The IGLib base library for development of numerical, technical and business applications.
Contains a number of example 3D vector functions of 2 variables. More...
Classes | |
class | CylinderParametric |
Parametric equation of an origin-centered (ellipsoidal) cylindrical surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More... | |
class | EllipsoidParametric |
Parametric equation of an origin-centered ellipsoid surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More... | |
class | EnneperSurface |
Parametric equation of the Enneper surface, in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More... | |
class | HyperbolicParaboloid |
Surface that is a graph of the function z/c=x^2/a^2-y^2/b^2. More... | |
class | HyperboloidParametric |
Parametric definition of an origin-centered hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2=1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More... | |
class | HyperboloidParametric2 |
Alternative parametric definition of an origin-centered hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2=1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More... | |
class | HyperboloidParametricMinus |
Alternative parameterization of an origin-centered hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2=1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More... | |
class | HyperboloidParametricPlus |
Alternative parameterization of an origin-centered hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2=1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More... | |
class | HyperboloidTwosheetedLowerParametric |
Parametric definition of an origin-centered upper two-sheeted hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2-1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More... | |
class | HyperboloidTwosheetedUpperParametric |
Parametric definition of an origin-centered upper two-sheeted hyperboloid surface (x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-z^2/c^2-1) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More... | |
class | KleinBottle |
Defines the Klein's bottle (a parametric surface), a closed surface with no interior and exterior. More... | |
class | KleinBottle1 |
Defines the Klein's bottle (a parametric surface), a closed surface with no interior and exterior. More... | |
class | KleinBottle2 |
Defines the Klein's bottle (a parametric surface), a closed surface with no interior and exterior. More... | |
class | MobiusStrip |
Defines the Möbius strip (a parametric surface), a surface with only one side and only one boundary component. More... | |
class | Paraboloid |
Surface that is a graph of the function z/c=x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2. More... | |
class | ParametricSurface |
Base class for easy definition of parametric surfaces intended for plotting. More... | |
class | SaddleXY |
Parametric surface that is a graph of the function f(x,y)=x*y. More... | |
class | SnailConicSpiral_ToCheck |
Defines a parametric definition of a snail shell - like surface (a parametric surface) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More... | |
class | SnailShell1 |
Definition of parametric surface that ressembles a snail's shell in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More... | |
class | SnailShell1Streched |
Definition of parametric surface that ressembles a snail's shell (a bit stretched along the axis) in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More... | |
class | SphereParametric |
Parametric equation of an origin-centered sphere. More... | |
class | Surface |
Base class for easy definition of surfaces defined through a function of 2 variables. More... | |
class | Torus |
Parametric equation of a toroid surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More... | |
class | TorusHorizontal |
Parametric equation of a horizontal toroid surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More... | |
class | TorusVertical |
Parametric equation of a horizontal toroid surface in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More... | |
class | UmbilicTorus |
Parametric equation of the umbilic torus surface, a closed single-edged surface in 3D, in form of 3D vector function of 2 variables. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static void | Swap (ref double a, ref double b) |
Swaps values of the two specified variables of type double. More... | |
static void | Swap (ref int a, ref int b) |
Swaps values of the two specified variables of type int. More... | |
static void | Swap (ref string a, ref string b) |
Swaps values of the two specified variables of type string. More... | |
static double | abs (double a) |
Absolute value. More... | |
static double | sign (double a) |
Returns a value indicating the sign of a number. More... | |
static double | ceil (double a) |
Returns the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to the specified decimal number. More... | |
static double | floor (double a) |
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to the specified number. More... | |
static double | trunc (double a) |
Calculates the integral part of a specified number. More... | |
static double | min (double a, double b) |
Smallest of two numbers. More... | |
static double | max (double a, double b) |
Largest of two numbers. More... | |
static double | min (double a, double b, double c) |
Smallest of three numbers. More... | |
static double | max (double a, double b, double c) |
Largest of three numbers. More... | |
static double | min (double a, double b, double c, double d) |
Smallest of four numbers. More... | |
static double | max (double a, double b, double c, double d) |
Largest of four numbers. More... | |
static double | min (double a, double b, double c, double d, double e) |
Smallest of five numbers. More... | |
static double | max (double a, double b, double c, double d, double e) |
Largest of five numbers. More... | |
static double | min (double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f) |
Smallest of six numbers. More... | |
static double | max (double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f) |
Largest of six numbers. More... | |
static double | min (params double[] numbers) |
Minimal of the specified values. More... | |
static double | max (params double[] numbers) |
Maximal of the specified values. More... | |
static double | sum (params double[] numbers) |
Sum of the specified values. More... | |
