IGLib  1.7.2
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IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto Class Reference

Contains constants for cryptographic operations from shell functions. More...

Public Attributes

const int MaxTypeStringLength = 20
 Maximal length of string representing algorithm types. More...
const int MinPasswordLength = 8
 Minimal password length for encryption. More...
const int MinPasswordSaltLength = 8
 Minimal salt length for key derivation. More...
const int MinSaltLength = 8
 Minimal salt length for encryption. More...
const int FileBufferSize = 1024
 Default size of file buffer. More...
const int DefaultNumPasswordIterations = 2000
 Default number of key generation algorithms when generating the keys. More...
const int DefaultPasswordLength = 12
 Default password length. More...
const int DefaultSaltLength = 64
 Default salt length. More...
const int DefaultKeyLength = 64
 Default key length. More...
const string HashFileExtension = ".chk"
 File extension for files containing the calculated hashRet codes. More...
const string FileExtensionEncrypted = ".ig_enc"
 File extension for encrypted files. More...
const string FileExtensionDecrypted = ".ig_dec"
 File extension for encrypted files. More...
const string FileSignatureEncrypted = "IgEnc"
const string FileSignatureEncryptedAsymmetricRandomSymmetric = "IgEncAsRnSy"
const string ArgCheck = "-c"
 Verification (check) is performed rather than calculation (although this may also include calculation). More...
const string ArgCheck1 = "/c"
 Verification (check) is performed rather than calculation (although this may also include calculation). More...
const string ArgDecrypt = "-decrypt"
 Specifies that decryption is performed, rather than encryption. More...
const string ArgDecrypt1 = "/decrypt"
 Specifies that decryption is performed, rather than encryption. More...
const string ArgEncrypt = "-encrypt"
 Specifies that encryption is performed, rather than decryption. More...
const string ArgEncrypt1 = "/encrypt"
 Specifies that encryption is performed, rather than decryption. More...
const string ArgTime = "-time"
 Prescribed or expected time of exection (e.g. in time measurements). More...
const string ArgTime1 = "/time"
 Prescribed or expected time of exection (e.g. in time measurements). More...
const string ArgAlgorithmType = "-t"
 Specification of algorithm type follows. More...
const string ArgAlgorithmType1 = "/t"
 Specification of algorithm type follows. More...
const string ArgPasswordAlgorithmType = "-pwt"
 Specification of password or key generaton algorithm type follows. More...
const string ArgPasswordAlgorithmType1 = "/pwt"
 Specification of password or key generaton algorithm type follows. More...
const string ArgLargestKey = "-largestkey"
 True or false follows, a flag specifying whether the largest key for an algorithm is used. More...
const string ArgLargestKey1 = "/largestkey"
 True or false follows, a flag specifying whether the largest key for an algorithm is used. More...
const string ArgAsymAlgorithmType = "-at"
 Specification of asymmetric algorithm type follows. More...
const string ArgAsymAlgorithmType1 = "/at"
 Specification of asymmetric algorithm type follows. More...
const string ArgAsymKeyName = "-akn"
 Specification of assymmetric key container name. More...
const string ArgAsymKeyName1 = "/akn"
 Specification of assymmetric key container name. More...
const string ArgAsymKeyXmlFile = "-akxml"
 Specification of assymmetric key xml file. More...
const string ArgAsymKeyXmlFile1 = "/akxml"
 Specification of assymmetric key xml file. More...
const string ArgAsymKeyFlag = "-akf"
 Specification that assymmetric CSP (crypto service provider) flag follows. More...
const string ArgAsymKeyFlag1 = "/akf"
 Specification that assymmetric key CSP (crypto service provider) flag follows. More...
