IGLib  1.7.2
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IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase Class Referenceabstract

Base class for classes of type CommandStackFrame{InterpreterType, ThreadType}see cref=""/>. Contains everyting that does not depend on specific type of generic parameters. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase:

Public Member Functions

 CommandStackFrameBase ()
GetInterpreterBase ()
 Returns the commans-line interpreter to which the current command thread belongs. More...
abstract CommandThreadBase GetThreadBase ()
 Returns the stack frame of the specified level for the current thread. More...
void AddBlockEnterCommands (params string[] commands)
 Adds the specified strings to the list of commands that can enter the current kind of the code block. More...
void AddBlockExitCommands (params string[] commands)
 Adds the specified strings to the list of commands that can exit the current kind of the code block. More...
void AddBlockExitCommandsNoLevelEffect (params string[] commands)
 Adds the specified strings to the list of commands that can exit the current kind of the code block, but don't affect the quiet entry/exit level. More...
string[] GetBlockEnterCommands ()
 Returns the array of commands that can enter the current kind of code block. More...
string[] GetBlockExitCommands ()
 Returns the array of commands that can exit the current kind of code block. More...
string[] GetBlockExitCommandsNoLevelEffect ()
 Returns the array of commands that can exit the current kind of code block but have no level effect. More...
bool IsEventualBlockEnterCommand (string commandLine, bool isOnlyCommandName=false)
 Returns true if the specified commandline can eventually represent one of the commands contained in the list of possible block enter commands for the current kind of code block. More...
bool IsEventualBlockExitCommand (string commandLine, bool isOnlyCommandName=false)
 Returns true if the specified commandline can eventually represent one of the commands contained in the list of possible block exit commands for the current kind of code block. More...
bool IsEventualBlockExitCommandNoLevelEffect (string commandLine, bool isOnlyCommandName=false)
 Returns true if the specified commandline can eventually represent one of the commands contained in the list of possible block exit commands that do not affect quiet entry/exit level, for the current kind of code block. More...
bool CheckForBlockEnterOrExitCommand (string commandLine, bool justCheck=false, bool isOnlyCommandName=false)
 Inspects the specified commandline and checks whether it can represent a block enter or a block exit command for the currennt code block. More...
bool IsBlockExitQuietCommand (string commandLine, bool isOnlyCommandName=false)
 Returns true if the specified command should be executed as block exit command, in spite of the fact that commannd execution is currently switched off on the current code block. More...
bool IsVariableDefined (string varName)
 Returns true if the specified variable is defined, false if it is not. More...
bool IsVariableDefinedLocked (string varName)
 Returns true if the specified variable is defined, false if it is not. More...
InterpreterVariable GetVariableDef (string varName)
 Returns variable object (definition) for the variable with specified name. More...
string GetVariableValue (string varName)
 Returns value of the specified variable. More...
string GetVariableValueLocked (string varName)
 Gets the variable within lock on the Lock property and returns it. More...
void SetVariableValue (string varName, string varValue, VariableFlags flags=VariableFlags.Default)
 Sets value of the specified variable. More...
void SetVariableValueLocked (string varName, string varValue, VariableFlags flags=VariableFlags.Default)
 Sets the variable within lock on the property. More...
void RemoveVariable (string varName)
 Removes the specified variable. More...
void RemoveVariableLocked (string varName)
 Removes the specified variable within lock on the property. More...
string ToStringVariableNames ()
string ToStringVariableValues ()
virtual string ToString (bool includeThreadInfo=true, bool includeLocalVariables=true, bool includeGlobalVariables=true)
 Returns a string containing information about the current command thread. More...
override string ToString ()
 Returns string representation of the current object. More...

Protected Member Functions

bool IsEventualListedCommand (string commandLine, List< string > commands, bool isOnlyCommandName=false)
 Returns true if the specified commandline can eventually represent one of the commands contained in the specified list of commands. More...

