assumed that analysis input and output files are exchanged in the working directory, and their names are standard names used by file analysis servers. More... | |
virtual void | Analyse (IVector param) |
Command - runs a direct analysis at the specified parameters. More... | |
virtual void | Analyse (IVector param, bool calcobj, bool calcconstr, bool calcgradobj, bool calcgradconstr) |
Command - runs a direct analysis at the specified parameters, with specified calculation flags. More... | |
virtual void | TabAn1d (IVector pont0, IVector point1, int numPoints, bool centered, double factor, double scaling) |
Runs an 1D table of analyses. More... | |
virtual void | TabAn1d (IVector pont0, IVector point1, int numPoints, bool centered, double factor, double scaling, bool printTab, bool printParam, bool printList, bool printObj, bool printConstr, bool printGradobj, bool printGradconstr) |
Runs an 1D table of analyses. More... | |
virtual void | TabAn2d (IVector pont0, IVector point1, IVector point2, int numPoints1, bool centered1, double factor1, double scaling1, int numPoints2, bool centered2, double factor2, double scaling2) |
virtual void | TabAn2d (IVector pont0, IVector point1, IVector point2, int numPoints1, bool centered1, double factor1, double scaling1, int numPoints2, bool centered2, double factor2, double scaling2, bool printTab, bool printParam, bool printList, bool printObj, bool printConstr, bool printGradobj, bool printGradconstr) |
virtual void | MinSimplex (IVector initialGuess, IVector stepSizes, int maxIt, IVector tolX, double tolF, int printLevel) |
Runs the unconstaint nonlinear (modified Nelder-Mead) simplex minimization algorithm. More... | |
virtual void | NlpSimplex (int numConstraints, IVector initialGuess, IVector stepSizes, int maxIt, IVector tolX, double tolF, double tolConstr, int printLevel) |
Runs the constraint nonlinear (modified Nelder-Mead) simplex minimization algorithm. More... | |
virtual void | NlpSimplexBoundConstr (int numConstraints, IVector initialGuess, IVector stepSizes, int maxIt, IVector tolX, double tolF, double tolConstr, IVector lowerBounds, IVector upperBounds, double bigNumber, int printLevel) |
Runs the constraint nonlinear (modified Nelder-Mead) simplex minimization algorithm. More... | |
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InterfaceInterpreterBase () | |
InterfaceInterpreterBase (string commandFileName) | |
InterfaceInterpreterBase (string workingDirctory, string commandFileName) | |
Constructor. More... | |
InterfaceInterpreterBase (string commandDirectory, string startDirectory, string commandFileName) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual void | ResetCommands () |
virtual void | Append (string str) |
Appends a literal string to the contents of the command file plus a newline character. More... | |
virtual void | AppendLine (string str) |
Appends a literal string to the contents of the command file. More... | |
virtual void | AppendLine () |
virtual void | AppendIndent () |
Appends indentation to the contents of the command file. More... | |
virtual void | AppendComment (string str, bool withNewlines) |
Appends a vomment to the contents of the command file. More... | |
virtual void | StartCodeBlock () |
Starts a new code block in the interpreter command file contents. More... | |
virtual void | EndCodeBlock () |
Ends a code block in the interpreter command file contents. More... | |
virtual void | StartCommand (string commandName) |
Starts a new command in the interpreter command file contents. More... | |
virtual void | EndCommand () |
Ends (finalizes) a command in the interpreter command file contents. More... | |
virtual void | AppendCommandArgumentSeparatorIfNecessary () |
Appends a command line separator to the interpreter command file contents, if necessary (i.e. if any arguments have already been written to the command file contents). More... | |
virtual void | AppendValue (int value) |
Appends an integer value to the interpreter command file contents. More... | |
virtual void | AppendValue (double value) |
Appends a double value to the interpreter command file contents. More... | |
virtual void | AppendCommandArgumentVariableReference (string variableName) |
Appends a variable reference to the current argument block. More... | |
virtual void | AppendCommandArgument (int value) |
Appends an integer argument to the command argument block of the interpreter command file. More... | |
virtual void | AppendCommandArgument (double value) |
Appends a double argument to the command argument block of the interpreter command file. More... | |
virtual void | AppendCommandArgument (bool value) |
Appends a boolean argument to the command argument block of the interpreter command file. More... | |
virtual void | AppendCommandArgument (string value) |