const string ArgAsymExportPrivateKey = "-exportprivatekey"
 Specification that assymmetric private keys are be exported (or printed), too. More...
const string ArgAsymExportPrivateKey1 = "/exportprivatekey"
 Specification that assymmetric private keys are be exported, (or printed), too. More...
const string ArgCertificateFile = "-cf"
 Specification that certificate file path follows. More...
const string ArgCertificateFile1 = "/cf"
 Specification that certificate file path follows. More...
const string ArgCertificatePassword = "-cp"
 Specification that certificate password (for access to private key) follows. More...
const string ArgCertificatePassword1 = "/cp"
 Specification that certificate password (for access to private key) follows. More...
const string ArgCertificatePasswordThroughUI = "-cpui"
 Specifies that certificate password (for access to private key) should be obtained through the user interface (normally, throough console). More...
const string ArgCertificatePasswordThroughUI1 = "/cpui"
 Specifies that certificate password (for access to private key) should be obtained through the user interface (normally, throough console). More...
const string ArgCertificateName = "-cn"
 Specification that certificate name follows. More...
const string ArgCertificateName1 = "/cn"
 Specification that certificate name follows. More...
const string ArgCertificateStoreName = "-cs"
 Specification that certificate store name follows. More...
const string ArgCertificateStoreName1 = "/cs"
 Specification that certificate store name follows. More...
const string ArgCertificateStoreLocation = "-csl"
 Specification that certificate store location (current user or local machine) follows. More...
const string ArgCertificateStoreLocation1 = "/csl"
 Specification that certificate store location (current user or local machine) follows. More...
const string ArgPasswordNumIterations = "-pwit"
 Specification that number of iterations used in key generation algorithm follows. More...
const string ArgPasswordNumIterations1 = "/pwit"
 Specification that number of iterations used in key generation algorithm follows. More...
const string ArgKeyHexBytes = "-kx"
 Specification that key as hexadecimal byte sequence follows. More...
const string ArgKeyHexBytes1 = "/kx"
 Specification that key as hexadecimal byte sequence follows. More...
const string ArgKeyBase64Bytes = "-k64"
 Specification that key as base-64 encoded byte sequence follows. More...
const string ArgKeyBase64Bytes1 = "/k64"
 Specification that key as base-64 encoded byte sequence follows. More...
const string ArgKeyLength = "-klen"
 Specification that length of the key follows. More...
const string ArgKeyLength1 = "/klen"
 Specification that length of the key follows. More...
const string ArgPasswordLength = "-pwlen"
 Specification that length of the password or key follows. More...
const string ArgPasswordLength1 = "/pwlen"
 Specification that length of the password or key follows. More...
const string ArgPasswordString = "-pw"
 Specification that password string follows. More...
const string ArgPasswordString1 = "/pw"
 Specification that password string follows. More...
const string ArgPasswordHexBytes = "-pwx"
 Specification that password as hexadecimal byte sequence follows. More...
const string ArgPasswordHexBytes1 = "/pwx"
 Specification that password as hexadecimal byte sequence follows. More...
const string ArgPasswordBase64Bytes = "-pw64"
 Specification of password as base-64 encoded byte sequence follows. More...
const string ArgPasswordBase64Bytes1 = "/pw64"
 Specification of password as base-64 encoded byte sequence follows. More...
const string ArgSaltLength = "-sllen"
 Specification of length of the salt follows. More...
const string ArgSaltLength1 = "/sllen"
 Specification of length of the salt follows. More...
const string ArgSaltString = "-sl"
 Specification of password string follows. More...