Protected Attributes

int _quietBlockLevel = 0
SortedDictionary< string,
_variables = new SortedDictionary<string, InterpreterVariable>()
 Local variables. More...
List< string > _auxVarNames = null


object Lock [get]
 This object's central lock object to be used by other object. Do not use this object for locking in class' methods, for this you should use InternalLock. More...
int StackLevel [get, protected set]
List< string > BlockEnterCommands [get]
 A list of commands that can enter the type of the current code block. More...
List< string > BlockExitCommands [get]
 A list of commands that can exit the type of the current code block. More...
List< string > BlockExitCommandsNoLevelEffect [get]
 A list of commands that can exit the type of the current code block, but willl nnot have effect on the quet wxit/entry level. More...
int QuietBlockEntryLevel [get, protected set]
 Indicates the quiet entry/exit level of the current kind of block when commands are not executed. More...
CodeBlockType BlockType [get, protected set]
 Type of the code block represented by the current stack frame. More...
bool DoExecuteCommands [get, set]
 Whether commands are executed in the current code block. More...
bool WasBranchAlreadyExecuted [get, set]
 Whether a branch has already been executed. More...
int NumExitLevels [get, set]
int LoopCount [get, set]
 Whether commands are executed in the current code block. More...
bool SuppressInteractive [get, set]
 Indicates that the interactive mode is temporarily represset. More...
string ConditionExpression [get, set]
 For loopig and branching blocks, this property contains the condition expression of the block, which was a part of the block command (such as While, If, or ElseIf). More...
string BlockCommanddLine [get, set]
 Commandline that started the current block. It may have been saved when the current block of code was entered, in order to be used within the block (e.g. for inspection and debugging) or when the block exits. Typical use is in blocks with deferred evaluation, such as in While block, where commandlines within the block are stored first, and then repeatedly evaluated until the condition from the While block entering command is fulfilled. More...
bool DoSaveCommands [get, set]
 Whether commands are saved to the command store in the current code block. More...
List< string > CommandLines [get]
string LastCommandLine [get, set]
string ReturnedValue [get, set]
 Value returned from the last executed command. More...
string[] VariableNames [get]
 Gets names of all variables that are defined on the current stack frame. More...
string[] VariableValueStrings [get]
 Gets names of all variables that are defined on the current stack frame. More...
InterpreterVariable this[string variableName] [get, set]
 Gets or sets value of the variable with the specified name. More...

Private Attributes

object _mainLock = new object()
int _stackLevel = 0
List< string > _blockEnterCommands = null
List< string > _blockExitCommands = null
List< string > _blockExitCommandsNoLevelffect = null
CodeBlockType _blockType = CodeBlockType.None
bool _doExecute = true
bool _isBranchExecuted = false
int _numExitLevels = 0
int _loopCount = 0
bool _suppressInteractive = false
string _conditionExpression = null
string _blockCommandLine = null
bool _doSave = false
List< string > _commandLines = null
string _lastCommandLine = null
string _returnedValue = null

Detailed Description

Base class for classes of type CommandStackFrame{InterpreterType, ThreadType}see cref=""/>. Contains everyting that does not depend on specific type of generic parameters.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.CommandStackFrameBase ( )

Member Function Documentation

abstract ICommandLineApplicationInterpreter IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.GetInterpreterBase ( )
pure virtual

Returns the commans-line interpreter to which the current command thread belongs.

WARNING: This method is intended for use in the base classes; use more specific (type dependent) methods in derived classes.

Implemented in IG.Lib.CommandStackFrame< InterpreterType, ThreadType >.

abstract CommandThreadBase IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.GetThreadBase ( )
pure virtual

Returns the stack frame of the specified level for the current thread.

WARNING: This method is intended for use in the base classes; use more specific (type dependent) methods in derived classes.

Command thread (if not replicated for another one) begins executon at stack level 0, then each command block or function call increments the stack level by creating a new stack frame.

