COBISS Co-operative Online Bibliographic system & services COBISS


Personal bibliography


1.01 Original scientific article

1. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, KODELJA, Tadej, VERTNIK, Robert, SENČIČ, Bojan, KOVAČIČ, Miha, ŠARLER, Božidar. Application of artificial neural networks in design of steel production path. Computers, materials & continua, 2012, vol. 30, no. 1, str. 19-38. [COBISS.SI-ID 2601467]

2. PEČLIN, Polona, VODE, Franci, MEHLE, Andraž, GREŠOVNIK, Igor, ROZMAN, Janez. Influence of transient response of platinum electrode on neural signals during stimulation of isolated swinish left vagus nerve = Vpliv prehodnega značaja platinaste elektrode na živčni signal med stimulacijo izoliranega živca vagusa svinje. Mater. tehnol., mar.-apr. 2012, letn. 46, št. 2, str. 131-137, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 29830361]

3. IBRAHIMBEGOVIĆ, Adnan, GREŠOVNIK, Igor, MARKOVIČ, Damijan, MELNYK, Sergiy, RODIČ, Tomaž. Shape optimization of two-phase inelastic material with microstructure. Eng. comput., 2005, letn. 22, no. 5/6, str. 606-645. [COBISS.SI-ID 556639]

4. RODIČ, Tomaž, CUKJATI, Domen, GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Optimal design of perform geometry and tribological conditions in can forming. Eng. comput., 2005, letn. 22, no. 7/8, str. 972-979. [COBISS.SI-ID 639839]

5. RODIČ, Tomaž, GREŠOVNIK, Igor. A computer system for solving inverse and optimization problems. Eng. comput., 1998, vol. 15, no. 7, str. 893-907. [COBISS.SI-ID 97887]

1.02 Review article

6. RODIČ, Tomaž, GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Analiza občutljivosti napetostnega polja v prednapetem orodju za preoblikovanje v hladnem = Sensitivity analysis of the stress field in a prestressed die for cold forming operations. RMZ-mater. geoenviron., 1999, vol. 46, no. 1, str. 89-94. [COBISS.SI-ID 3030043]

1.04 Professional article

7. GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Uporaba metode premičnih najmanjših kvadratov za gladko aproksimacijo vzorčnih podatkov = The use of moving least squares for a smooth approximation of sampled data. Stroj. vestn., 2007, letn. 53, št. 9, str. 582-598. [COBISS.SI-ID 10274587]

1.06 Published scientific conference contribution (invited lecture)

8. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, MARKOVIČ, Damijan, RODIČ, Tomaž, IBRAHIMBEGOVIĆ, Adnan. Optimization of inclusion shape in inhomogeneous structural elements. V: IBRAHIMBEGOVIĆ, Adnan (ur.), BRANK, Boštjan (ur.). NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Bled, Slovenija, June 13-17 2004. Multi-physics and multi-scale computer models in nonlinear analysis and optimal design of engineering structures under extreme conditions : proceedings. V Ljubljani: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, 2004, 2004, str. 484-487. [COBISS.SI-ID 553823]

9. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, RODIČ, Tomaž, STUPKIEWIZS, S..., CUKJATI, Domen. Application of optimisation techniques in metal forming. V: 34th Solid Mechanics Conference : SolMech 2002 : volume of abstracts : Zakopane, September 2-7, 2002. Warszawa, Polamd: Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, [cop. 2002], 2002, str. 109-110. [COBISS.SI-ID 553055]

10. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, RODIČ, Tomaž. Practical considerations regarding optimisation of shape in forming processes_. V: PIETRZYK, Maciej (ur.), MITURA, Zbigniew (ur.), KACZMAR, Jacek (ur.). The 5th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Kraków, April 14-17, 2002. 1st ed. Kraków: "Akapit", 2002, 2002, str. 27-30. [COBISS.SI-ID 553311]

11. RODIČ, Tomaž, KORELC, Jože, GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Inverse analyses and optimisation of cold forging processes. V: First ESAFORM conference on material forming, Sophia-Antipolis (France), 17-20 March 1998. [Paris]: [S. n.], 1998, str. 255-258. [COBISS.SI-ID 26719]

12. RODIČ, Tomaž, GREŠOVNIK, Igor, OWEN, D.R.J. Application of error minimization concept to estimation of hardening parameters in the tension test. V: Computational plasticity : fundamentals and applications : proceedings of the Fourth International conference held in Barcelona, Spain, 3rd-6th, April, 1995. Swansea: Pineridge Press, 1995, part 1, str. 779-786. [COBISS.SI-ID 4703]