Appends a string argument to the command argument block of the interpreter command file. More... | |
virtual void | AppendCommandArgumentPlain (string value) |
Appends a plain string argument (without decoration such as double quotes) to the command argument block of the interpreter command file. More... | |
virtual void | AppendCommandArgument (IVector value) |
Appends a vector argument to the command argument block of the interpreter command file. More... | |
virtual void | AppendCommandArgument (IMatrix value) |
Appends a matrix argument to the command argument block of the interpreter command file. More... | |
virtual void | WriteCommandFile () |
Writes the current contents of the interpreter command file to the physical file. If the file exists then it is overwritten. After this method is called, ResetCommands() should be called if the object will be further used. More... | |
virtual void | WriteAppendToCommandFile () |
Appends the current contents of the interpreter command file to the physical file. After this method is called, ResetCommands() should be called if the object will be further used. More... | |
virtual void | WriteAndRunCommandFile () |
Writes interpreter command file and runs it. After this method is called, ResetCommands() should be called if the object will be further used. More... | |
Properties | |
virtual string | AnalysisBlockName [get] |
String that introduces the analysis block. More... | |
virtual string | CmdNameInterpret [get] |
Command name - interpret. More... | |
virtual string | CmdNameInteractive [get] |
Command name - analyse. More... | |
virtual string | CmdNameWrite [get] |
Command name - analyse. More... | |
virtual string | CmdNameDWrite [get] |
Command name - analyse. More... | |
virtual string | CmdNameSetVarInt [get] |
Command name - setting an integer variable. More... | |
virtual string | CmdNameSetVarDouble [get] |
Command name - setting a double variable. More... | |
virtual string | CmdNameSetVarBoolean [get] |
Command name - setting a boolean variable. More... | |
virtual string | CmdNameSetVarString [get] |
Command name - setting a string variable. More... | |
virtual string | CmdNameSetVarVector [get] |
Command name - setting a vector variable. More... | |
virtual string | CmdNameSetVarMatrix [get] |
Command name - setting a matrix variable. More... | |
virtual string | VarNameParamMom [get] |
virtual string | VarNameCalcObjective [get] |
virtual string | VarNameCalcConstraints [get] |
virtual string | VarNameCalcGradObjective [get] |
virtual string | VarNameCalcGradConstraints [get] |
virtual string | VarNameObjectiveMom [get] |
virtual string | VarNameConstraintsMom [get] |
virtual string | VarNameGradObjectiveMom [get] |
virtual string | VarNameGradConstraintMom [get] |
virtual string | CmdNameFileAnalysis [get] |
Command name - analyse. More... | |
virtual string | AnalysisInputFileNameStandard [get] |
Standard analysis input file name. More... | |
virtual string | AnalysisOutputFileNameStandard [get] |
Standard analysis output file name. More... | |
virtual string | CmdNameAnalyse [get] |
Command name - analyse. More... | |
virtual string | CmdNameTab1d [get] |
Command name - taban1d. More... | |
virtual string | CmdNameTab2d [get] |
Command name - taban2d. More... | |
virtual string | CmdNameMinSimp [get] |
Command name - taban2d. More... | |
virtual string | CmdNameNlpSimp [get] |
Command name - taban2d. More... | |
virtual string | CmdNameNlpSimpBoundConstr [get] |
Command name - taban2d. More... | |
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object | Lock [get] |
This object's central lock object to be used by other object. Do not use this object for locking in class' methods, for this you should use InternalLock. More... | |
virtual StringBuilder | CommandBuilder [get, protected set] |
Command builder. More... | |
virtual string | CommandFileString [get] |
Gets current state of commands as stirng. More... | |
virtual string | InterpreterCommand [get, protected set] |
Gets or sets the command that invokes the interpreter. This may be a full path to the executable, or only executable name if the executable is located in a directory included in path. More... | |
virtual string | CommandDirectory [get, protected set] |
Gets or sets the directory where command file will be located. More... | |
virtual string | DefaultCommandFileName [get] |
Gets the default command file name for the current interpreter. More... | |
virtual string | CommandFileName [get, protected set] |
Gets or sets the command file name where interpreter commands will be written. More... | |
virtual string | CommandFilePath [get] |
Gets path to command file. More... | |
virtual string | StartingDirectory [get, protected set] |
Gets or sets the command that invokes the interpreter. More... | |
virtual string | CommandIntroduction [get, protected set] |
