IGLib 1.4
The IGLib base library for development of numerical, technical and business applications.

IG::Num Namespace Reference


namespace  Experimental


class  SampledDataCsv
 Base class for CSV (comma separated files) representation, importer and exporter of sampled data and data definitions. More...
class  NamespaceDoc
 This namespace contains various numerical classes. More...
class  AnalysisRequestDto
 DTO (Data Transfer Objects) for storing contents of direct analysis request (in optimization problems). More...
class  AnalysisResultsDto
 DTO (Data Transfer Objects) for storing contents of direct analysis request (in optimization problems). More...
class  VectorFunctionRequestDTO
 DTO (Data Transfer Objects) for storing contents of vector function evaluation request. More...
class  VectorFunctionResultsDto
 DTO (Data Transfer Objects) for storing contents of vector function results. More...
interface  IResponseEvaluatorVectorSimple
 Interface for simulators and other systems (used e.g. for optimization) that can calculate vector response as a function of vector input parameters. More...
class  SimKosecConst
 Constants for (optimization) interface with the simulation code of Gregor Kosec. More...
class  SimKosecFileManagerConvBase
 Base class for interface with simulator of G. Kosec for convection problems in a cave with obstacles. More...
class  SimKosecFileManagerConv2
 Interface with simulator of G. Kosec for convection problems in a cave with 2 obstacles. More...
class  SimKosecFileManagerConv3
 Interface with simulator of G. Kosec for convection problems in a cave with 3 obstacles. More...
class  SimKosecFileManagerBase
 File manager for interfacing (for optimization purposes) the simulation code of Gregor Kosec. More...
class  PointCloudSampledDataElement
 Cloud of points where each point is represented by the IVector object, contains a list of containers of vector objects that include point coordinates. More...
class  PointContainerSampledDataElement
 Container class that contains a single vector point plus all the data that are necessary for searching and re-connecting operations on points. More...
class  DistanceComparerSampledDataElement
 Distance comparer for point clouds where point type is SampledDataElement. More...
class  SampledDataElement
 A single element of a sampled data, contains vector of input parameters and vector of output values. More...
class  SampledDataSet
 Sampled data consisting of elements of which each contains vector of input parameters and output values. NOT thread safe. More...
class  InputOutputElementDefinition
 Base class for input or output data element definition for vector functions, approximations, etc. More...
class  InputElementDefinition
 Input data element definition for vector functions, approximations, etc. More...
class  OutputElementDefinition
 Input data element definition for vector functions, approximations, etc. More...
class  InputOutputDataDefiniton
 Definition of input and output data for vector functions, approximations, etc. Contains descriptiove information about individual eleemnts of input and output, default values and eventual bounds of input parameters, etc. More...
class  SampledDataElementDto
 DTO (data transfer object) for sampled data element (one point with vectors of input and output parameters). More...
class  SampledDataSetDto
 Data Transfer Object (DTO) for sampled data set. More...
class  InputOutputElementDefinitionDto
 DTO (data transfer object) for data element definition. More...
class  OutputElementDefinitionDto
 DTO (data transfer object) for data output element definition. More...
class  InputElementDefinitionDto
 DTO (data transfer object) for data input element definition. More...
class  InputOutputDataDefinitonDto
 DTO (data transfer object) for data definition that contains input and output elements. More...
interface  IBoundingBox
 Bounding box, defines minimum and maximum co-ordinates of domains, geometric objects and their groups. More...
class  BoundingBoxBase
 Base class for bounding boxes that define minimal and maximal co-ordinates of objects, groups of objects, and regions in space. More...
class  BoundingBox
 Bounding box, defines lower and upper bounds on vector quantities such as coordinates of geometrix objects, bounds of domains, etc. More...
class  BoundingBox3d
 A 3D bounding box. More...
class  BoundingBox2d
 A 2D bounding box. More...
class  BoundingBox1d
 An 1D bounding box. More...
struct  PhysicalConstant
 Data of a physical constant, including its value, standard error, units, symbol and description. This is alro used for derived SI units and non-SI units. More...
class  ConstMath
 Mathematical and physical constants. More...
class  ConstPhysical
 Physical constants including units and standard uncertainty. More...
class  SIPrefix
 SI prefixes for producing multiples of the original units (such as kilo- or micro-). More...
class  PhysicalUnit
 SI units (basic & derived) More...
class  NonSIUnit
 Non-SI units whose use is not encouraged or not allowed. More...
class  ConstMisc
 Miscellaneous constants. More...
class  Numeric
interface  IRealFunction
 Interface for real functions. More...
class  RealFunctionBase
 Base class for real functions of real variable. More...
class  RealFunction
 Represents a real function of a real variabe. More...
class  FunctionPolynomial
 Polynomial real functions of one variable. More...
class  ComposedFunction