1.08 Published scientific conference contribution

13. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, KODELJA, Tadej, VERTNIK, Robert, ŠARLER, Božidar. Application of artificial neural networks to improve steel production process. V: BRUZZONE, Agostino G. (ur.), HAMZA, Mohamed H. (ur.). Proceedings of the 20th IASTED, International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling, June 25 - 27, 2012, Napoli, Italy. Proceedings of the 15th IASTED, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, June 25 - 27, 2012, Napoli, Italy. Calgary: IASTED, 2012, str. 249-255. [COBISS.SI-ID 2419707]

14. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, KODELJA, Tadej, VERTNIK, Robert, ŠARLER, Božidar. A software framework for optimization of process parameters in material production : Elektronski vir. V: ZHENG, Di (ur.). 2nd International Conference on Engineering Design and Optimization (ICEDO 2011), August 19-21, 2011, Ningbo, China. Advances in engineering design and optimization II, (Applied mechanics and materials, vol. 101/102). Dürnten; Zürich: Trans tech publications, 2011, str. 838-841. [COBISS.SI-ID 2041851]

15. MARKOVIČ, Damijan, IBRAHIMBEGOVIĆ, Adnan, MELNYK, Sergiy, GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Modeles numériques multi-échelles du comportement anélastque des matériaux et leurs applications en analyse non linéaire et en conception optimale. V: 7éme Colloque national en calcul des structures, 17-20 Mai 2005, Giens (Var). Giens (Var): Le Laboratoire Roberval, 2005, 2005. [COBISS.SI-ID 560223]

16. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, HARTMAN, Stanislav, RODIČ, Tomaž. Reducing localisation induced defects at blow forming in terms of optimal shape design. V: OÑATE, Eugenio (ur.). Computational plasticity : fundamentals and applications : proceedings of the eighth international conference on computational plasticity held in Barcelona, Spain, 5th-7th September, 2005. Part 1. Swansea: CIMNE, 2005, 2005, 388-391 f. [COBISS.SI-ID 558431]

17. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, RODIČ, Tomaž. An integral approach to optimisation in forming technology. V: Short papers of the fifth World congress of structural and multidisciplinary optimization : May 19-23, 2003, Lido di Jesolo, Italy. Milano: Schönenfeld & Ziegler, 2003, 2003, str. 87-90. [COBISS.SI-ID 555103]

18. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, RODIČ, Tomaž. An intagral approach to optimisation in forming technology. V: WCSMO-5 : Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, May 19-23, 2003, Lidio di Jesolo - Italy. Lidio di Jesolo - Italy: COPPE, 2003. [COBISS.SI-ID 559455]

19. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, RODIČ, Tomaž, JELOVŠEK, Damjan. Simple two stage transforms designed for optimisation of shape in forming processes. V: HABRAKEN, A. M. (ur.). Proceedings of the 4th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Liège, Belgium, April 23-25, 2001. [Liège: Université de Liège, Départment MSM, 2001], 2001, 831-834 f. [COBISS.SI-ID 342111]

20. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, RODIČ, Tomaž. Shape optimisation by using simple two stage transforms from reference to physical domain. V: WCSMO-4 : Extended World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, June 4-8, 2001, Dalian, China. Dalian, China: National Natural Science Fundation of China ... [etc.], 2001, 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID 558943]

21. JELOVŠEK, Damjan, RODIČ, Tomaž, GREŠOVNIK, Igor, KORELC, Jože, DUTKO, Martin. Optimiranje preoblikovalnih procesov z uporabo gradientnih metod. V: ŠKERGET, Leopold (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi 2000, Maribor, 21.-22. september 2000. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 2000, str. 231-238, graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 1066337]

22. RODIČ, Tomaž, GREŠOVNIK, Igor, HÄNSEL, M..., MEIDERT, M.... Optimal prestressing of cold forging dies. V: GEIGER, Manfred (ur.). Advanced technology of plasticity 1999 : proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, Nuremberg, September 19-24, 1999. Berlin [etc.]: Springer, 1999, vol. 1, str. 253-258. [COBISS.SI-ID 156511]

23. RODIČ, Tomaž, GREŠOVNIK, Igor, JELOVŠEK, Damjan, KORELC, Jože. Optimisation of prestressing of a cold forging die by using symbolic templates. V: ECCM '99 : European conference on computational mechanics, August 31 - september 3, Munich, Germany : proceedings of the European conference on computational mechanics 1999. München: Technische Universität München, 1999, str. 362-372. [COBISS.SI-ID 157535]

24. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, RODIČ, Tomaž. A general-purpose shell for solving inverse and optimisation problems in material forming. V: COVAS, José Antonio (ur.). Proceedings of the 2nd ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, Guimarães, Portugal, [13-17 April 1999]. Guimarães, Portugal: Universidade do Minho, Departamento de Engenharia de Polímeros, 1999, str. 497-500, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 130399]

25. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, ŠUŠTAR, T., RODIČ, Tomaž. Parallelization of an optimization shell. V: 3rd World congress of structural and multidisciplinary optimization : Buffalo, NY, May 17-21, 1999. Buffalo: WCSMO, 1999, 1999, str. 221-223, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 133471]

26. JELOVŠEK, Damjan, GREŠOVNIK, Igor, RODIČ, Tomaž. Optimiranje oblike orodja pri dvostopenjskem kovanju = Shape optimization of a tool for two-stage forging. V: ŠTOK, Boris (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '99, Zemono, 30. september-1. oktober 1999. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1999, 1999, str. 151-158. [COBISS.SI-ID 555615]

27. RODIČ, Tomaž, GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Constraint optimization of the prestressing of a cold forging tooling system. V: DELAUNAY, Didier (ur.), JARNY, Yvon (ur.), WOODBURY, Keith A. (ur.). 2nd International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering, Le Croisic, France, June 9-14, 1996. Inverse problems in engineering : theory and practice. New York: ASME, cop. 1998, str. 45-52. [COBISS.SI-ID 99423]

28. RODIČ, Tomaž, GREŠOVNIK, Igor, PRISTOVŠEK, Anton, KORELC, Jože. Optimiranje prednapetja orodij za preoblikovanje v hladnem = Optimal prestressing of dies for cold forming operations. V: ŠTOK, Boris (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '98, Logarska dolina, Slovenija, 1.-2. oktober 1998. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1998, str. 145-151. [COBISS.SI-ID 2840347]

29. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, ŠUŠTAR, Tomaž, RODIČ, Tomaž. Paralelizacija v lupini za reševanje optimizacijskih in inverznih problemov = Parallelization in a shell for solving optimization and inverse problems. V: ŠTOK, Boris (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '98, Logarska dolina, Slovenija, 1.-2. oktober 1998. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1998, str. 169-176. [COBISS.SI-ID 2842139]

30. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, RODIČ, Tomaž. Optimization system utilizing a general purpose finite element system. V: GUTKOWSKI, Witold (ur.), MRÓZ, Zenon (ur.). WCSMO-2 : proceedings of the Second World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Zakopane, Poland, May 26-30, 1997. Vol. 1. 1st ed. Lublin, Poland: Wydawnictwo ekoinżynieria (WE), 1997, str. 61-66. [COBISS.SI-ID 26463]

31. RODIČ, Tomaž, GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Optimization of the prestressing of a cold forging tooling system. V: Inverse problems in engineering : theory and practice : preliminry aproceedings of the 2nd International conference on Inverse problems in engineering : theory and practice, Le Croisic, France, 9-14 June 1996. Vol. 2. New York: Engineering Foundation, 1996. [COBISS.SI-ID 17308421]

32. GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Računalniški paket za reševanje inverznih problemov = A computer system for solving inverse problems. V: ŠTOK, Boris (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '96, Gozd Martuljek, 19.-20. september 1996. Zbornik del. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1996, 1996, str. 97-104. [COBISS.SI-ID 555359]

33. RODIČ, Tomaž, GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Omejevanje zalog vrednosti pri reševanju inverznih problemov z uporabo transformacij = Reduction of parameter range for the solution of inverse problems by using transformations. V: OBLAK, Maks (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '95, Radenci, 21. - 22. september 1995. Zbornik del : Kuhljevi dnevi '95. V Ljubljani: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1995, str. 231-238. [COBISS.SI-ID 3679]

34. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, RODIČ, Tomaž. Določanje parametrov plastičnega utrjevanja z inverzno analizo nateznega preizkusa = Estimation of hardening parameters in plasticity by inverse analysis of tension test. V: OBLAK, Maks (ur.). Kuhljevi dnevi '94, Šmarješke Toplice, 22. - 23. september 1994. Zbornik del. V Ljubljani: Slovensko društvo za mehaniko, 1994, str. 193-198. [COBISS.SI-ID 3935]

