IGLib  1.7.2
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IG.Num.RealFunction Class Reference

Represents a real function of a real variabe. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for IG.Num.RealFunction:
+ Collaboration diagram for IG.Num.RealFunction:

Public Member Functions

 RealFunction (DlgFunctionValue valueDelegate)
 Constructs a new function where delegates are provided for calculation of function valu. More...
 RealFunction (DlgFunctionValue valueDelegate, DlgFunctionValue derivativeDelegate)
 Constructs a new function where delegates are provided for calculation of function valu and first derivative. More...
 RealFunction (DlgFunctionValue valueDelegate, DlgFunctionValue derivativeDelegate, DlgFunctionValue secondDerivativeDelegate)
 RealFunction (DlgFunctionValue valueDelegate, DlgFunctionValue derivativeDelegate, DlgFunctionValue secondDerivativeDelegate, DlgFunctionValue integralDelegate)
 Constructs a new function where delegates are provided for calculation of function value, derivatives and integral. More...
 RealFunction (DlgFunctionValue valueDelegate, DlgFunctionValue derivativeDelegate, DlgFunctionValue secondDerivativeDelegate, DlgFunctionValue integralDelegate, DlgFunctionValue inverseDelegate)
 Constructs a new function where delegates are provided for calculation of function value, derivatives, integral and inverse. More...
 RealFunction (DlgFunctionValue valueDelegate, DlgFunctionValue derivativeDelegate, DlgFunctionValue secondDerivativeDelegate, DlgFunctionHigherDerivative higherDerivativeDelegate, DlgFunctionValue integralDelegate, DlgFunctionValue inverseDelegate)
 Constructs a new function where delegates are provided for calculation of function value, derivatives, integral and inverse. More...
RealFunction CloneFunction ()
object Clone ()
double TransformedArgument (double t)
double InverseTransformedArgument (double x)
virtual void SetTransformationParameters (double kx, double sx, double ky, double sy)
 Sets parameters of the affine transformation parameters for both co-ordinates. More...
virtual void SetXTransformationParameters (double kx, double sx)
 Sets parameters of the affine transformation parameters for independent variable. More...
override double Value (double x)
 Returns the value of this function at the specified parameter. More...
override double Derivative (double x)
 Returns the first derivative of this function at the specified parameter. More...
override double Derivative (double x, int order)
 Returns the derivative of the given order of this function at the specified parameter. More...
override bool HigherDerivativeDefined (int order)
 Tells whether the derivative of the given order is defined for this function (by implementation, not mathematically). Returns true if either the internal variable indicates true or the appropriate delegate is non-null. More...
override double SecondDerivative (double x)
 Returns the second derivative of the given order of this function at the specified arameter. More...
override double Integral (double x)
 Returns definite integral of the current function from 0 to the function argument. More...
override double Inverse (double y)
 Returns value of the inverse of the current function at the specified value of dependent variable. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IG.Num.RealFunctionBase
void Tabulate (double from, double to, int numPoints)
 Tabulates the current function and its first and second derivatives (when available) on the specified interval, in the specified number of points. More...
void Tabulate (double from, double to, int numPoints, bool printDerivatives)
 Tabulates the current function and its first and eventually second derivatives (when available) on the specified interval, in the specified number of points. More...
void Tabulate (double from, double to, int numPoints, bool printDerivatives, bool printSecondDerivatives)
 Tabulates the current function and eventually its first and second derivatives (when available) on the specified interval, in the specified number of points. More...
virtual double NumericalIntegral (double from, double to, int numintervals)
 Calculates numerical integral of this function. Simpson's formula is used. More...
virtual double NumericalDerivative (double x, double stepsize)
 Calculates numerical derivative of this function. Central difference formula is used. More...
virtual double NumericalSecondDerivative (double x, double stepsize)
 Calculates numerical second order derivative of this function. Central difference formula is used. More...
virtual void Test ()
 Performs numerical tests with parameters adjusted for specific function. This function can be be overridden in derived classes, however its current implementation may be relatively well suited for most weighting and basic functions. More...
virtual void Test (double from, double to, int numProbes, double stepSize, double tolerance)
 Performs some numerical tests on the current function, such as correctness of first and second derivatives, integral and inverse of the function. Results are written to the standard output. Whenever a numerical result does not match the corresponding analytical value calculated by the function, a visible notification is written. More...
override string ToString ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void TestSpeed ()
 Compares calculation times of three ways of evaluations of exponential function: directly by Math.Exp(), through a delegate initialized by this function, and through a Function object initialized by this function. The number of repetitions is pre-defined. More...
static void TestSpeed (long numiterations)
 Compares calculation times of three ways of evaluations of exponential function: directly by Math.Exp(), through a delegate initialized by this function, and through a Function object initialized by this function. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IG.Num.RealFunctionBase
static void ExampleTests ()