 Composition of real functions. More...
class  Func
 Creation of a number of standard real mathematical functions in one dimension. Conttains subclasses for specific functions ans corresponding static creator methods. Creator methods come in 3 different version: for reference form of the function (e.g. just Exp[x]), for form shifted and stretched in x direction, and general form shifted and stretched in both directions. More...
interface  IRealFunctionParametric
 Parameterized real-valued functions of single variable. More...
interface  IRealFunctionOneParametric
 Parameterized real-valued functions of single variable. More...
class  RealFunctionParametric
 Base class for parameterized real-valued functions of single variable. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Parameters are represented and stored as vector. More...
class  RealFunctionOneParametric
 Base class for one parametric families of real-valued functions of single variable. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. More...
class  RealFunctionParametricBase
 Base class for parameterized real-valued functions of single variable. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. More...
interface  IRealFunctionPenalty
 Interface that must be satisfied by penalty functions. Penalty functions have small values where argument is less than 0, and grow fast where their argument is positive. More...
class  ScalarFunctionBase
 Base class for scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. The reference function is defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. More...
class  ScalarFunctionLinear
 Quadratic scalar function of vector variable. Function is evaluated according to q(x) = (1/2)*x^T*G*x + b^T*x + c where x is vector of parameters, G is constant Hessian matrix, b is vector of linear coefficients (gradient at x=0) and c is the scalar term (function value at x=0). More...
class  ScalarFunctionQuadratic
 Quadratic scalar function of vector variable. Function is evaluated according to q(x) = (1/2)*x^T*G*x + b^T*x + c where x is vector of parameters, G is constant Hessian matrix, b is vector of linear coefficients (gradient at x=0) and c is the scalar term (function value at x=0). More...
class  ScalarFunctionExamples
 Various examples of scalar functions. More...
interface  IScalarFunction
 Scalar functions of vector arguments, with eventual affine transformation of parameters. If transformation is defined then actual function is evaluated as reference function evaluated at inverse affine transformed parameters. More...
interface  IScalarFunctionUntransformed
 Scalar functions of vector arguments. More...
interface  IScalarFunctionParametric
 Parameterized scalar functions with affine transformation of coordinates. More...
interface  IScalarFunctionOneParametric
class  ScalarFunctionParametric
 Base class for parameterized scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Parameters are represented and stored as vector. Affine transformation of coordinates is included: the reference function evaluation must be defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. More...
class  ScalarFunctionOneParametric
 Base class for one parametric families of scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Affine transformation of coordinates is included: the reference function evaluation must be defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. More...
class  ScalarFunctionParametricBase
 Base class for parameterized scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Affine transformation of coordinates is included: the reference function evaluation must be defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. More...
class  ScalarFunctionRadial
 Radial scalar functions. More...
class  ScalarFunctionRadialOneParametric
 Base class for one parametric families of radial scalar functions with affine transformation of co-ordinates. Parameters that completely define the function out of parametric family of functions can be queried or set. Affine transformation of coordinates is included: the reference function evaluation must be defined while the actual function is defined as that reference function of transformed coordinates. If transformation is not specified then function reduces to the reference one. More...
class  ScalarFunctionRadialParametric
 Parametric scalar function. More...
class  ScalarFunctionRadialUntransformedOneParametric
 One parametric radial scalar function (dependent on one tunning parameter). More...
class  ScalarFunctionRadialUntransformed
 Radial scalar functions. More...
class  ScalarFunctionResults
 Storage for results of a scalar function. Includes parameters at which function was (or should be) evaluated, flags specifying what has been and what should be evaluated, calculated value, gradient and Hessian of the function in the specified point. More...
interface  IScalarFunctionResults
 Storage for results of a scalar function. Includes parameters at which function was (or should be) evaluated, flags specifying what has been and what should be evaluated, calculated value, gradient and Hessian of the function in the specified point. More...
class  ScalarFunctionTransformed
 Scalar function that is defined as some reference function evaluated at inverse affine-trasformed parameters. This class is typically used to convert scalar functions without affine transformation of coordinates (interface IScalafunctionUntransformed) to those that support affine transformation of coordinates. More...