1.09 Published professional conference contribution

35. RODIČ, Tomaž, GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Application of inverse and optimisation methods in cold forging technology [!]. V: 29th ICFG : plenary meeting, Győr, Hungary 1996, 8-11th September 1996. Győr: Metal forming group of scientific soc. of Hungarian mech. engineers, 1996, str. 8.1-10, graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 17310213]

1.12 Published scientific conference contribution abstract

36. KODELJA, Tadej, GREŠOVNIK, Igor, VERTNIK, Robert, ŠARLER, Božidar. Topmost steel production design by using artificial neural network through process modeling. V: GODEC, Matjaž (ur.), DONIK, Črtomir (ur.), PAULIN, Irena (ur.), KOCIJAN, Aleksandra (ur.). 20. jubilejna konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 17.-19. oktober 2012, Portorož, Slovenija. Program in knjiga povzetkov. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2012, str. 78. [COBISS.SI-ID 21213158]

37. ŠARLER, Božidar, BELIČ, Igor, FILIPIČ, Bogdan, GREŠOVNIK, Igor, HANOGLU, Umut, JENKO, Monika, KODELJA, Tadej, KOVAČIČ, Miha, LORBIECKA, Agnieszka Zuzanna, MLAKAR, Miha, SENČIČ, Bojan, TUŠAR, Tea, VERTNIK, Robert. Simulation and optimisation of casting, rolling and heat treatment processes for competitive production of topmost steel. V: GODEC, Matjaž (ur.). 19. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 22. - 23.november 2011, Portorož = 19th Conference on Materials and Technology, 22-23 November 2011, Portorož, Slovenia. Program in knjiga povzetkov. Ljubljana: Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, 2011, str. 25. [COBISS.SI-ID 889002]

38. RODIČ, Tomaž, KORELC, Jože, STUPKIEWIZS, S..., LENGIEWITCZ, Jakub, DUTKO, M..., ŠUŠTAR, Tomaž, GREŠOVNIK, Igor, PRISTOVŠEK, Anton, ŠUŠTARIČ, Primož, CUKJATI, Domen, HARTMAN, Stanislav. Multi-scale and multi-physics analysis of material forming procrsses. V: KUZMAN, Karl (ur.). 5th International Conference on Industrial Tools, ICIT 2005, Velenje, April 12th - 15th 2005. Conference proceedings. Celje: TECOS, Slovenian Tool and Die Development Centre, 2005, str. 327-330. [COBISS.SI-ID 559967]

39. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, HARTMAN, Stanislav, RODIČ, Tomaž. Development of optimization methodology for reduction of defect risk at blow forming. V: WCSMO-6 : Sixth World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 30th May to 3rd June, 2005, Rio de Janerio, Brazil. Rio de Janerio, Brazil: COPPE, 2005, str. 63. [COBISS.SI-ID 557151]

40. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, RODIČ, Tomaž. Shape optimisation by using simple two stage transforms from reference to physical domain. V: WCSMO-4 : Extended World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, June 4-8, 2001, Dalian, China. Dalian, China: National Natural Science Fundation of China ... [etc.], 2001, str. 313-315. [COBISS.SI-ID 560479]

41. STUPKIEWICZ, Stanislaw, RODIČ, Tomaž, GREŠOVNIK, Igor, DUTKO, Martin, KORELC, Jože, WHELAN, Maurice. Optimisation and inverse problems involving frictional contact. V: POTIER-FERRY, Michel (ur.), TOTH, Laszlo S. (ur.). 4th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference, Metz, France, June 26-30, 2000. Book of abstracts. Metz: Euromech, 2000, str. 540. [COBISS.SI-ID 1064801]

42. RODIČ, Tomaž, GREŠOVNIK, Igor. A computer system for solving inverse and optimization problems. Eng. comput., 1998, vol. 15, no. 7, str. 831. [COBISS.SI-ID 97631]

43. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, KORELC, Jože, RODIČ, Tomaž, ŠUŠTAR, Tomaž. An approach to more efficient development of computational systems for solution of inverse and optimisation problems in material forming. V: International Workshop on Modern Software Tools for Scientific Computing, Oslo, Norway, September 14-16, 1998. SciTools'98 : book of abstracts. Oslo: SINTEF Applied Mathematics, 1998, str. 31. [COBISS.SI-ID 98399]

44. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, RODIČ, Tomaž. Optimization system utilizing a general purpose finite element system. V: Second World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Zakopane, Poland, May 26-30, 1997, Extended abstracts. [S. l.]: ISSMO, 1997, str. 368-369. [COBISS.SI-ID 5727]