Protected Member Functions

 RealFunction ()
virtual double RefValue (double x)
 Returns the value of reference (untransformed) function. More...
virtual double RefDerivative (double x)
 Returns the first derivative of reference (untransformed) function. More...
virtual double RefDerivative (double x, int order)
 Returns the derivative of the given order of reference (untransformed) function. More...
virtual double RefSecondDerivative (double x)
 Returns the second derivative of the given order of reference (untransformed) function. More...
virtual double RefIntegral (double x)
 Returns definite integral of reference (untransformed) function from 0 to the function argument. More...
virtual double RefInverse (double y)
 Returns inverse of the reference (untransformed) function. More...

Protected Attributes

bool _valueDefined = false
bool _derivativeDefined = false
int _highestDerivativeDefined = 0
bool _secondDerivativeDefined = false
bool _integralDefined = false
bool _inverseDefined = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from IG.Num.RealFunctionBase
string _name
string _description


override RealFunctionBase DerivativeFunction [get]
 Returns a function that represents a derivative of the current function. More...
override RealFunctionBase InverseFunction [get]
 Returns a function that represents inverse of the current function. More...
override RealFunctionBase IntegralFunction [get]
 Returns a function that represents definite integral of the current function from 0 to function argument. More...
bool DoTransform [get, private set]
 Whether or not transformation (stretch/shift) is applied to the reference function, either in x or to y. Setter sets value both for transformation in X and Y direction. More...
bool TransformX [get, private set]
 Whether or not reference function is stretched/shifted in x direction. More...
bool TransformY [get, private set]
 Whether or not reference function is stretched/shifted in x direction. More...
double ScaleX [get, set]
 Gets or sets the scaling factor for independent variable. More...
double ShiftX [get, set]
 Gets or sets the shift of independent variable. More...
double ScaleY [get, set]
 Gets or sets the scaling factor for function value. More...
double ShiftY [get, set]
 Gets or sets the shift for function value. More...
override bool ValueDefined [get, set]
 Tells whether value of the function is defined by implementation. Getter returns true if internal flag is set OR appropriate delegate is defined. Setter sets the internal flag (i.e. delegate must also be set to null if getter should return false). More...
override bool DerivativeDefined [get, set]
 Tells whether the first derivative is defined for this function (by implementation, not mathematically). Getter returns true if internal flag is set OR appropriate delegate is defined. Setter sets the internal flag (i.e. delegate must also be set to null if getter should return false). More...
override bool SecondDerivativeDefined [get, set]
 Tells whether the second derivative is defined for this function (by implementation, not mathematically). Getter returns true if internal flag is set OR appropriate delegate is defined. Setter sets the internal flag (i.e. delegate must also be set to null if getter should return false). More...
override bool IntegralDefined [get, set]
 Indicates whether integral is defined for this function (w.r. implementation). Getter returns true if internal flag is set OR appropriate delegate is defined. Setter sets the internal flag (i.e. delegate must also be set to null if getter should return false). More...
override bool InverseDefined [get, set]
 Indicates whether inverse is defined for this function (w.r. implementation). Getter returns true if internal flag is set OR appropriate delegate is defined. Setter sets the internal flag (i.e. delegate must also be set to null if getter should return false). More...
- Properties inherited from IG.Num.RealFunctionBase
virtual string Name [get, set]
 Returns a short name of thecurrent function. More...
virtual string Description [get, set]
 Returns a short description of the current function. More...
virtual RealFunctionBase DerivativeFunction [get]
 Returns a function object that represents a derivative of this function. Returns null if this is not implemented. More...
virtual RealFunctionBase IntegralFunction [get]
 Returns a function object that represents a definite integral of this function from 0 to 1. Returns null if not implemented. More...
virtual RealFunctionBase InverseFunction [get]
 Returns a function object that represents an inverse function of this function. Returns null if not implemented. More...
abstract bool ValueDefined [get, set]
 Tells whether value of the function is defined by implementation. More...
abstract bool DerivativeDefined [get, set]
 Tells whether the first derivative is defined for this function (by implementation, not mathematically) More...
abstract bool SecondDerivativeDefined [get, set]
 Tells whether the second derivative is defined for this function (by implementation, not mathematically) More...
abstract bool IntegralDefined [get, set]
 Tells whether analytical itegral of the function is defined or not. More...
abstract bool InverseDefined [get, set]
 Tells whether analytical inverse function is defined or not. More...
- Properties inherited from IG.Num.IRealFunction
string Name [get]
 Returns a short name of the function. More...
string Description [get]
 Returns a short description of the function. More...
bool ValueDefined [get]
 Tells whether value of the function is defined by implementation. More...
bool DerivativeDefined [get]
 Tells whether the first derivative is defined for this function (by implementation, not mathematically) More...
bool SecondDerivativeDefined [get]
 Tells whether the second derivative is defined for this function (by implementation, not mathematically) More...
bool IntegralDefined [get]
 Tells whether analytical itegral of the function is defined or not. More...
bool InverseDefined [get]
 Tells whether analytical inverse function is defined or not. More...