const string ArgSaltString1 = "/sl"
 Specification of password string follows. More...
const string ArgSaltHexBytes = "-slx"
 Specification of password as hexadecimal byte sequence follows. More...
const string ArgSaltHexBytes1 = "/slx"
 Specification of password as hexadecimal byte sequence follows. More...
const string ArgSaltBase64Bytes = "-sl64"
 Specification of password as base-64 encoded byte sequence follows. More...
const string ArgSaltBase64Bytes1 = "/sl64"
 Specification of password as base-64 encoded byte sequence follows. More...
const string ArgIvLength = "-ivlen"
 Specification of length of the initialization vector follows. More...
const string ArgIvLength1 = "/ivlen"
 Specification of length of the initialization vector follows. More...
const string ArgIvString = "-iv"
 Specification of initialization vector in form of string follows. More...
const string ArgIvString1 = "/iv"
 Specification of initialization vector in form of string follows. More...
const string ArgIvHexBytes = "-ivx"
 Specification of initialization vector as hexadecimal byte sequence follows. More...
const string ArgIvHexBytes1 = "/ivx"
 Specification of initialization vector as hexadecimal byte sequence follows. More...
const string ArgIvBase64Bytes = "-iv64"
 Specification of initialization vector as base-64 encoded byte sequence follows. More...
const string ArgIvBase64Bytes1 = "/iv64"
 Specification of initialization vector as base-64 encoded byte sequence follows. More...
const string ArgStringOutputFormat = "-sf"
 String output format (and possibly input, if not specified separately) is used. More...
const string ArgStringOutputFormat1 = "/bfx"
 String output format (and possibly input, if not specified separately) is used. More...
const string ArgBinaryOutputFormatHex = "-bfx"
 Binary output format (and possibly input, if not specified separately) used is hexadecimal. More...
const string ArgBinaryOutputFormatHex1 = "/bfx"
 Binary output format (and possibly input, if not specified separately) used is hexadecimal. More...
const string ArgBinaryOutputFormatBase64 = "-bf64"
 Binary output format (and possibly input, if not specified separately) used is hexadecimal. More...
const string ArgBinaryOutputFormatBase641 = "/bf64"
 Binary output format (and possibly input, if not specified separately) used is hexadecimal. More...
const string ArgBinaryOutputFormatLongInt = "-bfi"
 Binary output format (and possibly input, if not specified separately) used is long integer. More...
const string ArgBinaryOutputFormatLongInt1 = "/bfi"
 Binary output format (and possibly input, if not specified separately) used is long integer. More...
const string ArgStringInputFormat = "-sfi"
 String input format is used. More...
const string ArgStringInputFormat1 = "/sfi"
 String input format is used. More...
const string ArgBinaryInputFormatHex = "-bfix"
 Binary input format used is hexadecimal. More...
const string ArgBinaryInputFormatHex1 = "/bfix"
 Binary input format used is hexadecimal. More...
const string ArgBinaryInputFormatBase64 = "-bfi64"
 Binary input format used is base-64 encoding. More...
const string ArgBinaryInputFormatBase641 = "/bfi64"
 Binary input format used is base-64 encoding. More...
const string ArgBinaryInputFormatLongInt = "-bfii"
 Binary input format used is long int. More...
const string ArgBinaryInputFormatLongInt1 = "/bfii"
 Binary input format used is long int. More...
const string ArgString = "-s"
 Specification of string that is worked follows. More...
const string ArgString1 = "/s"
 Specification of string that is worked follows. More...
const string ArgHashValue = "-h"
 Specification of hashRet value follows (only with -c, for a single input file). More...
const string ArgHashValue1 = "/h"
 Specification of hashRet value follows (only with -c, for a single input file). More...
const string ArgOutputFile = "-o"