45. RODIČ, Tomaž, GREŠOVNIK, Igor, OWEN, D.R.J. Symbolic computations in inverse identification of constitutive constants. V: Third World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Chiba, Japan, August 1-5, 1994. WCCM III, Extended abstracts. [S. l.]: International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), 1994, vol. II, str. 978-979. [COBISS.SI-ID 6239]

1.16 Independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

46. RODIČ, Tomaž, GREŠOVNIK, Igor, KORELC, Jože. Symbolic computations applied to constitutive modelling of direct and inverse forming problems. Project SI 1. V: RAPPAZ, Michel (ur.), LOBOTKA, Peter (ur.). Cost 512, Modelling in materials science and processing : final report. Brussels: European Commission, COST Secretariat, 1998, str. 109-114. [COBISS.SI-ID 98911]


2.08 Doctoral dissertation

47. GREŠOVNIK, Igor. A general purpose computational shell for solving inverse and optimisation problems : applications to metalforming processes. Swansea: Department of Civil Engineering, University College of Swansea, 2000. IV, 217 f., grafični prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 556383]

2.11 Undergraduate thesis

48. GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Inverzna numerična analiza deformabilnih teles : diplomsko delo. Ljubljana: [I.Grešovnik], 1994. 59 f. [COBISS.SI-ID 951908]

49. GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Inverzna numerična analiza deformabilnih teles : [diplomsko delo]. Ljubljana: [I. Grešovnik], 1994. 59 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 2986267]

2.12 Final research report

50. KODELJA, Tadej, GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Report on modeling the complete process path by an African Neural Network : detailed study. Solkan: COBIK, 2013. 198 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 21440742]

51. KODELJA, Tadej, GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Modeling of continuous casting of steel with artificial neural networks : technical report. Solkan: COBIK, 2012. 45 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 21445094]

52. GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Environment for solving inverse and optimization problems. Solkan: COBIK: UNG, Laboratorij za večfazne procese, 2010. 29 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 21442022]

53. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, VERTNIK, Robert, ŠARLER, Božidar. Integrated optimization platform. Solkan: COBIK: UNG, Laboratorij za večfazne procese, 2010. 13 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 21441510]

54. GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Sowtfare development in the laboratory. Solkan: COBIK: UNG, Laboratorij za večfazne procese, 2010. 13 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 21441766]

2.13 Treatise, preliminary study, study

55. GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Administrator's rules for COBIK servers. Solkan: COBIK, 2012. 12 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 21443814]

56. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, KODELJA, Tadej. Artificial neural networks. Solkan: COBIK, 2012. 2 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 21444838]

57. GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Organization of code development for collaboration with commercial partners : study. Solkan: COBIK, 2012. 9 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 21444326]

58. KODELJA, Tadej, GREŠOVNIK, Igor, VERTNIK, Robert, KOVAČIČ, Miha, SENČIČ, Bojan, ŠARLER, Božidar. Processes modeling by artificial neural networks. Solkan: COBIK, 2012. 17 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 21445350]

59. GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Programmer's guidelines for development of software within COBIK & Laboratorz for Multiphase Processes. Solkan: COBIK, 2012. 29 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 21444582]

60. GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Coordination of software development in COBIK and Laboratory for Multiphase Processes. Solkan: COBIK, 2011. 41 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 21442790]

61. GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Definition of data formats for optimization software. Solkan: COBIK, 2011. 17 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 21443302]

62. GREŠOVNIK, Igor, ŠARLER, Božidar. Development plan : formats for data transfer and graphics for simulation codes. Solkan: COBIK, 2011. 12 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 21443558]

63. GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Plan dela - optimizacija s kompleksnim odzivom za potrebe projekta COBIK. Solkan: COBIK, 2011. 13 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 21442278]

64. GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Primerjalna analiza izbire platforme za numerični model proizvodne celice. Solkan: COBIK, 2011. 8 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 21442534]

65. GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Use of neural networks for approximation of response functions. Solkan: COBIK, 2011. 10 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 21443046]


66. RODIČ, Tomaž, GREŠOVNIK, Igor. Optimiranje vzdržljivosti orodij za precizno preoblikovanje v hladnem. Euroteh. [Tiskana izd.], avg. 2005, letn. 4, št. 4, str. 70-72+74-76+78-80. [COBISS.SI-ID 225270528]

Selected format of bibliographic unit: ISO 690

Source of bibliographic records: shared data base COBISS.SI/COBIB.SI, 27. 6. 2013