Private Member Functions

void UpdateInternalData ()
 Updates internal data dependencies. This function must be called whenever data on which other data is dependent changes. More...

Private Attributes

RealFunction funcDerivative = null
RealFunction funcIntegral = null
RealFunction funcInverse = null
DlgFunctionTransformation InverseFunctionDlg = null
DlgFunctionTransformation IntegralFunctionDlg = null
bool _transfX = false
bool _transfY = false
double _scaleX = 1.0
double _shiftX = 0.0
double _scaleY = 1.0
double _shiftY = 0.0

Detailed Description

Represents a real function of a real variabe.

$A Igor xx;

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IG.Num.RealFunction.RealFunction ( )
IG.Num.RealFunction.RealFunction ( DlgFunctionValue  valueDelegate)

Constructs a new function where delegates are provided for calculation of function valu.

valueDelegateDelegate that calculates funciton value. If null then the function does not have value defined.
IG.Num.RealFunction.RealFunction ( DlgFunctionValue  valueDelegate,
DlgFunctionValue  derivativeDelegate 

Constructs a new function where delegates are provided for calculation of function valu and first derivative.

valueDelegateDelegate that calculates funciton value. If null then the function does not have value defined.
derivativeDelegateDelegate that calculates function derivative. If null then the function does not have derivative defined.
IG.Num.RealFunction.RealFunction ( DlgFunctionValue  valueDelegate,
DlgFunctionValue  derivativeDelegate,
DlgFunctionValue  secondDerivativeDelegate 
IG.Num.RealFunction.RealFunction ( DlgFunctionValue  valueDelegate,
DlgFunctionValue  derivativeDelegate,
DlgFunctionValue  secondDerivativeDelegate,
DlgFunctionValue  integralDelegate 

Constructs a new function where delegates are provided for calculation of function value, derivatives and integral.

valueDelegateDelegate that calculates funciton value. If null then the function does not have value defined.
derivativeDelegateDelegate that calculates function derivative. If null then the function does not have derivative defined.
secondDerivativeDelegateDelegate that calculates function second derivative. If null then the function does not have second derivative defined.
integralDelegateDelegate that calculates funciton integral. If null then the function does not have integral defined.
IG.Num.RealFunction.RealFunction ( DlgFunctionValue  valueDelegate,
DlgFunctionValue  derivativeDelegate,
DlgFunctionValue  secondDerivativeDelegate,
DlgFunctionValue  integralDelegate,
DlgFunctionValue  inverseDelegate 

Constructs a new function where delegates are provided for calculation of function value, derivatives, integral and inverse.

valueDelegateDelegate that calculates funciton value. If null then the function does not have value defined.
derivativeDelegateDelegate that calculates function derivative. If null then the function does not have derivative defined.
secondDerivativeDelegateDelegate that calculates function second derivative. If null then the function does not have second derivative defined.
integralDelegateDelegate that calculates funciton integral. If null then the function does not have integral defined.
inverseDelegateDelegate that calculates funciton inverse. If null then the function does not have inverse defined.
IG.Num.RealFunction.RealFunction ( DlgFunctionValue  valueDelegate,
DlgFunctionValue  derivativeDelegate,
DlgFunctionValue  secondDerivativeDelegate,
DlgFunctionHigherDerivative  higherDerivativeDelegate,
DlgFunctionValue  integralDelegate,
DlgFunctionValue  inverseDelegate 

Constructs a new function where delegates are provided for calculation of function value, derivatives, integral and inverse.

valueDelegateDelegate that calculates funciton value. If null then the function does not have value defined.
derivativeDelegateDelegate that calculates function derivative. If null then the function does not have derivative defined.
secondDerivativeDelegateDelegate that calculates function second derivative. If null then the function does not have second derivative defined.
higherDerivativeDelegateDelegate that calculates function higher derivatives. If null then the function does not have higher derivatives defined.
integralDelegateDelegate that calculates funciton integral. If null then the function does not have integral defined.
inverseDelegateDelegate that calculates funciton inverse. If null then the function does not have inverse defined.

Member Function Documentation

RealFunction IG.Num.RealFunction.CloneFunction ( )
object IG.Num.RealFunction.Clone ( )
void IG.Num.RealFunction.UpdateInternalData ( )

Updates internal data dependencies. This function must be called whenever data on which other data is dependent changes.

double IG.Num.RealFunction.TransformedArgument ( double  t)
double IG.Num.RealFunction.InverseTransformedArgument ( double  x)
virtual void IG.Num.RealFunction.SetTransformationParameters ( double  kx,
double  sx,
double  ky,
double  sy 

Sets parameters of the affine transformation parameters for both co-ordinates.

kxScaling factor for independent variable.
sxShift for independent variable.
kyScaling factor for function value.
syShift for function value.
virtual void IG.Num.RealFunction.SetXTransformationParameters ( double  kx,
double  sx 

Sets parameters of the affine transformation parameters for independent variable.

kxScaling factor for independent variable.
sxShift for independent variable.
virtual double IG.Num.RealFunction.RefDerivative ( double  x,
int  order 
virtual double IG.Num.RealFunction.RefIntegral ( double  x)
override double IG.Num.RealFunction.Value ( double  x)

Returns the value of this function at the specified parameter.

Implements IG.Num.IRealFunction.

Referenced by IG.Num.RealFunction.TestSpeed().

override double IG.Num.RealFunction.Derivative ( double  x)

Returns the first derivative of this function at the specified parameter.

Implements IG.Num.IRealFunction.

override double IG.Num.RealFunction.Derivative ( double  x,
int  order 

Returns the derivative of the given order of this function at the specified parameter.

Implements IG.Num.IRealFunction.

override bool IG.Num.RealFunction.HigherDerivativeDefined ( int  order)

Tells whether the derivative of the given order is defined for this function (by implementation, not mathematically). Returns true if either the internal variable indicates true or the appropriate delegate is non-null.

Implements IG.Num.IRealFunction.

override double IG.Num.RealFunction.SecondDerivative ( double  x)

Returns the second derivative of the given order of this function at the specified arameter.

Implements IG.Num.IRealFunction.

override double IG.Num.RealFunction.Integral ( double  x)

Returns definite integral of the current function from 0 to the function argument.

Implements IG.Num.IRealFunction.

override double IG.Num.RealFunction.Inverse ( double  y)

Returns value of the inverse of the current function at the specified value of dependent variable.

Implements IG.Num.IRealFunction.

static void IG.Num.RealFunction.TestSpeed ( )

Compares calculation times of three ways of evaluations of exponential function: directly by Math.Exp(), through a delegate initialized by this function, and through a Function object initialized by this function. The number of repetitions is pre-defined.

static void IG.Num.RealFunction.TestSpeed ( long  numiterations)

Compares calculation times of three ways of evaluations of exponential function: directly by Math.Exp(), through a delegate initialized by this function, and through a Function object initialized by this function.

numiterationsNumber of repeated evaluations of function.

References IG.Lib.StopWatch1.CpuTime, IG.Num.DlgFunctionValue(), IG.Num.Func.GetExp(), IG.Lib.StopWatch1.Reset(), IG.Lib.StopWatch1.Start(), IG.Lib.StopWatch1.Stop(), IG.Lib.StopWatch1.ToString(), and IG.Num.RealFunction.Value().

Member Data Documentation

RealFunction IG.Num.RealFunction.funcDerivative = null
RealFunction IG.Num.RealFunction.funcIntegral = null
RealFunction IG.Num.RealFunction.funcInverse = null
DlgFunctionTransformation IG.Num.RealFunction.InverseFunctionDlg = null
DlgFunctionTransformation IG.Num.RealFunction.IntegralFunctionDlg = null
bool IG.Num.RealFunction._transfX = false
bool IG.Num.RealFunction._transfY = false
double IG.Num.RealFunction._scaleX = 1.0
double IG.Num.RealFunction._shiftX = 0.0
double IG.Num.RealFunction._scaleY = 1.0
double IG.Num.RealFunction._shiftY = 0.0
bool IG.Num.RealFunction._valueDefined = false
bool IG.Num.RealFunction._derivativeDefined = false
int IG.Num.RealFunction._highestDerivativeDefined = 0
bool IG.Num.RealFunction._secondDerivativeDefined = false
bool IG.Num.RealFunction._integralDefined = false
bool IG.Num.RealFunction._inverseDefined = false

Property Documentation

override RealFunctionBase IG.Num.RealFunction.DerivativeFunction

Returns a function that represents a derivative of the current function.

override RealFunctionBase IG.Num.RealFunction.InverseFunction

Returns a function that represents inverse of the current function.

override RealFunctionBase IG.Num.RealFunction.IntegralFunction

Returns a function that represents definite integral of the current function from 0 to function argument.

bool IG.Num.RealFunction.DoTransform
getprivate setprotected

Whether or not transformation (stretch/shift) is applied to the reference function, either in x or to y. Setter sets value both for transformation in X and Y direction.

bool IG.Num.RealFunction.TransformX
getprivate setprotected

Whether or not reference function is stretched/shifted in x direction.

bool IG.Num.RealFunction.TransformY
getprivate setprotected

Whether or not reference function is stretched/shifted in x direction.

double IG.Num.RealFunction.ScaleX

Gets or sets the scaling factor for independent variable.

double IG.Num.RealFunction.ShiftX

Gets or sets the shift of independent variable.

double IG.Num.RealFunction.ScaleY

Gets or sets the scaling factor for function value.

double IG.Num.RealFunction.ShiftY

Gets or sets the shift for function value.

override bool IG.Num.RealFunction.ValueDefined

Tells whether value of the function is defined by implementation. Getter returns true if internal flag is set OR appropriate delegate is defined. Setter sets the internal flag (i.e. delegate must also be set to null if getter should return false).

override bool IG.Num.RealFunction.DerivativeDefined

Tells whether the first derivative is defined for this function (by implementation, not mathematically). Getter returns true if internal flag is set OR appropriate delegate is defined. Setter sets the internal flag (i.e. delegate must also be set to null if getter should return false).

override bool IG.Num.RealFunction.SecondDerivativeDefined

Tells whether the second derivative is defined for this function (by implementation, not mathematically). Getter returns true if internal flag is set OR appropriate delegate is defined. Setter sets the internal flag (i.e. delegate must also be set to null if getter should return false).

override bool IG.Num.RealFunction.IntegralDefined

Indicates whether integral is defined for this function (w.r. implementation). Getter returns true if internal flag is set OR appropriate delegate is defined. Setter sets the internal flag (i.e. delegate must also be set to null if getter should return false).

override bool IG.Num.RealFunction.InverseDefined

Indicates whether inverse is defined for this function (w.r. implementation). Getter returns true if internal flag is set OR appropriate delegate is defined. Setter sets the internal flag (i.e. delegate must also be set to null if getter should return false).

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