 Specification of output file follows. More...
const string ArgOutputFile1 = "/o"
 Specification of output file follows. More...
const string ArgForceOverwrite = "-yo"
 If files are to be wasOverwritten, permission is not asked for and overwriting is forced. More...
const string ArgForceOverwrite1 = "/yo"
 If files are to be wasOverwritten, permission is not asked for and overwriting is forced.. More...
const string ArgSkipOverwrite = "-no"
 If files are to be wasOverwritten, this is wasSkipped without asking whether to overwrite. More...
const string ArgSkipOverwrite1 = "/no"
 If files are to be wasOverwritten, this is wasSkipped without asking whether to overwrite. More...
const string ArgForceDelete = "-yd"
 If files are to be deleted, permission is not asked for and deletion is forced. More...
const string ArgForceDelete1 = "/yd"
 If files are to be deleted, permission is not asked for and deletion is forced. More...
const string ArgSkipDelete = "-nd"
 If files are to be deleted, this is automatically wasSkipped without asking whether to delete. More...
const string ArgSkipDelete1 = "/nd"
 If files are to be deleted, this is automatically wasSkipped without asking whether to delete. More...
const string ArgPathsAbsolute = "-pa"
 Paths will be output as absolute paths. More...
const string ArgPathsAbsolute1 = "/pa"
 Paths will be output as absolute paths. More...
const string ArgPathsRelative = "-pr"
 Paths will be output as relative paths. More...
const string ArgPathsRelative1 = "/pr"
 Paths will be output as relative paths. More...
const string ArgRecursiveDirectory = "-rd"
 Specification of a directory for recursive search of input files follows. More...
const string ArgRecursiveDirectory1 = "/rd"
 Specification of a directory for recursive search of input files follows. More...
const string ArgRecursiveDirectoryByLevels = "-rdl"
 Specification of a directory for recursive search of input files, sorted by levels, follows. More...
const string ArgRecursiveDirectoryByLevels1 = "/rdl"
 Specification of a directory for recursive search of input files, sorted by levels, follows. More...
const string ArgRecursiveDirectoryPattern = "-rp"
 Specification of a file search pattern for recursive directory search of input files follows. More...
const string ArgRecursiveDirectoryPattern1 = "/rp"
 Specification of a file search pattern for recursive directory search of input files follows. More...
const string ArgRecursiveDirectoryLevel = "-rl"
 Specification of a level of recursive directory search of input files follows. More...
const string ArgRecursiveDirectoryLevel1 = "/rl"
 Specification of a level of recursive directory search of input files follows. More...
const string ArgDeleteOriginal = "-delorig"
 Specifies that original files are deleted after being encrypted or decrypted. More...
const string ArgDeleteOriginal1 = "/delorig"
 Specifies that original files are deleted after being encrypted or decrypted. More...
const string ArgDeleteDecrypted = "-deldecrypted"
 Specifies that decrypted files (i.e., files with the ConstCrypto.FileExtensionDecrypted extension) are deleted. More...
const string ArgDeleteDecrypted1 = "/deldecrypted"
 Specifies that decrypted files (i.e., files with the FileExtensionDecrypted extension) are deleted. More...
const string ArgDeleteEncrypted = "-delencrypted"
 Specifies that encrypted files (i.e., files with the FileExtensionEncrypted extension) are deleted. More...
const string ArgDeleteEncrypted1 = "/delencrypted"
 Specifies that encrypted files (i.e., files with the FileExtensionEncrypted extension) are deleted. More...
const string ArgDeleteAllVersions = "-delallversions"
 Specifies that all versions of a single file are deleted in the cleaning operation. More...
const string ArgDeleteAllVersions1 = "/delallversions"
 Specifies that all versions of a single file are deleted in the cleaning operation. More...