String that introduces a new command (and is written before the command name in the command file). Usually a newline. More... | |
virtual string | CommandArgumentBlockBegin [get, protected set] |
String that begins command arguments block. More... | |
virtual string | CommandArgumentBlockEnd [get, protected set] |
String that ends command argument block. More... | |
virtual string | CommandArgumentSeparator [get, protected set] |
String that begins command arguments block. More... | |
virtual bool | CommandArgumentsInNewLines [get, set] |
Whether command arguments are listed in separate lines or not. More... | |
virtual int | CommandArgumentCount [get, protected set] |
The number of current argument. More... | |
virtual bool | IsWithinArgumentBlock [get, protected set] |
The number of current argument. More... | |
virtual string | CodeBlockBegin [get, protected set] |
String that begins a code block in interpreted files. More... | |
virtual string | CodeBlockEnd [get, protected set] |
String that ends a code block in interpreted files. More... | |
virtual string | VariableReferenceBegin [get, protected set] |
String that begins a code block in interpreted files. More... | |
virtual string | VariableReferenceEnd [get, protected set] |
String that ends a code block in interpreted files. More... | |
virtual string | IndentationString [get, set] |
String used for indentation of code. More... | |
virtual int | IndentationLevel [get, protected set] |
Indentation level - how many indentation strings are added before each new row. More... | |
virtual string | CommentBegin [get, protected set] |
String that begins a comment. More... | |
virtual string | CommentEnd [get, protected set] |
String that ends a comment. More... | |
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object | Lock [get] |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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virtual void | AppendCommandVariableReference (string variableName) |
Appends a variable reference to the contents of the interpreter command file. More... | |
virtual void | WriteCommandFile (bool appendContents) |
Writes the current contents of the interpreter command file to the physical file. After this method is called, ResetCommands() should be called if the object will be further used. More... | |
virtual void | RunCommandFile () |
Runs the interpreter command file. More... | |
Interface for Inverse Interpreter.
This interface is used for testing, training and demonstration purposes.
$A Igor Jul09;
inline |
inline |
inline |
workingDirctory | Directory whre command file is written to and working directory for interpreter's application. Relative or absolute path. |
commandFileName | Name of the command file to which commands are written and which is interpreted by the interpreter. |
inline |
commandDirectory | Directory whre command file is written to. Relative or absolute path. |
startDirectory | Directory in which interpreter application is started. Relative or absolute path. |
commandFileName | Name of the command file to which commands are written and which is interpreted by the interpreter. |
inlinevirtual |
Appends a boolean value to the interpreter command file contents.
value | Value to be appended. |
Reimplemented from IG.Lib.InterfaceInterpreterBase.
inlinevirtual |
Appends a string value to the interpreter command file contents.
value | Value to be appended. |
Reimplemented from IG.Lib.InterfaceInterpreterBase.
inlinevirtual |
Appends a vector value to the interpreter command file contents.
value | Value to be appended. |
Reimplemented from IG.Lib.InterfaceInterpreterBase.
References IG.Num.IVector.ToString().
inlinevirtual |
Appends a matrix value to the interpreter command file contents.
value | Value to be appended. |
Reimplemented from IG.Lib.InterfaceInterpreterBase.
References IG.Num.IMatrix.ToString().
inlinevirtual |
Appends beginning of analysis block to the interpreter file contents.
inlinevirtual |
Appends end of analysis block to the interpreter file contents.
inlinevirtual |
Starts interactive interpreter.
message | Message to the user that is written before starting an interactive interpreter. |
inlinevirtual |
Interprets a file.
filePath | Path to the file that will be interpreted. |
inlinevirtual |
Command - sets an integer interpreter variable.
variableName | Name of the variable. |
value | Value of the variable. |
inlinevirtual |
Command - sets a double interpreter variable.
variableName | Name of the variable. |
value | Value of the variable. |
inlinevirtual |
Command - sets a boolean interpreter variable.
variableName | Name of the variable. |
value | Value of the variable. |
inlinevirtual |
Command - sets a string interpreter variable.
variableName | Name of the variable. |
value | Value of the variable. |
inlinevirtual |
Command - sets a vector interpreter variable.
