IGLib 1.4
The IGLib base library for development of numerical, technical and business applications.

IG::Gr3d Namespace Reference


namespace  Properties


class  TestVtkGraphicBase
 Tests of 3D graphics enabled by ActiViz (VTK wrapper library). More...
class  ExampleValueFunctionDiff3D
interface  IVtkFormContainer
 This interface is implemented by the forms that contain the VTK control that can render VTK graphics. More...
interface  IVtkFormContainerGen
 This interface is implemented by the forms that contain the VTK control that can render VTK graphics. More...
class  Graph3dManipulator
 Basic control for manipulating 3D graphics. More...
class  Graph3dManipulatorBasic
 Basic manipulation of VTK-based 3D hraphs. More...
class  Graph3dManipulatorExtended
 Extended control for manipulation of 3D VTK graphics. Contains the standard control plus additional buttons for access to some VTK functions. More...
class  Graph3dManipulatorWindowExtended
 A form for manipulating 3D graphics. More...
class  Graph3dManipulatorWindow
 A form for manipulation of 3D graphics. More...
interface  I3dGraphicsControl
 Interface for 3D graphics controls that can be manipulated via a standard set of commands for rotation etc. More...
class  VtkControlBase
 Basic control encapsulating the VTK's render control of type Kitware.VTK.RenderWindowControl. More...
class  VtkControlWin
 Control for presenting VTK graphics, intended for use in stand-alone windows. More...
class  VtkForm
 Windows form for presenting VTK graphics. Contains some additional buttons beside just the VTK renderer control. More...
class  VtkFormPlain
 Windows form for presenting VTK graphics. Contains some additional buttons beside just the VTK renderer control. More...
class  VtkFormsExamples
 Examples from VTK forms. This class hosts some example methods (e.g. for application scripts) whose natural location would be somewhere else but are put into this project because they contain dependencies on the VTKFORMSDESIGN compiler directive, which is used in the current project to enable normal function of the GUI designer in the presence of the VTK form classes that are not compatible with GUI designer. More...
class  VtkContourPlot
 Plots contours on surfaces in 3D. More...
class  VtkCurvePlot
 Handles 3D curve plots in VTK render window accessed through the VtkPlotter class. Generated contour plots are based on unstructured 1D meshes embedded in 3D. More...
class  VtkSurfacePlot
 Handles surface plots in VTK render window accessed through the VtkPlotter class. Generated surface plots are based on structured 2D meshes embedded in 3D. More...
class  VtkVolumeContourPlot
class  VtkVolumePlot
class  UtilVtk
 Various VTK utilities that extend functionality of the ActiViz VTK wrappers. More...
class  VtkDecorationHandler
 Manipulates axes, labels, grids, and other decorations of graphhics plotted in VTK windows. More...
class  VtkPlotExamples
 Examples for using classes derived from VtkPlot. More...
class  VtkPlotBase
 Base class for plotting classes that plot on VTK windows (class VtkPlotter). Classes derived from this class produce pecific plots (such as surface or line plots) on the related VTK rendering window.Interaction with a VTK rendering window is managed by an VtkPlotterobject. More...
class  VtkPlotter
 Plotter class that uses a vtkRenderWindow object for plotting 3D graphics. More...
class  VtkSurfacePlotBase
 Contains basic settings for various surface and contour plots. More...
class  VtkTestClass1
 For performing quick tests. Delete this later! More...


enum  VtkFlyMode { ClosestTriad = 1, FurthestTriad = 2, OuterEdges = 3, Static = 4 }

Fly modes specifies how axes are placed on the bounding box containing graphics objects.






Enumeration Type Documentation

Fly modes specifies how axes are placed on the bounding box containing graphics objects.1 - CLOSEST_TRIAD 2 - FURTHEST_TRIAD 3 - OUTER_EDGES 4 - STATIC

$A Igor Oct11;


Axes are not shown.

The CLOSEST_TRIAD fly mode, consists of the three axes x-y-z forming a triad that lies closest to the


The FURTHEST_TRIAD fly mode consists of the three axes x-y-z forming a triad that lies furthest from the specified camera.


The OUTER_EDGES fly mode is constructed from edges that are on the exterior of the bounding box, exterior as determined from examining outer edges of the bounding box in projection (display) space.


The STATIC fly mode, constructs axes from all edges of the bounding box.

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