static double | prod (params double[] numbers) |
Product of the specified values. More... | |
static double | pow (double a, double b) |
Returns a specified number raised to the specified power. More... | |
static double | sqr (double a) |
Returns the square of a specified number. More... | |
static double | cube (double a) |
Returns the square of a specified number. More... | |
static double | pow2 (double x) |
Square. More... | |
static double | pow3 (double x) |
3rd power. More... | |
static double | pow4 (double x) |
4th power. More... | |
static double | pow5 (double x) |
5th power. More... | |
static double | pow6 (double x) |
6th power. More... | |
static double | sqrt (double a) |
Returns the square root of a specified number. More... | |
static double | root2 (double a) |
Returns the square root of a specified number. More... | |
static double | root3 (double a) |
Returns the cubic root of a specified number. More... | |
static double | rand () |
Returns a uniformly distributed random number greater than or equal to 0.0, and less or equal than 1.0. More... | |
static double | rand (double min, double max) |
Returns a uniformly distributed random number greater than or equal to min, and less or equal than max. More... | |
static double | randgauss (double mean, double standardDeviation) |
Returns a Gaussian distributed random number with the specified mean and standard deviation. More... | |
static double | exp (double a) |
Returns e raised to the specified power. More... | |
static double | log (double a) |
Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number. More... | |
static double | ln (double a) |
Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number. More... | |
static double | log10 (double a) |
Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number. More... | |
static double | lg (double a) |
Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number. More... | |
static double | log2 (double a) |
Returns the base 2 logarithm of a specified number. More... | |
static double | log (double a, double logBase) |
Returns the logarithm of a specified number in a specified base. More... | |
static double | deg (double x) |
Converts angle in radians to angle in degrees and returns it. More... | |
static double | rad (double x) |
Converts angle in degrees to angle in radians and returns it. More... | |
static double | sin (double a) |
Returns the sine of the specified angle. More... | |
static double | cos (double a) |
Returns the cosine of the specified angle. More... | |
static double | tg (double a) |
Returns the tangent of the specified angle. More... | |
static double | ctg (double x) |
Returns cotangent of the specified angle. More... | |
static double | arccos (double a) |
Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number. More... | |
static double | arcsin (double a) |
Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number. More... | |
static double | arctg (double a) |
Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number. More... | |
static double | arcctg (double x) |
Arc cotangent, inverse of 1/tan(x). More... | |
static double | arctg2 (double a, double b) |
Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers. More... | |
static double | Sinh (double a) |
Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle. More... | |
static double | sinh (double a) |
Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle. More... | |
static double | sh (double a) |
Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle. More... | |
static double | ch (double a) |
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle. More... | |
static double | th (double a) |
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle. More... | |
static double | cth (double x) |
Hyperblic cotangent, 1/Math.Tanh. More... | |
static double | arsh (double x) |
Inverse hyperbolic sine. More... | |
static double | arch (double x) |
Inverse hyperbolic cosine. More... | |
static double | arth (double x) |
Inverse hyperbolic tangent. More... | |
static double | arcth (double x) |
Inverse hyperbolic cotangent. More... | |
static bool | CheckFactorialsArray () |
Tests ehether the factoirals in the hard-coded array (factorials64) of factorials are correct; Throws ArgumentException if any of them is incorrect. More... | |
static void | TestFactorials () |
Writes to the console all factorials that can be calculatet. More... | |
static void | TestFactorials (int max) |
Writes to the console the first n factorials. More... | |
static long | fac (int factor) |
Returns factorial of the specified number. More... | |
static long | facCalculated (long n) |
Returns factorial of the specified number - less efficient approac, but does not rely on hard coded array. More... | |
static long | fallingPower (long n, long p) |
Calculates and returns the falling power of the specified number. More... | |
static long | binomial (long n, long k) |
Returns binomial coefficient n over k . More... | |
static void | TestBinomialCoefficients () |
Writes the first few binomial coefficients to the console. More... | |
static void | TestBinomialCoefficients (int nMax) |
Writes binomial coefficients up to the specified number to the console. More... | |
static double | Mean (ICollection< double > sample) |
Returns mean value of the specified sample. More... | |
static double | Mean (IVector sample) |
Returns mean value of the specified sample. More... | |
static double | Average (ICollection< double > sample) |
Returns mean value of the specified sample. More... | |
static double | Average (IVector sample) |
Returns mean value of the specified sample. More... | |
static double | StandardDeviation (ICollection< double > sample) |
Returns estimation of the standard deviation of a random value based on the specified sample. More... | |
static double | StandardDeviation (IVector sample) |
Returns estimation of the standard deviation of a random value based on the specified sample. More... | |
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static double | e [get] |
Natural logarithmic base. More... | |
static double | pi [get] |
Ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. More... | |
static double | zero [get] |
Zero (value 0.0). More... | |
static double | one [get] |
One (value 1.0). More... | |
Contains a number of example 3D vector functions of 2 variables.
Many of the contained nested classes define interesting parametric surfaces.
$A Igor Oct09;