Detailed Description

Contains constants for cryptographic operations from shell functions.

Member Data Documentation

const int IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.MaxTypeStringLength = 20

Maximal length of string representing algorithm types.

const int IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.MinPasswordLength = 8

Minimal password length for encryption.

Referenced by IG.Crypto.UtilCrypto.PrepareSymmetricAllgorithmBasic().

const int IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.MinPasswordSaltLength = 8
const int IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.MinSaltLength = 8

Minimal salt length for encryption.

const int IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.FileBufferSize = 1024

Default size of file buffer.

const int IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.DefaultNumPasswordIterations = 2000

Default number of key generation algorithms when generating the keys.

const int IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.DefaultPasswordLength = 12

Default password length.

const int IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.DefaultSaltLength = 64

Default salt length.

const int IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.DefaultKeyLength = 64

Default key length.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.HashFileExtension = ".chk"

File extension for files containing the calculated hashRet codes.

Referenced by IG.Forms.HashControl.SaveHashesToFile().

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.FileExtensionEncrypted = ".ig_enc"

File extension for encrypted files.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.FileExtensionDecrypted = ".ig_dec"

File extension for encrypted files.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.FileSignatureEncrypted = "IgEnc"
const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.FileSignatureEncryptedAsymmetricRandomSymmetric = "IgEncAsRnSy"
const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgCheck = "-c"

Verification (check) is performed rather than calculation (although this may also include calculation).

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgCheck1 = "/c"

Verification (check) is performed rather than calculation (although this may also include calculation).

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgDecrypt = "-decrypt"

Specifies that decryption is performed, rather than encryption.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgDecrypt1 = "/decrypt"

Specifies that decryption is performed, rather than encryption.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgEncrypt = "-encrypt"

Specifies that encryption is performed, rather than decryption.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgEncrypt1 = "/encrypt"

Specifies that encryption is performed, rather than decryption.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgTime = "-time"

Prescribed or expected time of exection (e.g. in time measurements).

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgTime1 = "/time"

Prescribed or expected time of exection (e.g. in time measurements).

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgAlgorithmType = "-t"

Specification of algorithm type follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgAlgorithmType1 = "/t"

Specification of algorithm type follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgPasswordAlgorithmType = "-pwt"

Specification of password or key generaton algorithm type follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgPasswordAlgorithmType1 = "/pwt"

Specification of password or key generaton algorithm type follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgLargestKey = "-largestkey"

True or false follows, a flag specifying whether the largest key for an algorithm is used.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgLargestKey1 = "/largestkey"

True or false follows, a flag specifying whether the largest key for an algorithm is used.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgAsymAlgorithmType = "-at"

Specification of asymmetric algorithm type follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgAsymAlgorithmType1 = "/at"

Specification of asymmetric algorithm type follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgAsymKeyName = "-akn"

Specification of assymmetric key container name.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgAsymKeyName1 = "/akn"

Specification of assymmetric key container name.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgAsymKeyXmlFile = "-akxml"

Specification of assymmetric key xml file.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgAsymKeyXmlFile1 = "/akxml"

Specification of assymmetric key xml file.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgAsymKeyFlag = "-akf"

Specification that assymmetric CSP (crypto service provider) flag follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgAsymKeyFlag1 = "/akf"

Specification that assymmetric key CSP (crypto service provider) flag follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgAsymExportPrivateKey = "-exportprivatekey"

Specification that assymmetric private keys are be exported (or printed), too.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgAsymExportPrivateKey1 = "/exportprivatekey"

Specification that assymmetric private keys are be exported, (or printed), too.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgCertificateFile = "-cf"

Specification that certificate file path follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgCertificateFile1 = "/cf"

Specification that certificate file path follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgCertificatePassword = "-cp"

Specification that certificate password (for access to private key) follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgCertificatePassword1 = "/cp"

Specification that certificate password (for access to private key) follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgCertificatePasswordThroughUI = "-cpui"

Specifies that certificate password (for access to private key) should be obtained through the user interface (normally, throough console).

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgCertificatePasswordThroughUI1 = "/cpui"

Specifies that certificate password (for access to private key) should be obtained through the user interface (normally, throough console).

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgCertificateName = "-cn"

Specification that certificate name follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgCertificateName1 = "/cn"

Specification that certificate name follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgCertificateStoreName = "-cs"

Specification that certificate store name follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgCertificateStoreName1 = "/cs"

Specification that certificate store name follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgCertificateStoreLocation = "-csl"

Specification that certificate store location (current user or local machine) follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgCertificateStoreLocation1 = "/csl"

Specification that certificate store location (current user or local machine) follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgPasswordNumIterations = "-pwit"

Specification that number of iterations used in key generation algorithm follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgPasswordNumIterations1 = "/pwit"

Specification that number of iterations used in key generation algorithm follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgKeyHexBytes = "-kx"

Specification that key as hexadecimal byte sequence follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgKeyHexBytes1 = "/kx"