Implemented in IG.Lib.CommandStackFrame< InterpreterType, ThreadType >.

void IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.AddBlockEnterCommands ( params string[]  commands)

Adds the specified strings to the list of commands that can enter the current kind of the code block.

Warnig: Kind of the code block is not defined by the CodeBlockType in this context, because each type listed in the enumeration can refer to several customly defined subtypes of code blocks.

This list is used as list of commands to be monitored when in the non-executable mode (where commands are not actually executed) in order to know when the command is hit that will end the block, and therefore exit the block that is in non-executable more.

commandsCommands that are added to the list of commands that can enter the current kind of block.
void IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.AddBlockExitCommands ( params string[]  commands)

Adds the specified strings to the list of commands that can exit the current kind of the code block.

Warnig: Kind of the code block is not defined by the CodeBlockType in this context, because each type listed in the enumeration can refer to several customly defined subtypes of code blocks.

This list is used as list of commands to be monitored when in the non-executable mode (where commands are not actually executed) in order to know when the command is hit that will end the block, and therefore exit the block that is in non-executable more.

commandsCommands that are added to the list of commands that can enter the current kind of block.
void IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.AddBlockExitCommandsNoLevelEffect ( params string[]  commands)

Adds the specified strings to the list of commands that can exit the current kind of the code block, but don't affect the quiet entry/exit level.

Warnig: Kind of the code block is not defined by the CodeBlockType in this context, because each type listed in the enumeration can refer to several customly defined subtypes of code blocks.

This list is used as list of commands to be monitored when in the non-executable mode (where commands are not actually executed) in order to know when the command is hit that will end the block, and therefore exit the block that is in non-executable more.

Example is If/Else/Endif blocks. Both Else and Endif can exit the If block, but in quiet mode, only Endif should decrease the quiet entry/exit level (becauee only If increases it, and If always have the cottesponding EndIf).

commandsCommands that are added to the list of commands that can enter the current kind of block.
string [] IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.GetBlockEnterCommands ( )

Returns the array of commands that can enter the current kind of code block.

string [] IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.GetBlockExitCommands ( )

Returns the array of commands that can exit the current kind of code block.

string [] IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.GetBlockExitCommandsNoLevelEffect ( )

Returns the array of commands that can exit the current kind of code block but have no level effect.

bool IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.IsEventualListedCommand ( string  commandLine,
List< string >  commands,
bool  isOnlyCommandName = false 

Returns true if the specified commandline can eventually represent one of the commands contained in the specified list of commands.

The conclusion returned is not definitive because it does not take into account whether the interpreter is case sensitive or not. It does check, however, that the command name is the first non-whitespace substring appearing in the command, and that it is separate by whitespace characters from eventual subsequeent parts of the string.

commandLineCommand lne that is check for whetherr it can represent one of the commands listed.
commandsA list of command names that are checked.
isOnlyCommandNameIf true then commandLine represents only the command name (stripped off eventual arguments and whitespace).

References IG.Lib.UtilStr.GetArgumentsArray().

bool IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.IsEventualBlockEnterCommand ( string  commandLine,
bool  isOnlyCommandName = false 

Returns true if the specified commandline can eventually represent one of the commands contained in the list of possible block enter commands for the current kind of code block.

The conclusion returned is not definitive because it does not take into account whether the interpreter is case sensitive or not. It does check, however, that the command name is the first non-whitespace substring appearing in the command, and that it is separate by whitespace characters from eventual subsequeent parts of the string.

commandLineCommand lne that is check for whetherr it can represent one of the commands listed.
isOnlyCommandNameIf true then commandLine represents only the command name (stripped off eventual arguments and whitespace).
bool IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.IsEventualBlockExitCommand ( string  commandLine,
bool  isOnlyCommandName = false 

Returns true if the specified commandline can eventually represent one of the commands contained in the list of possible block exit commands for the current kind of code block.

The conclusion returned is not definitive because it does not take into account whether the interpreter is case sensitive or not. It does check, however, that the command name is the first non-whitespace substring appearing in the command, and that it is separate by whitespace characters from eventual subsequeent parts of the string.

commandLineCommand lne that is check for whetherr it can represent one of the commands listed.
isOnlyCommandNameIf true then commandLine represents only the command name (stripped off eventual arguments and whitespace).
bool IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.IsEventualBlockExitCommandNoLevelEffect ( string  commandLine,
bool  isOnlyCommandName = false 

Returns true if the specified commandline can eventually represent one of the commands contained in the list of possible block exit commands that do not affect quiet entry/exit level, for the current kind of code block.

The conclusion returned is not definitive because it does not take into account whether the interpreter is case sensitive or not. It does check, however, that the command name is the first non-whitespace substring appearing in the command, and that it is separate by whitespace characters from eventual subsequeent parts of the string.

commandLineCommand lne that is check for whetherr it can represent one of the commands listed.
isOnlyCommandNameIf true then commandLine represents only the command name (stripped off eventual arguments and whitespace).
bool IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.CheckForBlockEnterOrExitCommand ( string  commandLine,
bool  justCheck = false,
bool  isOnlyCommandName = false 

Inspects the specified commandline and checks whether it can represent a block enter or a block exit command for the currennt code block.

commandLineCommandline to be checked.
justCheckIf true then the function only performs the check, but does not increment or decrement the level of encountered current block entries/exits. Default is false.
isOnlyCommandNameIf true then commandLine

is treated as command name, i.e. it should not contain additional arguments and / or whitespaces.

True if the specfied commandline can eventually represent the current non-executing code block entry or exit command.
bool IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.IsBlockExitQuietCommand ( string  commandLine,
bool  isOnlyCommandName = false 

Returns true if the specified command should be executed as block exit command, in spite of the fact that commannd execution is currently switched off on the current code block.

This makes possible to hit the block exit command for code blocks that have been entered, but command execution was then switched off (e.g. in order to defer command evaluation after all commands are known).

This method only perfomrs checks and does not increase or decrease the quied block entry/exit level.

If command execution is switched on then the method returnes false (in order to save time for actual checks).

commandLineCommadline that is checked.
isOnlyCommandNameIf true then commandLine is treated as just the command name, i.e. it must not contain eventual whitespaces or parameters.
bool IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.IsVariableDefined ( string  varName)

Returns true if the specified variable is defined, false if it is not.

varNameName of the variable that is queried.
bool IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.IsVariableDefinedLocked ( string  varName)

Returns true if the specified variable is defined, false if it is not.

Thread safe variant, lock is aquired on Lock.

varNameName of the variable that is queried.
InterpreterVariable IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.GetVariableDef ( string  varName)

Returns variable object (definition) for the variable with specified name.

null is returned if the variable does not exist.

varNameName of the variable.
string IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.GetVariableValue ( string  varName)

Returns value of the specified variable.

varNameName of the variable.
string IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.GetVariableValueLocked ( string  varName)

Gets the variable within lock on the Lock property and returns it.

Thread safe variant, lock is aquired on Lock.

varNameName of the variable whose value is to be reurned.
void IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.SetVariableValue ( string  varName,
string  varValue,
VariableFlags  flags = VariableFlags.Default 

Sets value of the specified variable.

varNameName of the variable to be set.
varValueValue to be assigned to the specified variable.
flagsVariable flags (optional).

References IG.Lib.InterpreterVariable.Flags, and IG.Lib.InterpreterVariable.StringValue.

void IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.SetVariableValueLocked ( string  varName,
string  varValue,
VariableFlags  flags = VariableFlags.Default 

Sets the variable within lock on the property.

Thread safe variant, lock is aquired on Lock.

varNameName of the variable whose value is to be set.
varValueValue to be assigned to the variable.
flagsVariable flags (optional).

References IG.Lib.InterpreterVariable.Flags, and IG.Lib.InterpreterVariable.StringValue.

void IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.RemoveVariable ( string  varName)

Removes the specified variable.

varNameName of the variable to be removed.
void IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.RemoveVariableLocked ( string  varName)

Removes the specified variable within lock on the property.

Thread safe variant, lock is aquired on Lock.

varNameName of the variable whose value is to be set.
string IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.ToStringVariableNames ( )
string IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.ToStringVariableValues ( )
virtual string IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.ToString ( bool  includeThreadInfo = true,
bool  includeLocalVariables = true,
bool  includeGlobalVariables = true 
override string IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.ToString ( )

Returns string representation of the current object.

Member Data Documentation

object IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._mainLock = new object()
int IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._stackLevel = 0
List<string> IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._blockEnterCommands = null
List<string> IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._blockExitCommands = null
List<string> IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._blockExitCommandsNoLevelffect = null
int IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._quietBlockLevel = 0
CodeBlockType IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._blockType = CodeBlockType.None
bool IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._doExecute = true
bool IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._isBranchExecuted = false
int IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._numExitLevels = 0
int IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._loopCount = 0
bool IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._suppressInteractive = false
string IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._conditionExpression = null
string IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._blockCommandLine = null
bool IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._doSave = false
List<string> IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._commandLines = null
string IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._lastCommandLine = null
SortedDictionary<string, InterpreterVariable> IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._variables = new SortedDictionary<string, InterpreterVariable>()

Local variables.

string IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._returnedValue = null
List<string> IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase._auxVarNames = null

Property Documentation

object IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.Lock

This object's central lock object to be used by other object. Do not use this object for locking in class' methods, for this you should use InternalLock.

int IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.StackLevel
getprotected set
List<string> IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.BlockEnterCommands

A list of commands that can enter the type of the current code block.

List<string> IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.BlockExitCommands

A list of commands that can exit the type of the current code block.

List<string> IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.BlockExitCommandsNoLevelEffect

A list of commands that can exit the type of the current code block, but willl nnot have effect on the quet wxit/entry level.

Example is If/Else/Endif blocks. Both Else and Endif can exit the If block, but in quiet mode, only Endif should decrease the quiet entry/exit level (becauee only If increases it, and If always have the cottesponding EndIf).

int IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.QuietBlockEntryLevel
getprotected set

Indicates the quiet entry/exit level of the current kind of block when commands are not executed.

The level is obtained by counting the block entry and block exit commands encountered (which were, nonetheless, not executed, because command execution is switched off)

CodeBlockType IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.BlockType
getprotected set

Type of the code block represented by the current stack frame.

bool IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.DoExecuteCommands

Whether commands are executed in the current code block.

bool IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.WasBranchAlreadyExecuted

Whether a branch has already been executed.

int IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.NumExitLevels
int IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.LoopCount

Whether commands are executed in the current code block.

bool IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.SuppressInteractive

Indicates that the interactive mode is temporarily represset.

string IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.ConditionExpression

For loopig and branching blocks, this property contains the condition expression of the block, which was a part of the block command (such as While, If, or ElseIf).

string IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.BlockCommanddLine

Commandline that started the current block. It may have been saved when the current block of code was entered, in order to be used within the block (e.g. for inspection and debugging) or when the block exits. Typical use is in blocks with deferred evaluation, such as in While block, where commandlines within the block are stored first, and then repeatedly evaluated until the condition from the While block entering command is fulfilled.

bool IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.DoSaveCommands

Whether commands are saved to the command store in the current code block.

List<string> IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.CommandLines
string IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.LastCommandLine
string IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.ReturnedValue

Value returned from the last executed command.

string [] IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.VariableNames

Gets names of all variables that are defined on the current stack frame.

Operation is locked.

string [] IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.VariableValueStrings

Gets names of all variables that are defined on the current stack frame.

Operation is locked.

InterpreterVariable IG.Lib.CommandStackFrameBase.this[string variableName]

Gets or sets value of the variable with the specified name.

variableNameName of the variable to be set or retrieved.

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