variableName | Name of the variable. |
value | Value of the variable. |
inlinevirtual |
Command - sets a matrix interpreter variable.
variableName | Name of the variable. |
value | Value of the variable. |
inlinevirtual |
Sets the current parameters.
parameters | Vector containing parameter values. |
inlinevirtual |
Sets the flag for calculation of objective function.
flagValue | Value of the flag that is assigned. |
inlinevirtual |
Sets the flag for calculation of constraint functions.
flagValue | Value of the flag that is assigned. |
inlinevirtual |
Sets the flag for calculation of objective function gradient.
flagValue | Value of the flag that is assigned. |
inlinevirtual |
Sets the flag for calculation of constraint function gradients.
flagValue | Value of the flag that is assigned. |
inlinevirtual |
Command - runs an external analysis program that exchanges intoermation through files. Before running the program, it writes analysis input file, and afterwards it reads analysis output. This command is usually put into anaysis block.
analysisCommand | Command that needs to be executed to run external direct analysis (together with command-line arguments). |
analysisInputPath | Path to the analysis input file (relative paths are NOT converted!). |
analysisOutputPath | Path to the analysis output file (relative paths are NOT converted!). |
inlinevirtual |
Command - runs an external analysis program that exchanges intoermation through files. Before running the program, it writes analysis input file, and afterwards it reads analysis output. This command is usually put into anaysis block.
analysisCommand | Command that needs to be executed to run external direct analysis. |
workingDirectoryPath | Working directory where files are exchanged. Relative paths are NOT converted to absolute paths before use. |
analysisInputFileName | Name of the analysis input file. |
analysisOutputFileName | Name the analysis output file. |
inlinevirtual |
Command - runs an external analysis program that exchanges intoermation through files. Before running the program, it writes analysis input file, and afterwards it reads analysis output. This command is usually put into anaysis block. IMPORTANT: It is assumed that analysis program is called as a shell with built-in command-line interpreter, such that command is invoked by executable name followed by interpreter command followed by working directory path. It is alsoassumed that analysis input and output files are exchanged in the working directory.
analysisExecutable | Name of the executable. |
analysisCommandName | Name of the interpreter command that invokes direct analysis that exchanges data through files. |
workingDirectory | Working directory path (relative paths are NOT converted!). |
analysisInputFileName | Name of the analysis input file. |
analysisOutputFileName | Name of the analysis output file. |
inlinevirtual |
Command - runs an external analysis program that exchanges intoermation through files. Before running the program, it writes analysis input file, and afterwards it reads analysis output. This command is usually put into anaysis block. IMPORTANT: It is assumed that analysis program is called as a shell with built-in command-line interpreter, such that command is invoked by executable name followed by interpreter command followed by working directory path. It is assumed that analysis input and output files are exchanged in the working directory, and their names are standard names used by file analysis servers.
analysisExecutable | Name of the executable. |
analysisCommandName | Name of the interpreter command that invokes direct analysis that exchanges data through files. |
workingDirectory | Working directory path (relative paths are NOT converted!). |
inlinevirtual |
Command - runs a direct analysis at the specified parameters.
param | Vector of parameters. |
inlinevirtual |
Command - runs a direct analysis at the specified parameters, with specified calculation flags.
param | Vector of parameters. |
calcobj | Whether value of the objective function should be calculated. |
calcconstr | Whether values of constraint functions should be calculated. |
calcgradobj | Whether objective function gradients should b ecalculated. |
calcgradconstr | Whether constraint function gradients should be evaluated. |
inlinevirtual |
Runs an 1D table of analyses.
pont0 | Starting point of the table in the parameter space. |
point1 | End point of the table in the parameter space. |
numPoints | Number of analysis points. |
centered | Flag for a centered table. If true then the table is centered around the starting point point0. If table is centered with geometrically growing intervals then the interval lengths first fall from point1 reflected over point0 until point0, and then grow from point0 to point1. |
factor | Factor of interval length growth. If 0 or 1 then intervals between table points are uniform. If it is greater than 1 then intervals grow in such a way that each successive interval length is the previous length multiplied by factor. If it is smaller than 1 then factors fall in the same way. |
scaling | Additional scaling factor by which intervals are multiplied. The factor can be used e.g. if we want the table extend a bit over some special point of interest which we set as endpoint. Regardless of its size, the table remains to be centered (if centered is non-zero) or starting in point0. |
inlinevirtual |
Runs an 1D table of analyses.