Specification that key as hexadecimal byte sequence follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgKeyBase64Bytes = "-k64"

Specification that key as base-64 encoded byte sequence follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgKeyBase64Bytes1 = "/k64"

Specification that key as base-64 encoded byte sequence follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgKeyLength = "-klen"

Specification that length of the key follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgKeyLength1 = "/klen"

Specification that length of the key follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgPasswordLength = "-pwlen"

Specification that length of the password or key follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgPasswordLength1 = "/pwlen"

Specification that length of the password or key follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgPasswordString = "-pw"

Specification that password string follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgPasswordString1 = "/pw"

Specification that password string follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgPasswordHexBytes = "-pwx"

Specification that password as hexadecimal byte sequence follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgPasswordHexBytes1 = "/pwx"

Specification that password as hexadecimal byte sequence follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgPasswordBase64Bytes = "-pw64"

Specification of password as base-64 encoded byte sequence follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgPasswordBase64Bytes1 = "/pw64"

Specification of password as base-64 encoded byte sequence follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgSaltLength = "-sllen"

Specification of length of the salt follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgSaltLength1 = "/sllen"

Specification of length of the salt follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgSaltString = "-sl"

Specification of password string follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgSaltString1 = "/sl"

Specification of password string follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgSaltHexBytes = "-slx"

Specification of password as hexadecimal byte sequence follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgSaltHexBytes1 = "/slx"

Specification of password as hexadecimal byte sequence follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgSaltBase64Bytes = "-sl64"

Specification of password as base-64 encoded byte sequence follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgSaltBase64Bytes1 = "/sl64"

Specification of password as base-64 encoded byte sequence follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgIvLength = "-ivlen"

Specification of length of the initialization vector follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgIvLength1 = "/ivlen"

Specification of length of the initialization vector follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgIvString = "-iv"

Specification of initialization vector in form of string follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgIvString1 = "/iv"

Specification of initialization vector in form of string follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgIvHexBytes = "-ivx"

Specification of initialization vector as hexadecimal byte sequence follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgIvHexBytes1 = "/ivx"

Specification of initialization vector as hexadecimal byte sequence follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgIvBase64Bytes = "-iv64"

Specification of initialization vector as base-64 encoded byte sequence follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgIvBase64Bytes1 = "/iv64"

Specification of initialization vector as base-64 encoded byte sequence follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgStringOutputFormat = "-sf"

String output format (and possibly input, if not specified separately) is used.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgStringOutputFormat1 = "/bfx"

String output format (and possibly input, if not specified separately) is used.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgBinaryOutputFormatHex = "-bfx"

Binary output format (and possibly input, if not specified separately) used is hexadecimal.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgBinaryOutputFormatHex1 = "/bfx"

Binary output format (and possibly input, if not specified separately) used is hexadecimal.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgBinaryOutputFormatBase64 = "-bf64"

Binary output format (and possibly input, if not specified separately) used is hexadecimal.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgBinaryOutputFormatBase641 = "/bf64"

Binary output format (and possibly input, if not specified separately) used is hexadecimal.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgBinaryOutputFormatLongInt = "-bfi"

Binary output format (and possibly input, if not specified separately) used is long integer.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgBinaryOutputFormatLongInt1 = "/bfi"

Binary output format (and possibly input, if not specified separately) used is long integer.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgStringInputFormat = "-sfi"

String input format is used.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgStringInputFormat1 = "/sfi"

String input format is used.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgBinaryInputFormatHex = "-bfix"

Binary input format used is hexadecimal.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgBinaryInputFormatHex1 = "/bfix"

Binary input format used is hexadecimal.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgBinaryInputFormatBase64 = "-bfi64"

Binary input format used is base-64 encoding.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgBinaryInputFormatBase641 = "/bfi64"

Binary input format used is base-64 encoding.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgBinaryInputFormatLongInt = "-bfii"

Binary input format used is long int.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgBinaryInputFormatLongInt1 = "/bfii"

Binary input format used is long int.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgString = "-s"

Specification of string that is worked follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgString1 = "/s"

Specification of string that is worked follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgHashValue = "-h"

Specification of hashRet value follows (only with -c, for a single input file).