class  ScalarFunctionUntransformedBase
 Base class for defining scalar functions without possibility of affine transformation of parameters. More...
class  VectorFunctionBase
 Base class for defining Vector functions whose evaluation is defined in bulk, and evaluation of individual components can not be performed directly. For these functioons, individual values and individual gradient or vector components are evaluated in such a way thet the function is first evaluated as whole, storing its results to an object implementing IVectorFunctionResults. More...
class  VectorFunctionBaseComponentWise
 Base class for defining Vector functions whose component-wise evaluation is defined directly. More...
class  VectorFunctionBaseGeneral
 Base class for VectorFunctionBase and VectorFunctionBaseComponentwise. In general, use VectorFunctionBase and VectorFunctionBase in order to derive from. More...
class  VectorFunctionExamples
 Various vector function examples. More...
interface  IVectorFunction
 Vector function of a vector argument. More...
interface  IVectorFunctionResults
 Vector function results. Used to transfer parameters input (e.g. vector of parameters, request flags) to the vector function and to store function output results (e.g. values, their gradients, error codes, and flags indicating what has actually been calculated). REMARKS: Property CopyReferences specifies whether only references are copied when individial object fields are assigned & set (when the property is true), or values are actually copied (when false - deep copy). Each setter method also has the variant that always copies only the reference (function name appended by "Reference"). This makes possible to avoid duplication of allocated data and also to avoid having different data with the same references. In the beginning of analysis functions, call ResetResults(). More...
class  VectorFunctionResults
 Vector function results. Used to transfer parameters input (e.g. vector of parameters, request flags) to the vector function and to store function output results (e.g. values, their gradients, error codes, and flags indicating what has actually been calculated). REMARKS: Property CopyReferences specifies whether only references are copied when individial object fields are assigned & set (when the property is true), or values are actually copied (when false - deep copy). Each setter method also has the variant that always copies only the reference (function name appended by "Reference"). This makes possible to avoid duplication of allocated data and also to avoid having different data with the same references. In the beginning of analysis functions, call ResetResults(). More...
interface  IFunc2d
 Represents scalar functions of 2 variables. More...
class  Func2dBaseNoHessian
 Base class for scalar functions of 2 variables (implementations of the IFunc2d interface). that do not implement calculation of the Hessian (second derivatives). Beside the IFunc2dinterface, this class also implements the IScalarFunctioninterface. This does not affect efficiency but adds the functionality for using objects as general (untransformed) scalar functions. More...
class  Func2dBaseNoGradient
 Base class for scalar functions of 2 variables (implementations of the IFunc2d interface). that do not implement calculation of function Hessian (second derivatives) or gradient. Beside the IFunc2dinterface, this class also implements the IScalarFunctioninterface. This does not affect efficiency but adds the functionality for using objects as general (untransformed) scalar functions. More...
class  Func2dBase
 Base class for scalar functions of 2 variables (base for implementation of IFunc2d interface). Beside the IFunc2dinterface, this class also implements the IScalarFunctioninterface. This does not affect efficiency but adds the functionality for using objects as general (untransformed) scalar functions. More...
class  Func2dVectorFormBase
 Base class for scalar functions of 2 variables (base for implementation of IFunc2d interface). Derive from this class when your basic implementations of evaluation methods are in vector form (parameters as vec2 struct).Beside the IFunc2d interface, this class also implements the IScalarFunction interface. This does not affect efficiency but adds the functionality for using objects as general (untransformed) scalar functions. More...
class  Func2dLinear
 Linear (Affine) function of 2 variables. Function is evaluated according to fl(x) = b^T*x + c where x is vector of parameters, b is the vector of linear coefficients (gradient at x=0) and c is the scalar term (function value at x=0). More...
class  Func2dQuadratic
 Quadratic function of 2 variables. Function is evaluated according to q(x) = (1/2)*x^T*G*x + b^T*x + c where x is vector of parameters, G is constant Hessian matrix, b is the vector of linear coefficients (gradient at x=0) and c is the scalar term (function value at x=0). More...
class  Func2dExamples
 Example classes of type Func2d. More...
class  Func2dBasePlain_ToConsider
 Base class for scalar functions of 2 variables. This willl be base class for most of other classes that implement the IFunc2d interface. It provides a set of useful static methods. More...
interface  IFunc3d
 Represents scalar functions of 2 variables. More...
class  Func3dBaseNoHessian
 Base class for scalar functions of 3 variables (implementations of the IFunc3d interface). that do not implement calculation of the Hessian (second derivatives). Beside the IFunc3d interface, this class also implements the IScalarFunction interface. This does not affect efficiency but adds the functionality for using objects as general (untransformed) scalar functions. More...
class  Func3dBaseNoGradient
 Base class for scalar functions of 3 variables (implementations of the IFunc3d interface). that do not implement calculation of function Hessian (second derivatives) or gradient. Beside the IFunc3d interface, this class also implements the IScalarFunction interface. This does not affect efficiency but adds the functionality for using objects as general (untransformed) scalar functions. More...
class  Func3dBase
 Base class for scalar functions of 3 variables (base for implementation of IFunc3d interface). Beside the IFunc3d interface, this class also implements the IScalarFunction interface. This does not affect efficiency but adds the functionality for using objects as general (untransformed) scalar functions. More...
class  Func3dVectorFormBase
 Base class for scalar functions of 3 variables (base for implementation of IFunc3d interface). Derive from this class when your basic implementations of evaluation methods are in vector form (parameters as vec3 struct).Beside the IFunc3d interface, this class also implements the IScalarFunction interface. This does not affect efficiency but adds the functionality for using objects as general (untransformed) scalar functions. More...
class  Func3dLinear
 Linear (Affine) function of 3 variables. Function is evaluated according to fl(x) = b^T*x + c where x is vector of parameters, b is the vector of linear coefficients (gradient at x=0) and c is the scalar term (function value at x=0). More...
class  Func3dQuadratic
 Quadratic function of 3 variables. Function is evaluated according to q(x) = (1/2)*x^T*G*x + b^T*x + c where x is vector of parameters, G is constant Hessian matrix, b is the vector of linear coefficients (gradient at x=0) and c is the scalar term (function value at x=0). More...
class  Func3dExamples
 Example classes of type Func3d. More...
interface  IFunc3d2d
 Represents 3D vector functions of 2 variables. More...
class  Func3d2dBaseNoHessian
 Base class for 3D vector functions of 2 variables (implementations of the IFunc3d2d interface) that do not implement calculation of the Hessian (second derivatives). More...
class  Func3d2dBaseNoGradient
 Base class for 3D vector functions of 2 variables (implementations of the IFunc3d2d interface) that do not implement calculation of function Hessian (second derivatives) or gradient. More...
class  Func3d2dBase
 Base class for 3D vector functions of 2 variables (base for implementation of IFunc3d2d interface). More...
class  Func3d2dExamples
 Contains a number of example 3D vector functions of 2 variables. Many of the contained nested classes define interesting parametric surfaces. More...
class  GridGenerator1d
 Generates 1D grids with equidistant or geometrically grown intervals. More...
interface  IGridGenerator1d
 Interface for 1d grid generators. More...
class  GridGenerator1dBase
 Base class for 1D grid generators. More...
class  GridGenerator1dFunc
 Generates 1D grids with equidistant or geometrically grown intervals. More...
struct  vec2
 2D vector, struct implementation. More...
struct  mat2
 2D matrix, struct implementation. More...
class  Matrix2d
 Matrix in a 2 dimensional space. More...
struct  vec3
 3D vector, struct implementation. More...
struct  mat3
 3D matrix, struct implementation. More...
class  Matrix3d
 Matrix in a 3 dimensional space. More...
class  Field1
 A generic field of values of any type. Values must be allocated at once. More...
class  FieldCollection3d
 Collection of structured 3D fields of the same type. Fields are identified by their names. In principle, contained fields can be of different dimensions. More...
class  FieldCollection2d
 Collection of structured 2D fields of the same type. Fields are identified by their names. In principle, contained fields can be of different dimensions. More...
class  FieldCollection
 Collection of fields of the same type. Fields are identified by their names. In principle, contained fields can be of different dimensions. More...
class  Field
 A generic field of values of any type. Values must be allocated at once. More...
class  StructuredMeshGeometry2d
 Structured mesh geometry in 2 dimensions. More...
class  StructuredField2d
 Field where field elements are arranged in a 2 dimensional array. Usually represents a field over a structured 2D mesh. Elements can be accessed either through a single index running over all elements of the array, or by 2 indices indexing elements in 2 basic directions of the grid. The first index ("x direction") ie least significant and the last index is most significant. More...
class  StructuredMeshGeometry3d
 Structured mesh geometry in 3 dimensions. More...
class  StructuredField3d
 Field where field elements are arranged in a 3 dimensional array. Usually represents a field over a structured 3D mesh. Elements can be accessed either through a single index running over all elements of the array, or by 3 indices indexing elements in 3 basic directions of the grid. The first index ("x direction") ie least significant and the last index is most significant. More...
class  StructuredMesh2d3d
 2D structured mesh in 3D. Grid is 2D but it is embedded in 3D space. Type used for co-ordinates is vec3. More...
class  StructuredMesh2d
 Generic 2D structured mesh with collections of named scalar, vector, tensor and index fields. Fields are created on demand (lazy evaluation). More...
class  StructuredMesh3d
 Structured mesh in 3D. Type used for co-ordinates is vec3. More...
class  StructuredMesh3d
 Generic 3D structured mesh with collections of named scalar, vector, tensor and index fields. Fields are created on demand (lazy evaluation). More...
class  UnStructuredMesh2d
 2D structured mesh. Type used for co-ordinates and vectors is vec2. More...
class  UnstructuredMesh1d2d
 Unstructured mesh in 1D embedded in 2D space. Used e.g. for representation of curves in 2D.Type used for co-ordinates is vec2.Contains collections of collections of index, scalar, vector and tensor fields that are created on demand. More...
class  UnstructuredMesh1d3d
 Unstructured mesh in 1D embedded in 3D space. Used e.g. for representation of curves in 3D.Type used for co-ordinates is vec3.Contains collections of collections of index, scalar, vector and tensor fields that are created on demand. More...
class  UnstructuredMesh1d
 Generic 1D unstructured mesh with collections of named scalar, vector, tensor and index fields. Mesh contains geometry (inherited from UnstructuredMeshGeometry1d) and collection of index, scalar, vector and tensor fields.Fields are created on demand (lazy evaluation). More...
class  UnstructuredMesh2d
 Unstructured mesh in 2D. Type used for co-ordinates is vec2.Contains collections of collections of index, scalar, vector and tensor fields that are created on demand. More...
class  UnstructuredMesh2d
 Generic 2D unstructured mesh with collections of named scalar, vector, tensor and index fields. Mesh contains geometry (inherited from UnstructuredMeshGeometry2d) and collection of index, scalar, vector and tensor fields.Fields are created on demand (lazy evaluation). More...
class  UnstructuredMesh3d
 Unstructured mesh in 3D. Type used for co-ordinates is vec3.Contains collections of collections of index, scalar, vector and tensor fields that are created on demand. More...
class  UnstructuredMesh3d
 Generic 3D unstructured mesh with collections of named scalar, vector, tensor and index fields. Mesh contains geometry (inherited from UnstructuredMeshGeometry3d) and collections of index, scalar, vector and tensor fields.Fields are created on demand (lazy evaluation). More...
class  UnstructuredMeshGeometry1d
 Geometry and topology of an unstructured 1D mesh. Presents both connected meshes and unconnected sets of points. More...
class  UnstructuredMeshGeometry2d
 Geometry and topology of an unstructured 2D mesh. Presents both connected meshes and unconnected sets of points. More...
class  UnstructuredMeshGeometry3d
 Geometry and topology of an unstructured 2D mesh. Presents both connected meshes and unconnected sets of points. More...
interface  IDistanceComparer
 Interface used for distance comparers in point clouds. More...
class  DistanceComparer
 Class that is used to calculate and compare distances between point containers. More...
class  PointCloud
 Cloud of points, contains a list of containers of objects that include point coordinates. More...
class  PointCloudVector
 Cloud of points where each poinr is represented by the IVector object, contains a list of containers of vector objects that include point coordinates. More...
class  PointContainerVector
 Container class that contains a single vector point plus all the data that are necessary for searching and re-connecting operations on points. More...
class  DistanceComparerVector
interface  IPointContainer
 Basic interface for point container classes. More...
class  PointContainer
 Container class that contains a single point plus all the data that are necessary for searching and re-connecting operations on points. More...
class  PointLink
 Contains a pointer (link) to another point container. More...
class  Vector2d
 Vector or point in a 2 dimensional space. More...
class  Vector3d
 Vector or point in a 3 dimensional space. More...
struct  geom3
 Provides static methods used in 3D. More...
class  Geometry3D
 Provides static methods of 3D analytic geometry. More...
class  Matrix
 Real matrix class. Some operations are performed by the MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Matrix class. More...
interface  IMatrix
 Generic Matrix interface. More...
interface  IMatrix
 Real matrix interface. More...
class  MatrixExtensions
 Extension methods for IMatrix interface. More...
class  MatrixBase
 Base class for matrices. More...
class  MatrixStore
 Matrix store. Stores matrix objects for reuse.Can be used for storage fo matrices with specific dimension (default) or for torage of any non-null matrices. More...
class  MatrixStore
 Matrix store. Stores matrix objects for reuse.Can be used for storage fo matrices with specific dimension (default) or for torage of any non-null matrices. More...
interface  ILinearSolver
 Classes that can be used for solution of linear systems of equations. This interface is mainly used for matrix dexompositions. More...
class  LinearSolverBase
class  LUDecomposition
 LU decomposition of a matrix. Objects of this class are immutable. Decomposition is calculated at initialization, and the decomposed matrix can not be replaced later. More...
class  QRDecomposition
 QR decomposition of a matrix. Objects of this class are immutable. Decomposition is calculated at initialization, and the decomposed matrix can not be replaced later. More...
class  CholeskyDecomposition
 Cholesky decomposition of a matrix. Available for symmetric positive definite matrices. Objects of this class are immutable. Decomposition is calculated at initialization, and the decomposed matrix can not be replaced later. More...
class  EigenValueDecomposition
 Eigenvalue decomposition of a matrix. Calculates eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a real matrix.Objects of this class are immutable. Decomposition is calculated at initialization, and the decomposed matrix can not be replaced later. More...
class  SingularValueDecomposition
 Singular value decomposition of a matrix. Calculates eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a real matrix.Objects of this class are immutable. Decomposition is calculated at initialization, and the decomposed matrix can not be replaced later. More...
class  ParallelJobContainerBase
 Contains input data and results of a parallel job to be executed, oropertied indicating the state of the job, and methods for interaction with job performer and dispatcher. More...
class  ParallelJobContainerGen
 General purpose parallel job container that contains methods for running the job in on the same machine thread. Contains many auxiliary methods for testing and for adaptation of parallel jobs concepts to different tasks. Contains input data and results of a parallel job to be executed, oropertied indicating the state of the job, and methods for interaction with job performer and dispatcher. More...
class  ParallelJobServerGen
 Parallel job server for job containers that inherit from ParallelJobContainerGen. More...
class  ParallelJobDispatcherGen
 Parallel job dispatcher for job containers that inherit from ParallelJobContainerGen. More...
class  ParallelJobServerBase
 Parallel job server. Waits for job requests and executes them in a parallel thread. More...
class  ParallelJobDispatcherBase
 Parallel job dispatcher. Accepts job requests and dispatches jobs to parallel job servers when available and redy to run a job. More...
class  ParallelJobDispatcherBase
 Base class for parallel job dispatchers. Accepts job requests and dispatches jobs to parallel job servers when available and redy to run a job. More...
interface  IRandomGenerator
 Uniform random number generator. More...
class  RandomGenerator
 Default generator of uniformly distributed random numbers. Provides a global generator and a static function for generating new generators. Currently, the generator used is the system's generator built in C#. More...
class  RandGeneratorThreadSafe
 Generator of uniformly distributed random numbers. Based on the default random generator. Instance members are thread safe! More...
class  RandomGeneratorSystem
 Generator of uniformly distributed random numbers. Based on system random generator. WARNING: Instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe! More...
struct  Scalar
 Represents a real number. More...
struct  Counter
 Represents a real number. More...
class  SpeedTestCpu
 Various utilities for testing computational speed of the current system. More...
class  AffineTransformation
 Implementation of a general affine transformation where dimensions of the original and transformed space can be different. More...
class  AffineTransformationDiagonal
 Affine transformation with diagonal tansformation matrix. More...
class  AffineTransformationDiagonal0_TO_DELETE
 Implementation of a general affine transformation. More...
interface  IAffineTransformation
 Affine Transformation. More...
class  AffineTransformationSquare
 Invertible Affine transformation with square transformation matrix. More...
class  Vector
 Real vector class. More...
interface  IVector
 Generic Vector interface. More...
interface  IVector
 Real vector intrface. More...
class  VectorExtensions
 Extension methods for vector classes. More...
class  VectorBase
 Base class for real vectors. More...
class  VectorStore
 Vector store. Stores Vector objects for reuse.Can be used for storage fo vectors with specific dimension (default) or for torage of any non-null vectors. More...
class  VectorStore
 Vector store. Stores Vector objects for reuse.Can be used for storage fo vectors with specific dimension (default) or for torage of any non-null vectors. More...
interface  IAnalysis
 Interface for direct analysis classes used in optimization problems. More...
class  AnalysisBase
 Base class for direct analysis classes that define optimization problems. Represent the complete definition of the optimization problem (without initial parameters). Concrete analysis classes (e.g. representing optimization examples or complex direct problems solved through numerical simulation) should be derived from this class. More...
class  AnalysisComparer
 Compares two sets of analysis results in various different ways. More...
class  AnalysisResultsExtensions
 Extension methods for analysis results classes. More...
class  AnalysisResults
 Single objective optimization analysis results. Used to transfer parameters input (e.g. vector of parameters, request flags) to the analysis function and to store analysis output results (e.g. objective and constraint functions, their gradients, error codes, and flags indicating what has actually been calculated). REMARKS: Property CopyReferences specifies whether only references are copied when individial object fields are assigned & set (when the property is true), or values are actually copied (when false - deep copy). Each setter method also has the variant that always copies only the reference (function name appended by "Reference"). This makes possible to avoid duplication of allocated data and also to avoid having different data with the same references. AGREEMENTS: Optimization problem is defined as minimize f(x), subject to: c_i(x)<=0, i=0...NI-1 c_j(x)=0, j=NI...NI+NE-1. Here x is vector of parameters, f(x) is the objective function, and c_i(x) and c_j(c) are constraint functions. NI is number of inequality constraints and NE is number of equality constraints. If there are equality constraints then they are listed after inequality constraints. More...
class  PenaltyEvaluator
 Evaluation of penalty functions. More...
interface  IAnalysisResults
 Single objective optimization analysis results. Used to transfer parameters input (e.g. vector of parameters, request flags) to the analysis function and to store analysis output results (e.g. objective and constraint functions, their gradients, error codes, and flags indicating what has actually been calculated). REMARKS: Property CopyReferences specifies whether only references are copied when individial object fields are assigned & set (when the property is true), or values are actually copied (when false - deep copy). Each setter method also has the variant that always copies only the reference (function name appended by "Reference"). This makes possible to avoid duplication of allocated data and also to avoid having different data with the same references. In the beginning of analysis functions, call ResetResults(). More...
interface  IPenaltyEvaluator
 Classes that evaluates penalty terms corresponding to a specific penalty function. More...
class  OptFileAnalysisServer
 File analysis server. Performs direct analyses by request. More...
class  OptFileAnalysisClient
 File analysis client. Passes direct analysis request to the server and gets analysis results from it. More...
class  OptFileConst
 Constants used in definition of optimization servers and clients working through file system. More...
class  OptFileManager
 Performs elementary operations for optimization and analysis servers and clients that exchange data and messages through files. Each such server can serve a single request at a time (single thread of execution). Client-server pair (or pairs, when both analysis and optimization are performed in this way) has (or have) a single directory for exchanging data and messages. If there is a need for analyses running in parallel, each thread must have its own directory and its own client-server pair. More...
interface  IOptimizationData
 Information about optimization data and algorithm parameters. More...
class  OptimizationDataBase
 Base class for holding information about optimization data and algorithm parameters. More...
class  OptimizationData
 Information about optimization data and algorithm parameters. More...
interface  IOptimizationResults
 Storage of optimization results. Stores optimal results, best current guess, etc. More...
class  OptimizationResultsBase
 Base class for storage of optimization results. Stores optimal analysis results, best current guess, etc. More...
class  OptimizationResults
interface  IOptimizer
 Interface for optimization algorithms. $A Igor Feb10;. More...
class  OptimizerBase
class  ExampleMathClass
 Example class that derives from the M class. Implements a method that uses basic mathematical functions implemented in M. More...
class  M
 Defines some mathematical functions to be used in derived and other classes. * Standard mathematical functions and constants with short names are implemented, e.g. sin() instesd of Math.Sin().** These functions are public and static such that they can be used out of the derived classes, too.*** In particular, some script classes derive from this one, in order to use simple-named mathematical functions.** Some functions are defined with several names, in order to reduce probability of errors in scripts. More...
class  MExt
 Defines some mathematical functions to be used in derived classes. In addition to functions defined in the M class, functions are defined under other names, and some additional functions are also defined. * Standard mathematical functions and constants with short names are implemented, e.g. sin() instesd of Math.Sin().** These functions are static such that they can be used out of the derived classes, too.*** In particular, some script classes derive from this one, in order to use simple-named mathematical functions.** Some functions are defined with several names, in order to reduce probability of errors in scripts. More...
class  TestClass
class  Func2dFromScalarFunction
 Scalar function of 2 variables that is based on a general scalar function of vector argument. More...
class  Func2dFromScalarScript
 Scalar function of 2 variables that is generated from expressions for evaluation of function value, gradient components, etc. More...
class  Func3dFromScalarFunction
 Scalar function of 3 variables that is based on a general scalar function of vector argument. More...
class  Func3dFromScript
 Scalar function of 3 variables that is generated from expressions for evaluation of function value, gradient components, etc. More...


enum  SI {
  m, kg, s, A,
  K, cd, mol

SI base units (International system of units).

enum  Operation {
  None = 0, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication,
  Division, Composition, UnaryPlus, UnaryMinus
enum  ParallelJobState {
  Uninitialized = 0, Initialized, Unemployed, DataReady,
  EnQueued, Executing, ResultsReady, Aborted,

Job states.

enum  ParallelServerState { Uninitialized = 0, Idle, Executing, Inactive }

Defines state of the parallel server.



delegate RealFunction DlgFunctionTransformation (RealFunction f)
 Operators on univariate real functions, transforms a function to obtain another one.
delegate double DlgFunctionValue (double x)
 Represents real function of real variable.
delegate double DlgFunctionHigherDerivative (double x, int order)
 Represents derivative of real function of real variable of arbitrary order.
delegate double DlgFunctionParametric (double x, Vector p)
 Reprents parametric family of real functions of real variable.
delegate double DlgFunctionParametricHigherDerivative (double x, Vector p, int order)
 Arbitrary order derivative of parametric family of real functions with respect to function argument.
delegate double DistanceDelegate< in PointType > (PointType pt1, PointType pt2)
delegate void ParallelJobCallback (ParallelJobContainerBase jobContainer)
 Callback delegate that can be assigned to job container for execution at various notification events (such as job started, etc.).
delegate ResultType SimpleFunctionDelegate< InputType, ResultType > (InputType input)
 A generic delegate that can contain simple functions that take one input argument of the specified type, and return result of another type.
delegate void ParallelJobCallbackGen< InputType, ResultType > (ParallelJobContainerGen< InputType, ResultType > jobContainer)
 Callback delegate that can be assigned to job container for execution at various notification events (such as job started, etc.). Used in simple events.

Enumeration Type Documentation

SI base units (International system of units).


Metre, an SI unit for length.


Kilogram, an SI unit for mass.


Second, an SI unit for time.


Ampere, an SI unit for electric current.


Kelvin, an SI unit for thermodynamic temperature.


Candela, an SI unit for luminous intensity.


Mole, an SI unit for amount of substance.


Job states.

$A Igor Mar08;


Defines state of the parallel server.


Function Documentation

delegate RealFunction IG::Num::DlgFunctionTransformation ( RealFunction  f)

Operators on univariate real functions, transforms a function to obtain another one.

fFunction that is transformed.
Transformed function.

$A Igor xx;

delegate double IG::Num::DlgFunctionValue ( double  x)

Represents real function of real variable.

$A Igor xx;

delegate double IG::Num::DlgFunctionHigherDerivative ( double  x,
int  order 

Represents derivative of real function of real variable of arbitrary order.

$A Igor xx;

delegate double IG::Num::DlgFunctionParametric ( double  x,
Vector  p 

Reprents parametric family of real functions of real variable.

$A Igor xx;

delegate double IG::Num::DlgFunctionParametricHigherDerivative ( double  x,
Vector  p,
int  order 

Arbitrary order derivative of parametric family of real functions with respect to function argument.

$A Igor xx;

delegate double IG::Num::DistanceDelegate< in PointType > ( PointType  pt1,
PointType  pt2 
delegate void IG::Num::ParallelJobCallback ( ParallelJobContainerBase  jobContainer)

Callback delegate that can be assigned to job container for execution at various notification events (such as job started, etc.).

jobContainerJob container that executed the callback.
delegate ResultType IG::Num::SimpleFunctionDelegate< InputType, ResultType > ( InputType  input)

A generic delegate that can contain simple functions that take one input argument of the specified type, and return result of another type.

Template Parameters:
InputTypeType of the function input argument.
ResultTypeType of function result (returned by the function).
inputInput argument of the function.
Result of calculation performed by the function.
delegate void IG::Num::ParallelJobCallbackGen< InputType, ResultType > ( ParallelJobContainerGen< InputType, ResultType >  jobContainer)

Callback delegate that can be assigned to job container for execution at various notification events (such as job started, etc.). Used in simple events.

Template Parameters:
InputTypeType of parallel jobs input data.
ResultTypeType of parallel jobs results data.
jobContainerJob container that executed the callback.
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Enumerations Properties Events