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IG.Num.IRealFunctionOneParametric Interface Reference

Parameterized real-valued functions of single variable. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for IG.Num.IRealFunctionOneParametric:
+ Collaboration diagram for IG.Num.IRealFunctionOneParametric:


double Parameter [get, set]
 Gets or sets the (only) parameter that defines the current function out of one parametric family of functions. More...
- Properties inherited from IG.Num.IRealFunctionParametric
IVector Parameters [get, set]
 Parameters that define the specific function out of parametric familiy of functions. More...
int NumParameters [get]
 Gets number of parameters that define the specific function out of parametric family of functions. More...
- Properties inherited from IG.Num.IRealFunction
string Name [get]
 Returns a short name of the function. More...
string Description [get]
 Returns a short description of the function. More...
bool ValueDefined [get]
 Tells whether value of the function is defined by implementation. More...
bool DerivativeDefined [get]
 Tells whether the first derivative is defined for this function (by implementation, not mathematically) More...
bool SecondDerivativeDefined [get]
 Tells whether the second derivative is defined for this function (by implementation, not mathematically) More...
bool IntegralDefined [get]
 Tells whether analytical itegral of the function is defined or not. More...
bool InverseDefined [get]
 Tells whether analytical inverse function is defined or not. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from IG.Num.IRealFunctionParametric
double[] GetParameters ()
 Returns parameters of the current parametric function as an array. More...
void SetParameters (double[] parameters)
 Sets parameters of the current parametric functions, where parameters are specified as array. More...
double GetParameter (int which)
 Returns value of the specified parameter of the parameterized function. More...
void SetParameter (int which, double value)
 Sets the specific parameters of the parameterized function. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IG.Num.IRealFunction
double Value (double x)
 Returns the value of this function at the specified parameter. More...
double Derivative (double x)
 Returns the first derivative of this function at the specified parameter. More...
double Derivative (double x, int order)
 Returns the derivative of the given order of this function at the specified parameter. More...
bool HigherDerivativeDefined (int order)
 Tells whether the derivative of the given order is defined for this function (by implementation, not mathematically) More...
double SecondDerivative (double x)
 Returns the second derivative of the given order of this function at the specified arameter. More...
double Integral (double x)
 Returns integral from 0 to x of the function. Throws an exception if the integral is not defined. More...
double Inverse (double y)
 Returns Inverse of the current function applied to function argument. Throws an exception if the inverse function is not defined. More...
void Tabulate (double from, double to, int numPoints)
 Tabulates the current function and its first and second derivatives (when available) on the specified interval, in the specified number of points. More...
void Tabulate (double from, double to, int numPoints, bool printDerivatives)
 Tabulates the current function and its first and eventually second derivatives (when available) on the specified interval, in the specified number of points. More...
void Tabulate (double from, double to, int numPoints, bool printDerivatives, bool printSecondDerivatives)
 Tabulates the current function and eventually its first and second derivatives (when available) on the specified interval, in the specified number of points. More...
double NumericalIntegral (double from, double to, int numintervals)
 Calculates numerical integral of this function. Simpson's formula is usually used. More...
double NumericalDerivative (double x, double stepsize)
 Calculates numerical derivative of this function. Central difference formula is used. More...
double NumericalSecondDerivative (double x, double stepsize)
 Calculates numerical second order derivative of this function. Central difference formula is used. More...

Detailed Description

Parameterized real-valued functions of single variable.

$A Igor Dec10;

Property Documentation

double IG.Num.IRealFunctionOneParametric.Parameter

Gets or sets the (only) parameter that defines the current function out of one parametric family of functions.

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