pont0 | Starting point of the table in the parameter space. |
point1 | End point of the table in the parameter space. |
numPoints | Number of analysis points. |
centered | Flag for a centered table. If true then the table is centered around the starting point point0. If table is centered with geometrically growing intervals then the interval lengths first fall from point1 reflected over point0 until point0, and then grow from point0 to point1. |
factor | Factor of interval length growth. If 0 or 1 then intervals between table points are uniform. If it is greater than 1 then intervals grow in such a way that each successive interval length is the previous length multiplied by factor. If it is smaller than 1 then factors fall in the same way. |
scaling | Additional scaling factor by which intervals are multiplied. The factor can be used e.g. if we want the table extend a bit over some special point of interest which we set as endpoint. Regardless of its size, the table remains to be centered (if centered is non-zero) or starting in point0. |
printTab | Whether data is also printed in table form. |
printParam | Whether a table of parameters in sampled points is printed together with the corresponding table indices and factors defining relative position with respect to point0 and point1. |
printList | If true then data is also printed in list form. |
printObj | Whether objective function value is printed. |
printConstr | Whethe constraint function value is printed. |
printGradobj | Whether gradient of the objective function is printed. |
printGradconstr | Ehether Gradients of constraint functions are printed. |
inlinevirtual |
pont0 | Starting point of the table in the parameter space. |
point1 | The first end point of the table, defines the first table direction together with point0. |
point2 | The second end point of the table, defines the second table direction together with point0. |
numPoints1 | Number of analysis points (divisions) in the first direction. |
centered1 | Flag for a centered table in the first direction. If true then the table is centered around the starting point point0. If table is centered with geometrically growing intervals then the interval lengths first fall from point1 reflected over point0 until point0, and then grow from point0 to point1. |
factor1 | Factor of interval length growth in the first direction. If 0 or 1 then intervals between table points are uniform. If it is greater than 1 then intervals grow in such a way that each successive interval length is the previous length multiplied by factor. If it is smaller than 1 then factors fall in the same way. |
scaling1 | Additional scaling factor by which intervals are multiplied in the first direction. The factor can be used e.g. if we want the table extend a bit over some special point of interest which we set as endpoint. Regardless of its size, the table remains to be centered (if centered is non-zero) or starting in point0. |
numPoints2 | Number of analysis points (divisions) in the second direction. |
centered2 | Flag for a centered table in the second direction. |
factor2 | Factor of interval length growth in the second direction. |
scaling2 | Additional scaling factor by which intervals are multiplied in the second direction. |
inlinevirtual |
pont0 | Starting point of the table in the parameter space. |
point1 | The first end point of the table, defines the first table direction together with point0. |
point2 | The second end point of the table, defines the second table direction together with point0. |
numPoints1 | Number of analysis points (divisions) in the first direction. |
centered1 | Flag for a centered table in the first direction. If true then the table is centered around the starting point point0. If table is centered with geometrically growing intervals then the interval lengths first fall from point1 reflected over point0 until point0, and then grow from point0 to point1. |
factor1 | Factor of interval length growth in the first direction. If 0 or 1 then intervals between table points are uniform. If it is greater than 1 then intervals grow in such a way that each successive interval length is the previous length multiplied by factor. If it is smaller than 1 then factors fall in the same way. |
scaling1 | Additional scaling factor by which intervals are multiplied in the first direction. The factor can be used e.g. if we want the table extend a bit over some special point of interest which we set as endpoint. Regardless of its size, the table remains to be centered (if centered is non-zero) or starting in point0. |
numPoints2 | Number of analysis points (divisions) in the second direction. |
centered2 | Flag for a centered table in the second direction. |
factor2 | Factor of interval length growth in the second direction. |
scaling2 | Additional scaling factor by which intervals are multiplied in the second direction. |
printTab | Whether data is also printed in table form. |
printParam | Whether a table of parameters in sampled points is printed together with the corresponding table indices and factors defining relative position with respect to point0 and point1. |
printList | If true then data is also printed in list form. |
printObj | Whether objective function value is printed. |
printConstr | Whethe constraint function value is printed. |
printGradobj | Whether gradient of the objective function is printed. |
printGradconstr | Ehether Gradients of constraint functions are printed. |
inlinevirtual |
Runs the unconstaint nonlinear (modified Nelder-Mead) simplex minimization algorithm.