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgHashValue1 = "/h"

Specification of hashRet value follows (only with -c, for a single input file).

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgOutputFile = "-o"

Specification of output file follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgOutputFile1 = "/o"

Specification of output file follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgForceOverwrite = "-yo"

If files are to be wasOverwritten, permission is not asked for and overwriting is forced.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgForceOverwrite1 = "/yo"

If files are to be wasOverwritten, permission is not asked for and overwriting is forced..

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgSkipOverwrite = "-no"

If files are to be wasOverwritten, this is wasSkipped without asking whether to overwrite.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgSkipOverwrite1 = "/no"

If files are to be wasOverwritten, this is wasSkipped without asking whether to overwrite.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgForceDelete = "-yd"

If files are to be deleted, permission is not asked for and deletion is forced.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgForceDelete1 = "/yd"

If files are to be deleted, permission is not asked for and deletion is forced.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgSkipDelete = "-nd"

If files are to be deleted, this is automatically wasSkipped without asking whether to delete.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgSkipDelete1 = "/nd"

If files are to be deleted, this is automatically wasSkipped without asking whether to delete.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgPathsAbsolute = "-pa"

Paths will be output as absolute paths.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgPathsAbsolute1 = "/pa"

Paths will be output as absolute paths.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgPathsRelative = "-pr"

Paths will be output as relative paths.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgPathsRelative1 = "/pr"

Paths will be output as relative paths.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgRecursiveDirectory = "-rd"

Specification of a directory for recursive search of input files follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgRecursiveDirectory1 = "/rd"

Specification of a directory for recursive search of input files follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgRecursiveDirectoryByLevels = "-rdl"

Specification of a directory for recursive search of input files, sorted by levels, follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgRecursiveDirectoryByLevels1 = "/rdl"

Specification of a directory for recursive search of input files, sorted by levels, follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgRecursiveDirectoryPattern = "-rp"

Specification of a file search pattern for recursive directory search of input files follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgRecursiveDirectoryPattern1 = "/rp"

Specification of a file search pattern for recursive directory search of input files follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgRecursiveDirectoryLevel = "-rl"

Specification of a level of recursive directory search of input files follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgRecursiveDirectoryLevel1 = "/rl"

Specification of a level of recursive directory search of input files follows.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgDeleteOriginal = "-delorig"

Specifies that original files are deleted after being encrypted or decrypted.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgDeleteOriginal1 = "/delorig"

Specifies that original files are deleted after being encrypted or decrypted.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgDeleteDecrypted = "-deldecrypted"

Specifies that decrypted files (i.e., files with the ConstCrypto.FileExtensionDecrypted extension) are deleted.

In most cases, such files will only be deleted if either the corresponding original or encrypted file exists.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgDeleteDecrypted1 = "/deldecrypted"

Specifies that decrypted files (i.e., files with the FileExtensionDecrypted extension) are deleted.

In most cases, such files will only be deleted if either the corresponding original or encrypted file exists.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgDeleteEncrypted = "-delencrypted"

Specifies that encrypted files (i.e., files with the FileExtensionEncrypted extension) are deleted.

In most cases, such files will only be deleted if the corresponding original file exists.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgDeleteEncrypted1 = "/delencrypted"

Specifies that encrypted files (i.e., files with the FileExtensionEncrypted extension) are deleted.

In most cases, such files will only be deleted if either the corresponding original file exists.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgDeleteAllVersions = "-delallversions"

Specifies that all versions of a single file are deleted in the cleaning operation.

const string IG.Crypto.ConstCrypto.ArgDeleteAllVersions1 = "/delallversions"

Specifies that all versions of a single file are deleted in the cleaning operation.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: