




1 Manjkajoče enote v moji bibliografiji na Cobissu *

1.1 V moji bibliografiji na COBISSU manjkajo naslednji članki, ki so navedeni pri Toma�u Rodiču: *

1.2 V moji bibliografiji in bibliografiji Toma�a Rodiča manjkajo naslednji članki: *

1.2.1 Doktorat: *

1.2.2 Konference: *

1.2.3 Konference - povzetki: *

1.3 Enote, ki so �e v tisku: *

1.4 Neznano: *




  1. Seznam referenc

    1. Optimizacijske metode

      1. FSQP

    [1] E. Craig Lawrence, Jian L Zow and Andre Tits, "User's Guide for CFSQP Version 2.5

    - A C-Code for Solving (Large Scale) Constrained Nonlinear (Minimax)

    Optimization Problem, Generating Iterates Satisfying All Inequality Constraints",

    Electrical Engineering Department and Institute for Systems Research, University of

    Maryland, College Park,;


    [2] E. Panier, A. L. Tits, On Combining Feasibility, Descent and Superlinear Convergence in Inequality Constrained Optimization, Mathematical Programming, Vol. 59 (1993), p.p. 261 - 276.

    [3] C. T. Lawrence, A. L. Tits, Nonlinear Equality Constraints in Feasible Sequential Quadratic Programming, Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 6, 1996, pp. 265 - 282.

    [4] J. L. Zhou, A. L. Tits, An SQP Algorithm for Finely Discretized Continuous Minimax Problems and Other Minimax Problems With Many Objective Functions, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1996, pp. 461 - 487.

    [5] P. Armand, J. C. Gilbert, A piecewise Line Search Technique for Maintaining the Positive Definiteness of the Matrices in the SQP Method, Research Report No. 2615 of the "Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique", Rocquencourt, 1995.

    [6] C. T. Lawrence, A. L. Tits, Feasible Sequential Quadratic Programming for Finely Discretized Problems from SIP, in R. Reemtsen, J.-J. Ruckmann (eds.): Semi-Infinite Programming, in the series Nonconcex Optimization and its Applications. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.

    [7] J. L. Zhou, A. L. Tits, Nonmonotone Line Search for Minimax Problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 76, No. 3, 1993, pp. 455 - 476.

    [8] J. F. Bonnans, E. Panier, A. L. Tits, J. L. Zhou, Avoiding the Maratos Effect by Means of a Nonmonotone Line search: II. Inequality Problems - Feasible Iterates, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 29, No. 4, 1992, pp. 1187-1202.

    [9] C. T. Lawrence, J. L. Zhou, A. L. Tits, User's Guide for CFSQP Version 2.5: A C Code for Solving (Large Scale) Constrained Nonlinear (Minimax) Optimization Problems, Generating Iterates Satisfying all Inequality Constraints, Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland, Technical Report TR-94-16r1, 1997.

    [10] The FSQP Home page, electronic document at , maintained by the Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland.


    [11] The FSQP Home page, electronic document at , maintained by the Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland.



  3. Manjkajoče enote v moji bibliografiji na Cobissu

    1. V moji bibliografiji na COBISSU manjkajo naslednji članki, ki so navedeni pri Toma�u Rodiču:
    2. Opomba:

      Pri vseh manjkajočih referencag je moje ime izpisano z inicialko (Gre�ovnik, I. namesto Gre�ovnik, Igor).


      1.06 Published Scientific Conference Contribution (invited lecture)

      16. RODIČ, Toma�, GRE�OVNIK, I., OWEN, D.R.J. Application of error minimization concept to estimation of hardening parameters in the tension test. V: Computational plasticity : fundamentals and applications : proceedings of the Fourth International conference held in Barcelona, Spain, 3rd-6th, April, 1995. Swansea: Pineridge Press, 1995, part 1, str. 779-786. [COBISS.SI-ID 4703]



      1.08 Published Scientific Conference Contribution

      29. RODIČ, Toma�, GRE�OVNIK, I. Optimization of the prestressing of a cold forging tooling system. V: Inverse problems in engineering : theory and practice : preliminry aproceedings of the 2nd International conference on Inverse problems in engineering : theory and practice, Le Croisic, France, 9-14 June 1996. Vol. 2. New York: Engineering Foundation, 1996. [COBISS.SI-ID 17308421]

      42. RODIČ, Toma�, GRE�OVNIK, I..., HÄNSEL, M..., MEIDERT, M.... Optimal prestressing of cold forging dies. V: GEIGER, Manfred (ur.). Advanced technology of plasticity 1999 : proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, Nuremberg, September 19-24, 1999. Berlin [etc.]: Springer, 1999, vol. 1, str. 253-258. [COBISS.SI-ID 156511]

      47. GRESOVNIK, I., �U�TAR, T., RODIČ, Toma�. Parallelization of an optimization shell. V: 3rd World congress of structural and multidisciplinary optimization : Buffalo, NY, May 17-21, 1999. Buffalo: WCSMO, 1999, 1999, str. 221-223, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 133471]





    3. V moji bibliografiji in bibliografiji Toma�a Rodiča manjkajo naslednji članki:

      1. Doktorat:
      2. Gre�ovnik, Igor: A General Purpose Computational Shell for Solving Inverse and Optimisation Problems - Applications to Metal Forming Processes. Ph.D. thesis, University of Wales Swansea, Civil Eng. Dept., 2000. Available on the Internet at





      3. Konference:
      4. Gre�ovnik, Igor, Rodič, Toma�, "Practical considerations regarding optimisation of shape in forming processes", V: M. Pietrzyk, Z. Mitura, J. Kaczmar (uredniki), The 5th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Akadeimia Góeniczo-Hutnicza Kraków, 2002.

        Gre�ovnik, Igor, Markovič, Damijan, Rodič, Toma�, Ibrahimbegović, Adnan, "Optimization of Inclusion Shape in Inhomogeneous Structural Elements." In: Adnan Ibrahimbegović & Bo�tjan Brank (editors): Multi-physics and Multi-scale Computer Models in Non-linear Analysis and Optimal Design of Engineering Structures under Extreme Conditions, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Bled, Slovenia, p.p. 484-487, 2004.

        Gre�ovnik, Igor, Jelov�ek, Damjan, Rodič Toma�: Shape Optimisation by Using Simple Two Stage Transforms from Reference to Physical Domain. V: Proceedings of the Fourth World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary optimization, WCSMO-4, June 4-8, 2001, Dalian, China, Paper 172, (CD: ISBN 7- 900312-69-20).



        Gre�ovnik, Igor: Računalni�ki paket za re�evanje inverznih problemov. V: �TOK, Boris (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '96, Gozd Martuljek, 19.-20. september 1996. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko dru�tvo za mehaniko, 1996, str. 97-104, graf. prikazi.

        [COBISS.SI-ID 17307909 ???]



        Jelov�ek, Damjan, Gre�ovnik, Igor, Rodič, Toma�: Optimizacija oblike orodja pri dvostopenjskem kovanju. V: �TOK, Boris (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '99, dvorec Zemono, 30. September � 1. Oktober 1999. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko dru�tvo za mehaniko, 1999, str. 151-158, graf. prikazi.




      5. Konference - povzetki:

      Gre�ovnik, Igor, Rodič, Toma�, Stupkiewicz, Stanislaw, Cukjati, Domen, "Application of Optimisation Techniques in Metal Forming". V: "34th Solid Mechanics Conference, SOLMECH 2002". Volume of abstracts. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2002. Zakopane, Poljska, 2.-7. september 2002.

      Gre�ovnik, Igor, Jelov�ek, Damjan, Rodič Toma�: Shape Optimisation by Using Simple Two Stage Transforms from Reference to Physical Domain. V: Extended Abstracts of the 4th World Congress of Structural Multidiscipinary Optimization (WCSMO-4), Dalian, p.p. 313-315, June 4-8, 2001.

      Gre�ovnik Igor, Rodič Toma�, "An Integral Approach to Optimisation in Forming Technology", V: C. Cinquini, M Rovati, P. Venini, R. Nascimbene (uredniki), Short papers of the 5th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization WCSMO5. Lido de Jesolo, Italy, May 19-23, str. 87-88. University of Pavia, Italy, 2003



      Igor Gre�ovnik, Toma� Rodič, Damjan Jelov�ek: Sistem za Optimiranje Preoblikovalnih Procesov, Kuhljevi dnevi 2000.




    5. Enote, ki so �e v tisku:

      Gre�ovnik Igor, Rodič Toma�, "An Integral Approach to Optimisation in Forming Technology", V: Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, held in May 19-23, Lido di Jesolo - v tisku.




    7. Neznano:


Za naslednje članke ne vem, ali smo jih objavili:

Igor Gre�ovnik, Toma� Rodič and Damjan Jelov�ek: A General-purpose Shell for Solving Inverse and Optimisation Problems in Material Forming, ICTP �99 (???) - Ni bil poslan???


COMPLAS 2003, Barcelona, 7.-10. April 2003:

Optimal Design of Preform Geometry and Tribological Conditions in Can Forming

T. Rodic, D. Cukjati, I. Gresovnik


Rodič Toma�, Cukjati Domen, Gre�ovnik Igor, Dutko Martin, Owen D.R.J.: Optimisation of Shaped Can Manufacturing Process, ICIT 03.