initialGuess | Initial guess. |
stepSizes | Vector step to construct the initial simplex. |
maxIt | Maximal number of iterations. |
tolX | Tolerance on parameter values. |
tolF | Tolerance on function values. |
printLevel | Level of output produced: 1 - data about arguments and optimization results are printed. 2 – basic information about iterations and more detailed information about results are also printed. 3 – simplex (co-ordinates of apices and values of the objective function) is also printed during iterations. 4 – Complete results are printed, included values of the constraint functions. 5 – at the end, all results of all analyses are also printed. Sets of results in all simplices over al iterations are also printed in the list form readable by Mathematica. |
inlinevirtual |
Runs the constraint nonlinear (modified Nelder-Mead) simplex minimization algorithm.
numConstraints | Number of constraint functions. |
initialGuess | Initial guess. |
stepSizes | Vector step to construct the initial simplex. |
maxIt | Maximal number of iterations. |
tolX | Tolerance on parameter values. |
tolF | Tolerance on function values. |
tolConstr | Tolerance for constraint residuum (scalar argument; if it is 0 then none of the constraints may be violated in the solution). |
printLevel | Level of output produced: 1 - data about arguments and optimization results are printed. 2 – basic information about iterations and more detailed information about results are also printed. 3 – simplex (co-ordinates of apices and values of the objective function) is also printed during iterations. 4 – Complete results are printed, included values of the constraint functions. 5 – at the end, all results of all analyses are also printed. Sets of results in all simplices over al iterations are also printed in the list form readable by Mathematica. |
inlinevirtual |
Runs the constraint nonlinear (modified Nelder-Mead) simplex minimization algorithm.
numConstraints | Number of constraint functions. |
initialGuess | Initial guess. |
stepSizes | Vector step to construct the initial simplex. |
maxIt | Maximal number of iterations. |
tolX | Tolerance on parameter values. |
tolF | Tolerance on function values. |
tolConstr | Tolerance for constraint residuum (scalar argument; if it is 0 then none of the constraints may be violated in the solution). |
lowerBounds | Vector of lower bounds on prameters. |
upperBounds | Vector of upper bounds on parameters. |
bigNumber | Large positive value which is used for deciding whether components of lower and upper Bounds. |
printLevel | Level of output produced: 1 - data about arguments and optimization results are printed. 2 – basic information about iterations and more detailed information about results are also printed. 3 – simplex (co-ordinates of apices and values of the objective function) is also printed during iterations. 4 – Complete results are printed, included values of the constraint functions. 5 – at the end, all results of all analyses are also printed. Sets of results in all simplices over al iterations are also printed in the list form readable by Mathematica. |
Bound constraints are specified by vector arguments lowbounds and upbounds, whose components specify lower and upper bounds, respectively, for individual components of the parameter vector. If for some index the specified lower bound is larger than the corresponding upper bound then it is understood that no bounds are defined for this component of the parameter vector. If absolute value of some component of either lower or upper bound is greater than bignum, then it is also assumed that the corresponding bound is not defined (which allows to define for a given component of the parameter vector only lower or only upper bound). If there are components of the parameter vector for which only lower or only upper bound is defined, then the large positive number bignum must be specified such that components of lower or upper bound vectors whose absolute vlue is larger than bignum are not taken into account. bignum can be set to 0. In this case, the default value is taken, but this value can not fit the actual problem that is solved. If lowbounds and upbounds are not specified then the normal nonlinear constraint simplex algorithm is performed.
get |
String that introduces the analysis block.
get |
Command name - interpret.
get |
Command name - analyse.
get |
Command name - analyse.
get |
Command name - analyse.
get |
Command name - setting an integer variable.
get |
Command name - setting a double variable.
get |
Command name - setting a boolean variable.
get |
Command name - setting a string variable.
get |
Command name - setting a vector variable.
get |
Command name - setting a matrix variable.
get |
get |
get |
get |
get |
get |
get |
get |
get |
get |
Command name - analyse.
get |
Standard analysis input file name.
get |
Standard analysis output file name.
get |
Command name - analyse.
get |
Command name - taban1d.
get |
Command name - taban2d.
get |
Command name - taban2d.
get |
Command name - taban2d.
get |
Command name - taban2d.